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Everything posted by c0nn0r

  1. With the blog post done today and no stream announced, we're just waiting for the beta to drop now. Yesterday when I doubted the lack of videos from youtubers/streamer they dropped immediately. Therefore, I can say with full confidence that the beta will not drop today.
  2. I think we're done for tonight lads, I'll see you all back here tomorrow hopefully we have better luck then.
  3. The beta released on the 21st last year. The 22nd this year is a Saturday and Miles has said previously that they don't release during weekends.
  4. He says before the weekend and there's no actual confirmation of him being an SI employee, could just be a bait.
  5. Hopefully Neil Brock will put us out of our misery or give us the confirmation we need
  6. Beta released on the 21st October last year whilst Zealand's first video came out on the 18th - 3 days.
  7. Now that embargo is lifted we're just waiting for Miles' blog post on FMFC and potentially a stream but I don't think they've announced a stream yet for this year?
  8. They've already had access to the alpha, Zealand had 3 hours played as of his 2nd last stream which was during the weekend. I presume they already have videos made for it but are under embargo which is usually lifted prior to the beta release. Today doesn't look like the day the beta drops and I'm quickly losing confidence we'll get it this week.
  9. Next week would line up with the "2 weeks before release" idea with the 25th being that 2 week mark.
  10. Content creators have already had access to the game with some being invited to SI last week. Zealand has said video coming soon (in his 2nd most recent stream) so I would expect SI stream/Miles FMFC post tomorrow, embargo for videos lifted Wednesday, beta any time Thursday-Tuesday.
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