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Only Fools and Horses is so great :cool:. Have you ever seen it Purefun? For those of you that have, what is your favourite episode? I don't have one as they're all great.

The one where he goes to lean on the bar is my fav, that one scene still makes me LOL majorly! I have every episode on DVD at home, nothing better than putting on an old season when playing FM :)

I personally prefer Faulty Towers overall tho, every episode of that is brilliant.

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Only Fools and Horses is so great :cool:. Have you ever seen it Purefun? For those of you that have, what is your favourite episode? I don't have one as they're all great.

What? Give me some link man.

The one where he goes to lean on the bar is my fav, that one scene still makes me LOL majorly! I have every episode on DVD at home, nothing better than putting on an old season when playing FM :)

I personally prefer Faulty Towers overall tho, every episode of that is brilliant.


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The bar one is good, but I love them all. I started collecting them(DVDs) about 5 years ago and got all of the series that were made but none of the specials. I've seen alot of them but I want to finally complete and collect the whole lot. I've worked out that the remaining ones that I'll need will cost about £55. It's one of the things that is on my Christmas list and should I not get them all I'll just buy the ones I need after Christmas.

Bar Scene for Purefun, [video=youtube;_IBgk05iL3Y]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IBgk05iL3Y

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Thats just plain stupid.

That they monitor lectures? Aye.

I'm doing all my work, finished the big data report a month early, on track to do well-ish this year. Don't see why not going to lectures should affect that - they're generally a waste of time anyway.

(I realise that wasn't what you meant.)

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People are filling in the register thing for me at Uni, so I shouldn't get an email about my terrible attendance... Haven't attended a single Tuesday morning lecture since I got here. Had a test for 20% of the module a couple weeks ago, and got a C- without having been to a lecture :D

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People are filling in the register thing for me at Uni, so I shouldn't get an email about my terrible attendance... Haven't attended a single Tuesday morning lecture since I got here. Had a test for 20% of the module a couple weeks ago, and got a C- without having been to a lecture :D

I would do that, but going to none of my lectures means I have no friends on my course :D

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I'll be locating the remaining oil under the oceans, starting salary, £25k p/a :cool:

If you're doing something specialist, then going to uni is good. As I've said, alot of students go to uni and don't do anything productive and do it so that they can do basically nothing for three years. One guy from cricket did psychology iirc and when I last spoke to him he wish he didn't do it as it was a waste of time. Unless you consider taking it on and doing more stuff for it. He came back from six months in New Zealand and was working in a bar when they had some shifts for him.

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What do you mean "a lot of students go to uni and don't do anything productive"?

Where have you plucked this statistic from? So basically you have 3 friends that go/went uni, 2 of the 3 friends were lazy or wasn't smart enough and wasted a great oppertunity.

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I'm not doing anything specialised, I'm studying Sports Science with Management. I don't know what I quite want to get out of it yet, but what I do know is I want to go into the business, economic and commercial side of sport :D

That's good for you. Another mate of mine who lives in Portsmouth is doing Sports Science iirc. He either wants to be a teacher or a physio.

What do you mean "a lot of students go to uni and don't do anything productive"?

Where have you plucked this statistic from? So basically you have 3 friends that go/went uni, 2 of the 3 friends were lazy or wasn't smart enough and wasted a great oppertunity.

Not smart enough? Ty, that's rubbish and you know it. The way the economy is at the moment, it doesn't make financial sense giving people grants for uni as the majority waste the money given to them. Uni isn't a great opportunity at all. Your course that you're doing now isn't going to guarantee you a job when you finish uni, unless you've managed to get a company to agree to this. I don't think many companies will look to give students a chance at the moment due to the economic climate.

Tbh, I just hate students and think you shouldn't get grants for something that you want to do. You don't have a part-time job and I don't think that you will get a job where you're earning enough to pay back your loan straight away due to the job market. Yes it could improve in three years but imo it won't and when you finish uni, you'll probably just add to the unemployed number of people out of work due to the difficulty of finding work.

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I have a part time job. And I'm pretty sure I've got a lot more chance going into the industry I'm aiming for is going to be a lot more realistic as a graduate than going for it straight from school.

Going to university was the only option for me, as it is for many others, to get into the field of work they desire.

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Well atleast heath & Purefun can put GPTG Mods on their CV ;). I done my degree in Sports Science and I'm halfway through my 1st year of my PGCE which student finance are paying for :D.

