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Relegation to correct Regional Division in Central European League


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I am trying to create a Central European league in Germany. I have a top bundesliga containing the current 18 Bundesliga teams as well as Koln and Kaiserlautern. The second tier is then made up of 6 regional divisions, Germany (16 teams), Poland(20 teams), Austria(20 teams), Hungary(20 Teams), Czechoslovakia(20 teams) and Romania(20 teams).

The idea is that each season 4 are relegated from the top Bundesliga and there is a a promotion playoff containing the top 4 from each of the 6 regional divisions with the 4 eventual winners getting promoted.

The promotion part seems to be working fine however i can't get the relegation to work properly. I have set up regional divisions for all teams to the respective league they should be relegated however when relegated the teams just replace the team that has been promoted. i.e i now have Koln playing in the Austrian regional league and Kaiserslautern in the Romanian.

I have tried setting the number of allowed teams for the regional teams to range from 4 to 36, just in case the german teams either all massively over/under perform, however this doesn't seem to fix it.

Do you know how I can stop this happening and ensure that the German teams get relegated to the German regional division at the end of the first season?

Help would be really appreciated.

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I have asked this before and was told it was impossible to force certain teams to regain their regions at all costs - with the use of maximum/minimum teams of a region. But if it is possible, I would love the solution. What other use can that attribut have?

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There are two ways, setting the regional boundaries for all divisions and also adding the correct regional division for all levels to all clubs. But it's still possible that some clubs may be shifted to the wrong division.

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You would do so in the database entry for your division. In the general tab for a division there are a set of options called North, South, East and West boundaries. You would have to select a city to correspond to each of these boundaries (as you say this works by latitude and longitude, so you can define rectangular regions). This coupled with setting divisions should in general keep teams in the correct regions.

The problem you will have, as pointed out above, is that divisions are fixed in size when you create them, and I believe there is no way to change this limit. So, you cannot specify that you will relegate German teams to the German division if this will cause the lower level to increase in size. So what will happen is that the teams geographically (once you set regional boundaries) closest to another region will play in that region. It is similar to how the conference north and south can swap teams depending on who is relegated.

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Divisions seems to be not fixed with size, if the minimal and maximal number of teams are not equal. In my Georgian league file, which I'm trying to finish, the number of teams in the 2nd and 3rd tier vary in different seasons. I still have no idea, how does it works in details (and I'm going to fix the 3rd level regional leagues for each club), but it changes.

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Yes i've set the size of the league to vary from 4 to 36 to compensate for the unlikely event that the top league ended up being dominated by the non German teams. I'm guessing i could look at the regional boundaries for the Austrian, Polish, Romanian league etc. and then just replicate them in the new divisions i've set up? Or if the division is not regional is it not populated with regional boundaries?

Would be good if there was a quick way of finding the values rather than trying to suss out the coordinates for each country. It seems this league idea is becoming more complicated as it goes on and I haven't even decided which team and country I'm going to be yet. :confused:

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