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Saying I'm being over run in midfield here, I thought I had a lot of support and defensive here? My defensive line is deeper, would pushing it forward help?

Only a very generalised answer is possible here, as a specific answer would require a lot more detail.

Pushing your def line higher, as you are probably already aware, will compress the space between your defence and midfield and thus (hopefully) making it harder for the opposition to operate in that area. The downside is it increases the space behind the defence, potentially making you more open to through balls or balls over the top. This can be somewhat negated by such things as the offside trap, a sweeper keeper and defenders with good mental attributes - but it depends on how high you are pushing that def. line.

Having said that, all of it is modified by things like your chosen mentality and team shape, which we don't know - hence only a generalised answer I'm afraid.

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Can it work having a Regista and a RPM in the same team?

Pretty much anything can work in the right set up.

Would I use both of those roles together? No, as I would want my Regista to be the guy who runs the show and an RPM could steal some of his thunder. But if you are ok with that happening, then sure it could work so long as the rest of the team is balanced around it. Might be tricky though ;).

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Only a very generalised answer is possible here, as a specific answer would require a lot more detail.

Pushing your def line higher, as you are probably already aware, will compress the space between your defence and midfield and thus (hopefully) making it harder for the opposition to operate in that area. The downside is it increases the space behind the defence, potentially making you more open to through balls or balls over the top. This can be somewhat negated by such things as the offside trap, a sweeper keeper and defenders with good mental attributes - but it depends on how high you are pushing that def. line.

Having said that, all of it is modified by things like your chosen mentality and team shape, which we don't know - hence only a generalised answer I'm afraid.

Yeah I've got the D line pushed very deep due to balls over the top, I might try pushing it up a bit and using the offside trap. My mentality is control or counter and i'm mostly structured.

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Pretty much anything can work in the right set up.

Would I use both of those roles together? No, as I would want my Regista to be the guy who runs the show and an RPM could steal some of his thunder. But if you are ok with that happening, then sure it could work so long as the rest of the team is balanced around it. Might be tricky though ;).

I know of a tactical system (used incredibly successfully on FM15, but also transferred to 16) that used a back 4 with CWB/a's and then a REG--A--RPM trio in the DM slots with a CM/a centrally and then a SS and Enganche as the Strikerless forwards.

As Herne says, in the right system anything can work but you'd need to be clear about what you want to achieve and whether you want one player (Pirlo for example) leading the show or more if you don't have one star playmaker.

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Yeah I've got the D line pushed very deep due to balls over the top, I might try pushing it up a bit and using the offside trap. My mentality is control or counter and i'm mostly structured.

Just remember what the default def. line position is before you go changing it - the Control default setting is quite different to Counter.

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Just remember what the default def. line position is before you go changing it - the Control default setting is quite different to Counter.

On control it may be better pushing out more to get my three in the middle on the ball quicker and my two attacking full backs further up the pitch?

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If passing is set to more direct. Is it suitable for GK distribution to be set to take long kicks? Or better to have it set to take short kicks.

That depends on how you have set your team up and what you want your goalie to do.

If you have someone big and strong or fast with good anticipation to get on the end of those kicks, it could help. If you don't, you're just giving the ball back to the opposition needlessly.

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How can I have an idea on whether a player will learn a new preferred move or not?

If this player fails to learn it, it's in any way useful to have him try and learn that same move again?

When a member of the staff tells you that a player should not be instructed to learn a specific move, do you listen to them, do you follow their advice?

Thank you! :)

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How can I have an idea on whether a player will learn a new preferred move or not?

If this player fails to learn it, it's in any way useful to have him try and learn that same move again?

When a member of the staff tells you that a player should not be instructed to learn a specific move, do you listen to them, do you follow their advice?

Thank you! :)

There are no guarantees that any player will learn a PPM. He may fail learning it one time, but get him to learn it again and next time he might succeed in learning it.

Ignore your staff. They don't know what it is you are trying to achieve - players will frequently learn a PPM even if your coach advised against it.

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I will ask here as the other thread got closed, do people think passing frame works can still work like they used to?

This is what I asked:

Would you say that passing frameworks can still work?

If so, how would you implement them? I read somewhere for your WBA side in FM15 you had the wingbacks on direct passes as you wanted to bypass the midfield.

I think what I found easier to understand was the defend/support/attack distribution within certain frameworks, it helped paint a picture in my head when setting up my own tactics (or my lame attempt at one).

