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On 16/08/2023 at 10:35, TehGoatLord said:

As a big team, let's say Man Utd after winning the title a season or two, can you play a direct passing game?

I understand that when teams sit back and defend for a draw, you are supposed to play on a lower tempo with a formation that exploits the wings to stretch the play.

I've found the opposite. I've maxed out the tempo in order to blitz the opposition.

Direct passing can also be good because it makes it harder for opposing players to get back into position after a transition, especially if you have players decent physicals.

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Hi. Would you guys consider this a good  key passes/ number of games average ?

- 68 key passes in 32 games (he is a DLF(a) but more of a creator too. He also has "comes deep" trait)

- 130 key passes in 49 games (he plays in MR position, not a playmaker role, but he is instructed to play like one)

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9 hours ago, mikcheck said:

Hi. Would you guys consider this a good  key passes/ number of games average ?

- 68 key passes in 32 games (he is a DLF(a) but more of a creator too. He also has "comes deep" trait)

- 130 key passes in 49 games (he plays in MR position, not a playmaker role, but he is instructed to play like one)

How good is your team?

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3 hours ago, mikcheck said:

I think the "comes deep" trait helps in that regarding with DLF 

Here's a useful free reference for how players stats line up IRL: https://fbref.com/en/.

For example on defensive actions: Joao Palhinha (https://fbref.com/en/players/a78ff07f/Joao-Palhinha) is averaging 6-7 tackles and interceptions per 90 which are league leading numbers. 

They don't have a "key passes" like on FM, but do offer "shot creating actions" which are likely your closest like for like on most players. 

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I've been having a lot of difficulties with FM23's match engine, personally. Something about it, when I try to create possession tactics with a solid build-up phase (whether in a 3-2 or a 2-3 shape), it just never seems to work. Does anyone who has had success doing this have any tips to share?

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4 minutes ago, Adonalsium said:

I've been having a lot of difficulties with FM23's match engine, personally. Something about it, when I try to create possession tactics with a solid build-up phase (whether in a 3-2 or a 2-3 shape), it just never seems to work. Does anyone who has had success doing this have any tips to share?

You'd have to start a new thread with your tactical setup to get any meaningful advice :thup:

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2 hours ago, Heavyman39 said:

I have 4 weeks of preseason. In fifth week supercup game. How many friendlies in this four weeks is ideal? Thank you for advice guys

Until your players are matchfit. You can go for 2 weeks fitness training and then go for 2-3 friendlies before Supercup

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6 minutes ago, CARRERA said:

Until your players are matchfit. You can go for 2 weeks fitness training and then go for 2-3 friendlies before Supercup

So first two weeks without games, third week two friendlies, fourth week one friendly. First half - first XI, second half - second XI?

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Early Access to FM24 has just been lauched it has been very exciting to watch player movement with and without the ball :)

Another edition and another year without upgrading closing down, so my questions are:

- Is SI ok with current tactical options of closing down (just more or less)? Even if so, why is not considered building different approaches?

- Is SI ok with the current tactical set up? Even if so, why is not considered building an approach that would translate more faithfully the tactical 4 moments of any team (defensive organization, offensive transition, offensive organization, defensive transition)?


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Got a few player/tactical questions relating to the FM24 beta, i'm coming from a FM console/touch background so a lot of the screens in the game are new to me.

One thing  in particular is players giving feedback to our instructions, i'm not sure how much negative feedback can change performance but here goes.

Trying to get the best from Middlesbrough youngster Hayden Hackney. His recommended role is deep lying playmaker, fair enough. Although for my system I don't want him sitting since he's not great defensively and has decent attributes for long shots, dribbling, despite not being the most athletic.

So I think i'll try a CM role and just ask him to play risky passes similar to the DLP PI, now he isn't happy that he's been asked to do this due to his low flair? Which is 10 I believe.

So do I just ignore his unhappiness? remove the PI and hope he makes key passes naturally? try and learn a trait?

I've got a similar issue with my GK who complains about having to play SK(s),(a) due to his flair, but also has a PPM for starting counters with long throws so i'd like him on support at least.

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14 hours ago, Kcinnay said:

What player/team instructions determine whether your team makes more high intensity sprints or less?

That's a tough question. My opinion would be counter-press, intense pressing and get forward are all likely to require intense bursts of speed.  There is also an argument that instructions like counter will.  I'd also suggest that it's more likely to happen with a higher tempo or a more positive mentality.

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3 hours ago, Kcinnay said:

Probably not the right thread - apologies - but how can you get player ratings like those in scout reports or for youth intake show with a character/letter instead of a number?

Going from number to letter ratings on scout reports was an edition change from FM21 to FM22 I think? 

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1 hour ago, Cloud9 said:

Going from number to letter ratings on scout reports was an edition change from FM21 to FM22 I think? 

