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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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3 hours ago, lfc7 said:

Just a few questions........

I only want to use one tactic but if i switch between standard/control, flexible/structured etc through pre season will it effect tactic familiarity ? or do i need to create the same tactic a few times but with different mentality/shape ?

Will changing roles often effect it aswell ?

I've played FMC for so long i now find i can't get team talks right now I've changed back to playing the full version, any general advice regarding them ?

Thanks in advance :thup:



It does affect familiarity if you change any of the settings in match, whether it is shape, mentality, closing down, whatever. The hit isn't massive though, so in my mind (and how I play) it is better to use those tactics slot for a couple of alternatives for the times when you may need them. Re: teamtalks, the best advice I ever heard was given long ago: treat them as a "real" conversation. I don't buy any of the mythology that has sprung up around them, like that it's sometimes "bad" for to have a moral boost. If they played well in that half , say so. If they were okay, but could have done better, say that. If it's all been too easy, warn about complacency, etc. At the end of the day any effect on a match will be minimal. The bigger concern for me is the man management side, and that is easy enough if you just use the options that best reflect how you feel they played.

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1 hour ago, vasilli07 said:

Maybe because his dribbling is good? How about his teamwork? I noticed some players are reluctant to unlearn their ppm because they are good at it or unwilling to sacrifice because their teamwork is low. 

Actually i've try with 3 players that have that ppm:

João Carvalho (dribbling 14, teamwork 14)

André Horta (dribbling 16, teamwork 14)

Rafa Silva (dribbling 15, teamwork 9)

In all cases, they didn't unlearn the ppm after one and a half season.

The reason i want them to unlearn the ppm, is because i am training them to be advanced playmakers, and the "run with the ball often" is one ppm that i don't like in playmakers.

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3 minutes ago, Keyzer Soze said:

Actually i've try with 3 players that have that ppm:

João Carvalho (dribbling 14, teamwork 14)

André Horta (dribbling 16, teamwork 14)

Rafa Silva (dribbling 15, teamwork 9)

In all cases, they didn't unlearn the ppm after one and a half season.

The reason i want them to unlearn the ppm, is because i am training them to be advanced playmakers, and the "run with the ball often" is one ppm that i don't like in playmakers.

Sometimes they just won't unlearn it- even if they aren't good at it. They are now called player traits, as you might have noticed, and some newgens come pre-made with them too- they are things that are organic parts of player's game and it isn't always possible to change them.

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19 minutes ago, Dr. Hook said:

It does affect familiarity if you change any of the settings in match, whether it is shape, mentality, closing down, whatever. The hit isn't massive though, so in my mind (and how I play) it is better to use those tactics slot for a couple of alternatives for the times when you may need them. Re: teamtalks, the best advice I ever heard was given long ago: treat them as a "real" conversation. I don't buy any of the mythology that has sprung up around them, like that it's sometimes "bad" for to have a moral boost. If they played well in that half , say so. If they were okay, but could have done better, say that. If it's all been too easy, warn about complacency, etc. At the end of the day any effect on a match will be minimal. The bigger concern for me is the man management side, and that is easy enough if you just use the options that best reflect how you feel they played.

Thanks :thup:

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11 minutes ago, Dr. Hook said:

Sometimes they just won't unlearn it- even if they aren't good at it. They are now called player traits, as you might have noticed, and some newgens come pre-made with them too- they are things that are organic parts of player's game and it isn't always possible to change them.

Never heard about those.

But is there any way to know if that ppm can be unlearn or not?

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44 minutes ago, Keyzer Soze said:

Never heard about those.

But is there any way to know if that ppm can be unlearn or not?

Not that I am aware of- just as with learning them, it's a dice roll. You coaches will give you an opinion about whether they think the player can unlearn/learn a trait, and I know that they aren't always correct, but that is the only rough guideline I have found in the game that gives you a clue about it.

As a side note: I do put some stock in the coach's opinion on traits because at the end of the day we have to remember this is a game, and so everything that is programmed in is done for a reason. This feature is there to help you decide about using player training time on to learn/unlearn a trait.

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29 minutes ago, Dr. Hook said:

Not that I am aware of- just as with learning them, it's a dice roll. You coaches will give you an opinion about whether they think the player can unlearn/learn a trait, and I know that they aren't always correct, but that is the only rough guideline I have found in the game that gives you a clue about it.

