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football manager classic - max leagues

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By default, all the leagues in the countries are chosen. It's not currently possible to deselect individual leagues

This really dosent make sense to me. I assume you made the country restriction to make the game more smooth, but then at the same time you force people to have every single league in the country you select, like England where there are alot of leagues, or did i mistake the reason why SI made a country restriction in FMC?

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It's to provide a consistent and improved usability gameplay experience. We may review the setup for this sort of thing in a future version.

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I'm sure FMC wasn't specifically tailored for me, but FM usually takes me about a month to complete a season, FMC should be great for me! Plus I only load around 3 leagues, and use their lowest leagues each game... I know some people will feel that they at least want the choice, but for me, perfect, Thanks SI.

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