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No, love third man FB runs inside and wish it would happen more often in the ME, but the IWB's distinctive behaviour is pretty much totally with-ball.

That's disappointing but thanks for the reply THoG! You've probably saved me a lot of frustration!

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To what extent does match preparation influence my team?

I mean, if I set match preperation to attacking movement will my team attack noticeably better rather than if I would have set it to some other focus?

Did somebody test it in depth?

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You mean Prozone - Analysis - Players?

But this is only for one Match available. I wan't a list over a complete Season.

Can someone please help me. How do I get a complete squad list over the hole season.

I know, I can look at each player, but I want them all in one list.


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Next questions:

With FMT I can't adjust the individual training workload for a specific player?

Is there a tool to make some notices like, change individual training focus for a player on date x or after two month?

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What is the difference between a Central Defender and a Limited Defender?

Primarily the passing settings. Limited defenders are much more direct in passing to clear it out of danger.

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I've been playing FM for a long time but I really don't get how play wider and play narrow works. I normally play with wingers so I play narrower because I hear it's more defensive and compact, but since I started playing 4-3-3 narrow, I found that play wider makes sense because it makes my cm and strikers stretch and help defend the flanks. I don't know if it's the case of me believing it makes a difference or it actually works, but my defense looks good and we don't concede from crosses anymore.

Also another related question, what attributes make it easier for a play to give up the ball. I assume first touch, composure and dribbling are important, but what about attributes like bravery, balance, strength etc


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From the DMC position, what differences would there be between a regista and a roaming playmaker?

In my experience the roaming playmaker is going to run with the ball a lot and he is going to move around the pitch in search of a ball. Think of it like a box to box midfielder with more creativity and more dribbling.

The regista is like a deeplying playmaker with even more creativity and roaming. Like a Pirlo for example. I guess a roaming playmaker would need to have decent ratings for dribbling and stamina, while the regista can be effective without it, although it always helps.

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Hello all,

I started this game with Hogaborgs BK, small Swedish club. I have a small question;

In my tactic I use a right full back on support duty. The right full back I have, is a 3 star as a full back. BUT, he is more fond of the defending role then he is of a support role.

Placing him as full back on defensive gives him 3 stars, full back on support 2 stars.

What is the wisest thing to do?

1) Let him stay on the support role, since it is part of my tactic,

2) Give him his favourite role, since it suits him better.

With kind regards,


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Couple of things.

1) Has the ability to determine the intensity of individual training gone now? I can change the intensity of general training on the 'team training' tab but not on an individual player's training screen.

2) Does a player's potential ability fall in FM16? I've never seen this piece of information from my staff in any other FM but 3 of my youths have now reported to have decreased in their potential ability. http://i.imgur.com/tQVQ4GF.png

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In previous versions, there were focus passing options (middle, left, right or both wings), as well as exploit left/right/middle/both wings. The exploit options also changed forward runs for wide players to more and less for central players i think.

Do the exploit instructions still do that?

Is the focus passing options only part of the exploit instructions now?

Kinda dissapointing if the focus passing instructions are gone now tbh, less options isnt a good thing, especially when it comes to tactics.

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I'm new to FM and i'd like to know whether these set-ups will be successful, which would be the best and what could i alter to make them better. All 3 have been hit and miss so far through pre-season in my Espanyol save. I would also like to know what instructions would be most suitable, so far i've been switching between a more direct, high-tempo set-up and a slower, more possession based set-up. Thanks.

















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Placing him as full back on defensive gives him 3 stars, full back on support 2 stars.

What is the wisest thing to do?

1) Let him stay on the support role, since it is part of my tactic,

2) Give him his favourite role, since it suits him better.

this is really your choice

you may find that you're conceding a few goals down that flank, and then turn him into a more defensive-minded player

or you may want him to be on a support duty, in order to assist with your attacking threat

also, it depends what you're doing ahead of him - a marauding winger (Hazard) will probably leave some room there, whereas a workhorse type (Ramires) will probably be more inclined to track back and help with the defence

I know you don't have that kind of quality, but you understand the point

2) Does a player's potential ability fall in FM16? I've never seen this piece of information from my staff in any other FM but 3 of my youths have now reported to have decreased in their potential ability.

Potential ability is a static thing (it will always be a fixed value), but whether they can reach it or not is another question entirely

In this case, your staff member doesn't think he can reach his proper PA

uggh.... I did say [in a different thread] that basically he won't develop enough to fully reach his PA (because not everyone does) but Cleon didn't like my way of saying that he won't reach it, creating a new maximum CA possible (which you're seeing here)

basically saying that the PA is fixed, but he may not get to the number, due to factors (like quality of facilities, lack of gametime, injuries, whatever) rather than a variable PA in game

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^PA isn't fixed. It can drop, usually after a serious injury and you usually get notified of such. I've never seen PA rise however.

