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Has anyone been to Leicester out of interest?

Nope, was going to head down there to watch my mate fight tonight though.

He is fighting in some sort of MMA thing in Leicester tonight. Fight UK 7 or something Athena Arena.

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If I was at Uni I would of been out yes, love Fridays. Back home now with the parents, after being at a student filled town for 8 months... coming back and living here I hate it, hate the night life, hate most of the people. Kill me now...

Gladly, just pass me a gun and I'll sort it.

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Or give NF your address and he'll do it when he stalks you like the women at work.

In all fairness Ty is already dead. Do I need to point out the Morrisons apron incident again?

Also, Cleon, I've posted in my tactics thread for you earlier if you hadn't noticed.

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Been getting into COD online finally after getting Broadband in and compared to everyone else I am **** :lol:. Goes to show, all the people who spend hours on it without a break and improve are just immense I would say.

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Some do, but one thing which is annoying me is the fact that everone has better guns than I because they are higher levels, so despite the fact that I hit them in the chest 4-5 times before they get one shot in on me, I die first. Arses!!!!

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Its a little frustrating when you respawn and after two steps you are shot again :mad:.

Part of the reason I don't play them. There's a bloke I work with who is 62 and he regularly plays FPS games online.

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Am I the only person on planet earth who thinks Spain and their style of football is not the best thing since sliced bread?

I think there is an argument that says their football is quite defensive? They keep the ball with the mentality that if the opposition do not have the ball, they cannot score. They could force the play more maybe.

There is no doubt that their football is effective, but breathtaking? No , not for me. I actually thought France were one team that could have beat them, they have the ability to be as patent on the ball as Spain, and at times showed that they can pass around Spain's pressing game.

Shame. I really want Spain to get beat so we can see A little more of a competitive game of football. They pass and press teams into submission. Good luck to them , but man, its dull to watch at times.

Its not a fashionable point of view, but there you go.

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I like some of the attacking off the ball movement and passing of Spain at times but for me they are not as exciting to watch as Germany or even Portugal. If they had a proper striker on the field I think I would like watching them play more but as it is it's too possession based with too many passes meant to keep possession rather than a riskier pass to try and create a chance. Everyone has different opinions on how football should be played for me personally I like a direct attacking side over a tippy tappy passing side.

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Am I the only person on planet earth who thinks Spain and their style of football is not the best thing since sliced bread?

I think there is an argument that says their football is quite defensive? They keep the ball with the mentality that if the opposition do not have the ball, they cannot score. They could force the play more maybe.

There is no doubt that their football is effective, but breathtaking? No

I actually massively agree with you. Generally speaking I get bored shitless watching Spain play. Tonight they were just as dull as they usually are.

And yes, with or without a striker, the way they play is very defensive.

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I think that COD games are good, but you need reactions of a cat to be able to compete. You are up against teenagers who are on it 24/7 , there is no way a working man who has a life outside video games can ever hope to compete. Private games with a bunch of friends is good fun though.

I've always wanted to play an online game that involves tactical thinking and not just running around getting killed 100 times and just carrying on. Id love to find an online shooter that, if you got killed once, it mattered. Game over.

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I honestly believe England can do a Chelsea. I think we will get past Italy 1-0 to be honest. Germany will be a different kettle of fish but I think we can beat them, even if it went to penalties. There is just something about this England squad in this tournament which is never say die!!!

Gechal. If you want an online game which is like that then try Socom :thup:.

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Its brutal football, it must be so hard to play against them, mentally as much as physically. Some of Germany's play last night was the best I've seen so far, but if they play as high as that against England after we beat Italy, I think they are vulnerable to pace on the break.

The best football is winning football, and I've always thought defensive football is the most effective, I've loved England more this time that any tourney since Euro 96, because they are playing the best way for the players they have. I've just never seen defensive football played the way Spain play it before.

