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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


  • Biography
    I am the only archangel who had the guts to stay in the subplanes of the planetary astral plane to rescue the souls of those who have been unjustly trapped in the planetary dungeons.

About Me

  • About Me
    I am Azrael, the Archangel of Transition.


  • Interests
    Release souls trapped in the dungeons of the astral plane of this planet.

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Boca Juniors (Argentina)

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  1. Thanks for your work!! The file I have just cited is the one named "NZ League 2025 Data"?
  2. Hi! Do you want that database for FM 2012, 2023 or 2024?
  3. Hi! You have this database by @nielsoncp just in case you have not already seen it and want to have a look: https://community.sports-interactive.com/forums/topic/581861-fm-24-us-10-tier-database-and-concacaf-expanded-universe-databases/
  4. Hi! This would would be an update to the file in the OP? Should we replace that file with this one or should they go together?
  5. @Rob 396 thanks for this work! Sorry to say the link is broken. Could there be a way to have the file? Thanks in advance.
  6. Great! Could I have a link to download it again, as I have Gamepass, not Steam
  7. Good to hear from you! Thanks for this new update and the hotfix as well! Question: has the logopack been updated as well?
  8. Do you plan to go down to Bezirkspokale or it would be much more like a headache?
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