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I never really used to drink unless I was going to get drunk on a night out. But recently I've enjoyed having a beer or two whilst watching the footy or just chilling in the sun. I think that could be a bit of the placebo effect though too.

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I never really used to drink unless I was going to get drunk on a night out. But recently I've enjoyed having a beer or two whilst watching the footy or just chilling in the sun. I think that could be a bit of the placebo effect though too.

You're just growing up.

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Wow what a mess http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/279621-FM12-Under-21-s-With-Fixed-PA-160-amp-9-s-amp-10-s-***SPOILERS***/page2 that thread was. I've just deleted 94 posts that had **** all to do with the subject. If any of you notice people posting about real football in any other thread's or this one can you PM me, Purefun or hit the report function please.

That thread was an embarrasment :(

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wow 94 deleted posts in 1 thread, that has to be some sort of record :D

Yeah would have been easier to just delete the thread :D

So hows everyones weekend been? Warm here, far too hot :(

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Don't really read that thread tbh Cleon. I try to limit my activity of reading threads in GPTG that help because they have a habit of interesting me in either wanting to start a save with a club or trying to buy a player. It is really annoying as I start so many saves :mad:. Then I realise that once I've loaded it up I don't or didn't have enough interest in that side and just close down FM :(.

Still have my youth only save which I'm enjoying but as it's so (trying to find word here), I'm trying to find another couple of saves to go along side it. Have one as Sheffield Wednesday but got bored. Started one as Forest where I can only sign players from Nottingham, Long Eaton, Ilkeston, Newark and other areas around Nottingham and started one with Houston Dynamo in the MLS.

I have no idea how the MLS works so will probably get annoyed or bored within a few hours :(.

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Don't really read that thread tbh Cleon. I try to limit my activity of reading threads in GPTG that help because they have a habit of interesting me in either wanting to start a save with a club or trying to buy a player. It is really annoying as I start so many saves :mad:. Then I realise that once I've loaded it up I don't or didn't have enough interest in that side and just close down FM :(.

Still have my youth only save which I'm enjoying but as it's so (trying to find word here), I'm trying to find another couple of saves to go along side it. Have one as Sheffield Wednesday but got bored. Started one as Forest where I can only sign players from Nottingham, Long Eaton, Ilkeston, Newark and other areas around Nottingham and started one with Houston Dynamo in the MLS.

I have no idea how the MLS works so will probably get annoyed or bored within a few hours :(.

Download my Swansea save and see how you can fair in the Champions League 2nd season :cool:

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Weekend's been good, been sunny, been out and realised you don't need alcohol to get confidence on a night out. It's now all about having confidence to go and chat to girls when out. Unfortunately most seem to have the personality of a cardboard box and wear enough make up for me to plaster a wall. I have next Friday and Saturday off so want to go out Friday and do something good Saturday. Forest aren't at home next Saturday I don't think so I can't go football.

Oh and I still can't dance. Partly because I care what people think too much. Same when it comes to liking girls. Always care what other people think of them. I know I shouldn't but that's me.

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Weekend hasn't been too bad, crazy work night out on Friday, would rather not talk about that :D other than that, have been at work today and yesterday, working in a kitchen in this heat is a nightmare though, but came home and planning on having a few chilled beers tonight with FM, since I have a day off tomorrow. Oh and I was nearly an hour early for work this morning, put my phone clock foward before I went to bed, only to realise it does it itself so it was 2 hours ahead, silly me.

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Weekend's been good, been sunny, been out and realised you don't need alcohol to get confidence on a night out. It's now all about having confidence to go and chat to girls when out. Unfortunately most seem to have the personality of a cardboard box and wear enough make up for me to plaster a wall. I have next Friday and Saturday off so want to go out Friday and do something good Saturday. Forest aren't at home next Saturday I don't think so I can't go football.

Oh and I still can't dance. Partly because I care what people think too much. Same when it comes to liking girls. Always care what other people think of them. I know I shouldn't but that's me.

If you don't enjoy drinking much and going out, the last thing you wanna do is meet a lass from out in a pub :D

Weekend hasn't been too bad, crazy work night out on Friday, would rather not talk about that :D other than that, have been at work today and yesterday, working in a kitchen in this heat is a nightmare though, but came home and planning on having a few chilled beers tonight with FM, since I have a day off tomorrow. Oh and I was nearly an hour early for work this morning, put my phone clock foward before I went to bed, only to realise it does it itself so it was 2 hours ahead, silly me.