PA is fixed, just the reachable potential of the player is variable

as per Cleon's postings

as I posted in it, the PA isn't a 100% certainty to be achieved (as shown in the quoted post above) but the number itself doesn't change, only the players maximum potential CA

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PA is fixed, just the reachable potential of the player is variable

as per Cleon's postings

as I posted in it, the PA isn't a 100% certainty to be achieved (as shown in the quoted post above) but the number itself doesn't change, only the players maximum potential CA

Cleon most likely didn't mention it because it's a very rare thing for an injury to be that serious to cause a PA drop.

See this: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/388202-Potential-Ability-isn-t-static

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Just noticed a change to Closing Down instructions (I'm sure others have already, I just can't play too much at the moment).

In previous versions, I could set the Team Instructions to, for example, Close Down Much More and set a Player Instruction to Close Down Much More.

For FM16, if I set the TI to Close Down Much More, some player roles (eg., an Inside Forward) will only allow me to set the closing down PI to a maximum of "Sometimes".

Alternatively, if I change the TI to "Sometimes" I can now change the relevant PI in the same player role to Close Down Much More.

So given these two scenarios, which would make my Inside Forward have the most closing down?

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Just noticed a change to Closing Down instructions (I'm sure others have already, I just can't play too much at the moment).

In previous versions, I could set the Team Instructions to, for example, Close Down Much More and set a Player Instruction to Close Down Much More.

For FM16, if I set the TI to Close Down Much More, some player roles (eg., an Inside Forward) will only allow me to set the closing down PI to a maximum of "Sometimes".

Alternatively, if I change the TI to "Sometimes" I can now change the relevant PI in the same player role to Close Down Much More.

So given these two scenarios, which would make my Inside Forward have the most closing down?

How big is the bar underneath the word sometimes?

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Just also noticed that the amount of closing down set in a PI will be affected by the height of the defensive line.

If the def line is set to Normal or higher with a TI of close down much more, the closing down PI changes to "Less" - overall length of green bar remains the same, but only "less" or "much less" can be selected.

If the def line is set to slightly deeper or deeper, then the closing down PI will show "Sometimes".

So again, when now factoring in the def line, which scenario will give my IF (for example) the most closing down? :-

TI close down much more + TI def line slightly deeper + PI closing down sometimes?

TI close down sometimes + TI def line slightly deeper + PI close down much more?

TI close down much more + TI def line normal + PI close down less?

TI close down sometimes + TI def line normal + PI close down more?

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To what extent does match preparation influence my team?

I mean, if I set match preperation to attacking movement will my team attack noticeably better rather than if I would have set it to some other focus?

Did somebody test it in depth?

Can someone answer please?

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Anyone know?

It does not appear to, because it is still the same amount of training, just a different position/role. Either way, the player is still training only in one category. It used to be that training a new position was an added training load, but now positions are the default training mode for team training. The workload will increase for the player I think only when you add a focus and/or a ppm

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It does not appear to, because it is still the same amount of training, just a different position/role. Either way, the player is still training only in one category. It used to be that training a new position was an added training load, but now positions are the default training mode for team training. The workload will increase for the player I think only when you add a focus and/or a ppm

Thanks for clearing that up

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Potential ability is a static thing (it will always be a fixed value), but whether they can reach it or not is another question entirely

In this case, your staff member doesn't think he can reach his proper PA

uggh.... I did say [in a different thread] that basically he won't develop enough to fully reach his PA (because not everyone does) but Cleon didn't like my way of saying that he won't reach it, creating a new maximum CA possible (which you're seeing here)

basically saying that the PA is fixed, but he may not get to the number, due to factors (like quality of facilities, lack of gametime, injuries, whatever) rather than a variable PA in game

Well not so in this case, I've used the in-game editor and one of the players mentioned is already at his potential ability. His CA and his PA match, so he has reached his potential. I can't be sure whether his PA has dropped because I don't know what it was when I started the save.

He hasn't had any significant injuries and 6 months into a save seems awfully soon for the AI to decide his lack of development warrants a decrease in his PA. So maybe the 'feature' is just worded wrongly? The game surely can't say "he's now only showing potential to be a League One player in the future" because A) if PA is static then he should only ever have had the potential to be a League One player and this implies otherwise and B) he's already at his peak and therefore technically doesn't have any potential because he's already reached it.

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Well not so in this case, I've used the in-game editor and one of the players mentioned is already at his potential ability. His CA and his PA match, so he has reached his potential. I can't be sure whether his PA has dropped because I don't know what it was when I started the save.

