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The Manchester United thread 2006/2007 - featuring BBB leaving early


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BBB:

haha Ryan icon_biggrin.gif

Arsenal clearly have a class team, Rosicky an absolute steal icon_frown.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>Agreed - one of my fave players going to our rivals!

I think the Glazers have severely hindered our spending power.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Keyser:

The midfielder that shall not be named </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

certainly not spelled correctly.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Nick OGS20?:

Right, does anyone know anything about buses from Hyde back into Manchester? Because it's a later kickoff than normal tonight, there's no trains after the game and I don't fancy being stranded there overnight or paying for a cab. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

201, 204, 206


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It's actually surprisingly difficult to get any match reports etc even though it happened like 2 days ago.

But the basic things are 'Carrick's injured' and 'Rooney got sent off'? Am I being naive in thinking that a sending off for a friendly won't automatically mean a suspension? I rather think I am...

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by James07?:

what are the rules ffs? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

No scouse.

No citeh.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ACou2000:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BBB:

Ant, you never fail to surprise me icon_biggrin.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I've basically got an endless supply here. Well endless in as much as everything ever said in any of the episodes. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know more Brent than you do Partridge.

And you know a fair bit of Partridge

"Yes, it's an extender!"

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  • 3 weeks later...

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by gonch19:

for the record i felt although ronaldo was good, as a so called big game player and someone supposedly capable of winning a game on his own, a good individual goal and some nice passages of play werent quite enough. probably begrudgingly because i was so frustrated. but yeh i stick by it no matter what nick says and anyone else follows. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

"capable of winning a game on his own" - always struck me as one of the more misleading clichés in football. reminds me of that joke about 'star player x' taking on a topically poor side on his own and yet being disappointed with a draw because he got sent off after 10 minutes or whatever. but i digress - either you're taking the cliché too literally, or you're just plain wrong. no player can win a game on his own - if they could, the glazers would surely have signed one up by now and sold everyone else. furthermore, no player can (on any kind of consistent basis) win his team games when the rest of his team completely fail to turn up, in a metaphorical sense this time, as happened against Reading.

a more accurate interpretation of the cliché would be a player who, as part of a well-functioning team, can produce moments of magic to decide close games, or a player who, when all around him are struggling, can lift his game to salvage something for his team. i'm fairly sure the latter is exactly what Ronaldo did on Saturday evening. everything good we did revolved around him, and without him on the park, we'd have lost, no question. it baffles me how, because he's somehow not won the game on his own, his performance isn't good enough. it wasn't his greatest performance ever, but alongside those of the other 9 outfield starters, it was positively sensational, and it's beyond me how anyone could overlook him as being the best of a very poor bunch.

and while i'm here, the dismissal of Ronaldo's performance because it wasn't against one of the bigger teams is an utter joke, and i can only hope it's intended as such. can't really win otherwise, can he?

anyway, 'mon us tonight, time to exorcise some demons

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yep against Copehagen I gave it to Carrick, but I think I was too aware of some critique I'd had about always giving it to Scholesy, even so I stand by my choices.

If Fletch had been forced to own the entire left hand side of their pitch in the 2nd like had in the first I'd have given it him, but thats the way the cookie crumbles - Scholesy was ace all game.

Thing is I was almost tempted to come online as soon as Rio's goal went in and give it to him just because the goal+celebration was so ****ing good!

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  • 2 weeks later...

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Razor Eddie:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BBB:

Told me not to stand all game. it's *****s like them that ruin it for everyone else. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's ridiculous, ffs. icon_biggrin.gif

If I hadn't stood up all game, (like everybody else in the same stand was !!} I would've seen jack sh1t all game.


Did you get his/her name, Mart ? I'd complain about victimisation if I were you. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Did he not have a word with Keith too? Seeing as I was bouncing around almost as much as Martin. Martin must just have one of those faces people want to hate.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by ericcantona7:

Saha would probably get injured but I don't care, and yes that's Fletch and Richardson in the middle with Jones on the left. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

You don't care if Saha gets injured? icon_confused.gif

In a Carling Cup game against Southend?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

but like i say, you could say the same thing about Gaby's rash lunge, Giggs' failure to track Trabelsi, Carrick being AWOL, Rio standing off Trabelsi and VDS being a bit suspect for the shot.

i remember seeing this argument in your thread before about garcia not 'directly' contributing to goals against because there was still plenty of opportunity for others to rectify his errors - same applies here really. it was still a fairly harmless situation after vida's slip.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mart - beef with RvN's RI interview is hugely weak. accusing him of lying seems daft given it's his word against that or someone hardly a paragon of truth, and throughout the whole interview he's nothing but utterly respectful and classy towards the club, manager, players and especially the fans.