As a side note: I do put some stock in the coach's opinion on traits because at the end of the day we have to remember this is a game, and so everything that is programmed in is done for a reason. This feature is there to help you decide about using player training time on to learn/unlearn a trait.

Ok, thanks.

The thing is, playing FMT version you dont have that feedback from the coaches. In fact you don't have coaches! :D

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OK, it's FM16 and I decided to start in the Premiership as opposed to the usual LLM saves that I do.  It's the second season, I'm Everton, and they are a decent side without ever threatening to challenge for top 6 as we lose EVERY game against Arsenal, Man C, Spurs, Chelsea and Man Utd.

I do tinker a bit with my side but have just about settled on the following.  Trouble is, I'm decent for 4-5 games then go hopeless for the same period.  I don't expect to win every game but to my untrained eye I play against a similar side, with a similar system and get totally different results.  Can anyone please advise if I'm doing anything particularly stupid?



WB(a)   BPD(d)   CD(c)   WB(a)

     BWM(d)   RPM(s)  BBM(s)


                   TM(s)   P(a)


I play Structured and Counter.  Lower tempo, more closing down, pass out of defence, more roaming, exploit the flanks and work ball into the box.



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58 minutes ago, ExeChris said:

OK, it's FM16 and I decided to start in the Premiership as opposed to the usual LLM saves that I do.  It's the second season, I'm Everton, and they are a decent side without ever threatening to challenge for top 6 as we lose EVERY game against Arsenal, Man C, Spurs, Chelsea and Man Utd.

I do tinker a bit with my side but have just about settled on the following.  Trouble is, I'm decent for 4-5 games then go hopeless for the same period.  I don't expect to win every game but to my untrained eye I play against a similar side, with a similar system and get totally different results.  Can anyone please advise if I'm doing anything particularly stupid?



WB(a)   BPD(d)   CD(c)   WB(a)

     BWM(d)   RPM(s)  BBM(s)


                   TM(s)   P(a)


I play Structured and Counter.  Lower tempo, more closing down, pass out of defence, more roaming, exploit the flanks and work ball into the box.



There are several problems I spotted in your tactic:

- You play Counter mentality, meaning your team will drop deep, and close down less. However, you added a TI "Close Down More". Dropping deep + closing down more don't blend together well and might cause some problems in defense.


- Counter mentality + low tempo + play out of defense + work ball into box = VERY patient build up play. However you're playing with a target man and a poacher. When you use a target man, your team will be more willing to play direct passes towards him, and your poacher won't help in the slow build up at all. This contradicts your patient build up play and creates a problem. Try changing the target man to dlf, cf, or df.. 

- You are playing without a holding midfielder. This creates a gap between midfield and defense. Try changing one of your center mids to cm(d) or dlp(s/d). 

Good luck! 

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@ExeChris I don't really agree with @Rummy regarding closing down, if you tell your team to press more it will automatically increase your defensive line a bit more, you could even use max d-line + closing down if you like.  If you want to counter attack then I agree that pressing more might mean your players are engaging before opponents push up, commit players forward and leave you space to counter attack.

I agree that your probably too patient, why limit crosses when you have two WB-A and a TM?

Who do you expect to roam in that tactic?  You have two very limited attacking roles, once they've roamed to a different area what do you expect them to do?  If the TM is capable of doing more then maybe a DLF or CF role would allow him to do more.  If the Poacher is capable of doing more then a AF-A or CF-A?  If you just want the AM-S to roam that means you have 3 of your 4 midfielders roaming.

I would consider changing to a 4132, have the Defend duty sit in front of the defence and move the AM-S to CM-A. I think an attack duty could work nicely as a deep runner for the dropping forward.

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Dictates Tempo: Is this a good or bad thing? How do you know if it will cause a player to slow things down or speed things up? I presume it means that the player plays on the pitch at their own rate, but how is that effected by the tempo you set as a TI?

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7 hours ago, Marabak said:

Dictates Tempo: Is this a good or bad thing? How do you know if it will cause a player to slow things down or speed things up? I presume it means that the player plays on the pitch at their own rate, but how is that effected by the tempo you set as a TI?

If the player has good decisions it is a good PPM

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If I want my lone striker to drop deep, a simple support duty is enough? Because sometimes he gets isolated and I want him to drop so he uses his vision to conect with the midfield and creates space for the CM(A) who is a deep runner. I don't want to teach him a PPM.

