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291 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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    Triple OTF F1 World Champion (sort of)


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  1. Didn't Ronaldo also not get the chance to take a pen as he was the 5th taker?
  2. Was just saying to a friend the Brazilians didn't slow the game down or take ages over every freekick, corner etc despite there being a few minutes let, which is admirable - it was something the Italians did annoyingly well in Euro 2020 - but maybe naive.
  3. So there's seven in VAR HQ but they still can't show the viewers any angles others than one inconclusive one for a few seconds?
  4. I give it three hours before we get: 'After consultation with His Majesty King Charles III, the FA can confirm that all football fixtures will go ahead this week, with tributes and a minutes silence to be held before each game'.
  5. There's an international break soon isn't there? So no Premier League until October?
  6. Yeah this mournful music doesnt bother me, or the wall to wall news on TV as I can avoid it. But I don't think events should be getting cancelled
  7. Meh doesn't bother me. If I wanted some dance anthems I'd go online. The lack of adverts is quite weird though. Must be costing the stations' money
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