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Posts posted by Exius

  1. 12 minutes ago, Señor Dan said:

    Anyone knows that 14 is more than 11, then you will always choose the player with 14.

    Not necessary. The idea here is to show the character of various aspects of the game based on combination of the related attributes - this is something very difficult to understand by the attributes now. Maybe only the most experienced gamers can see these tendencies by judging the attributes, but this is the opposite to the real life. In real life it's extremly difficult, if not impossible, to assess pure technical attribute without mental attributes, because you can judge only by outcome and the outcome depends on the psychology. And it's much easier to assess where and how player plays the ball. So, in our example, let's say a player has 11 passing, but better vision and decisions, so he is more expansive in passing but not very precise. You may prefer picking him for lineup rather than more precise but very restricted in passing player.

  2. There are 36 visible attributes in the player profile screen which are gathered into Technical, Mental, Physical groups. Even for an experienced players it's difficult to orient in this wall of texts and digits. For new players it might be even more frustrating. Not to mention, this huge attributes list is completely unrealistic in the way how real life managers assess players abilities and skills.

    The latest FM iterations introduce more and more stats which are used in real life - and that's good! We need even more real-life stats, so the game goes in the right direction here. But what's also needed - a full revamp of how the attributes are shown.

    If you look at the real life scout reports which can be found in the internet, you'll see that they don't contain a list of players abilities. This data can't be gathered precisely in real life and actually it's not that important. What is more important - what player actually does in various stages of the attack and defense, his typical patterns of play and preferred moves, his key stats. For example % of completed passes into the box or number of completed key passes in 90 minutes tell much more about the player than just some "Passing" skill which can be interpreted in different ways by different coaches and scouts (and even in the game we don't know exactly what it defines - probability of the successful pass, pass technique or something else).

    So, we need more user-fireandly, more readable and more close to real life attributes representation (which means that under the hood they should work as they work now, but how they are shown to a player - that's what needs to be changed).

    With permission of @Geoff Newman I'd like to use his idea for this suggestion:

    So, the idea is that based on the different combination of particular technical, mental and physical attributes - different assessment of various aspects of the game are performed (as strong and week sides). 

    I'd like to improve this proposition even further - the attributes can be assessed in such stages of play:

    • Final third (attack)
    • Transition
    • Defense

    And in addition to the attributes, preferred moves related to these game phases can be shown as well to complete the picture of playing pattern.

    As a result by having a look at these it will be clear what player does in defense, in transition in the final stage of the attack, what you can expect of him and how you can use him in your tactics. And it will be readable much more clear than currently, when you look at those attributes list, and more realistic as well.

  3. 4 minutes ago, DementedHammer said:

    A simple solution might be just to change the visible attribute scale from 20 to 10 or maybe even 5. Then you can still see differences between players, but it isn't as fine-grained. You could perhaps even replace the actual numbers with the star system. 

    That's exactly what I suggested:


    And I've been doing such mods since FM 2009 or FM 2010. I hope that someday they'll add it, as an option at least, so everybody will play as he wants. I guess, this is something that's very easy to add to the game.

  4. 15 minutes ago, Mars_Blackmon said:

    Old 3D engine players didn’t have faces on the pitch.

    I don't think it has something to do with the regens 3D faces because all players (and managers) on the pitch have the same default face. At least that's how it was in FM 2019. In fact, you'll never notice it because there is no ingame camera which allows you to see such details so close. I noticed it only using a free camera in my mod for FM 2019.

  5. 32 minutes ago, 99 said:

    Same here.

    I guess it's that tale of the boiling frog: if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it will instantly leap out. But if you put it in a pot filled with pleasantly tepid water and gradually heat it, the frog will remain in the water until it boils to death.

    FM didn't went that backwards (graphically) from one edition to the next, but over the course of various editions.

    Nice comparison, but check another post with screenshots somewhere here - it all happened in FM 2018. They removed a layer with a worn out texture and a layer with some other grass details texture and now we have such ugly pitches. The same happened when they replaced newgen faces with 3d renders - they have gone ugly as well.