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Some silly questions:

1. What are responsibilities exactly when it comes to team shape?

2. Suppose I want to play highly structured. Doesn't an advanced playmaker role break the structure? Doesn't it makes more sense to play with generics that don't come to get the ball in that sense? ( Even though I need a creative player using that team shape).

3. When I select the mark tightly TI, why doesn't it automatically turn on the relevant PI for all players?

4. What's the difference between hard coded PI and the ones I turn on?

5. If I use a highly brave and aggressive player as a BWM, what will be the difference in his gameplay compared to the same player with same PI's used as a CM?  Alternatively, will a high flair, high vision player play with more creativity even though his role might be restrictive, compared to a low flair and vision play?

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Thanks for the feedback guys.

I've gone up to normal tempo, changed the BWM to a CM(d) and changed the Poacher to a CF.  Lukaku was doing too well as a TM to change him, but then he got injured so ho-hum.

This has prompted another question.  I've been watching extended highlights and we seem to have improved our play, shots on and off target, and attacking threat, even if we're not always getting the results.  My question is how much do you take notice of individual performances if the team is doing well/better?  In the 8-10 games I've played since I've changed, we've done ok results-wise, but just about every game my CM(d) and my AM(s) have the lowest ratings.  They are decent players and I have swapped others in to see if that makes a difference but it seems to always be the same two positions (plus my two CBs for some reason) who are bottom of the ratings.  What do others do in this situation?


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8 hours ago, bosque said:

If I want my lone striker to drop deep, a simple support duty is enough? Because sometimes he gets isolated and I want him to drop so he uses his vision to conect with the midfield and creates space for the CM(A) who is a deep runner. I don't want to teach him a PPM.

It wouldn't hurt but I know a lot of people complained about how far the support duty forwards dropped in FM16, especially in 2 forward formations like 442.

Maybe you need to move the midfielder closer, I find a CM-A is more of a late runner around the box whilst a AM-A will make more runs past the forward.


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1 hour ago, Nim-z said:

Some silly questions:

1. What are responsibilities exactly when it comes to team shape?

2. Suppose I want to play highly structured. Doesn't an advanced playmaker role break the structure? Doesn't it makes more sense to play with generics that don't come to get the ball in that sense? ( Even though I need a creative player using that team shape).

3. When I select the mark tightly TI, why doesn't it automatically turn on the relevant PI for all players?

4. What's the difference between hard coded PI and the ones I turn on?

5. If I use a highly brave and aggressive player as a BWM, what will be the difference in his gameplay compared to the same player with same PI's used as a CM? 


  1.  Think of Mentality/Responsibilities as Risk.  Structured shapes give a wider range of risk, forwards/attack duty take a lot more whilst deeper/defend duties take less.  Creative freedom is lower so they stick to the instructions more.  The more fluid side reduce the range of risk, players will need to be more all round as even the defend duties may be more supportive depending on your teams mentality.  Creative freedom is higher as the risk is spread around the team more.
  2. I'd say it fits, as fluid side of team shape gives higher creative freedom your allowing more players to do something special like a playmaker does.  In the structured side because the team is stricter then a playmaker can give some much needed creativity to do something different.  Generic roles fit the fluid side as they can break there instructions more often and the range of risk is lower through the team so players who fit specific roles probably dont have the all round skills for when they break there instructions.
  3. TI's don't change and player PI, just changes the base point I believe.
  4. Nothing
  5. There maybe some creative freedom and mentality differences in the background.  Back when it was all view-able a BBM-S had slightly lower mentality and slightly higher creative freedom compared to a CM-S, so turning on Roam From Position for a CM-S doesn't make a BBM-S.  I would imagine a BWM has lower creative freedom, maybe lower mentality to.
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1 hour ago, ExeChris said:

Thanks for the feedback guys.

I've gone up to normal tempo, changed the BWM to a CM(d) and changed the Poacher to a CF.  Lukaku was doing too well as a TM to change him, but then he got injured so ho-hum.