Indeed, but I'm stuck with number ratings, all editions. I've looked into whether it's a preference I can change in the menu, but couldn't find it. So...

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Tactical question: in FM23, it was very 'easy' to get low PPDA stats when playing with an attacking mentality, direct passing, high tempo and a high press. (I used a 4-2-2-2 DM narrow.) Trying to do the same, but even though I'm one of the best teams in the league, in FM 24, my PPDA is one of the lowest in the league. What to do to increase the press?

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Training Question: Should I remove player trait that controvesry with their role even they have abilitie suit that trait (eg. Kulusevski has a come deep to get ball but I prefer him to play at IF which come along with get further forward the opposite come deep.


Many thanks for the answer!

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3 hours ago, prodjgalaxyp said:

Training Question: Should I remove player trait that controvesry with their role even they have abilitie suit that trait (eg. Kulusevski has a come deep to get ball but I prefer him to play at IF which come along with get further forward the opposite come deep.


Many thanks for the answer!

Depends on your style of play. If you'd like to a unique interaction of the player in that role, then it can be fine.

However, "comes to deep to get ball" is usually disadvantageous on a primary goalscorer for your tactic. If you're fine with him getting more involved with build up play as an IF(s) you could consider leaving it.

Imo he looks like a better playmaker than goalscorer (lack of pace, ability in front of goal) so I'd leave it and have other players get on the end of chances he's creating. Creating a bit deeper as a Wide Playmaker/WTM type looks quite nice and at 23 you probably want to focus on getting him to hit his potential. You could look to lean into it w/some positional play interactions :thup: 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have there been significant changes to the mentoring mechanic in fm24? I've had 4 players go from Balanced to Perfectionist in my first season in charge.

Before changes were pretty minimal and felt like a bit of gamble in turns of outcome. 

Edit: Saw a patch this morning that stated there was a determination bug that had been fixed, but still curious if the system has changed.

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Assuming a players decision making is good to average for the league, how much will personal instructions impact a players performance? 

The case im thinking about is if I have an inside forward on Attack the right and I ask him to Stay Wide in an effort to stretch the play between his fullback and the centre back and hopefully isolate him against the aforementioned fullback.

Assuming the team mentality is on Balanced or greater, if we have the ball on the left hand side of the pitch, how likely is the Inside Forward to stop staying wide and make a beeline for his near post? Will the Stay Wide instruction force him to stay wide unless it's considered a transition by the match engine? 

Regardless of what the rest of the tactic does or does not do, I guess this boils down to the following 

1. How rigid are personalised player instructions? If a player has been told to stay in one part of the pitch, does that stop him from effectively attacking space that isn't in that part of the pitch? 

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On 12/11/2023 at 01:25, mikcheck said:

Do you guys create your own training based on your playing style or leave it to the assistant?

I always leave it to him, but I'd like to start to create my own to take the most of my playing style, but it's an area that I definitely lack knowledge.

Yea it makes a huge difference imo in developing players.

Look for the attributes you want developed and make sure they're getting enough rest too. Figuring out which training sessions to prioritize usually changes between each fm, last year the Blue Defending session was really important to include in your training. Match Practice is always a safe bet. 

10 hours ago, allyc31 said:

Assuming a players decision making is good to average for the league, how much will personal instructions impact a players performance? 

The case im thinking about is if I have an inside forward on Attack the right and I ask him to Stay Wide in an effort to stretch the play between his fullback and the centre back and hopefully isolate him against the aforementioned fullback.

Assuming the team mentality is on Balanced or greater, if we have the ball on the left hand side of the pitch, how likely is the Inside Forward to stop staying wide and make a beeline for his near post? Will the Stay Wide instruction force him to stay wide unless it's considered a transition by the match engine? 

Regardless of what the rest of the tactic does or does not do, I guess this boils down to the following 

1. How rigid are personalised player instructions? If a player has been told to stay in one part of the pitch, does that stop him from effectively attacking space that isn't in that part of the pitch? 

PIs impact a players tendency to do something, over the TIs. Both are just tendencies and the players attributes/mentality will impact how they will play as well.

In my experience, even when told to stay wide IF will still come inside. I'd try using a winger on his opposite foot to get the effect you're looking for. 

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12 hours ago, TheJanitor said:

Might have been asked before, but couldn't find it.

If playing with wide center backs + wing backs with the instruction "look for overlap/underlap", will it have the same effect it have with full backs and wingers?

If so, what happens if I play 523 (with AML/AMR)?

If I understand correctly, the wide attackers (AML/R) will look to hold the ball up and look to play in the overlapping players (WBs). If playing FBs you'd probably need them on Attack and they may underlap at times, depending on your wide attacker roles 

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To carry out a pressing correctly, add the individual instruction tight mark, would it be wrong?
without personal instruction would a choir be more urgent and more efficient?