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Tbh, I just hate students and think you shouldn't get grants for something that you want to do. You don't have a part-time job and I don't think that you will get a job where you're earning enough to pay back your loan straight away due to the job market. Yes it could improve in three years but imo it won't and when you finish uni, you'll probably just add to the unemployed number of people out of work due to the difficulty of finding work.

If you're directing this at me, then I am afraid you have no idea about me and you're actually pretty clueless.

You hate students because you don't have the personality to be a student. You're one of them guys that gets a job at a supermarket, works there til his is 70 and then resents anything and everything. You may even hop up the ladder a couple times going from trolley boy to possibly broom cleaning guy, but in the end it would be me laughing at you with my degree leaping steps ahead of you in 3 years, what you would have to do in 25 years.

I absolutely love Uni, I have met hundreds of people, I play first team football, I have a job offer from Abercrombie & Fitch for store model (walk around helping customers wearing the clothes), my degree itself opens many doors to the advertising world.

So in 3 years I'll have a degree and I would of had a life time experience... while you'll be stacking shelves, moaning about the economy and still telling this forum how much you hate students.

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Ty, that's a load of rubbish. Just because you're doing a degree, it doesn't guarantee you a job. In an ideal world when you finish uni, you would walk straight in to a job. However, life isn't that simple. You'll be up against a hell of lot more people who will have the same idea as you. You're in the same group as those people and well you're being blinkered at the moment. Take those blinkers off and see the real world.

There's nothing wrong with working for a supermarket. I don't resent anything and everything. I resent students that think that what they are doing is automatically going to get them a job when in actual fact it won't. I may work stacking shelves now. But in three years time, I plan on being a department manager, which could probably net me similar, if not more money than you will get starting off(How much is a basic salary for when you leave uni?) It may take me another year to get on the management ladder, but once you're on it, if you impress enough you can jump a fair few steps on that ladder in a short space of time. I know where I want to be in a number of years and in all honesty, the only thing that is stopping me at the moment is myself. By the time I'm 30 I could be an assistant deputy manager or even a assistant store manager earning a great salary and working for a great company. Whereas you could still be tea maker and in a dead end job doing nothing. People choose different careers for different reasons. But to say that you will directly walk into a job is daft and actually fairly stupid. To say that you will jump ahead of me in three years from your degree is also a crap statement to come out with.

So yeah take the blinkers off and start seeing the world for what it really is.

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If you're directing this at me, then I am afraid you have no idea about me and you're actually pretty clueless.

You hate students because you don't have the personality to be a student. You're one of them guys that gets a job at a supermarket, works there til his is 70 and then resents anything and everything. You may even hop up the ladder a couple times going from trolley boy to possibly broom cleaning guy, but in the end it would be me laughing at you with my degree leaping steps ahead of you in 3 years, what you would have to do in 25 years.

Your degree doesn't guarantee you anything, i have a friend who finished top oh his class at Aberdeen uni in bio-medicine, 6 year degree, then spent two years trying to find a job before giving up and going back to uni to study computing and now working making less money than i am, i left uni after two weeks and now im second in charge of a sales team for a major oil and gas based company. When you leave uni there is no promise you will end up in a job that makes you happy and could change your choice of career completely, whereas NF will be happy knowing he has started at the bottom and worked his way up. Nothing is as simple as your making out.

You may end up with a life time of achievements, but they wont pay your bills.

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I resent students that think that what they are doing is automatically going to get them a job when in actual fact it won't.

It may not guarantee it, but it gives them a far higher chance of getting a job ahead of someone without a degree.

But to say that you will directly walk into a job is daft and actually fairly stupid. To say that you will jump ahead of me in three years from your degree is also a crap statement to come out with.

It completely depends on what course you're doing (do you even know what Ty is doing?). People doing specialised courses like sport science (PE teacher, physio's), accounting (accountant) and ocean sciences (surveying, studying the oceans) will easily walk into a job, as the areas of work they go into are so niche and specialised that you couldn't do it without a degree. Things like languages may not lead straight to a job, but bilingual, or trilingual people will earn over twice as much money as someone with only one language.

