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Aha yeah it happened a few times when I worked in Woolworths on a weekend when I was back in college though. The girl I work with, I like, but I think she has a boyfriend I don't know, but our boss is trying to get hooked up, he made her go red because I was out front one time and she was in the kitchen, and the boss was like 'do you have a boyfriend?' she said no and then the other person I work with went 'oh you could ask dan' and she went really red :p

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Going red means nothing though. I go red at the slightest thing that mentions me. Don't know why though. I literally have zero confidence when it comes to girls either. Although that confidence is starting to increase now I've realised I don't give two hoots what they think if they say no. Have my eyes on another girl from work. It's just finding the right moment to ask her. She's a student though and I don't particularly like students :(.

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Not a clue to be honest but I shall text her and find out.

Edit: 14th July.

Ahh k :D

Anyone ever look at women whilst at work? Not for too long that you look like a perv, but enough to realise they're nice? If so, ever done anything embarrassing? I did today :(:D.

Yups. Was once looking at someone outside Holland And Barett and they have these anti ram raid poles. I was eyeing them up and fell over them. Atleast they found it funny.

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Woah, a lot of arguing in here during my absence... can't leave you lot for 5 minutes.

It's those Forest fans, if you've ever been to a game where they are, then you'd know what I mean :D;)

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:(. I went to the first leg. Which I actually had some tears in my eyes when my dad said we were going. He said he couldn't get tickets earlier in the week. I started watching the second leg and watched until half-time when I had to go to bed as I had my sats the next morning or some of. We were winning and I was gutted to find out the score the next day :(.
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OOOOOOH notts you will be happy fella, your chairman etc is fixed!

Btw can anyone tell me the difference between administration and receivership?

Recivership is;

mp to: navigation, searchIn law, receivership is the situation in which an institution or enterprise is being held by a receiver, a person "placed in the custodial responsibility for the property of others, including tangible and intangible assets and rights."[1] The receivership remedy is an equitable remedy that emerged in the English Chancery courts, where receivers were appointed to protect real property.[2] Receiverships are also a remedy of last resort in litigation involving the conduct of executive agencies that fail to comply with constitutional or statutory obligations to populations that rely on those agencies for their basic human rights.[2] Various types of receiver appointments exist:[1]

  1. a receiver appointed by a (government) regulator pursuant to a statute;
  2. a privately appointed receiver; and
  3. a court-appointed receiver.[1]

The receiver's powers "flow from the document(s) underlying his appointment – a statute, financing agreement, or court order.

While administrators are appointed the court, an administrative receiver is called in by a bank or other creditor who has a charge over all or most of the assets of a company. The receiver's goal is to act in the interests of the holder of the charge. Legal actions can still be brought and liquidators can still be appointed.

Administration is;

As a legal concept, administration is a procedure under the insolvency laws of a number of common law jurisdictions. It functions as a rescue mechanism for insolvent entities and allows them to carry on running their business. The process – an alternative to liquidation – is often known as going into administration. A company in administration is operated by the administrator (as interim chief executive) on behalf of the creditors as a going concern while options are sought short of liquidation. These options include recapitalising the business, selling the business to new owners, or demerging it into elements that can be sold and closing the remainder.
This takes place after a company, its directors or one of more of its creditors have asked the courts to step in. The court will appoint administrators whose powers are very broad and replace the existing directors. Administration also protects a company from an legal action. The administrator's primary objective is to keep the company operating as a going concern to achieve the best possible returns for creditors before going into liquidation.
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SRL, didn't mean to cause any offence last night, so yeah sorry. I've never been to a wedding before and I don't plan on going to one either.

Anyone ever look at women whilst at work? Not for too long that you look like a perv, but enough to realise they're nice? If so, ever done anything embarrassing? I did today :(:D.

Yes. I work in an office full of women and where I work tends to have a lot of yummy Mummy's coming in as well :p.

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Sick to watch? Bad sick or Chavvy sick?

Everyone had a good day? Mine has been ok. Anyone going out tonight? I'm not, I'm just going to continue my Derby save tonight. Which so far, I have to say has been fun. Although I'm still in pre-season.

Fabrice Muamba collapsed and they've spent 15 mins trying to revive him. Not sure if he's alive or not atm. I really hope he is though.

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Was shocked to read about Muamba on the BBC website, having just got home from the Granada v Sporting Gijón match.

Seems he's making a recovery though, according to latest reports. Never nice to see or hear about something like that happening though.

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My dad's getting on my tits. Saying that we should have got my mum some flowers and not just a card. I hate ****ing flowers and they're a waste of money. I'm not paying for flowers that will die within two days and that cost 3 times more than they should be just for one day. Those who do like to buy them, then that's good. But I'm not. I told my mum I wasn't getting her anything and I know she's probably upset. But if I'd have asked her if she wanted anything, she would have said suprise her like she usually does. I'm out of suprises and she's such a hard person to get presents/gifts for.

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My dad's getting on my tits. Saying that we should have got my mum some flowers and not just a card. I hate ****ing flowers and they're a waste of money. I'm not paying for flowers that will die within two days and that cost 3 times more than they should be just for one day. Those who do like to buy them, then that's good. But I'm not. I told my mum I wasn't getting her anything and I know she's probably upset. But if I'd have asked her if she wanted anything, she would have said suprise her like she usually does. I'm out of suprises and she's such a hard person to get presents/gifts for.

