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Quickfire Questions and Answers Thread (Tactic and Training Questions Only)

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I can't give you an answer to 1 but for 2. what was your starting experience? i.e semi-pro, pro, all-star (can't remember the exact names). If you start off as an with amateur or semi-pro experience then it means your reputation starts off very low. High rep players will be less likely to listen to you as they don't value your experience (yet), some professional high reppers will but anyone with a bit of character won't have it so you need to build your reputation - quickest way is by winning things.

As for dealing with a hostile squad... get rid is and rebuild is good in real-life and FM. Failing that just be very careful with criticism - praise players into liking you and then you have more scope to deal with them. Did I mention keep winning? :)

Thanks for the answer.

I play for the favourite club Chelsea. In the first season I won nothing. Now the second season and I go on 1 place in EPL. Players aren't happy because in their opinion I badly talk in a locker room, it concerns David Luiz, Ivanovich and others. As the assistant to me told that many players can't find motivation when John Terry the captain

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Thanks for the answer.

I play for the favourite club Chelsea. In the first season I won nothing. Now the second season and I go on 1 place in EPL. Players aren't happy because in their opinion I badly talk in a locker room, it concerns David Louise, Ivanovich and others. David Luiz, Ivanovich and some more players. As the assistant to me told that many players can't find motivation when John Terry the captain

Maybe those players are unprofessional, I'm not sure. If they have a problem with your teamtalks then it's likely they don't like the team-talks (!), this is maybe heightened by your low rep or possibly just because you are the new manager - if the rest of the squad are happy with your teamtalks then these few players probably have a different personality to the overall of the squad. You have a few options: a) talk differently to different players b) get rid of the players who are different c) change the overall personality of the squad to match these players.

It might be that John Terry's rep has lowered to well below the others (unlikely in 2nd season) or maybe he has been whinging about something or other, or more likely it's a personality clash again which is exacerbated by those players being annoyed about other stuff too. Players in a strop or on low morale can be a real killer, it's good that this dynamic is in FM but difficult to deal with. It might resolve itself (particularly if you're winning) but it might mean moving on a few players to try and restore order. Getting rid of 3/4 players and replacing with like-for-like (but with more amenable personalities) shouldn't be too difficult for a big,rich club like Chelsea so that might be your best bet - as I'm sure AVB was planning in real-life.

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I don't know if this is the right place for this question, but I guess I'm wondering if this is a known bug or just a freak occurence. The thing is that my team just got promoted and I was graciously allowed to sign some more coaches. And that I did, as I lacked stars in the defensive and attacking area. And here's the problem: my new def coach Clint Hill only gets 2,5 stars defensive training with the seniors but 4,5 stars with the youth team. What gives? My new att coach also has fewer stars than reasonable considering his attributes, but he's a 1st team coach so I can't see his "youth team stars".

Could this be a weird bug, or am I missing something here?

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First question. Tactical fluidity:

Let's say I have created a tactic in TC utilizing the Control strategy. Now let's say in some match I decide that I need to go to Attacking strategy. Will this ruin the fluidity of the tactic as now things like tempo, width, time wasting, mentality, and some others have changed? Is it at all recommended to be switching strategies during the match or do I essentially need to create another tactic just like the one using the Control strategy but with Attacking strategy and let my team get used to it?

Second question, type of marking:

I'd just like to get a definitive answer at to what type of marking is best in general, zonal or man? I understand that zonal allows your team to retain shape better, but then I hear that for zonal you need good quality defenders. Apparently man marking is good for defenders that are not so good, but then you loose the shape when the team is without the ball. So what's best to use for a let's say a medium quality team?

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I don't know if this is the right place for this question, but I guess I'm wondering if this is a known bug or just a freak occurence. The thing is that my team just got promoted and I was graciously allowed to sign some more coaches. And that I did, as I lacked stars in the defensive and attacking area. And here's the problem: my new def coach Clint Hill only gets 2,5 stars defensive training with the seniors but 4,5 stars with the youth team. What gives? My new att coach also has fewer stars than reasonable considering his attributes, but he's a 1st team coach so I can't see his "youth team stars".

Could this be a weird bug, or am I missing something here?

Their star rating is based on more than just their category rating, a lot comes from their DDM (Determination, Discipline and Motivating), from Mantralux's guide:


Prime attributes are used for every training category when calculating quality rating (stars). They are Determination, Level of Discipline and Motivating. If these three attributes are high enough, the coach is generally good at most of the training categories, regardless of his secondary attributes. Prime attributes can make up at least 50% of the maximum star rating for all categories.

Also, check your coaches Man Management and Working With Youngsters attributes, maybe has something to do with it. Is it that those coaches list Youth Coach as their favoured job maybe?

Also also, make sure they aren't training more than one category as training 2 or more categories lowers the star rating for each category.

