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Off Topic Thread: Hey lurkers, post ffs!!


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Nothing. Enjoy your dead end job in the petrol station.


Tom's right. Unless, you did a PGCE? Never thought of going into teaching Joe?

Tom's not right, I'm gonna work in McDonalds not a petrol station.

And no I don't want to become a teacher, doing a PSCE isn't the only useful thing you can do at university? If nothing strikes me in the next few months I'll probably work for my uncle for a while as an accounting assistant. Will most likely be boring as ****, but will help me decide what I want to do if I haven't by then.

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Its been our whole team all season which has been dire. After a while you have to think if hitting the woodwork 30 odd times over the course of a season is bad luck or poor finishing, and god knows where we would be if we could hit the back of the net.

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Hitting the woodwork is never bad luck.

It is quite simple. There are two bits of wood stood verticallty some distance apart with another bit of wood across the top of them, and attached to that is a net. The aim is to get the ball inbetween those three pieces of wood and hit the net. If you can't do that, it's not bad luck, it is just **** finishing.

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I think he would have exploded at Walker's goal earlier. It wasn't a normal run up and to get the ball to do that. Granted it took a little deflection, it was still a good goal. I was tired, after being at work and was asleep on the chair, or trying to sleep, only for my dad to shout, what a goal. It woke me up and I couldn't get back to sleep.

We all know that Psycho was the best for free kicks though :cool:.

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Pardon accepted, but no need to beg... it's hardly becoming. :p

I do apologise, hairy man.

Hahahahaha. :D

Your typing is off though - Tom - the last month.

Having a problem with some of my keys on my laptop for some reason. As of the late its been the "s" key.

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This delusional thread is brilliant; Hahahha

I love the fact that the last post in the thread hasn't been replied to, seen as it kind of pisses on the OP's theory.

Have to say, I laughed times :D.

Although we get your humour, I havent got a clue how some people havent pressed the report button on numerous ocassions.

I like post #40 'Please leave my thread if you can't behave!'

Conclusion...Never argue with Tom.

Sometimes its fun though.

Damn I'm drunk again.

You drink more than these students in here, tut tut.

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Just because they found it difficult doesnt mean you will. I would think that it would be harder because you are already in a sleep pattern which you will bugger up by working nights.

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I plan on countering that though. I'll sleep normal and then when I wake up tomorrow morning, I'll just drink coffee most of the day and whilst at work. Then sleep when I get in. I'm lucky that everyone should be out Wednesday and Thursday. Friday could be difficult as my mum and brother are off but after that. They go away so I should be ok.

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There is nothing to be gained from drinking. You are all caught in the alcohol trap and it is slowly destroying you, bit by bit.


Here's to another week, lets attack it with all we have. Seize the day.

I don't drink... well, odd glass of Rioja if I'm out for a meal, but otherwise, that's about it.

Used to drink like a fish when I was in the RAF, especially when out with the rest of the lads. They'd call me and one of my mates "The Diesel Brothers", because we'd sup anything. :D

Can't say what happened really. I never had a drink problem and never drank beyond my limits. I'd always reach a point where I knew enough was enough. I guess I just went off the taste, especially for spirits. I might have the odd beer now and again these days, but because I need to drive everywhere I go living here, that's perhaps another factor why I don't drink.

I'm happy enough these days with a coffee, or a glass of pop. I still get free tapas at any bars I go to with either, so that's a :thup:

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