Isn't that code for 'someone please ask me' :D

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Most phones now update themselves automatically. When we were in revival 90s/00s side last night, we were talking to one of the guys in the whole in the door of the entry asking him what time it closed. He said that whilst the clocks had gone forward, they were sticking to the old time. He said that it's not a problem as all phones update themselves. I said mine didn't and I pulled my phone out. Never felt so cool in my life. My phone is a really old one, and when I cancelled my contract the plan was to go on to a new one that I'd seen. However, I don't use my phone enough and I was just going to go on to a payg sim that we had in the house and use my Blackberry still. My Blackberry broke so I have a retro phone :cool:. I'm saving money at the moment as I only top up once/twice a month so I'm saving myself a tenner or so.

NG, you can't say that and not tell us now. Tom will want to know as he always asks when I say something but not tell the full story.

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That sounds interesting. Tell me more(leagues loaded, squad etc etc) and if I'm still interested upload it for me please :).

It's uploaded and saved at the very end of the first season, so in a few days game play time you'll get a budget of about £31 million and be able to buy who you want. Scotland, England, Wales, Ireland, N. Ireland leagues loaded. http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/289528-The-SI-Sports-Centre-All-You-Need-To-Know-About-FM Give the thread time to load in and the saved game is towards of the thread you cant miss it. There is another saved game in the thread too from half way through the season with Swansea, you might prefer that one.

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Ahh, well I guess I can tell you, basically we work in a small workplace, like only 8 of us, but we all got drunk and played darts and pool, and then the girl I like got really emotional because she thought I was leaving her when I went to Uni (she is off this year as well) and like I was looking after her and all that, and saying how I wasn't going to leave her, and then my other colleuge and also boss's wife were talking to her and apparently she said she likes me more than a friend, but she said that I don't think Dan wants anything more than that (which I obvs do), because she thought I liked someone else, and I was like 'no, I like you' and then yeah she was still worrying and everything, but then I walked her home and her parents were away in London all weekend, so we had the house to ourselves so yeah. Anyway I'm seeing her again sometime during the week. And then my boss and everyone was like 'I think she really likes you' but I'm like NF and low on confidence, oh well still had a good night though.

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If you don't enjoy drinking much and going out, the last thing you wanna do is meet a lass from out in a pub :D

I did enjoy drinking socially up until I got bladdered and was sick at the start of March. Yesterday I struggled to stomach 1 and a bit pints of carling and half a pitcher of vodka/red bull. I gave my first pint(3/4s of it) to my mate and then I tipped half of my pitcher into another mates pitcher and he drank that. The other week I went football with my dad and struggled to drink a pint of carling and a pint of rekordlig strawberry. I do feel that I've ruined my insides :(. When we were in Up n Down Under last night, friends were trying to get me to drink as it helps you recover from being sick or something :confused:. They were also putting drinks under my nose and everytime I smelt the jager or vodka/red bull/any alcohol it made me heave.

Had everyone tell me I was going to get a fat bird if I didn't pull. I don't want a fat bird :(. Nothing wrong with a bit meat on the bone, but they were talking fat bird.

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Ahh, well I guess I can tell you, basically we work in a small workplace, like only 8 of us, but we all got drunk and played darts and pool, and then the girl I like got really emotional because she thought I was leaving her when I went to Uni (she is off this year as well) and like I was looking after her and all that, and saying how I wasn't going to leave her, and then my other colleuge and also boss's wife were talking to her and apparently she said she likes me more than a friend, but she said that I don't think Dan wants anything more than that (which I obvs do), because she thought I liked someone else, and I was like 'no, I like you' and then yeah she was still worrying and everything, but then I walked her home and her parents were away in London all weekend, so we had the house to ourselves so yeah. Anyway I'm seeing her again sometime during the week. And then my boss and everyone was like 'I think she really likes you' but I'm like NF and low on confidence, oh well still had a good night though.

You've got the Yorkshire charm though unlike NF, Only joking NF :D

So you both know you like each other now?

