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Everything posted by zois92

  1. Just save the game on a separate file name for example "End of 1st Season" and go back to that save for a research. That is how i use it
  2. hey @GIMN, i have a question. Is there a way to see the attribute development of a player somehow? On the numerical format of other skins there are those green arrows obviously but i couldnt find anything on yours that indicates an attribute progress. Sorry if this is mentioned before but couldnt find it anywhere
  3. i didnt know about that first part. Thanks for sharing the information
  4. that helped a lot thank you! I would love to see SI's opinion on that matter also, i dont think anyone officially from the team touched this subject before.
  5. 90 minute highlights ??? Damn that is a different kind of dedication there
  6. Exactly that, if it weren't for the content creators we wouldn't know for example about the duration of the Match Focus. I think they could do a bit more on explaining more the effect on the upcoming match a training session has. In theory every training session would affect the match but it is a bit vague
  7. Yeah one month was just an example. so basically in the short term only match preparation affects the upcoming game
  8. That makes sense, that’s why it’s called match preparation sessions. Does that mean that if you want to see results on your scoring for example, you need to focus on “attacking schedules” for a whole month let’s say, or at least a period longer than a week?
  9. Hey guys! I have a question that’s been bothering me for a lot of fm games through the years. i see online and on YouTube videos that there are schedules focusing on specific style of plays and others that are a bit more all around, the majority of them have one main goal and that is to develop players. Dont get me wrong everyone loves those green arrows but, part from developing players and managing fitness do you think that training schedules really affect the outcome of a match? Of course tactical familiarity increases but let’s say for example you can’t score any goals, does focusing on an attacking schedule would help you score more or is it more lets say helping improving those “attacking” attributes? Or if you focus an a “defensive week training” before an important match would that help you be more solid let’s say?
  10. Hey @vonTrips, just came across this wonderful article of yours. I’m curious to see if you used it in any of your saves and how it helped you recruit players. I have one more question. Is there a way to calculate the open play involvement of a player?
  11. That is some nice examples there you have my friend. I always wondered what is more optimal for youth training, training solely positions and adding individual focus according to weaknesses / club DNA or positions role training?
  12. What about mental attributes for example concentration? There isn't a specific individual focus that targets that. BustTheNet recommends role training for youngsters as a way to improve mentals (eg BWM(S) for a young MC, ramdeuter for a winger).
  13. No, i don't think so. If I'm not mistaken you gain tactical familiarity through specific training schedules.
  14. Hello guys, pretty new to the skinning world. I was wondering if there is someone that can help me add a pizza chart from a certain skin to another that im already using? Just for personal use of course and not to distribute.
  15. Correct me if im wrong or if its mentioned in a previous version of the skin. When you look at the pizza chart, for example here with Bakari the different colors indicate attacking/defensive/possesion actions right?
  16. thanks for the quick response. it just seemed weird because on the previous skin i used worked fine (SAS skin).
  17. Amazing work, its the first time I'm trying this skin and it looks really interesting. i don't know if it is a bug or not, but when you praise/criticize a player for his training then the "praise/criticize" button doesn't go away. i know its silly but if you want to praise 10-15 players it is still there and you can do it multiple times. More of an aesthetic thing
  18. yes exactly that, he is training only position up to 23 including individual focus and older than 23 he trains role and not individual focus
  19. Hello guys, I just watched RDF’s new YouTube video focusing on how he trains his players. I immediately noticed something that for me is “weird” compared to what we’ve seen every other year with those YouTube video training guides. he basically says that for players younger than 23 he focuses mainly on individual roles and doesn’t assign position/role/duty but lets the player on the generic “playing position”. what are your thoughts on that?
  20. Cant make it to work for FM24 apparently. I get an error message
  21. Hello guys, after a lot of YouTube videos regarding the moneyball series, I was wondering if there is an app out there that helps player recruitment using analytics from the game. I’ve created some filters based on FM stags ratings, but I don’t know what to do after that.
  22. Hello guys, i would like to change the structure on the greek league. I would appreciate if there is anyone that can help me with that because i dont know how to?
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