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How do you stop a player becoming caught in possession?

I have several players who will get the ball, stand there, turn around, then get tackled.

Ah, the wonderful spinny-move-of-death.

First couple of reasons:

CRAP player - player can't see his available options or is too poor to execute them

CRAP players around him - player doesn't have any options because other players can't get into space to provide them

Next couple:

Your tactics are too restrictive - e.g. playing wide and deep on a large pitch but setting passing to short, all options are longer passing options but he's restricted from playing those passes.

Your squad cohesion is poor - this effectively limits options for a player

Your tactical fluidity is poor - again, this effectively limits options for a player.

There are probably more reasons but these are the usual. A squad that don't know each other or are unfamiliar with the tactic will often make more 'silly' errors than you'd expect, usually this is solved by giving them time to gel and time to gain tactical fluidity - you can try to limit the mistakes by keeping your tactics really simple until the players are more comfortable with each other and with your basic style of play. Once they've got these you can be a bit more expressive again.

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First question. Tactical fluidity:

Let's say I have created a tactic in TC utilizing the Control strategy. Now let's say in some match I decide that I need to go to Attacking strategy. Will this ruin the fluidity of the tactic as now things like tempo, width, time wasting, mentality, and some others have changed? Is it at all recommended to be switching strategies during the match or do I essentially need to create another tactic just like the one using the Control strategy but with Attacking strategy and let my team get used to it?

Second question, type of marking:

I'd just like to get a definitive answer at to what type of marking is best in general, zonal or man? I understand that zonal allows your team to retain shape better, but then I hear that for zonal you need good quality defenders. Apparently man marking is good for defenders that are not so good, but then you loose the shape when the team is without the ball. So what's best to use for a let's say a medium quality team?


In theory yes your fluidity will go down but it's pretty negligible in practice. I notice this sometimes in pre-season but if I often switch between control & attacking they'll quickly gain fluidity in both. I wouldn't waste a tactic slot on it - keep those other slots for more drastic changes of tactic.


Sorry, you're not going to get a definite answer as there isn't one. They play out really pretty similar in FM anyway - the differences in FM are really subtle so I wouldn't worry too much. This thread by ZdlR goes into a bit of detail and is a good read.

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1) What are the most important attributes for a youth coach? Working with youngsters, determination, discipline, motivation?

2) I remember reading that youth coaches affect the CA that fresh youth intake have.

My latest youth intake had two pretty promising midfielders, team work 4-6... I know they'll get better (never great mind you), but it made me wonder would having youth coaches with great tactical coaching prevent this?

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Their star rating is based on more than just their category rating, a lot comes from their DDM (Determination, Discipline and Motivating), from Mantralux's guide:

Also, check your coaches Man Management and Working With Youngsters attributes, maybe has something to do with it. Is it that those coaches list Youth Coach as their favoured job maybe?

Also also, make sure they aren't training more than one category as training 2 or more categories lowers the star rating for each category.

Thanks for the answer. No, he really has 4,5 stars when I checked with Genie Scout, and is only training his special category, and is listed simply as "coach".

But - checking it now after a nights sleep - both my new coaches are up to 4 and 4,5 stars with the first team, so I guess it really was some sort of freak occurence. The only thing I can think of that may have caused it was that I put my players back to normal training this morning after finishing pre-season (where there's no def. or att. training in my schedule). Strange indeed, but I'm happy now, at least.

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I'm playing a simple 442 with a deep lying striker on support and an advanced forward on attack, i've noticed that both players have roam from position on, so this means that they have the freedom to look around for space but should i have at least one of them not roaming so i have a threat in the center to keep the center backs busy?

The advanced forward seems to restrict the winger on that side as well since he goes wide all the time, maybe the poacher role is better for my case since he doesn't roam around?

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Thanks for the answer. No, he really has 4,5 stars when I checked with Genie Scout, and is only training his special category, and is listed simply as "coach".

But - checking it now after a nights sleep - both my new coaches are up to 4 and 4,5 stars with the first team, so I guess it really was some sort of freak occurence. The only thing I can think of that may have caused it was that I put my players back to normal training this morning after finishing pre-season (where there's no def. or att. training in my schedule). Strange indeed, but I'm happy now, at least.

If there are no players in a category the ratings go a bit funny, glad it's back to normal!

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If I am using a strictly narrow tactic with no wingers like a 4-3-1-2 or a 4-1-3-2 , what shouts would you use besides exploit the middle play narrower/play wider ? ( for Inter Milan )

Also :

What would happen if I gave my midfielder maximum CF AND Mentality????

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Guess this thread is the best place to post this; is there a thread which further discusses the player roles for each position?