This has prompted another question.  I've been watching extended highlights and we seem to have improved our play, shots on and off target, and attacking threat, even if we're not always getting the results.  My question is how much do you take notice of individual performances if the team is doing well/better?  In the 8-10 games I've played since I've changed, we've done ok results-wise, but just about every game my CM(d) and my AM(s) have the lowest ratings.  They are decent players and I have swapped others in to see if that makes a difference but it seems to always be the same two positions (plus my two CBs for some reason) who are bottom of the ratings.  What do others do in this situation?


I don't change just because of the ratings, I use them and stats to help me focus on what I need to watch.  If your two CBs plus your defend duty in midfield aren't doing well it sounds like you might have a defensive issue.  If the AM-S is low rating is he creating / scoring / linking play, if not what is he contributing to the team?

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I have a question regarding PA and star ratings. Recently I've started a save with Inter for the second time, and noticed one of the players have 4 star potential while previously he had 5 star potential. I know most people don't pay too much attention to the star ratings and I feel the same, but still, I find this happening interesting. Is this because the said player could have random potential, and on this save it is lesser than previously?

Of course, the ratings are taken from the assistant who have 14 for JPP. He had the same attribute for it on the other save, and it happened under the same patch update.


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1 hour ago, TheJanitor said:

I have a question regarding PA and star ratings. Recently I've started a save with Inter for the second time, and noticed one of the players have 4 star potential while previously he had 5 star potential. I know most people don't pay too much attention to the star ratings and I feel the same, but still, I find this happening interesting. Is this because the said player could have random potential, and on this save it is lesser than previously?

Of course, the ratings are taken from the assistant who have 14 for JPP. He had the same attribute for it on the other save, and it happened under the same patch update.


It could a random potential for sure, or it could be a different reading from the assistant- there is an element of uncertainty with judging potential so I would expect to see changes like this from save to save.

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1 hour ago, Nim-z said:

How does the dribble less TI affect the dribble of a player that has hard coded dribble more PI, Hard coded dribble less PI, and user coded dribble PI?

They stack, so in your first example, they go back to a middle or neutral setting, in your second, they will probably almost never dribble, and your third will work the same.

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I know that team shape split the mentality of the players, changes the creative freedom, modifies the distance between the lines etc. But I am struggling to understand when is the best moment to use each shape. Can someone give me a few examples of when is best to have the lines more together and when is best to have them spread?

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7 hours ago, Dr. Hook said:

They stack, so in your first example, they go back to a middle or neutral setting, in your second, they will probably almost never dribble, and your third will work the same.

I see, thank you for your help.

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11 hours ago, bosque said:

I know that team shape split the mentality of the players, changes the creative freedom, modifies the distance between the lines etc. But I am struggling to understand when is the best moment to use each shape. Can someone give me a few examples of when is best to have the lines more together and when is best to have them spread?

Read this: http://www.addictedtofm.com/shape-mentality-and-the-theory-of-relativity/

There's no "use this in X situation", it depends what your tactic is.

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Regarding PPM's i have Wijnaldum at Liverpool and am not buying any players in first window so was looking on playing him at MC, which he is natural at but his PPM's are Runs With Ball Down Right  - Cuts Inside From Left Wing. 

My question is.... say i have him on the right side in the MC slot when he gains possession is he going to be dictated by the role or will he start running with the ball down the right or a bit of both? thanks 

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1 hour ago, xantheose said:

why defensive + very fluid is struggling to work?

Very fluid makes your lines together, that is good right? Yes, but, if you also play defensive you let the other team to be in your field because of the low block. When you recover the ball, all the players from your team will be in your own field because very fluid makes the attackers to be involved in defence. The transition from defence to attack will be hard and it needs to be really well made.

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Something is bothering me, just started my 1st prem Season after promotion from Championship in 1st season.

Had Training Camp, Done Pre-season with lots of games, tactic familiarity is up, Training focus has been Teamwork for at least 4 matches ; BUT Team Cohesion is non-existant?. Any ideas pls?

BTW, Should I sort Training out ?, but what does the Assist Man then do?


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27 minutes ago, bosque said:

 very fluid makes the attackers to be involved in defence. 

They will be not involved in defence. They will have a (very !) defensive individual mentality. But what means "defensive mentality" ? All players pressing and tackling their opponents ? No. Defensive metality = lower risks. This means 'close down less', 'ease off tackles', 'shorter passes (expecially for advanced players)', 'less risky passes', 'dribble (= run with ball) less', 'shoot less often', 'cross less often', 'run forward without ball with a lower frequency'.

