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70 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. How do you define the number the match rating changes colour at? I want to change so anything below 6.5 is red. Only class I can find relates to FMC.
  2. Can I please ask what change you've made? The personality/media handling style one interests me in particular!
  3. Thank you both. I will carry on as before then!
  4. Thank you for the kind feedback. Outside of a few files that are entirely my own work I will never share anything from my skin. My skinning involves taking something someone more talented than me ( @GIMN @_Ben_ among others) has created and modifying it for my own personal taste. As a side note I previously didn't share screenshots of my skin because it uses others work and I wonder if I should revert back to that as I don't want to upset anyone who's work I have used. I post for inspiration to show what someone can achieve with no background/expierence in skinning with a bit (lot) of time.
  5. As some people may have noticed my playing style is heavily based around adapting to the opposition. With that in mind I have recently spent time updating the opposition instructions panel, some pretty clear inspiration and graphics from @GIMN fantastic tactic screen here.
  6. Added the opposition report overview to the match tactics screen to allow me to make adjustments based on the report during the game. I realise if I was organised and made these adjustments before the game I wouldn't have needed to have done this,but I am not so here we are
  7. Sorry for not being clear, that controls the panel I have open. I was wondering what controls the sections at the top so tactics/player/set pieces etc. Outside of a match it's controlled by side panel sections or something similar but I can't see what controls it in a match situation.
  8. Does anyone know what controls the tactics sections in match? I wanted to add another section after opposition, but I can't figure out what controls it.
  9. @_Ben_ unpack templates. templates>user_folder>languages>example
  10. There's a language file that could have the actual text. I can't remember what file it is atm as I'm not at home.
  11. I could never find it. You could recreate it for each position, but not with the attack/support/defend options for each role. It appears the game looks it up based on linking the role and duty properties.
  12. You could use player role and player style to make a player profile like I started doing last year.
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