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1 hour ago, Johnny Ace said:

If I understand correctly, the wide attackers (AML/R) will look to hold the ball up and look to play in the overlapping players (WBs). If playing FBs you'd probably need them on Attack and they may underlap at times, depending on your wide attacker roles 

Sorry for not explaining properly, I meant WCBs and Wing Backs. For example, if I am playing 532 with two WCB/a and two WB/s (no other wide players) and the instruction to look for overlap or underlap - would I see an increase in the amount of such movement from the center backs, or does it only applies for FBs/WBs playing behind wingers.

If it does, how would it work in a 523 with WCBs, Wing Backs, and players in the AML/AMR strata?

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1 hour ago, Mik_Fe said:

To carry out a pressing correctly, add the individual instruction tight mark, would it be wrong?
without personal instruction would a choir be more urgent and more efficient?


could be wrong or right depending on context. tight marking a top fullback is maybe good to prevent overlaps and maybe entice the CB with erratic passing and positioning surging forward because  but tight marking can mean you won't back up to certain dangerous players as well.. depends on who you are using and who up against all round

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On 31/10/2023 at 00:44, Kcinnay said:

Tactical question: in FM23, it was very 'easy' to get low PPDA stats when playing with an attacking mentality, direct passing, high tempo and a high press. (I used a 4-2-2-2 DM narrow.) Trying to do the same, but even though I'm one of the best teams in the league, in FM 24, my PPDA is one of the lowest in the league. What to do to increase the press?

maybe players. or?

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33 minuti fa, Davienene ha scritto:

potrebbe essere sbagliato o giusto a seconda del contesto. marcare stretto un terzino alto forse è utile per evitare sovrapposizioni e magari invogliare il CB con passaggi irregolari e posizionamento in avanti perché ma marcare stretto può significare che non farai il backup anche di fronte ad alcuni giocatori pericolosi... dipende da chi stai usando e chi si scontra a tutto tondo

ok.. so there isn't only one way to do pressing.. into my tactic (433) i set tight marking of att, If, two midfield and two CB.. i have the dubt if they follow his opponent nearest and they dont push with pressing.. this is my question.. or if it is the same and nothing changes with tight marking selected.

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2 hours ago, Mik_Fe said:

ok.. so there isn't only one way to do pressing.. into my tactic (433) i set tight marking of att, If, two midfield and two CB.. i have the dubt if they follow his opponent nearest and they dont push with pressing.. this is my question.. or if it is the same and nothing changes with tight marking selected.

you tight mark individual on individual or tight mark on the opposition instruction? If you want to press high then tight marking midfield opponents means they won't back up the press effectively . depends a lot on difference in quality and which  gamestate dominates majority of the match, cos in a high press  Tight marking the IF with fullback (if you trust them on pace and turning against their opponents)is okay as passes btn the lines would be hard for them but in a mid/lowblock what if their fullback is good on the overlap and your winger tight marks the CB and doesn't follow up? depends a lot the whole idea. Screenshot(3922).png.c46ca73112b9d1939a77d0df01d6097e.png


idea here was to leave one free CB ben mee with poor passing and force him to attempt risky passes to an overloaded area. now the risk is we overloaded the centre at the expense of last line with their mids pushing high but I believed Ben Mee couldn't spot or pick out such hard passes to the attackers, and he didn't..he gave away possesion almost always 

The main Idea is having the whole team to back up on one plan If high line then risk the space in behind and mark the CBs and a fullback individualy and target one weak FB for trigger pressing(hoping the players are good in workrate and teamwork)this could force long balls(hoping you are good enough in areal duels)or second balls/bounces.

Depends on a lot. IF you are tight marking the CBs in a high line  then you should consider your players and their ability to trigger press the FBs effectively.. In a low/midblock you maybe don't want to tight mark the CBs and instead have numbers in the middle maybe(Julian alvarez does a top job of cutting passing lanes and cover shadowing for me)

When I play City(beat them 1-0 last time out) I acknowlwdge they are better individually and can't go man to man.I mark their Pivots with my striker and AM, and wingers on fullback now they have two free CBs but can't pass effectively btn the lines because we are overloading and have to go long..their only hope comes from a long ball to haaland(I have My dm deep on low trigger pressing to not move much on the press but just sweep up loose balls) 

When I play brentford for example I can go man to man on3 of  their back 4 and trigger press weaker player

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I understaind.. you change match by match the instruction?

I don t use the OI, but this year i want to try to create e trap with OI..

Now i've standard pressing in every role in my tactic (except for F( that he has more pressing in PI) and i see good things into the pitch... great short block (max higher line defense and eng)..




More Often into Team Istruction..

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6 hours ago, Mik_Fe said:

I understaind.. you change match by match the instruction?