On the other hand, 'more fluid' = 'more creative freedom'. But what means 'creative freedom' ? Freedom to avoid to comply with their instructions.  Structured = low freedom, fluid = high freedom. Player abilities and player traits / preferred moves are more important in case of fluid shape, compared cu structured shape. What's happen when is used defensive mentality and very fluid shape ? All players are forced to 'use' an extremely defensive mentality. They can not avoid instructions dictated by this mentality. But they can partially avoid to comply with other instructions, especially when these instructions there are at strife with their abilities and traits. 

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7 hours ago, GreenTriangle said:

They will be not involved in defence. They will have a (very !) defensive individual mentality. But what means "defensive mentality" ? All players pressing and tackling their opponents ? No. Defensive metality = lower risks. This means 'close down less', 'ease off tackles', 'shorter passes (expecially for advanced players)', 'less risky passes', 'dribble (= run with ball) less', 'shoot less often', 'cross less often', 'run forward without ball with a lower frequency'.

On the other hand, 'more fluid' = 'more creative freedom'. But what means 'creative freedom' ? Freedom to avoid to comply with their instructions.  Structured = low freedom, fluid = high freedom. Player abilities and player traits / preferred moves are more important in case of fluid shape, compared cu structured shape. What's happen when is used defensive mentality and very fluid shape ? All players are forced to 'use' an extremely defensive mentality. They can not avoid instructions dictated by this mentality. But they can partially avoid to comply with other instructions, especially when these instructions there are at strife with their abilities and traits. 

This is not really correct. Risk level does not affect your closing down, your dribbling, tackling or crosses- it does modify forward moves, passing length and defensive line. You can absolutely play a defensive strategy with hard tackling and high pressing- what is modified is the circumstances under which they will attempt riskier moves, especially getting forward. What you've posted here is likely to confuse rather than help.


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7 hours ago, Becanes said:

what can I do with a team that has the best decisions and 4th best passing in the league in general?  Is that conducive to higher tempo, short passing, more creative freedom?  Or what?

Whatever passing system you decide to play with they will do well. 

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2 hours ago, Dr. Hook said:

This is not really correct. Risk level does not affect your closing down, your dribbling, tackling or crosses- it does modify forward moves, passing length and defensive line. You can absolutely play a defensive strategy with hard tackling and high pressing- what is modified is the circumstances under which they will attempt riskier moves, especially getting forward. What you've posted here is likely to confuse rather than help.


But in the tactic creator when you change from one mentality to the other the closing down bar changes 

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3 hours ago, Dr. Hook said:
3 hours ago, Dr. Hook said:

This is not really correct. Risk level does not affect your closing down, your dribbling, tackling or crosses- it does modify forward moves, passing length and defensive line. You can absolutely play a defensive strategy with hard tackling and high pressing- what is modified is the circumstances under which they will attempt riskier moves, especially getting forward. What you've posted here is likely to confuse rather than help.


I'm not saying i'm an expert, but ....


Dr. Hook said:
Defensively, risk relates to how willing players are to make tackles, press the opposition, sit deep and make long clearances from dangerous situations. The lower the risk from the chosen mentality, the more likely players are to stand off the opposition, sitting deep and holding their shape. Defenders will also clear the ball long to relieve pressure. In more risky mentalities, the opposite is true - your defensive line will be set higher, players will close down more aggressively and look to play the ball out from the back.



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IRL some players beginning their careers as an AMC, AMR are evolving to DMC, DR... Or some players who are beginning their career as a DL but in future evolving to AML.

In game, we can do this training the player into new position, adding/removing PPM etc. Sometimes you take a young DMC with some good attributes and make him a good DC. It's all well known.

What I'm wondering in what degree is it possible to change a 25-26 player's role and attributes to a new role?

I'm playing with a team with some serious financial issues and foreign player limit. So I want my 25 year old Advanced Playmaker who already has reached his potential, into a Deep Lying playmaker with a less dribbling, technique, finishing but more work-rate, tackling... IRL I've seen many players who came to a team as a Advanced Playmaker but somehow turn to a powerhouse defensive player.

I know most of the time it's up to the players potential situations. I just want to learn "in what degree" is it possible to convert a player?

Normally when a player evolves into different roles and attributes it's being implemented in the game very well along years. I just want to learn the in-game situation.