I'm trying to get a better idea of how the game defines the 'Advanced Forward' position - basically, I'm unsure about partnering alongside a Poacher. If the AF is playing right up on the line in the most advanced position possible I worry that there will be too bigger gap between him and my Poacher striker, who is naturally going to play deeper and pull wide to find angled runs to get into positions.


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I'm playing a simple 442 with a deep lying striker on support and an advanced forward on attack, i've noticed that both players have roam from position on, so this means that they have the freedom to look around for space but should i have at least one of them not roaming so i have a threat in the center to keep the center backs busy?

The advanced forward seems to restrict the winger on that side as well since he goes wide all the time, maybe the poacher role is better for my case since he doesn't roam around?

Or you can just turn the advanced forward roaming off.

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Hi, is it possible in this ME to have the wingers NOT cross the moment they hit the byline, but instead maybe slow down and look to take their man on near the corner flag/do a turn to cut back and try and create space/play it back to the supporting fullback? I'm getting way too many crosses blocked because the winger doesn't bother trying to create space for himself, but just wants to swing it in the moment he reaches the byline.

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Hi, is it possible in this ME to have the wingers NOT cross the moment they hit the byline, but instead maybe slow down and look to take their man on near the corner flag/do a turn to cut back and try and create space/play it back to the supporting fullback? I'm getting way too many crosses blocked because the winger doesn't bother trying to create space for himself, but just wants to swing it in the moment he reaches the byline.

I don't know if this would work but you could try setting their cross ball to rare and their cross from to byline. In theory this should get them to try and get to the byline, whereby you've restricted them from crossing so they'll have to try and dribble it in or pass backwards to another player. Make sure your full-back does get into a good supporting position. I used to get loads of goals from a player dribbling along the byline before scoring, doesn't seem to happen in recent editions of the game (thankfully).

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I don't know if this would work but you could try setting their cross ball to rare and their cross from to byline. In theory this should get them to try and get to the byline, whereby you've restricted them from crossing so they'll have to try and dribble it in or pass backwards to another player. Make sure your full-back does get into a good supporting position. I used to get loads of goals from a player dribbling along the byline before scoring, doesn't seem to happen in recent editions of the game (thankfully).

Cheers mate, sounds like a good idea.

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Hi, is it possible in this ME to have the wingers NOT cross the moment they hit the byline, but instead maybe slow down and look to take their man on near the corner flag/do a turn to cut back and try and create space/play it back to the supporting fullback? I'm getting way too many crosses blocked because the winger doesn't bother trying to create space for himself, but just wants to swing it in the moment he reaches the byline.
you could also try lowering your tempo and increse the timewaste
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you could also try lowering your tempo and increse the timewaste
Well but I play a high tempo attack game, and many attacking teams in real life have their wingers acting like this too (Man United, Dortmund etc.), so it would be quite counterproductive to have such conflicting instructions, wouldn't it?
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Couldn't find a proper answer to this one by searching so here goes...

I've completed the first season of my save and then the players went on holiday. I noticed the tactical familiarity dropped quickly to very low levels suddenly, should I simply attribute this to the players being away and not training, so they forgot all about the tactic?

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Couldn't find a proper answer to this one by searching so here goes...

I've completed the first season of my save and then the players went on holiday. I noticed the tactical familiarity dropped quickly to very low levels suddenly, should I simply attribute this to the players being away and not training, so they forgot all about the tactic?

Yeah, that's pretty much it. Tactic familiarity levels reset after each season.

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If I am using a strictly narrow tactic with no wingers like a 4-3-1-2 or a 4-1-3-2 , what shouts would you use besides exploit the middle play narrower/play wider ? ( for Inter Milan )

With a 4-1-3-2, I'd also use 'play the ball out of defence' (or whatever it's called) if the DM is a playmaker.

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I hope this question belongs in here; I have top training facilities already, but it is giving me the option to ask my board to upgrade them again. Does this mean the facilities will get a little bit better to the best possible level if I upgrade? Or am I just wasting money if I do so as there's nothing better than top training facilities anyway?

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I have a few questions so please bear with me.

1. Does editing the player instructions using the sliders overrule the player role and duty??

2. I have many mids with good attributes like Wilshere, Kroos, Ramsey, Pastore, etc

I play one of them in a AP support role and another in a CM support role.

In the player instructions I have edited them to have attacking mentality and almost complete creative freedom.

Yet only Wilshere seems to provide the assists. The others provide something like 5 assists in 35 games.

I am doing some fundamental mistake? They also have short to mixed passing.

3. During long throws when I ask my players to go forward they crowd around the far post while the opposition defenders stand in the 6 yard box between the posts and clear the ball easily. Also the thrower who has a LT attribute of 19 is not able to reach the far post. The players at the near post also do not get the ball. As a result the throw ins are a waste and provides the provides the opposition with a chance to counter.