I don t use the OI, but this year i want to try to create e trap with OI..

Now i've standard pressing in every role in my tactic (except for F( that he has more pressing in PI) and i see good things into the pitch... great short block (max higher line defense and eng)..




More Often into Team Istruction..

oh got you..decent pressing set up as well  but I don't know how effective the striker is pressing more often alone,, mean the opp always have +1 in build up because the mids don't press more and are tight instead. Think this set up is meant to trap the oppo to pass into midfield traps as you said  and maybe your players are good enough. But if so I might think the striker marking the pivot/ Ap on pivot as well incase its double is better as  you now have better overload. assuming the wingers don't press much and are well tight onf fullbacks

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32 minuti fa, Davienene ha scritto:

oh got you..decent pressing set up as well  but I don't know how effective the striker is pressing more often alone,, mean the opp always have +1 in build up because the mids don't press more and are tight instead. Think this set up is meant to trap the oppo to pass into midfield traps as you said  and maybe your players are good enough. But if so I might think the striker marking the pivot/ Ap on pivot as well incase its double is better as  you now have better overload. assuming the wingers don't press much and are well tight onf fullbacks

I find this setup after a match with Aston Villa.. I see two Villans CBs passing the ball behind my first pressing line very easily.. and I think.. if I push my attacker to press the two CBs, they have to pass the ball not in the center, but on the wing, and on the wing my wingers are already close to the opponent's FW.. the opponent's WB either returns the ball to the CB or keeper and they pass long or they pass to the opponent's CM and here there is a trap of my CM, which they are in tight marking on them... he wins the ball and advances easily towards the goal..

I see it and try this press tactic (no TI) with another opponent, without City or Liverpool.. they are stronger than me..

But for now... it works fine... do you have any advice on this?

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Em 13/11/2023 em 17:29, Cloud9 disse:

Yea it makes a huge difference imo in developing players.

Look for the attributes you want developed and make sure they're getting enough rest too. Figuring out which training sessions to prioritize usually changes between each fm, last year the Blue Defending session was really important to include in your training. Match Practice is always a safe bet. 

Do you create your own?  Do you keep it the same every week or you change it every week?

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Since we can no longer discipline players. How do we go about achieving a similar thing? Can we only critize and praise players now?

I think the best part of the old system, was the motivation of players. And  you would sometimes get a email saying X player is responding well to disciplinary measures etc.

Now I have a striker dropping stinkers, and my only option is to suggest a target. Half the time the player refuses to agree to the target.

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What are the best TIs and PIs for wide players, fullback/wingback/winger/inverted winger/inside forward etc. to 'cut the ball back' as opposed to simply pumping crosses in, hitting the near post or shooting wildly?

TIs: Work ball into box and low crosses?

PIs: Cross less often? Shoot less often?

Anything else that can be done to encourage a pull back to the penalty spot or edge of area for uncoming players?

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Watching a few games to try and feed the thread on Gattuso's tactical recreation, I noticed that a lot of line-breaking passes from central defenders are attempted.






Aside from the risk-taking involved in passing in the IPs, the possible traits that a player can acquire (with or through mentoring), or even certain roles such as BPD, what would be the recommendations for increasing this type of 'quick' 'flash' 'laser' passes to the ground ? 
It may not be possible, as the ME limits the possibilities.


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10 hours ago, davehibb said:

What are the best TIs and PIs for wide players, fullback/wingback/winger/inverted winger/inside forward etc. to 'cut the ball back' as opposed to simply pumping crosses in, hitting the near post or shooting wildly?

TIs: Work ball into box and low crosses?

PIs: Cross less often? Shoot less often?

Anything else that can be done to encourage a pull back to the penalty spot or edge of area for uncoming players?

Work ball into the box is your main friend here.

On 16/11/2023 at 08:10, mikcheck said:

Do you create your own?  Do you keep it the same every week or you change it every week?

Yea I do. I have a different pre season training selection, where I try to push the boys over the edge of what's physically possible. This is really impactful to maintaining fitness over the course of a season. As long as you've got strong physios you shouldn't be at too much of an injury risk. 

In the season itself I have 4 training schedules I rotate each week of the month. I would recommend making an alt version for game weeks where you've got two matches to play. 

One thing that's changed in my sessions in the last few years is that I make sure the players get enough rest now, you can really push development on players if you're able to hit a sweet spot in training like this. Adding injury risk/match load/fatigue to your selection view I would strongly recommend when you're doing your own training schedules. You can then avoid overworking / injuring a player by individually putting him on 1/2 training for a little. 

In previous versions my gauge for a successful training schedule was how much players over the age of 23 would improve (younger players than that will usually improve regardless). They've reworked development this year (esp. w/ development curves) so what will work best this year is still a work in progress for me. 

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