He hasn't had any significant injuries and 6 months into a save seems awfully soon for the AI to decide his lack of development warrants a decrease in his PA. So maybe the 'feature' is just worded wrongly? The game surely can't say "he's now only showing potential to be a League One player in the future" because A) if PA is static then he should only ever have had the potential to be a League One player and this implies otherwise and B) he's already at his peak and therefore technically doesn't have any potential because he's already reached it.

It just means his development has stalled and not improved much recently. The wording is wrong for those who have reached their PA though I agree. It's also nothing to do with PA changing either.

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Hey guys,

1) What kind of pairing would u use to fit Pogba, Matic and Fabregas in a 3 man midfield? Looking to focus on not conceding while also being efficient offensively

2) For another save, what partner would u use to complement a Roaming Playmaker with an Anchorman in the DM position?

EDIT: for 2), I am conceding an alarming amount of goals. mostly from a through ball down the middle

Thanks in advance

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When the TI for Closing Down Sometimes is selected this is how the PI looks:


When the TI Close Down Much More is selected, here is the PI:


A stupid question I have about the new tactics creator... What is the significance of the width of each bar in these screenshots?

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A stupid question I have about the new tactics creator... What is the significance of the width of each bar in these screenshots?

Basically just sets the the baseline for each PI. Setting 'close down less' on the second screen would still result in the player closing down more than setting the same instruction in the first screen because of the overall team mandate to close down more.

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As for my question, what's the difference between the 'creative/disciplined' and 'stick/roam position' team instructions? If I'm trying to create a tactic where my team pretty much bunkers and sticks to the 4-1-4-1 formation and really only breaks from it when a clear counter-attack opportunity presents itself, which one of these is the more important one to set (or both?). Also should I be setting my team instruction to 'counter' or 'defensive?'

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As for my question, what's the difference between the 'creative/disciplined' and 'stick/roam position' team instructions? If I'm trying to create a tactic where my team pretty much bunkers and sticks to the 4-1-4-1 formation and really only breaks from it when a clear counter-attack opportunity presents itself, which one of these is the more important one to set (or both?). Also should I be setting my team instruction to 'counter' or 'defensive?'

You've partly answered your own question here. If you want to play a compact, disciplined formation that is hard to break down, of course you want stick to position for most players because if you lose the ball, you want them to quickly be able to get back into the shape. Too much roaming and they might struggle to get back where you want them. In terms of creativity, that isn't going to matter for your defensive shape, it is what happens when you have the ball. When you win the ball, what do you want to have happen, and more importantly, do you have players that you think should be getting more creative offensively? Your last question is also self-answered. If you want a team that sits deep and soaks up pressure and mostly goes forward when a good counter is on, why would you choose any other strategy other than one that plays deep, compact football?

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Just two questions

I was looking into the Defensive Winger role and the Mark Tighter PI is unavailable. Why can't this role have this option available ?

The second question is about Close Down: if I set close down to much more, there are roles that only have close down less in their PI. Why can't they close down as the team ?

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Do AI opponents actually use Team Instructions and individual Player Instructions? Or do AI teams simply rely on formation, mentality, shape, roles & duties and the players available to them?

Follow up - if the AI does use TIs and PIs, given that the AI can change formation, mentality, roles & duties etc during the course of a match, would the AI also change TIs/PIs accordingly?

Pretty sure the answer to both is "yes", but would like confirmation :).

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Spitballing thoughts here as I'm not able to try things out at the moment. I've been using a 4-4-2 narrow diamond. Fluid & Counter, drop deeper, and play narrower. Its worked fairly well but I haven't taken the time to really analyze the results to see where the tactic can be tweaked effectively. One issue I have noted is that AM never getting really strong match ratings.

I've toyed with the roles. I started the AM as an Attack Mid Support, then tried Attack, then tried Advance Playmaker on both. My primary two players for that spot are both more naturally attacking wingers but attribute wise, they should do okay. I have used one of my CMs there with better success, but he usually gets better grades because he will often blast one from the top of the box and score. I haven't tried the more attacking like Trequarista, as I'm concerned that he won't help out defensively enough.

Positionally, the AM doesn't seem too isolated. The CMs are a B2B and a CM-A, so they spread out nicely. The DM is a DLP-S. The AM doesn't get a ton of touches - often around 25 a match. Part of the issue is that most of my scoring attacks are counters (obviously) and they often come from the wingbacks, and will quite often bypass the AM. When in possession, I think he is sometimes a bit too isolated - the two strikers (AF and DLF-S) aren't always easily available, and if the wide players (the WBs) and CMs aren't easily available, the ball goes astray.

While I'm sure there are ways to get the AM working more effectively, I'm toying with the idea of dropping him back as a third CM. My concern would be how isolated the strikers are and if the CMs would space out. But if I vary the roles a decent amount.... is that workable or likely to be problematic?

