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Why You Should Play FMC - Moved from Tactics and Training Forum

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I have to say, FMC is absolutely brilliant and has quickly become my preferred choice of game mode over the "full" career mode.

Why? Because FMC is a wonderful mix of the necessary and necessary. You need to learn how to create tactics, make changes, and manage your squad. But perhaps you don't really need to deal with endless scouting issues, individualized training, board philosophies, tactical familiarity, etc. The list is endless.

But the biggest thing is that FMC allows you the freedom to be creative and try things. You don't need to worry about starting up a new save and going through the motions and deal with all the building up of tactical familiarity, team cohesion, etc. It's just totally inspiring to have those shackles taken off of you.

The one thing I wish for, is that FMC would include an analysis tab like on the full career mode. I miss that. But it's also forcing me to REALLY pay close attention to my games and make sure that we're doing what I desire tactically. So maybe losing the analysis tab is a good thing? I still miss having it though.

Aside from that FMC is just lovely. If you don't have a lot of time, like me being a student, it is absolutely perfect. The full game mode takes so much time and effort, with FMC I can breeze through a few games in my limited spare time.

What do you all think?

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How does it work for developing youth players? That's rapidly becoming my favourite part of the game. I'm sure I read somewhere that it's a bit limiting in that respect and that's put me off trying. Other than that it does actually sound good so maybe I should try it.

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Could not agree more.

It is a fantastic mode, and it riles me enormously when people imply that it is a "dumbed down" way of playing.

Tactically it is restriction free, and that is the main appeal for me.

I too miss the Analysis Tab, and implore you to bump that request in the FMC wishlist thread, if you haven't already: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/368896-FMC2014-Wishlist-Thread However, like you, I agree that its absence forces you to watch games more whilst you develop your tactic, and it actually leads you away from the minefield of stats - so many people fret about CCC conversion and things like that, but if you watch your matches and are happy with your play, then stats are rendered less significant.

A huge added bonus of FMC is the speed. If I start a new game in Simulation Mode, it takes me three hours to get to my first pre-season game.

On FMC, that time frame gets me to the end of September.

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Could not agree more.

It is a fantastic mode, and it riles me enormously when people imply that it is a "dumbed down" way of playing.

Tactically it is restriction free, and that is the main appeal for me.

I too miss the Analysis Tab, and implore you to bump that request in the FMC wishlist thread, if you haven't already: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/368896-FMC2014-Wishlist-Thread However, like you, I agree that its absence forces you to watch games more whilst you develop your tactic, and it actually leads you away from the minefield of stats - so many people fret about CCC conversion and things like that, but if you watch your matches and are happy with your play, then stats are rendered less significant.

A huge added bonus of FMC is the speed. If I start a new game in Simulation Mode, it takes me three hours to get to my first pre-season game.

On FMC, that time frame gets me to the end of September.

I didn't even know there was wishlist for FMC! I will bump that for sure. Thanks!

Let's hope they never add tactical familiarity to FMC!!!

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My problems with FMC are the lack of the Analysis Tab, I rely too much on it. Being unable to change the skin, I just hate the default FMC skin. Not being able to use custom databases, not being in control of player training, especially making players learn new positions.

But yeah, the lack of tactic familiarity and all the media/team talk stuff are great.

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Trying to set up an online game with some friends, but we are all only available on to play on Mondays (damn Uni timetables) and was just wondering whether FMC can be played on a network game?

I know I could check but I'm up to my neck with Uni reading/work so I've only nipped on to check my thread. If anyone could reply regarding this, that'd be great!

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You can make a player learn a new position by playing them in whatever the position is you want them to learn.

And I believe players train based on whatever role's you've been giving them although I could be wrong about that.

Correct on both counts.

Being unable to specify what PPMs you want to train is also an issue for me, and something else I have added to the wishlist.

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Trying to set up an online game with some friends, but we are all only available on to play on Mondays (damn Uni timetables) and was just wondering whether FMC can be played on a network game?

I don't believe you can, but will get that confirmed ASAP.

Is there anyway way you can change a simulation mode save format so it can be loaded in Classic Mode?

I've a vague feeling that I inadvertently did this once, but will check that out and get back to you.

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Correct on both counts.

Being unable to specify what PPMs you want to train is also an issue for me, and something else I have added to the wishlist.

Slightly off topic to an extent, but it saves starting a new thread to ask a silly question.

In full manager mode, if you play a player in a new position, without re-training, will he still learn the position (obviously at a slower rate) or do you have to use the re-train position option, as well as playing the player in the said position ?