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Calm down ladies :D. One thing I do agree with NF on is that it is very difficult to get a job after leaving Uni....especially in the field that you have studied in. I've been a student and in essence, I kind of am now, but a lot of students **** me off for a number of reasons. 1. They constantly whinge about being skint but yet don't have a job (not digging at you obviously Ty), and then instead of making a coffee at home which will cost you about 12p a cup, they go into Starbucks where it costs £3 a cup :confused:. These are meant to be smart people baring in mind as well :lol:. 2. I'm from Durham, its my hometown, and I go out in Durham for nights out and have been in a punch up before where without bragging, kicked the crap out of a student and deservidly so. I was at the bar, in MY hometown and ordered a pint, and one of them had the nerve to be stood next to me and call me common....for ordering a drink which I want, where I'm from. Like seriously, who the hell do some of them think they are??? They have such a narrow minded concept on most things in life and believe that they opitomise 'cool'. Like I said Ty, I'm not digging at you because I don't know you, but I hate the students up here who come from down south and act as if they own the place. That's nots to say I'm on NF's side completely because I think going to Uni opens up a number of life opportunities for you. You have mentioned a lot of them yourself so I won't go over them again. Just wanted my say ;).

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Ty's doing an advertising degree iirc. Suggy, having a degree, does and doesn't give you a higher chance of someone without a degree. If Ty applies for a job with an advertising company when he finishes uni, he'll be up against lots of people who have also got degrees and some that don't have degrees but may have some experience in that career/profession. Yes, you'll get people who don't have degrees or experience and they'll more than likely just not given an interview or something. If I was the employer, I'd be more likely to employ someone who has first hand experience than someone who has just come out of uni.

I've already said that my mate at Portsmouth Uni is doing Sports Science and either wants to be a teacher or a physio. Yes if he completes that, he'll probably have a better chance of getting a job, but he's still not guaranteed one. Ty's trying to say he's guaranteed a job when he's not. The job market isn't the best at the moment and isn't the most stable. He'll be competing against people of the same idea for the same jobs. It'll be pot luck as to whether he gets the chance or not. If he does good luck to him. But he's definitely not guaranteed a job.

I like how you only took two parts of my post to try and make me look like I'm wrong.

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It really depends on what he does during his 3rd year and what links the uni has. They may have several affiliations which means students are fed straight into companies. I know my course here has exactly that, which is why most people who have done my course have gone straight into a job.

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I didn't at one point say "I will walk into a job". I didn't even remotely say it, I said I will come out with a degree, which is very prestigous to employers. It is my own personal attitude and characteristics that will be the difference between having a job and being a layabout.

You say about how you will become a manager, but you think it will just happen. Working in a supermarket for X amount of years doesn't = manager job. Kissing ass doesn't get you a managers job, the same as kissing ass on this forum wont make you become a moderator no matter how much you try. If that's the case then don't you think everyone that has been working in a supermarket for 3 years would be a manager? For christ sake, you needed advice from a forum to talk to women, and you think you can be a manager and talk to people?

I literally can't be arsed to argue with a guy that wanted to work in a bank, be a teacher and now wants to run a supermarket in the same year about my life decisions. You clearly need to worry about your own life before you lecture me on mine. I wanted to go Uni and have a passion for what I am studying, that is all I care about at the moment.

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Ill be waiting for my cheque to come through the post ;)


The thing is, most students don't pay it back. Unless you earn £15k or whatever it is. I think it maybe £17.5k or £21k soon, it's just a waste as most students I know, don't get jobs earning that much because there aren't many about unless you do something specialist like teaching. Even they're overpaid.

That's just not true. The majority of people in the country will earn above 15k in a year, let alone uni students.

I go to the best part of all my lectures, mainly I'll skip the second of a double lecture, as I'll know what to expect and I'l die of boredom.

Haha this :thup:

"Take a five minute break, and I'll see you back here for the second part." No you won't, I'm ****ing bored.

You hate students because you don't have the personality to be a student. You're one of them guys that gets a job at a supermarket, works there til his is 70 and then resents anything and everything. You may even hop up the ladder a couple times going from trolley boy to possibly broom cleaning guy, but in the end it would be me laughing at you with my degree leaping steps ahead of you in 3 years, what you would have to do in 25 years.

This paragraph says it all, NF just bitter that he'll have had 3 year miserable years doing nothing in a supermarket and we've all had a great three years with much improved job prospects after it.

Blah blah etc.

No one is saying they're guaranteed a job ffs, it's all about improving your chances, bettering you CV. Working in a supermarket and posting on Football Manager forums won't work in a job interview I'm afraid.

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Bit of natyness from everyone and anyone in here tonight.

I personally think that Ty and Joe have been a bit harsh on NF, but he hasn't exactly helped himself with some of the remarks that he has made.

Actually scratch that. You are all (Ty, Joe, and NF), behaving like children having digs at each other instead of having what could have been a perfectly reasonable discussion.The fact is you all have good and negative points to what you have said, but are so sure that your way of doing things is right that you can't see the sense in what the other person has said.

Cut it out, because in all honesty it's all rather tawdry.

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