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Stopped two young chav looking youths from nicking alcohol today. Was walking to go upstairs and happened to walk past the spirits section. Looked as I walked past and a youths hand moved sharply back towards his body. It was close to the bottle before I walked past. Walked opposite way to the tills and told the till supervisor. The security guard had already seen them and had escorted them off the premises.

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Stopped two young chav looking youths from nicking alcohol today. Was walking to go upstairs and happened to walk past the spirits section. Looked as I walked past and a youths hand moved sharply back towards his body. It was close to the bottle before I walked past. Walked opposite way to the tills and told the till supervisor. The security guard had already seen them and had escorted them off the premises.

:cool: He had already seen them!

Stop stealing the security guards glory!

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Some result for Forest last night!

Chris Maguire scored for Pompy as well i see!!

A friend told me it was 6-3 after so many minuets and i didnt believe him, but ive just watched the goals and there were all good.

And im glad Pompy have won tbh, i dont really want them to go down.

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What did you do then?

Tuesday is the day I work in a school as part of my teaching degree. I get there for 8am, start lessons at 9. I do a table tennis club on a lunchtime so I dont have time for my dinner really and then commence teaching till 3. We had a football match yesterday as well as I managed the Year 7 & 8 team. We finished at 5 and then from there I go straight to College from 6-9pm at night.

Its not as though its a massively stranious day, its just constantly on the go with no break and by the time I get home about half 9 Im usually shattered and havent had time for anything to eat or a coffee all day either.

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I've had a busy day. So much stuff I have to think about that I did but didn't realise if I want to be a manager. I got a little stressed which is normal. But I really enjoyed it :) :confused:.

I like you NF but please don't take this the wrong way. You are way old before your time :D

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I'm not complaining about being bored at work. Love being busy. I just love work though. Way old before my time? Is that like, I shouldn't be thinking about my career yet and should be thinking about going out, getting rat faced, shagging loads of birds and coming out with 7 stis?

If so, I've done the first, not done the latter two and don't plan on doing them either. I'm very career orientated me. I want to be and I'm not too fussed about my social life at the moment. Although it's still good.

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I'm not complaining about being bored at work. Love being busy. I just love work though. Way old before my time? Is that like, I shouldn't be thinking about my career yet and should be thinking about going out, getting rat faced, shagging loads of birds and coming out with 7 stis?

If so, I've done the first, not done the latter two and don't plan on doing them either. I'm very career orientated me. I want to be and I'm not too fussed about my social life at the moment. Although it's still good.

Fair enough, but be sure to find the right balance or you'll end up growing old with nothing but work to concentrate on. I like that you are focused and know what you want to do, but long term you'll burn yourself out and find when you need a mate or something you'll not have anyone to turn to.

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Yeah, I probably didn't have the right balance a couple of months ago. But I do now. I go out for a night out, at least one a month. I did used to go pub with some friends a few times a week before hand about a month ago. However, two of those I went pub with have decided to take their relationship to the next level. I knew they were seeing each other before most others and I'm pleased for them. But, and I knew this would happe, they're not too fussed about going out now as much. We're out this Saturday for the guy's birthday so that should be good. The other person that used to go pub, well I liked her. Not seeing her as much is good for me as I don't start talking to her as much. Being friendly with her is ok. So going on a night out is good as I still get along with her. But as I found out last time we went out. She looked amazing and I found myself thinking about how great she looked but I couldn't do anything and said I wouldn't either. It's easy when I'm not in a group with her as I don't have those feelings for her as such now. It's just when we're out. I'm sure there's a word for wanting something you can't have but I can't think of it.

So yeah I go out enough as it is. Looking at getting back into cricket this summer if my work allows it. I've been told the club I play for are setting up a separate Evening league side from one our sponsors and I've been asked if I'd be interested. I've said I am if I can get Tuesday evenings off work. I've also been told that I'll be getting more Saturdays off. So hopefully I'll be able to start playing Saturday 3rd team cricket again for that side as they're usually short as it is.

