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jim owen

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Posts posted by jim owen

  1. 10 hours ago, DP said:

    It should always be quite ‘bare bones’ as it’s a ‘bonus’ mode to be played alongside your club. Was always like this from CM2 where being able to manage the national team was a ‘cheat’. It’s never been designed to be played standalone and it shouldn’t be imo - as whatever is added it’s still not going to be busy enough. 

    It’s absolutely fine as a bonus mode with a club team but a few things need adding and tweaking (training, dynamics etc). It doesn’t need a significant redesign, in my opinion. 

    I've played it as standalone for many years

  2. 1 hour ago, XaW said:

    Not sure what this will accomplish, but go ahead. Just know that the results here does not give close to any resemblance of a representative selection of participants and are thus only for your amusement and not proof of any measure nor will it be useful for any type of guidance.

    Also, the selection of answers is severely lacking.

    I understand its not an ideal representative selcetion of participants, but as SI have chosen to hide the data which is their right its the best we can do. 


    As for the selection of answers any more would be inappropriate, if i'm trying to identify the percentage of people who have played FM24 and utilised International management at some point. If i just wanted the number of games that are international then SI released that data already, i'm intetrested in the percentage that use it whether it be once or a lot doesnt matter

  3. odds are if its 5% OF saves its likely to be higher than 5% of players, as most international save managers will also do at least 1 club save, whereas there will be many club only. 


    As it is i suspect i'm somewhat unusual as i do 2 club saves and 2 international saves per year (big and little for both), as it is for me personally they have just announced they will give me half the game next year that i have got this year, as such FM25 will be the first game since FM13 i skip (unless a miracle happens and they halve the price to compensate), I wish them luck, but every announcement so far has been removing things (only minor till this international one which is HUGE), i personally can't justify (and i'm sure others will be similar) paying the same price for substantially less

  4. 4 hours ago, rusty217 said:

    It wouldn't be possible while keeping all original countries. The issue is you can't create new countries. You can only rename existing ones. People typically use extinct countries for custom stuff like this. but there are only 23 extinct countries that you could use. Some of them aren't useable either due to hardcoded stuff, eg. Pays Basque wouldn't really be useable due to the hardcoded links with Athletic Bilbao. So probably only 15-16 countries you could use, if that. So unless you're willing to scrap some real countries to turn into English counties too you wouldn't have enough to fit them all in.

    thanks for that, i was looking through the editor last night, but i couldnt work out how to add extinct countries (like soviet union) to existing competitions (like the world cup)

  5. Has anyone ever gone about creating a database where the English national team gets broken down into its respective Counties which all compete as there own national team?


    If not, is this possible, would i be able to do this whilst keeping all original countries (except England obviously), how would i create such a database?

  6. so the reason why its happened is actually 4th is getting the extra space.... rules max at 6 places, 5 plus the bonus. so when a country has a club that wins the champions league and finishes outside the top 4 AND a club that wins the europa league and finishes outside the top 4 then 4th misses out.... till in this case they get the bonus spot which goes to 4th instead of 5th


    XaW is wrong the rules on highest club coefficient was scrapped due to similarity with closed shop of the "not so" Super League

  7. I raised a post last year with loads of suggestions for international management which they said they were looking at changing, no changees this year, but hopefully next year. However i'm not optimistic, look at the bug section, most of the bugs in international remain "open", they don't even get put under review. The past meetings feature hasn't worked for international teams for about 3 years now

  8. 6 minutes ago, rusty217 said:

    Any ETA on a patch? I'm mostly just waiting on editor fixes, but still.

    Also, what's the chances the new AFC competition formats get added in a patch? I reported it as a bug and the response was they didn't have time to do it by launch. But any chance it'll be added in one of the future patches, or is it going to be a wait for FM25 thing (which would suck!)?

    next patch is usually around xmas time

  9. On 16/11/2023 at 14:08, Benjy92 said:

    Having similar problem as already mentioned on here with the opposition managers a lot of them being wing play. Any one else having this? What other things do opposing managers actually implement in the game? Also what do they actually do for there teams? Would say the rest of the game is really good except a few slight bugs 

    have you updated with the latest patch? This improved a lot of the wing play issues


  10. Just now, rjferguson90 said:

    Just read that a reasonably well-known editor has quit due to a disagreement with SI; on top of all the issues already this has killed FM24 for me. I play for the smaller league databases and whatever the disagreement was has upset this person enough to make them not want to support the company.

    It's been said multiple times, as recently as on this very page, but SI's leadership and goals with the series have to be called into question at this point. It really is starting to feel like a cash grab ala EA with FIFA, and in the process alienating players who have loved the game for years - and worse, people who have poured their heart and soul into the game to make it so much better.

    respect your opinion, but disagree entirely. SI will never be able to please everyone or fix every problem, but i feel they do a damn good job of striking the middle ground and pleasing the majority. 


    Big thumbs up to all those hard workers at Sports Interactive from me, I have so much sympathy with the abuse you get (not from OP just in general) on the forum

  11. 1 hour ago, Tsuru said:

    Hi everyone.

    What happened to the Russian League clubs, Russia National Team and club/nation Ukraine in FM 24? Do they start the game out of european competitions but do come back at certain point? Or are they simple banned forever?

    Banned forever as in real life. If the Russians ever see sense and become a civilised country FIFA/UEFA will unban them and they'll become unbanned in game. Unfortunately not likely with the current maniac in charge

  12. 2 minutes ago, SergeiG said:

    I am in my 4th season(January 18th) with Manchester United and the injuries are crazy since the new patch dropped.

    I had 63 injuries this season(counting all the minor injuries for a day or 2), despite having a very large squad with regular rotation(I got 2-3 players for every position).

    Last season I had less than 70 all season long.


    I want the game to be more challenging but this is not the way to go SI.

    injuries are below real life levels, as they always have been. If anything they should be raised. If you have a large squad with 3 players for every position of course you'll see more, and counting the minor 1 or 2 day ones that number seems low even by FM standards let alone real life

  13. 2 minutes ago, Benjy92 said:


    That’s what I mean going to have to start new save as the database is obviously broken

    its not broken just new information, as there will be every time we get a database update, just continue with your save, the bugs will be patched out

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