I thought the whole point of mothers day was to buy her things she likes, not what you don't like?:D

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Yeah, but my mum isn't a big fan of flowers as they die within a couple of days. She's said she's not bothered that we haven't got her anything. Just need to think of something big for her birthday. It's my dad's 50th next year and I'd like to have a party. That means looking for some old mates from the army, finding the costs of it, booking out a place. Facebook's wonderful but I can't find one of his mates from 1992 or so. His name was Chalky or something yet he was black :confused:. He's the first bloke to see me after I was born as well. Apart from my dad obviously.

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I can't cook :(. I've offered to buy KFC :D. It's the best I can do. My mum wanted to go out for a meal yesterday. But in all honesty I hate going to restaurants and generally going out. Unless it's on a night out.

It sounds like I'm quite selfish and a complete clown. But I'm not. I'm just a stubborn person who won't change his mind when it's set.

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You could just cook her tea or something? I just got mine a CD and some chocolates, and then I treated her to dinner.

Same took mine out. And people think Yorkshiremen/women are cheap, pfft.

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I can't cook :(. I've offered to buy KFC :D. It's the best I can do. My mum wanted to go out for a meal yesterday. But in all honesty I hate going to restaurants and generally going out. Unless it's on a night out.

It sounds like I'm quite selfish and a complete clown. But I'm not. I'm just a stubborn person who won't change his mind when it's set.

Mums eat free in Scarborough everywhere after 4pm :D

You are quite selfish though because all you keep saying is 'I don't like this, I don't wanna do this' etc. It's not about what you want it's about showing your mum that you love her even though its a ploy for people to get more out of you. Out of everything like Xmas, Easter etc I'd rather make a fuss of my mum on Mothers day as she done a lot for me over the years and sacrifised so much, just like 90% of other peoples mums. Doesn't hurt to put her first does it?

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It doesn't hurt to put her first, correct Cleon. My mum's said she's not bothered and she's said that to others as well. I know she probably is a little. I don't see Mothers Day as being important. I prefer birthdays and Christmas. Give me some suggestions for big scale presents for my mum's birthday please. Or some ideas that may help me think of some of my own. I tried doing something big for Christmas but couldn't think of anything that my mum would like :(.

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Yeah they do but it's bloody annoying. I used to be great at thinking of presents. The best one that me and my brother have got my mum before was £65 worth of vouchers for a health spa. We also paid for my other nan to go with her as well iirc. Or paid apart of my nans. The look on my mum's face when she got them was great. It was a Christmas present and we put the vouchers inside some slippers we got her. We always get her slippers as her mum used to get her some every Christmas and ever since our nan has died, we've kind of taken over that present. The slippers were inside a nice box as well. The best present that my mum's ever received is off of my dad. It was a photo enlargement of my mum's mum and dad together. It had been framed as well. Things like that prove that money isn't everything. I don't know what my mum's into. That's the problem. I wouldn't say there are many things she is into which makes it hard to get even a basic present, let alone surprise her.

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Yeah they do but it's bloody annoying. I used to be great at thinking of presents. The best one that me and my brother have got my mum before was £65 worth of vouchers for a health spa. We also paid for my other nan to go with her as well iirc. Or paid apart of my nans. The look on my mum's face when she got them was great. It was a Christmas present and we put the vouchers inside some slippers we got her. We always get her slippers as her mum used to get her some every Christmas and ever since our nan has died, we've kind of taken over that present. The slippers were inside a nice box as well. The best present that my mum's ever received is off of my dad. It was a photo enlargement of my mum's mum and dad together. It had been framed as well. Things like that prove that money isn't everything. I don't know what my mum's into. That's the problem. I wouldn't say there are many things she is into which makes it hard to get even a basic present, let alone surprise her.

She must have something she likes? What's she do in her free time? She must have some kind of hobbie/interest?

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Nope. Not that I know too. She goes work, comes home cooks, cleans and does the washing and obviously watches the TV. She likes bingo but she does that enough.

Maybe send her somewhere for the day?

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Where though? That's the issue, I'm out of surprises. I don't want to send her somewhere where she won't like. I know my parents are trying to go away more often now. Last year they went Portugal. Now due to their holidays not always being the same, I'd have to talk to my bosses at work and then try and get my dad to book a week off. But as he goes away already in the summer with cadets, that's one week that out of the way. I was thinking maybe booking them in at center parcs for a weekend/four days or something. Not so sure. It'd probably be cheaper to send them abroad but again it's hard. Sending her somewhere for the day is hard too, I don't know what she likes and she doesn't give any clues whatsoever.

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Where though? That's the issue, I'm out of surprises. I don't want to send her somewhere where she won't like. I know my parents are trying to go away more often now. Last year they went Portugal. Now due to their holidays not always being the same, I'd have to talk to my bosses at work and then try and get my dad to book a week off. But as he goes away already in the summer with cadets, that's one week that out of the way. I was thinking maybe booking them in at center parcs for a weekend/four days or something. Not so sure. It'd probably be cheaper to send them abroad but again it's hard. Sending her somewhere for the day is hard too, I don't know what she likes and she doesn't give any clues whatsoever.

No idea then :D

Chuffed with today's win and pleased with the draw. Great chance of another Final this season.

I think you'll win it, said as much at beginning of the season.

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I think you'll win it, said as much at beginning of the season.[/indent]

I know at the start of the season every Liverpool fan was harping on about 4th place...but I am more than happy to win 2 trophies instead. I think it will be Liverpool -v- Spurs in the Final with us just nicking it.

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I know at the start of the season every Liverpool fan was harping on about 4th place...but I am more than happy to win 2 trophies instead. I think it will be Liverpool -v- Spurs in the Final with us just nicking it.

Aye trophies are good. Can't wait til day we actually win something :(

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