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Everything posted by saware

  1. I play a similar system on a positive mentality. Instructions are:- Short passing Play out of defence Low crosses Work ball into box High LOE Much higher defensive line Press more Prevent short GK distribution In terms of roles & duties I have the same as above apart from: LB as CWB-S RCM as BWM-S/CM-S LCM as AP-S/MEZ-S AMR as IF-S CF as AF-A/PF-A Have found that CFs have scored consistently, both my 2 main options have around 30 goals for the season.
  2. Again, I’d try it, especially if you have players more suited to that role. It may help get more support towards the forwards, just be careful it doesn’t expose the right wing. A carrilero may work too, although I have little experience in using one.
  3. I currently use a 433 & have had some joy using Fernandes as a AP-S or a MEZ-S alongside Fred as a BWM-S with Casemiro as a DM-D behind. Admittedly, goals have mainly come from Martial & Rashford, but Bruno has certainly chipped in. My usual starting line-up is De Gea - SK-D Dalot - WB-A Varane - CB-D Martinez - BPD-D Shaw - CWB-S Casemiro - DM-D Fred - BWM-S Fernandes - AP-S or MEZ-S Antony - IF-S Sancho - IW-A or Rashford IF-A Rashford - AF-A or Martial DLF-A Instructions are: Short passing Work ball into box Play out of defence Low crosses Much higher line Higher engagement Urgent press Prevent GK distribution All seems to work pretty well as a base, obviously some instructions, roles, & duties may change depending on player selection/opposition.
  4. I don’t have much experience with narrow formations or 5 at the back… I almost exclusively play with wide forwards. Of the 2 formations you’ve posted I would prefer the 532/353. Personally I like to mix up the WB positions, so I’d try the Left WB as a CWB-S. Also, with 3 CBs I’m not sure you need a DM as a DM, I’d maybe try him as a DLP-D, & then change the AP-S to a BWM-S to give a bit more bite to midfield & cover the Right WB. As far as instructions go, as I think I mentioned before, I prefer to push the line of engagement up as well as the defensive line. I’d also make pressing more urgent but that’s due to the style of play I like to create.
  5. I’d try it & see. You may find yourself too open as the MEZ-S won’t offer much cover on the right flank, but if your players are good enough & you’re expected to see a lot of the ball then it may not be an issue. If you’re the favourite & facing packed defences it may help to overload the opposition & move them around as they try to track your runners, creating space for your attacking players to get into dangerous areas.
  6. On paper it wouldn’t work for me, but the proof is in the pudding. If I was setting up something similar I’d be looking to change the striker’s role to a supportive one, or at least a DLF-A or CF-A. That way the IF-A & MEZ-S will be closer to support or run past, giving more options further up field. Speaking of the MEZ-S, the CM-A is quite a high risk partner, especially if you want an adventurous LB. I’d maybe change him to a CM-S to give a bit more cover, & in doing that the LB could change to a Left FB-A. On the other side of the pitch I’d again want a bit more solidity, therefore I’d change the Right FB-A to a Right WB-D. Depending on what style of play you’d like I’d also look at the instructions. I tend to play with More Urgent Pressing, & my defensive line one notch higher than the line of engagement. I also select prevent GK distribution, but don’t tend to bother with counter-press or counter as those situations tend to occur naturally for me but it’s maybe worth trying it out & seeing what works best. In possession I tend to favour a short passing game, with a low tempo as the players work the ball into the box. However, as my time with the game is limited these days, I mainly play as big teams with top players so you might find that doesn’t work so well if you’re in the lower leagues.
  7. Just a couple of questions regards crossing… 1) When players are free in the box & the wide men are in a crossing position, how do I get them to deliver a ball straight into the box? Would I need to select ‘Hit early crosses’ & ‘Whipped crosses’? Not sure I want it whipped it, more driven across, but I assume that’s the best option. 2) When players are at the byline & there are men free in the middle how do I get the ball cutback? ‘Work ball into the box’ & ‘low crosses’? Would like to see my teams pull off both crossing moves during games so I’d rather not use instructions for one style that limits the other if possible. Are there specific roles, duties, or traits that may help?
  8. Managed to offload Lindelof to Brighton until the end of the season for 50% of his wages + a modest monthly fee, & Van De Beek to Wolves for his full value of £31m. Had an offer for Williams but was way below his £17m value so I’ll hold onto him until the summer. Managed to bring in Sutalo & Seiwald (Loaned back to Salzburg until the end of the season) for £40m & £25m respectively. Maybe overpaid but wanted to bring them both in early so I could focus on bigger targets once the season has finished. Will be looking at possibly upgrading on Maguire & Wan Bissaka as well as a right winger to compete with Antony.
  9. Have recently started a new game with United having previously tried Citeh. Wanted to see if Haaland was as good as people had suggested, turns out 80 goals in his first season made the game a little dull. Figured United would pose more of a challenge, & yet provide me with enough funds to buy some good players to keep the fun going. Playing a 433, & have just gone into January top of the league, unbeaten. Liverpool are just 3 points behind as I’ve drawn a couple of games recently as the fixture list has built up & Ive had to rotate. Went with Rashford up top & he’s nearly on 20 goals for the season, a lot of other players are contributing though so pretty happy with how it’s going. Up there with Liverpool again for best goal difference, they’ve scored more but we’ve conceded less. Started with the 1st transfer window turned off so I’ve only just made moves in the market. Managed to bring in Danilo from Palmeiras from £15m, sold Tuanzebe to Lyon for £7.5m, & sent Elanga out on loan to Freiburg for the rest of the season. Trying to offload Lindelof, Van De Beek, & Williams but not getting much joy. Jones has agreed to joint Galatasaray when his contract expires, whilst Ronaldo rejected a move to Real Madrid. Have been looking to bring in Sutalo & Seiwald but will have to see what I can afford.
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