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24 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Sheffield Wednesday

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  1. Hi, im not looking for a laptop for FM as I play on my PC. I am however looking for a laptop for my son. All he will want to play on is minecraft and other games like that (hopefully at full gfx). Just wondered if you could recommend one in the range of £300-£500.
  2. @XaW I don’t know how to read that. Are you saying it’s a good idea and that I should log it as a feature request? or are you saying to stop putting a feature request in a thread for feature requests that is totally unofficial and this is a wish list?
  3. @JorgenThats exactly how I mean. Dynamically moving "screens / views" within FM to different parts of your monitor. Its been in my head for a few years. Just never mentioned it on here. Would be an awesome feature though.
  4. Ok this isn't going to be implemented any time soon but one feature I would love to see in FM is hmm, I dont know how i should name this other than Dynamic Floating Screen Islands (The feature can definitely be named something more extravagant) but this is something I've thought of in the last few years about the game. Basically we can already play the game in Full Screen mode and Windowed mode (which i use 100% of the time), however i would love another mode where it allows you to play in Windowed mode but allows you to keep different parts of the game somewhere else on your screen 100% of the time so you can always get to parts of the game. For example. - if you have multiple screens, you could use Monitor 1 for items like the squad menu and staff, but then on monitor 2 you could have your training screen, and then on your third screen you can have your scouting screen. The feature would allow you just to move different windows in and out of different monitors..... I hope you understand and hopefully you will agree its not a bad idea. Basically allows you to access more, more quickly across multiple screens....
  5. That’s a good idea. Thanks I’ll try that when I’m home from work.
  6. Currently in season two. One of my players wants to discuss personal matters with me and im unable to select anything. This is mandatory and I must deal with it. I cant progress without doing so and cant pass this to my captain.
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