Note: Whenever I ask a question I just have the most irrevelant  answers or known stuff you can find on forum, guides. This is just because of my poor English I think. So please don't answer this way if you didn't understand what I'm trying to ask here. Thanks.

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I am looking on my 2 MC's in my 4-2-3-1 to be winning the ball as much as possible i play a CM(D) and DLP(D). I just played my reserves for example and the stats were..... CM(D) 9 with 1 missed, DLP(D) 4 with 2 missed.

My CB for example had 23 with 3 missed and my LB (WBA) had 11 do them stats look normal or should i be aiming for higher from my CM's ? thanks 

Forgot to mention am playing with a high line and more closing down

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11 hours ago, bosque said:

But in the tactic creator when you change from one mentality to the other the closing down bar changes 


9 hours ago, GreenTriangle said:

 . . .

I think I wasn't clear enough-  the closing down range is lowered, in line with your team sitting deeper,  but you can still have an aggressive, hard tackling defensive system. What changes is where this occurs on the pitch- the point at which players will close down, tackle, challenge the ball etc. drops with lower mentalities. This is what makes the risk less. Dribbling still happens according to role and duty, shooting is unaffected, crosses still occur with normal frequency. Defensive is safer more conservative play, but once your team is in the final third, it can still be quite attacking.

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25 minutes ago, nightwalker22 said:

What are the concrete differences between AP (A) & AP (S)?

The AP(A) has a higher mentality for starters, so he will play higher up the pitch and push forward more. Additionally, the AP(S) has a hold position instruction attached, so that he stays in the hole and looks for passes and will only occasionally get forward and shoot, or take a long shot.

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13 minutes ago, Dr. Hook said:

The AP(A) has a higher mentality for starters, so he will play higher up the pitch and push forward more. Additionally, the AP(S) has a hold position instruction attached, so that he stays in the hole and looks for passes and will only occasionally get forward and shoot, or take a long shot.

Regarding the "hold position" it means that he will not go towards the ball (i.e. a Ap-S in the mcl will not go towards the other side of the pitch) or he will simply not get forward? My impression is that since "hold position" and "roam from position" are mutually exclusive it means that he will stay near is starting position, support the build up and not reach the edge of the opposition area.

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17 minutes ago, A.Pierfrancesco said:

Regarding the "hold position" it means that he will not go towards the ball (i.e. a Ap-S in the mcl will not go towards the other side of the pitch) or he will simply not get forward? My impression is that since "hold position" and "roam from position" are mutually exclusive it means that he will stay near is starting position, support the build up and not reach the edge of the opposition area.

I think the best way to think of it is as a range around the player where he generally will not move out from- so he will move laterally with the flow of the play, but will generally maintain his central relationship with the rest of the team, and he will get forward at times, but doesn't generally push on into the box. I use an AP(S) and it is quite common for him to push up to the edge of area when the ball is deep in the final third, but he rarely goes further. So, yes, essentially you have it right- it is the opposite of the roam instruction, and he stays in his position relative to the rest of the team so if you are pushing the attack deep, as I mentioned, he will get up to the edge of area at times.

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3 minutes ago, Dr. Hook said:

I think the best way to think of it is as a range around the player where he generally will not move out from- so he will move laterally with the flow of the play, but will generally maintain his central relationship with the rest of the team, and he will get forward at times, but doesn't generally push on into the box. I use an AP(S) and it is quite common for him to push up to the edge of area when the ball is deep in the final third, but he rarely goes further. So, yes, essentially you have it right- it is the opposite of the roam instruction, and he stays in his position relative to the rest of the team so if you are pushing the attack deep, as I mentioned, he will get up to the edge of area at times.

Thank you, i'm trying to implement a possession based tactic. Till now I used a DLP-S with a AP-A in the MC strata, but I think that the AP-A get forward to soon in Standard mentality and Fluid team Shape and sometimes he is in the same position of the DLP. So I was thinking about a combination of RPM and AP-S but I fear I will have the same problem about occupying the same space. 

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27 minutes ago, SuperFulhamFC said:

How do you break down stupidly defensive formations, such as the Defensive 5-1-2-2 DM Narrow?

Look for overlap, emphasize left and right flanks, play wider.  I run a 4-2-3-1 where my AMR is a playmaker; if you have a central playmaker, get rid of that.

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