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Spitballing thoughts here as I'm not able to try things out at the moment. I've been using a 4-4-2 narrow diamond. Fluid & Counter, drop deeper, and play narrower. Its worked fairly well but I haven't taken the time to really analyze the results to see where the tactic can be tweaked effectively. One issue I have noted is that AM never getting really strong match ratings.

I've toyed with the roles. I started the AM as an Attack Mid Support, then tried Attack, then tried Advance Playmaker on both. My primary two players for that spot are both more naturally attacking wingers but attribute wise, they should do okay. I have used one of my CMs there with better success, but he usually gets better grades because he will often blast one from the top of the box and score. I haven't tried the more attacking like Trequarista, as I'm concerned that he won't help out defensively enough.

Positionally, the AM doesn't seem too isolated. The CMs are a B2B and a CM-A, so they spread out nicely. The DM is a DLP-S. The AM doesn't get a ton of touches - often around 25 a match. Part of the issue is that most of my scoring attacks are counters (obviously) and they often come from the wingbacks, and will quite often bypass the AM. When in possession, I think he is sometimes a bit too isolated - the two strikers (AF and DLF-S) aren't always easily available, and if the wide players (the WBs) and CMs aren't easily available, the ball goes astray.

While I'm sure there are ways to get the AM working more effectively, I'm toying with the idea of dropping him back as a third CM. My concern would be how isolated the strikers are and if the CMs would space out. But if I vary the roles a decent amount.... is that workable or likely to be problematic?

I've noticed that often the AI will mark an AMC, especially if they use a DM, and that will limit him a lot of the times. You can put him as a CM-A or AP-A in the CM spot to get him deeper and more available (and force the DM to move out to engage him and leave space if you are playing a team that uses one) or you can try giving him a roaming instruction or a roaming role such as a Trequartista. If you do go the CM route with him, I don't think isolated strikers will be a problem unless you have two poachers :D. As long as you have one dropping a little deep (DLF, DF etc.) then you should be fine.

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I've noticed that often the AI will mark an AMC, especially if they use a DM, and that will limit him a lot of the times. You can put him as a CM-A or AP-A in the CM spot to get him deeper and more available (and force the DM to move out to engage him and leave space if you are playing a team that uses one) or you can try giving him a roaming instruction or a roaming role such as a Trequartista. If you do go the CM route with him, I don't think isolated strikers will be a problem unless you have two poachers :D. As long as you have one dropping a little deep (DLF, DF etc.) then you should be fine.

Okay, cool. I know I need to analyze and experiment but wanted to ensure the train of thought wasn't way off base. I think the AM is suffering from multiple issues - being marked, not being ideally suited to the position, and being bypassed on counters. I also like that putting 3 CMs plus a DM gives me some role flexibility. Right now, I could actually switch the DM to a more purely defensive role (DM-D or Anchor) and maybe use one of the CMs as the midfield pivot (DLP), with the other two as runners. Two deep at all times that way. Maybe for more difficult games....

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Hello! I'm new here at the forum, I have a basic question about playing counter-attack.

A Counter-Attack strategy works better with a higher tempo or a lower tempo? My first tought would be to use higher for the team instructions, so that the players make fast transitions. But when I select Counter Mentality the standart tempo is slightly lower.

I'm with 1.FC Köln right now, the prediction is 15th at the end of the season, so we'll be underdogs for most of the matches in the season. I want to play a counter-attack strategy trying the to take the best from the pace of my wingers and attackers. My midfield is not great at passing, so I think I won't be able to maintain possession against most of the teams.

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Hello! I'm new here at the forum, I have a basic question about playing counter-attack.

A Counter-Attack strategy works better with a higher tempo or a lower tempo? My first tought would be to use higher for the team instructions, so that the players make fast transitions. But when I select Counter Mentality the standart tempo is slightly lower.

I'm with 1.FC Köln right now, the prediction is 15th at the end of the season, so we'll be underdogs for most of the matches in the season. I want to play a counter-attack strategy trying the to take the best from the pace of my wingers and attackers. My midfield is not great at passing, so I think I won't be able to maintain possession against most of the teams.

Counter-attack match strategy is about staying deep and tight, patiently waiting for the opportunity to break- when a counter attack is triggered in FM, the team will go on attack duties, high tempo, direct passing. You of course have all the option to make the base style higher tempo if that suits what you want more closely.

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Counter-attack match strategy is about staying deep and tight, patiently waiting for the opportunity to break- when a counter attack is triggered in FM, the team will go on attack duties, high tempo, direct passing. You of course have all the option to make the base style higher tempo if that suits what you want more closely.

Thank you! :)

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