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Can your coaches or some other retired players get a regen son ?

I know its possible for you if you stay a while in a club, just wondering is it the case for others. Cesare / Paolo Maldini etc, something like that.

Also, can the game generate regen brothers ?

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I once had a player come through with same surname as me at another local club (I was Leeds, he came through at Bradford) and had me listed as favoured personnel.

I know Jones isnt one of those rare names you hear about, but coming through at another club with favoured personnel... massive coincidence?

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Not at my PC so cant post a screen shot, but in my game 2 brothers came though Velez in two different seasons, one was 18 the other 15, each listed each other as favourite personal (brother) in the info page, was a nice touch, but made me waste a few hours trying to find more rather than playing my game. Wish I had a older save so i could check the older brother before his younger sibling came though, see if it listed anything and see if the younger brother would always be generated.

Be nice to have some customisation if your son is generated, Mainly name and perhaps a second nationally (who knows what nationality his mother was) but even as far as preferred foot and position, obviously not PA or CA that would be too strong. Just a little message from your ass man on the day or day before they are generated:

"Just a personal reminder that today(tomorrow) is the day your son graduates from the academy."

Enter name here[----] Second nationality[----] Preferred foot [----] Position [-----]

*If left blank will be randomly generated

Still haven't got a son tho in all my years of managing :(

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I have a regen youth product who is now 30 years old named Ross Trowbridge. For my latest batch of youth products there is a Sam Trowbridge who has appeared. Unfortunately they are not listed on each others favourite personnel so it seems like a co incidence they have the same name. Was a bit gutted tbf. Not a really common surname though so it does seem strange

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