In your view Rashidi - what would be the defend/support/attack distribution in say a defensive mentality compared to say a control or attacking one or am I barking up the wrong tree?


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I will ask here as the other thread got closed, do people think passing frame works can still work like they used to?

This is what I asked:

Would you say that passing frameworks can still work?

If so, how would you implement them? I read somewhere for your WBA side in FM15 you had the wingbacks on direct passes as you wanted to bypass the midfield.

I think what I found easier to understand was the defend/support/attack distribution within certain frameworks, it helped paint a picture in my head when setting up my own tactics (or my lame attempt at one).

In your view Rashidi - what would be the defend/support/attack distribution in say a defensive mentality compared to say a control or attacking one or am I barking up the wrong tree?


The thread was locked for a reason. The information is out of date, as said. It's for FM09, fgs, PRE-TC also as said. The settings are all under the hood and automatically implemented in the TC.

Stick to the current, relevant guides. It'll cause far fewer headaches.

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I know it is, I am not saying it's the same, perhaps I should re-phrase it:

Does anyone ever tweak passing settings in the TC based on duty/role?

For example do you prefer short passing at the back to then more direct passing up top or the opposite so direct passing at the back to short up top?

I am talking about the TC in FM16

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I know it is, I am not saying it's the same, perhaps I should re-phrase it:

Does anyone ever tweak passing settings in the TC based on duty/role?

For example do you prefer short passing at the back to then more direct passing up top or the opposite so direct passing at the back to short up top?

I am talking about the TC in FM16

That's how mentality works. Defensive mentality sets long passing at the back, short passing for more advanced players by default. Attacking mentality is the opposite. Each mentality change is just a step change in progression.

If you want to know a more about what mentality does, read the new FAQs sticky or any of the creating a tactic guides for greater detail.

Equally, you can easily change individual player passing settings using Player Instructions if that is how you want your system to play. And that's the key point - it's completely irrelevant what other people do, it's entirely up to you and what you want from your system.

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Yeah I have spent most of the week reading things from that section, just so much to absorb.

Thanks for that, so in other words then there's no need to tweak PI's for passing settings really, so just leave them on default and use strategy to implement that style?

I am trying to learn what people do so wanted to ask, it's not irrelevant as it would mean me getting some other ideas because as yet I am not sure how I want to play, I have just been testing things in FMT.

So I am right in my assumption say on defensive it would mean short passing for advanced players as you kindly stated, does that simply mean if on that mentality I was to then go into PI's and set advanced players to shorter passing it would simply go from short to shorter?

Please say I am right otherwise I have learned nothing! ha :)

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I have done this LEEMOD, when on Standard and Flexible - as a test mind you - and set no T.I for Play Out of Defence or Work Ball Into Box etc. and relied on Player Instructions for passing. Set Defenders to Short Passing and Attacking Midfielders/Wingers to Direct Passing.

Also, if using Bonucci type defenders, I have set his as CD(d) with Direct Passing and then if using Messi type attackers set Short Passing.

I see where you're coming from and it may be worth more thought as I do think if executed properly with a good team/players it can be really effective. You do need to offset this with other T.I's & P.I's and Mentality changes though and then it gets extra complicated. But it's not really necessary as the T.I's/ Player Roles can do it for you far simpler - and at the moment I think you need to Keep It Simple.

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So I am right in my assumption say on defensive it would mean short passing for advanced players as you kindly stated, does that simply mean if on that mentality I was to then go into PI's and set advanced players to shorter passing it would simply go from short to shorter?

Yes, of course this is correct. You're asking players to pass short-ER than their default.

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What's causing my keepers to kick the ball long and how do I stop it? They do it under no pressure and with the fullbacks readily available.


Here's the team and keeper tactical instructions.



I've got them on 'slow pace down' because I'm assuming that'll make them hold the ball a little longer, which usually ends up with the opposition retreating back into their shape and leaving my fullbacks free. I'm one of the top teams in the world so opposition teams don't really ever push up high against my defence when I have the ball. I've got two playmakers in my team, one DLP defend and one wide AP support, but they never aim it at them, just to the attacking midfielder and forward. No target men in the team.

I'm wondering if adding 'be more disciplined' as a team instruction would help, or would that be more likely to make them stick to the more direct approach of the attacking mentality and ignore the short passing instruction.