I'm also gonna look into trying to see if I can start playing for a mate at works 5 a side team. Probably rude to ask and I'd need to do a fair bit of work to get fit enough for it. But yeah I'll see.

Also deciding how best to approach a girl from work who I have no to little interaction with at all. Not too fussed on that one but she is nice :D.

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Yeah, I probably didn't have the right balance a couple of months ago. But I do now. I go out for a night out, at least one a month. I did used to go pub with some friends a few times a week before hand about a month ago. However, two of those I went pub with have decided to take their relationship to the next level. I knew they were seeing each other before most others and I'm pleased for them. But, and I knew this would happe, they're not too fussed about going out now as much. We're out this Saturday for the guy's birthday so that should be good. The other person that used to go pub, well I liked her. Not seeing her as much is good for me as I don't start talking to her as much. Being friendly with her is ok. So going on a night out is good as I still get along with her. But as I found out last time we went out. She looked amazing and I found myself thinking about how great she looked but I couldn't do anything and said I wouldn't either. It's easy when I'm not in a group with her as I don't have those feelings for her as such now. It's just when we're out. I'm sure there's a word for wanting something you can't have but I can't think of it.

So yeah I go out enough as it is. Looking at getting back into cricket this summer if my work allows it. I've been told the club I play for are setting up a separate Evening league side from one our sponsors and I've been asked if I'd be interested. I've said I am if I can get Tuesday evenings off work. I've also been told that I'll be getting more Saturdays off. So hopefully I'll be able to start playing Saturday 3rd team cricket again for that side as they're usually short as it is.

I'm also gonna look into trying to see if I can start playing for a mate at works 5 a side team. Probably rude to ask and I'd need to do a fair bit of work to get fit enough for it. But yeah I'll see.

Also deciding how best to approach a girl from work who I have no to little interaction with at all. Not too fussed on that one but she is nice :D.

Cool hope it goes well for you :)

As for the lass at work, just speak to her a few times about random **** and just show an interest and see if it develops that way. Then you'll not be as nervous either to begin with.

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Gutted Cleon, ive been told thats a horrible thing to have!

I've had it years ever since I bwas like 20 but wasn't aware it was gout until the last 3 months. It's one of the most painful things I've ever had.

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Seems like we all have something wrong with us at the moment, I had a cold about 2 weeks ago, and since Monday i've been up with a sore throat and one of them barking coughs, nothing too bad though. Just hope it clears up before works night out tomorrow.

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Talking of 5-a-side, are any of you London based and up for a game tomorrow night in North London, 7pm kick off. We're a man down and I hate it when it's cancelled.

Sure, I'm there.

Tuesday is the day I work in a school as part of my teaching degree. I get there for 8am, start lessons at 9. I do a table tennis club on a lunchtime so I dont have time for my dinner really and then commence teaching till 3. We had a football match yesterday as well as I managed the Year 7 & 8 team. We finished at 5 and then from there I go straight to College from 6-9pm at night.

Its not as though its a massively stranious day, its just constantly on the go with no break and by the time I get home about half 9 Im usually shattered and havent had time for anything to eat or a coffee all day either.

Poor boy.

Can't ****ing walk this morning, my gout as flared up:thdn:


Wow. The last two days I have been in bed and asleep by half 9. Im feeling absolutely exhausted at the moment and Im not sure what it is :confused:.

As a non licensed doctor I can tell you that you should get less on your plate and have to take some ironpills because you don't have enough of that in your blood. That'll be 30 euros please.

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As a non licensed doctor I can tell you that you should get less on your plate and have to take some ironpills because you don't have enough of that in your blood. That'll be 30 euros please.

Here, have a thumps up instead :thup:.

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Got a cold coming or owt?

Im not ill at all, im just exhausted. Tuesday was generally a long day but I went straight to bed when I got in at 9 o'clock and slept until 8am the next day as well. Yesterday was an easy day but I went to bed at 8 o'clock and was asleep by half 9.

God knows why I am this tired!!

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