FMC sounds like a lot of fun, am very tempted by it, sort of a throw back to CM 01-02, with bells on it. With a few extra additions, it may well take over from the full game

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In full manager mode, if you play a player in a new position, without re-training, will he still learn the position (obviously at a slower rate) or do you have to use the re-train position option, as well as playing the player in the said position ?

I couldn't honestly say - hopefully Cleon will come sniffing around at some point and provide a definitive answer.

My suspicion is that there may be minimal improvement seen, but in general terms the idea is to apply Position Retraining AND simultaneously play them in that position to accelerate their learning of the new slot.

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Trying to set up an online game with some friends, but we are all only available on to play on Mondays (damn Uni timetables) and was just wondering whether FMC can be played on a network game?

I know I could check but I'm up to my neck with Uni reading/work so I've only nipped on to check my thread. If anyone could reply regarding this, that'd be great!

Network Games - yes you can. Just go to the Start Screen -> New Online Game.

There is FMC Career Mode for Network, and Versus too (which uses the FMC skin).

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Slightly off topic to an extent, but it saves starting a new thread to ask a silly question.

In full manager mode, if you play a player in a new position, without re-training, will he still learn the position (obviously at a slower rate) or do you have to use the re-train position option, as well as playing the player in the said position ?

FMC sounds like a lot of fun, am very tempted by it, sort of a throw back to CM 01-02, with bells on it. With a few extra additions, it may well take over from the full game

You have to retrain them on the full version they don't learn it automatic.

I couldn't honestly say - hopefully Cleon will come sniffing around at some point and provide a definitive answer.

My suspicion is that there may be minimal improvement seen, but in general terms the idea is to apply Position Retraining AND simultaneously play them in that position to accelerate their learning of the new slot.

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Once you play FMC for a few seasons you'll be hooked. I love to have two saves, FMC for when I want to play the game for a long time and FM when I have a lot of time to spare. If I had to have only one mode though, it would be FMC.

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I started my big Barca/Barca B save on the full game, and I regret it. I want to start on FMC so badly, but I might as well wait for this new patch to come out. I tried FMC once, and the skin, primarily the player attribute screen, was very off putting.

I wanted to start a game, just to do so, anyone else ever had this problem? No matter what team I choose to start with it stops me and says"Team x can not be chosen" and that's it. Hm?

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I've briefly played FMC and I'm afraid I can't appreciate it like you fellas.

I don't knock FMC, if that's what people want, that's what people want. It's personal taste at the end of the day.

But I like the in-depth nature of FM. Managing my own team talks, speaking to specific players, training youngsters and tutoring them to tailor them into exactly the player I want them to be, scouting the more obscure nations just to find that one little gem. If these were in FMC I'd play it. But then it wouldn't be FMC, it would just be FM :brock:

I'm glad there's a lot who love FMC - I honestly thought it was a waste of time and had no idea how popular it was until now - but personally I'll stick to the full game because when it comes to FM, I'm a total control freak :D

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The only thing stopping me from playing FMC mode is that we can't edit the real names of the competitions,i hate seeing my team playing in the european champions cup instead of the champions league..

If we could have this simple addition to edit just the competitions then i'd play FMC a lot.

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The only thing stopping me from playing FMC mode is that we can't edit the real names of the competitions,i hate seeing my team playing in the european champions cup instead of the champions league..

If we could have this simple addition to edit just the competitions then i'd play FMC a lot.

Custom databases are your friend!

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I wish there was a way to customize your FM experience, choosing which features you want and which you don't. I would love to get rid of stuff like tactical familiarity and team blend (which are extremely opaque and don't seem to improve the experience in any way) but keep other features like training, analysis, etc.

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Strange how this thread has popped up right now. After months of frustration with the full game I tried FMC for once a couple of days ago, and I'm glad I did. I can finally see whether or not my tactic works with out familiarity or team talks or any other of the many things that make your players rubbish.

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Oh you know, I didn't even notice the custom databases don't work!

I use downloaded images to replace all of the stock graphics in the game, so when I click on the champions cup it appears as the champions league.

Whoops :)

Yeah the images work fine but the names don't...i also hate the fact we cant update any transfers so trying to play FMC is difficult for me as i am too much of a perfectionist.

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I wish I could remember where from, I think it was on Steam, I downloaded a Competition Name/German Team fix, and it gives Classic Mode all the proper names too. Well, everything but the Club World Cup, but it didn't fix that in the main mode either.

