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Sorry lads if this is the wrong forum or already has been mentioned, but dose anyone else find that when you make substitutions espiccally in the second half you usually become crap and start conceeding goals???

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I usually consider the following things when making subs:

- Who is the most tired on the pitch?

- Who is performing the worst?

- Where can I take advantage of the opposition's tiredness?

If my team is playing well overall, then I'll sub out the most tired players. I also take a look at which players have the worst natural fitness stat, because it will be harder to them to regain their condition after the match, so I'll sub them out if they're in low 70s or lower. Also, I usually try to keep one of the three subs to be a striker. In the last 15 minutes of the match, the opposition defenders will also be feeling the strain, and if they have below average concentration stats, then all the better. I can't even count how many times I've brought on a fresh striker and he would score a goal.

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