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I was there this night....but I have to say, as ugly as this kid is, for this moment I wish it was me :D. Chris Cornell let a fan who wanted to play a song on stage with him actually get up and play. Trust me, I know how to play this song and its ****ing tough!!!!

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So what has everyone got planned for today?

I reckon I'm just going to potter around at home on FM, watch the Grand Prix, and then go out later for the game. Oh yeah, and if the other half wakes from her alcohol induced coma, I might have to go shopping. Bugger.

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I'll play a bit of FM, watch F1 and then gotta go out for something to eat later but I'll be back in plenty of time for the match.

Speaking of which, exactly 8 years ago today England lost a QF at the Euros on pens :D

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It was my mother in laws birthday yesterday, we had a long day yesterday.

It's pouring with rain and looks like nighttime outside, on occasions like this, after a tiring day we sometimes call a " pygama day".

Does what it says on the tin, we don't even get dressed, bum around the house. Although I have to pop out quickly and sort getting Thursday off at work for hopefully England's semi final. But , true to the spirit of pygama day I'm not going to iron my clothes it have a desperately needed shave, out and back in again ASAP.

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Oh right, cool. FM annoys me sometimes.

More attention you put into the game the more you get out of it.

I've got away with going out today, just told them to bring something back for tea instead. Means I can stay in and chill and watch toms pkm's

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I'm not a big tactics man. I've tried before, I think at the start of FM12 where I created a 4-2-3-1. I was messaging Heath about it and he was on about he likes to replicate how Granada play in real life with a few tweaks. I said I liked how Forest played under Davies. Good free flowing football at home and hard to break down away. It worked for a while but then stopped. I'm shocking at tactics and it's what puts me off as I'm not any good at them.

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I'm not a big tactics man. I've tried before, I think at the start of FM12 where I created a 4-2-3-1. I was messaging Heath about it and he was on about he likes to replicate how Granada play in real life with a few tweaks. I said I liked how Forest played under Davies. Good free flowing football at home and hard to break down away. It worked for a while but then stopped. I'm shocking at tactics and it's what puts me off as I'm not any good at them.

Should check out my thread. :brock:

(Pressumably this will be where Cleon watches my PKM and rips my tactic to shreds!)

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Sounds dirty does that..........I think my mind is a bit, well, warped.

Yes, yes it is. But it's true.

Did you watch the UFC last night Cleon?

I'll probably watch it after the England game tonight. Couldn't be arsed to stay up in the end, had a bad day with the little'un.

I'm not a big tactics man. I've tried before, I think at the start of FM12 where I created a 4-2-3-1. I was messaging Heath about it and he was on about he likes to replicate how Granada play in real life with a few tweaks. I said I liked how Forest played under Davies. Good free flowing football at home and hard to break down away. It worked for a while but then stopped. I'm shocking at tactics and it's what puts me off as I'm not any good at them

There is always a reason why something stops working. I know your not a big fan of reading but you should read some of my threads, they'd help you massivley and give you new ways of thinking.

So many good threads these days that are simple to follow and understand in the tactics forum. Not everyone is as complex as me as there is no need really. I only go complex route because that's what I enjoy and my threads are more aimed at helping others.

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I don't like using other peoples tactics. But seeing as it's you Tom and I've been reading your thread, I will.

See you already have the wrong idea :D

You read the thread to understand how and why something works, not for the tactic itself.

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Yeah, but I never understand why half of these tactics work. It's like, whenever I edit the player roles directly the advanced bit, they never work. It does my head in and I revert them back to default and we do well. I don't think that it helps that at the moment, most of my Alfreton side are on part-time deals as they never went full-time and I couldn't afford to offer them full-time deals.

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I just stick to something fairly simple with the TC, bring in players to suit each of the roles I'm using, then utilise the shouts. I'm also not afraid to rotate players in my squad.

The most frustrating aspect for me with FM, is the "morale" & team-talks aspects. The amount of times I see completely illogical reactions to perfectly logical team-talks, is the most perplexing part of the game. Same with private chats.

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