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You might need to help us a little more here as I'm not seeing an issue.

Pretty much every single kick or throw the keeper makes is towards the flanks with only 6 long kicks?

You'll never stop every single long kick and just 6 doesn't seem too bad to me. Plus you use an Attacking mentality which could encourage long kicks - but again, just 6 seems fine to me. And, even better, out of all of the kicks/throws he made, only 5 went astray.

I'd be well happy if that was my keeper.

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Another one from me. What are the perfect attributes for scouts and physios? e.g does determination effect physios in any way?

I moved this into the Stupid Questions thread as it isn't really a "frequently" asked question, although I will include some info on ideal coach attributes in the FAQs.

Scouts - Judging Ability and Potential are the only 2 attributes you need. Tactical Knowledge may be useful if you want to set a scout to scout your next opponent.

Physios - Physiotherapy is the only attribute needed. Working with Youngsters is useful if you want a dedicated Youth Team physio, therefore Man Management may also be useful for your senior squad physios. Fitness also used to be a suggested attribute given in the FM online manual but that seems to have disappeared now. TL;DR, get the physio with the highest Physio attribute you can afford, nothing else really matters.

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You might need to help us a little more here as I'm not seeing an issue.

Pretty much every single kick or throw the keeper makes is towards the flanks with only 6 long kicks?

You'll never stop every single long kick and just 6 doesn't seem too bad to me. Plus you use an Attacking mentality which could encourage long kicks - but again, just 6 seems fine to me. And, even better, out of all of the kicks/throws he made, only 5 went astray.

I'd be well happy if that was my keeper.

It's mainly because I don't concede many chances, but when I do they usually stem from my players hitting it long when I don't want them to. Also I'm a perfectionist.

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It's mainly because I don't concede many chances, but when I do they usually stem from my players hitting it long when I don't want them to. Also I'm a perfectionist.

You only mentioned your keeper though & not all players?

I'd be happy with that if it was my keeper

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You only mentioned your keeper though & not all players?

I'd be happy with that if it was my keeper

Yeah other players do it too randomly but I'm generally happy with how the team is playing and the keeper is easier to isolate with regards to tactics.

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Yeah other players do it too randomly but I'm generally happy with how the team is playing and the keeper is easier to isolate with regards to tactics.

Remember you use an Attacking mentality as well.

How crazy is using this formation?


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Because it only uses 1 CD?

The channels between the CB and FB's just wont be closed. Come up against a 4-4-2 and your FB's will be in a 1-v-1 (possibly even 2-v-1 as you wont use Wingers or Wide Midfielders yourself) situation with their Wingers, leaving their strikers in a 2-v-1 against your CB.

Even if your FB's sit narrow to mark a Striker it will leave the Wingers (and Full Backs) in a 1-v-0 (or 2-v-0) situation.

The only time I've ever seen this remotely work was when I was Barcelone and had a Pique as Sweeper and Alaba and Alves as FB's with Busquets as a central HB. Even then I had to rely on scoring more than opponents.

It's FM suicide mate.

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The channels between the CB and FB's just wont be closed. Come up against a 4-4-2 and your FB's will be in a 1-v-1 (possibly even 2-v-1 as you wont use Wingers or Wide Midfielders yourself) situation with their Wingers, leaving their strikers in a 2-v-1 against your CB.

Even if your FB's sit narrow to mark a Striker it will leave the Wingers (and Full Backs) in a 1-v-0 (or 2-v-0) situation.

The only time I've ever seen this remotely work was when I was Barcelone and had a Pique as Sweeper and Alaba and Alves as FB's with Busquets as a central HB. Even then I had to rely on scoring more than opponents.

It's FM suicide mate.

Thanks for your reply. I noticed that after a few games, the gap is too big. I thought that the use of two defensive midfielders could help with that but it didn't happen.

I guess this one is balanced, defensively and ofensively?


Both wingers have PI to act as inside forwards in attack

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I have a question about staff members. Lets say I would like to set my team to press heavily, does having staff with the pressing style of closing down is important, or at the very least helpful?

As far as I am aware it has zero impact. I rarely (if ever) look at any coach attributes other than those mentioned in the FAQs sticky at the top of this forum.