This is a snip from my currently running Classic save.


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what is wrong with asking it in here? will this forum magically implode?

Don't be an arse please. The reason why it shouldn't be in here is this is the Tactics and Training forum and his question is to do with neither. We have specific forums for a reason.

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Playing FMC for the first time in FM14 and I'm really enjoying it. It's so nice not to have to deal with all the touchy-feely interaction (media, team-talks etc.) that just doesn't work as far as I'm concerned. I get the impression that if FMC was given better depth in training and scouting an awful lot of players would switch. FMC feels like the game I originally got into - it's FUN!

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Can you tell us where to find that information?

As I said, it's long winded, and not very practical to do for every game, but it can be done.

When you've finished a game you want to analyse, save the match in your 'matches' folder. You can do this from the match screen when you click on the result, then save your game.

Go to the home screen and load up a save on the full game if you have one. When you've done this, immediately go back to the startup screen and choose the option at the bottom to load a match. Load up the FMC game you saved before, and it opens up in full game mode, where you can see all the statistical information you want.

Not particularly practical, but if there's a particular game you really need to see the analysis from, you can try it.

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As I said, it's long winded, and not very practical to do for every game, but it can be done.

When you've finished a game you want to analyse, save the match in your 'matches' folder. You can do this from the match screen when you click on the result, then save your game.

Go to the home screen and load up a save on the full game if you have one. When you've done this, immediately go back to the startup screen and choose the option at the bottom to load a match. Load up the FMC game you saved before, and it opens up in full game mode, where you can see all the statistical information you want.

Not particularly practical, but if there's a particular game you really need to see the analysis from, you can try it.


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I think I'm going to have a bash at FMC this evening having read this thread (even if it may be in the wrong place :p) and mooching around the FMC forum a little too.

For me, as others I'm sure, there's a trade off for the full game stuff I like to get involved in on most saves, i.e. youth development, specialist training and PPMs etc. and streamlining some of the more tedious stuff such as repetitve press conferences and tactical familairity, which is the bane of my FM life.

Even with a dozen friendlies, not buying more than 2 or 3 players, moving the slider all the way over and all of the other stuff, it still takes the best part of a full season to get it more or less fluid in my experience, with all the little tweaks that take place on the fly to make it perfect.

Anyway, I'm going to give it a bash for saves where I'm not too fussed about focussing on youth development... Bayern I think... I'll let all the other Bundesliga teams do the player development for me. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
You need to learn how to create tactics, make changes, and manage your squad. But perhaps you don't really need to deal with endless scouting issues, individualized training, board philosophies, tactical familiarity, etc. The list is endless.

But the biggest thing is that FMC allows you the freedom to be creative and try things. You don't need to worry about starting up a new save and going through the motions and deal with all the building up of tactical familiarity, team cohesion, etc.

Sounds like FM with all the fun taken out!

Glad you like it but I don't see the appeal personally.

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I have not tried FMC, so can someone tell what kind of restrictions there are regarding amount of countries/leagues loaded?

I usually play journeyman career with lots of countries loaded, is that possible in FMC?

You can load up to 50,000 players, and can pick and choose the number of leagues you load from all the standard nations.

I currently have loaded the top leagues in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Portugal, Scotland and the top two leagues in England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

You can then add and remove leagues as you go, so if I wanted to ditch say Spain, and load India and Peru, then I can (the added / removed leagues will kick in from the start of the next season). It's very flexible and a world apart from how it was on FM13.

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You can load up to 50,000 players, and can pick and choose the number of leagues you load from all the standard nations.

I currently have loaded the top leagues in Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Portugal, Scotland and the top two leagues in England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.

You can then add and remove leagues as you go, so if I wanted to ditch say Spain, and load India and Peru, then I can (the added / removed leagues will kick in from the start of the next season). It's very flexible and a world apart from how it was on FM13.

Sounds manageable :)

In my current save i have "a few players and countries more", but i think i could give it a try at some point.

Would probably be beneficial too as i would see the effects of my tactic changes immediately. Now it's constantly guessing does something work/or not work because of lack of familiarity.

Still, having somewhat promising tactics in my current save, so have to see how this goes, before thinking about FMC.

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This is straying badly into an FMC information thread - which does not belong in these forums. While I can see there is a good healthy discussion in this thread, I can see very little that is tactic/training related at all - can we keep this about the tactics and training side of FMC please, I don't really want to have to close it.

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