Thanks for any reply. :)

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I have a few questions so please bear with me.

1. Does editing the player instructions using the sliders overrule the player role and duty??

2. I have many mids with good attributes like Wilshere, Kroos, Ramsey, Pastore, etc

I play one of them in a AP support role and another in a CM support role.

In the player instructions I have edited them to have attacking mentality and almost complete creative freedom.

Yet only Wilshere seems to provide the assists. The others provide something like 5 assists in 35 games.

I am doing some fundamental mistake? They also have short to mixed passing.

3. During long throws when I ask my players to go forward they crowd around the far post while the opposition defenders stand in the 6 yard box between the posts and clear the ball easily. Also the thrower who has a LT attribute of 19 is not able to reach the far post. The players at the near post also do not get the ball. As a result the throw ins are a waste and provides the provides the opposition with a chance to counter.

Thanks for any reply. :)

1. Yes. Furthermore, any individual manual changes will override your team instructions (i.e. if you set your DC passing manually to short then it won't matter where you stick the team slider for passing, they'll stick to short - this can potentially destroy team cohesion so use under advisement)

2. Too complex a question to answer from basic information. Best bet is to start a thread and really explain a distinct problem (i.e lack of assists). Outline your playing style and maybe give a specific example and I'm sure someone will be able to help.

3.Don't ask them all to go forward. And I'm not surprised he can't throw it all the way to the far post reliably.

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1. I want my assistant to take over the match preparation, does he require any specific attribute to make sure the preparation is appropriate?

2. I want my assistant to apply his recommended opposition instructions automatically, which attribute is needed for him to come up with good OI's?

3. When interacting with a player and trying to criticize his lack of effort in training, what is the difference between the two options? Is one supposed to be a more harsher criticism than the other?

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I want to make my strikers drift out wide but when I put hug touchline in their player instructions they rarely leave their starting position. Does anyone know if hug touchline can work for anyone but wingers and fullbacks? If not does anyone know a way to get them to move to the wings

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I want to make my strikers drift out wide but when I put hug touchline in their player instructions they rarely leave their starting position. Does anyone know if hug touchline can work for anyone but wingers and fullbacks? If not does anyone know a way to get them to move to the wings

You want Moves Into Channels :)

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i actually want them to move out wide though,wider than the oppositions full back not between the full back and the centre back.

Like I said moves into channels and if hes good enough with the right attributes he'll do just that.

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1) FM10, Player Marking in match. Having set a player (not the first one on the list) to mark someone, is it possible later in the match to set that same player to mark no one? (ie remove all his marking instructions)

2) FM10, Player Marking in match. The first player on the list always shows as marking no one (blank space) so it's impossible to check if he is still marking a player you have set.

Are these two things now doable (and more obvious) in FM11 &/or FM12?



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How can I create space for my trequartisa?

Playing wide and deep is the easiest way to create space for everyone, TQ included.

Beyond that just make sure no one else is wanting to use the space your TQ is using. If the TQ is at AM then make sure your striker/s don't drop too deep and you make sure your wide players either stay wide and cut in beyond the TQ (i.e. high mentalities, forward runs often). You might even want your striker/s going wide.

If your TQ is at striker then the other striker probably needs to play advanced with lots of movement and you probably won't want an AM unless that AM is primarily moving forward i.e. beyond or swapping with the TQ.

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Playing wide and deep is the easiest way to create space for everyone, TQ included.

Beyond that just make sure no one else is wanting to use the space your TQ is using. If the TQ is at AM then make sure your striker/s don't drop too deep and you make sure your wide players either stay wide and cut in beyond the TQ (i.e. high mentalities, forward runs often). You might even want your striker/s going wide.

If your TQ is at striker then the other striker probably needs to play advanced with lots of movement and you probably won't want an AM unless that AM is primarily moving forward i.e. beyond or swapping with the TQ.

Perhaps what would also help is to set a special training focus for the trequartista to "off the ball" in order to increase his ability to find space, or at least make him more efficient at exploiting space that is available to him.

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How can I make my wingers run to the byline and just cut it back across the goal? I tried turning off crossing but it just makes the players stop and spin around aimlessly.

This is a pic of how I'd like the ball to be played. http://i.imgur.com/KFMWW.png

You could try drilling crosses. In theory this makes them fire a lower cross into the front post but if your striker is standing further back then a smart winger should aim for him rather than just at the post.

They spin around because without the cross they don't have an option. You either need to let them cross, stop them getting into that position or provide support backwards and laterally.

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I've created a tactic which works well for me, however when looking at the full stats of my last game i noticed that my team dominated possession,

had plenty of shots and still only managed to draw 1-1 which is making me think that i'm not getting the best out of some of my players. Does anyone

know if there's a way to view the average stats for my season so far?

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