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47 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. You should be able to find people who will sign by going into staff search and ticking only U-19.
  2. That's not the problem with the NBA 2K series. The problem with NBA2k is that they slow down progression to try and force players to spend real world money to improve your player. That's right, the game is designed in order to encourage players to spend real world money to improve their players attributes. Imagine the outrage if developing players was slowed down to a fraction of what it currently is and you had to pay real money in order to get your players to improve faster. The only changes they do seem to make is to the My Player Career mode. Every year it's an awful story with boring cut scenes and cheesy lines. On top of that there have been versions where you can't skip certain parts of the story so you are forced to watch it again and again.
  3. I would be happy if they just improved the existing features in the game. I would go further and say I would like a lot of these features removed if they can't improve them. I find the game has had the same issues every year for years. I would much rather these were addressed and made better than adding more features.
  4. Unfortunately this is the case with many of these interactions. In FM 23 a player got mad because I signed a new player. Got mad because he was worried about playing time. He then proceeds to complain to the team. Have to hold meeting to address it. Luckily they all backed down when I said I had to manage the whole team. However I was this close to a mutiny just because I signed a new player. I'm not really sure what SI thinks that these interactions add to the game. I'm not sure why they don't improve them and give you more options to deal with these situations, like putting the player on the transfer list if he isn't happy where he is. I personally think that a lot of this actually takes away from the game as whole, both because they aren't realistic in how they play out and the frequency with which they occur.
  5. You could try loaning him out or giving him spot minutes when you can on your first team to increase his growth. I find the AI doesn't really make the best use of the loans I give them but maybe I'm just unlucky.
  6. I'm in the same boat playing as Hamburger SV in FM 23. I'm not sure how exactly it works. Some of the players are Match fit and have heavy game loads. So apparently it simulates games they play but you can't find a record of it anywhere. They should have a stacked team and probably be promoted. Both because Hamburger SV has a good youth program and the team looks stacked for the league they would be playing in. The players don't seem to develop at all so I'm not sure what exactly is going on. It seems like a lot of smoke and mirrors to me.
  7. You sure you want the AI to do that? It's not very good at it to say the least. It's one of the reasons you can take a team that should be relegated and make it competitive.
  8. It's been like this for years. The last time I played before FM23 was FM21. Just start a save with Hamburger SV and take them to the Bundesliga. Your whole team will want new contracts even though some have 3+ years left on their contract. Play through the entire next season in the Budesliga and there is a high probability that at least one of them will want another contract by the end of season even though they just signed one.
  9. Two different things. A player is only going ask for x salary after x first team appearances if they haven't cracked the first team. We are talking about established players ripping up their contracts whenever they feel like it. Sometimes more than once in the same calendar year.
  10. Show me real world examples and there should be a lot because of how common it is in game. Player asks for new contract at beginning of the season, I give him a new contract. Then he turns around six months later and ask for a new one. Again with how common this is in game, I should be reading maybe a couple hundred stories a year about players receiving multiple new contracts in the same year with several years remaining on their existing contract.
  11. I appreciate what you are saying. However I just had a player ask for a new contract after asking for one at the beginning of the season. So he tears up a contract that still had 2+ years left on it, to turn around a little over six months later to ask for another, when he still has three years left on the one he just signed.. It's beyond ludicrous. If you could show me real life examples of clubs tearing up all their contracts and giving players new ones every season, I might understand. It seems completely unrealistic to me. Add into that the fact that your whole team might go on strike because one player didn't get a contract and it takes away a lot of the enjoyment from playing the game.
  12. That seems like a change from previous versions. I'm playing FM23 and they always accept it. I don't do the same player back to back though. I'll only criticize him once until I have criticized someone else though and only do after the training reports. I don't check up on their training all the time.
  13. Yeah. It's goofy. I haven't gotten that problem with my Bundesliga save but my previous Notts Co save the whole team was getting nervous about the depth up front while I was breaking records for goal scoring. SI added all these annoying features that make no sense. I get why they implemented them but if you are going to add something like that, make it make sense. If it's too difficult to program it to take into account what's going on in your save then why add a feature like this in the first place?
  14. The worst part about it is that the options you have don't reflect what happened. I can't say "I offered him a contract that would increase his pay by 400% but he wanted an appearance fee on top" Or "He demanded that I make him an important player and only play in one position and in one role, which hurts the team." I mean if you are going to put something as annoying as this in the game, then take the time to do it well. Instead we only have cookie cutter responses that don't reflect what is happening.
  15. How does it compare to FM 23? I can't sign any non German youth players playing as Hamburger SV when playing FM 23. They all think that staying at their club is the right move for them. I had heard that there have been some changes in 24 but I want to hear other people's experience.
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