  6. 2 hours ago, PassIntoSpace said:

    Ok this is going to sound harsh but please hear me out..

    These new reskin "headline" features are a slap to the face to your fanbase. 

    The audacity to claim these as an improvement is absolutely disgraceful. The constant excuses are so obvious, "oh it's because everyone still runs core 2 duos from 2004 so we have to support them", "oh it's not the final version mate, wait a bit longer", "oh we do listen to feedback, and this is what people want", "oh it's because corona", "oh just wait for another video to showcase 'new' stuff", "oh the winter patch will fix this issue". I could go on and on.  

    If you're not ready to release an actually improved product then skip a year or two and do something like a normal database update, I'd much rather support that. What you are doing is calling these as an improvement but what you've done is repackage things slightly and called it new and great and charge full price. 


    Where are actual showcases like:  transfers have been fixed? Better interaction with the board and players (not reskin aggressive to throw bottle, couldn't even change the dialogue or add new options)? When will you fix the set piece set ups that constantly rearrange your positions or miss players completely? Fix absurd stadiums, plastic grass? Fix animations to look human? Give options to difficulty? Rework the interface to avoid excessive clicks, modernize the ui? Make regen faces look half human? Fix actual me issues like, lack of central play, creativity, marking, op gegen pressing, rework stamina to mean mething? Make teams play differently? Rework CA/PA? Stop pretending the 3d engine looks amazing when ps2 graphics can look better and your own work from 2011 does too?  

    When one dude can make improvements to the physics file and make the game actually somewhat playble something is wrong and you need to step up and put in some work.  

    If you need a new engine then so be it, but don't try to pretend to fix or improve things on this platform if it longer works. It's very obvious at this point.  You say you need constructive criticism and you're afraid to show your new devs to this forum, this is what it looks like uncensored and you need to hear it. Until you make actual improvements and show them properly if they do exist I will no longer buy your games.   

    Harsh but fair. You just nailed it! Couldn't said better myself!

    I think you just explained why I stopped playing every FM iteration - I agree with every single word you have written.

    Stagnation is a natural process for any such long game series as FM, I'm afraid. And it's aggravated by the lack of competition in this market. 

  7. 3 hours ago, treble_yell_:-) said:

    Evolution of the games visuals. All 1920x1080 images taken from gameplay and not Youtube.


    2020 is a 1440p image on max settings, the second 2020 image is 1440p Very Low settings.

    Great work! Thanks!

    So, it started in FM 2018 - they just removed a couple of texture layers from the pitch. It was made to optimize the game performance obviously, but aren't 3 years enough to find another solution and get old cool pitches back?

  8. 33 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    They have to think about all of their potential customers. You would be outraged (and see the previous 4 pages for evidence of this) if they only showed that 'blank' pitch when you have a top of the range PC. On the other hand, the users on the other end of the scale would blow a gasket if decent graphics and detail is shown, but they don't see it when they start playing. It might even be potential law suit territory.

    This is called different graphics settings. Most of the games use it and there is nothing bad in it. I don't understand why they can't make "blank pitch" setting for low-end PCs and full detail settings for high-end PC.

  9. On 01/09/2020 at 10:44, GreenTriangle said:

    Does a coach not care if his (tactical) offensive defender has some offensive skills?

    Definitely! That's why we need to talk about masking attributes which are not relevant for the chosen position AND role. In your case (if we talk about ball-playing defender dor example) some offensive and technique attributes (along with the defensive ones) should be relevant for his role and shouldn't be masked.

  10. I think the main reason why they implemented it this way is because there are a lot of player roles with hardcoded behavior (some playing patterns in attack, defense, positioning on the field) and some PI would interfere with this behavior. The way to solve this problem as I see it can be some sort of custom roles editor which will allow us to create our own custom player roles with a custom set of players' instructions. 

  11. It's been said a lot of times that having real stadiums in the game is impossible due to legal issues. But we even don't need it, frankly speaking. All we need is just a way to bring them to the game ourselves - a stadium editor. The same way we bring to the game a lot of club icons, kits, players' photo - all the stuff which is not in the game initially due to the same legal issues.