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Currently got a fantastic game ongoing at the moment with Newcastle sitting top of the league, but I'm having some troubles when playing against teams using a 4-4-2. I always use a 4-1-2-3 DM Wide, Control with the TI's of Lower Tempo, Close Down More & Play Out Of Defence. What would be the best way to break the dreaded 4-4-2 down, I thought play wider might help but no joy.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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Easy one for you guys ;) I'v set team insructions to shorter passing. However i want 1 or 2 players to be a bit more expansive with mixed passing, when i go to the player insructions though it only has short/direct but the bar seems shorter than usual. Is it possible for me to choose mixed? Or is direct mixed because of the shorter passing t.i? Is it better to go by the images rather than the description in these situations in general e.g closing down, d-line

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This one is really :rolleyes:

I'm being asked to provide the squad numbers, but when I click on reply instead of being able to see the team squad with numbers I can only choose the players position and I can't move on because I have to reply. What's going on here ?

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Do you guys think it makes sense for a lone DLF(s) move into channels when there is an IF(a) and an CM(a) running into the space?

Depends on the timing of the runs and how the opposition is set up. Why not try and see what happens? That will answer the question far better than any forum speculation could.

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This one is really :rolleyes:

I'm being asked to provide the squad numbers, but when I click on reply instead of being able to see the team squad with numbers I can only choose the players position and I can't move on because I have to reply. What's going on here ?

No idea, this is probably a tech support or GD question.

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Easy one for you guys ;) I'v set team insructions to shorter passing. However i want 1 or 2 players to be a bit more expansive with mixed passing, when i go to the player insructions though it only has short/direct but the bar seems shorter than usual. Is it possible for me to choose mixed? Or is direct mixed because of the shorter passing t.i? Is it better to go by the images rather than the description in these situations in general e.g closing down, d-line

The adjustments are relative, so you have shorter passing, but want mixed, then you would set them to direct, and they will effectively be mixed, which is why the bar appears shorter. The best way to think of these things is as stackables. Direct team, then a shorter PI will in very basic terms be like +1 and -1, cancelling each other out, and putting the player back to mixed. It works like that with pretty all of the layered instructions.

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Currently got a fantastic game ongoing at the moment with Newcastle sitting top of the league, but I'm having some troubles when playing against teams using a 4-4-2. I always use a 4-1-2-3 DM Wide, Control with the TI's of Lower Tempo, Close Down More & Play Out Of Defence. What would be the best way to break the dreaded 4-4-2 down, I thought play wider might help but no joy.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

With the usual caveats in place, I would say that against the 4-4-2 your best approach is to go where you have them outnumbered which is in the center of the park. I would look to exploit the middle. Because the 4-4-2 is so stable though, if you slow down play, it give it time to collapse into a shape to deny you space pretty easily. Maybe a faster more direct attack up the gut would answer for you.

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How different is a B/II team vs. a U21 team? I've only manager in England really, so I want to make sure I get the most out of my II team. (I'm managing Stuttgart). Should I have the guys I want developed on my main roster for tutoring/training and make them "available for Stuttgart II" or just move them there?

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How different is a B/II team vs. a U21 team? I've only manager in England really, so I want to make sure I get the most out of my II team. (I'm managing Stuttgart). Should I have the guys I want developed on my main roster for tutoring/training and make them "available for Stuttgart II" or just move them there?

Well the obvious difference is the B/II team I think have no age restrictions, but I also understand that in FM those teams are not under user control in the way a u20 or u18 squad is. So, the football is probably a good deal better because they play in real leagues but the price is losing developmental control. In a nuthsell, I would treat them just like you would a U20 if you are okay with ceding control to the B/II team AI manager, if you aren't good with that (I wouldn't be) then tutor, train PPms and whatever else you need, then once that is done if they aren't ready to make your subs bench, you can job them out to the II team.

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You're right. Thanks

You're welcome. I didn't mean to be short with you at all, but really that was the absolute best answer i could give because of the sheer number of variables in that mix :)

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Well the obvious difference is the B/II team I think have no age restrictions, but I also understand that in FM those teams are not under user control in the way a u20 or u18 squad is. So, the football is probably a good deal better because they play in real leagues but the price is losing developmental control. In a nuthsell, I would treat them just like you would a U20 if you are okay with ceding control to the B/II team AI manager, if you aren't good with that (I wouldn't be) then tutor, train PPms and whatever else you need, then once that is done if they aren't ready to make your subs bench, you can job them out to the II team.

Ok, then I think it's how I thought. Keep them on the main team and just available to play for the II team.

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