I did enjoy drinking socially up until I got bladdered and was sick at the start of March. Yesterday I struggled to stomach 1 and a bit pints of carling and half a pitcher of vodka/red bull. I gave my first pint(3/4s of it) to my mate and then I tipped half of my pitcher into another mates pitcher and he drank that. The other week I went football with my dad and struggled to drink a pint of carling and a pint of rekordlig strawberry. I do feel that I've ruined my insides :(. When we were in Up n Down Under last night, friends were trying to get me to drink as it helps you recover from being sick or something :confused:. They were also putting drinks under my nose and everytime I smelt the jager or vodka/red bull/any alcohol it made me heave.

Don't be forced into drinking if its not what you want. Loads of people these days still go out and don't drink. Myself included.

Had everyone tell me I was going to get a fat bird if I didn't pull. I don't want a fat bird :(. Nothing wrong with a bit meat on the bone, but they were talking fat bird.

What's wrong with a fat bird? Majority of them have fantastic personalities. You normally find good looking birds have **** all of a personality.

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NG :cool:. If my confidence is growing, yours should have gone through the roof by now :D. It's really hard to try and tell confident people around girls that you have no confidence around girls as they rarely ever understand.

Well, I guess we are both of to the same city as well when we go to Uni, just a different University in the city, but she was like all worried that I would see her when we go away, and then yeah well you can probably guess the rest, and right now my confidence is sky high, sort of, so when we go out during the week I'm going to talk to her about it, but I guess she already knows I don't have a lot of confidence since my mum and dad broke up a while ago. We'll see what happens anyway :p

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Must be something Yorkshire people have :D but yeah I think she does know that I like her now, but I'll tell her when I see her anyway.

You been texting her or owt? Sometimes its easier to talk for a bit over text if you have low confidence as you'd say things you wouldn't dare do face to face.

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You've got the Yorkshire charm though unlike NF, Only joking NF :D

I have the Nottinghamshire charm. As of yet I don't know what that is though :D.

Don't be forced into drinking if its not what you want. Loads of people these days still go out and don't drink. Myself included.

I didn't :cool:. I was full from drinking and didn't want anymore. So didn't drink anymore. Back to the sensible NF.

What's wrong with a fat bird? Majority of them have fantastic personalities. You normally find good looking birds have **** all of a personality.

I care what people think of me too much :(. I don't want really big. Although that may change, if/when I find the right girl.

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Yeah we text quite a bit, have to ring her tomorrow to wake her up because her parents are still away :thup: We were talking today about other things that happened on the night out and she can't remember a lot that happened, only bits and bobs, but I think I'm just going to talk about what happened and hopefully she can re-jog her memory. I remember before I got talking to her my friend used to like her, and he said she liked her more than a friend, and now they're not talking because she didn't want anything more, and now they hate each other, I'm not going to be like that though. Might just joke with her and be like 'remember Friday night when you said you liked me more than a friend'

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Yeah we text quite a bit, have to ring her tomorrow to wake her up because her parents are still away :thup: We were talking today about other things that happened on the night out and she can't remember a lot that happened, only bits and bobs, but I think I'm just going to talk about what happened and hopefully she can re-jog her memory. I remember before I got talking to her my friend used to like her, and he said she liked her more than a friend, and now they're not talking because she didn't want anything more, and now they hate each other, I'm not going to be like that though. Might just joke with her and be like 'remember Friday night when you said you liked me more than a friend'

As you're low on confidence is that something you'll do face to face? (asking of she likes you more than a friend) or will you bottle it?

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Well..at the moment I'm defintely saying it, because no matter what we said we're not going to fall out or anything anyway, probably going to be the back end up this week though so got a lot of time to think about it, hoping I'm not going to bottle it though.

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Well..at the moment I'm defintely saying it, because no matter what we said we're not going to fall out or anything anyway, probably going to be the back end up this week though so got a lot of time to think about it, hoping I'm not going to bottle it though.

Just send her a text and say something like 'was you serious last night when you said you liked me more than a mate' just tell her you didn't talk about it last night more as you both was a bit drunk and you respect her more than that. She'll love you for **** like that :thup:

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Hate it when threads have so many screenshots etc etc. Despite it loading it still jumps :(. I've seen the post with Cleon but I can't get to it.

It's not loaded, it will stop jumping once they've all loaded. Give it time, every single post morealess has a screenshot so its a lot to load.

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Cleon, how could you? Moreira's a decent back up. Sold Bodde and loaned Lita :(. But Paloschi? How?

Bodde is injured for first 7 months so didn't play. Lita's ****. Paloschi is awesome :cool:. I was gonna buy Smithies or Butland, cheaper wages.

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