  12. 11 hours ago, mister.cool40 said:

    Going more organic with the game isn't a bad idea,however it sometimes takes away the clarity and causes confusion.

    Yeah, that's the idea! IRL coaches don't have such clarity as we have in the game (they have more clarity, on the other hand, by watching over the players' training performance). By having tons of these numerical attributes we have an advantage over IRL coaches. Current "attributes masking" option tries to lower this advantage, but I'd like to have a one more option - "partial attributes masking" or something like this.

  13. Since I haven't purchased FM 2020 yet, I can't check it. Can anybody try it with the full version? I tried the mode with the demo, but it wasn't working, the camera didn't appear in the game. If that's what happening in the full version - bad news, guys. There is nothing we can do - SI decided to remove this option then.

  14. 2 hours ago, Hovis Dexter said:

    That's really interesting. I'm fascinated to see that workrate is not included as this is one of my key attributes when assessing players. I also include natural fitness as one of my key attributes but I'm less suprised to that excluded.

    I haven't tried, but I think by modifying those files you can change the octagon categories, or maybe even adding more edges with new attributes. When I have time, I'll experiment with it.

  15. You can check this in Panels/player attribute analyser outfield.xml and Panels/player attribute analyser goalkeeper.xml (for GKs).

    For outfield players these are:

    • Defending: Tackling, Marking, Positioning
    • Physical: Strength, Agility, Balance, Stamina
    • Speed: Pace, Acceleration
    • Vision: Passing, Creativity, Flair
    • Attacking: Off the ball, Finishing, Composure
    • Technical: Technique, First Touch, Dribbling
    • Aerial: Jumping, Heading
    • Mental: Decisions, Teamwork, Anticipation, Bravery, Determination, Concentration.

    For GKs these are:

    • Shot Stopping: One on ones, Reflexes
    • Physical: Strength, Agility, Balance, Stamina
    • Speed: Pace, Acceleration
    • Mental: Decisions, Teamwork, Anticipation, Bravery, Determination, Concentration
    • Communication: Command of area, Communication
    • Eccentricity: Eccentricity
    • Aerial: Aerial reach, Handling
    • Distribution: Kicking, Throwing
  16. 1 hour ago, 99 said:

    I do and I would love to start my career in the reserve / u-X teams. But to truly work, a manager that would do REALLY well in those teams should have a slight preference from the board to manage the first team in the future. Being able to bring the youngsters you've been managing already to become the next stars. Like Guardiola at Barcelona did.

    This part should be developed further in the game. I remember how I was a manager of B team and when they sacked manager of the first team, I applied for the job. And then the board was disappointed with me for that, they were also disappointed in the interview and asked me why I was applying for other jobs while managing a team... So, the game currently doesn't recognize that it is actually the same club and you are not applying for other jobs, you are just seeking a promotion.

  17. 1 hour ago, Johnny Ace said:

    Does anyone know what the "Play out of defense" instruction actually effects?

    I know it'll reduce the backline's passing length but I'm thinking it  wether or not it'll reduce width & tempo too. Visually, I think it does but would like to know for sure   

    It does nothing with passing length. It adjusts defenders movement and positioning so that they are more often open for pass.

    I'm going to show it in my next tactical experiment here and I already have some interesting results.

  18. 1 hour ago, Johnny Ace said:

    Libero (A) is the most offensive DC role, I don't know how involved he'd get with a Very Attacking team mentality but that's probably the most offensive you'll get

    The only logical FM way would be to throw him upfront as an extra striker with a TM(S) role 


    2 minutes ago, zlatanera said:


    Yeah he's not really a defender any more is he? The formation on FM is pretty much the defensive shape, so he's always going to try to get back there out of possession. So you would have to add him as an extra striker.

    Yes, it was the only solution which replicates the correct attacking movement, but it doesn't replicate his defensive behaviour. If I move him to ST position - he just stays forward, while IRL he comes back when the team loses the ball (not always of course, but if there is a dangerouls attack coming - he drops back to his defender position). So in terms of FM it's more like a box to box midfielder but with larger roaming range. So, it seems there is no way to replicate this precise behavior in FM.

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