re: the selection yesterday - i could actually see where fergie was coming from. think Mark said something similar, but with Vida and Scholesy free to play, it made sense to rest the other main centre-back and Scholesy's obvious replacement on saturday. Nev's of an age where he can't play four games in 10 days, Saha's been needing a rest for ages. Ronaldo was the only iffy one really.

thought we were comfortable but flat first half yesterday, Ronnie obviously made a huge difference after the break although Fletch was really unlucky to be the one sacrificed when Rooney had wasted two brilliant passes from him and O'Shea was finding blue and white-clad players with unerring regularity. thought Vida was brilliant, really seemed to step up and take on added responsibility with Rio and Nev out, looked a leader out there and gave nothing away. there was one moment where he was standing waiting for a high-bouncing ball to drop, and Todorov decided to try and shoulder charge him, only succeeding in bouncing off him and ending up in a crumpled heap. thought Paddy was excellent at the back as well, although not unduly threatened.

really impressed with Park, one of the few players who looked a danger first half and carried it through to the end of the game. very clever with his turns which enabled him to find plenty of space, and he was nice and direct. still needs to learn to have a shot now and then, but his form and fitness are clearly on their way back, which is fantastically timed really. O'Shea was largely useless, improved as the team did but once again showed how out of his depth he is in midfield. Fletch wqg as i've said, still didn't stop numpties in the stretty getting on his back incessantly while failing to recognise his positive contributions. infuriates me, might write a rant to one of the fanzines later.

bit bemused by the criticism of Rooney and people suggesting he be dropped. sure, he needs a rest, and his wayward finishing is a bit of a concern, but that aside he was good i thought? worked his arse off (typified by him getting back to break up a dangerous wigan counter attack in the first half), showed some typically neat touches in attack and deserved a goal. far from his best but still extremely useful. Ole was a bit anonymous first half but lacked service as much as anything. contributed loads i thought in the second half, topped off by a typically brilliant finish. everyone's waxed lyrical about Ronaldo already, so i'll just say he was again an absolute joy to watch yesterday.

motm: cristiano ronaldo

2nd: nemanja vidic

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The United Thread Stat-tacular 2006-7: HAPPY NEW YEAR


<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Total |

| | | | | |

1. Edwin VAN DER SAR | 20 | 6 | | | 26 |

2. Gary NEVILLE | 16 | 4 | | | 20 |

3. Patrice EVRA | 12(2) | 2(2) | | 0(1) | 14(5) |

4. Gabriel HEINZE | 7(4) | 3(1) | | 2 | 12(5) |

5. Rio FERDINAND | 20 | 4(1) | | | 24(1) |

6. Wes BROWN | 8(3) | 3 | | 2 | 13(3) |

7. Cristiano RONALDO | 18(1) | 5 | | 1 | 24(1) |

8. Wayne ROONEY | 17(1) | 6 | | 1 | 24(1) |

9. Louis SAHA | 16(1) | 5 | | | 21(1) |

11. Ryan GIGGS | 14(2) | 3 | | | 17(2) |

13. PARK Ji-Sung | 4(4) | | | | 4(4) |

14. Alan SMITH | | 0(2) | | 2 | 2(2) |

15. Nemanja VIDIC | 14 | 5 | | | 19 |

16. Michael CARRICK | 15(2) | 6 | | | 21(2) |

17. Henrik LARSSON | | | | | |

18. Paul SCHOLES | 16 | 5(1) | | | 21(1) |

19. Giuseppe ROSSI | | | | | |

20. Ole Gunnar SOLSKJAER | 5(5) | 1(3) | | 1 | 7(8) |

22. John O'SHEA | 9(10)| 3(2) | | 1 | 13(12) |

23. Kieran RICHARDSON | 3(3) | 0(2) | | 2 | 5(5) |

24. Darren FLETCHER | 10(6) | 3(2) | | 1 | 14(8) |

25. David JONES | | | | 2 | 2 |

27. Mikael SILVESTRE | 6(5) | 2 | | 2 | 10(5) |

29. Tomasz KUSZCZAK | 1 | | | 2 | 3 |

34. Ryan SHAWCROSS | | | | 0(2) | 0(2) |

35. Kieran LEE | | | | 0(2) | 0(2) |

36. David GRAY | | | | 1 | 1 |

41. Philip MARSH | | | | 1 | 1 |

42. Michael BARNES | | | | 0(1) | 0(1) |

49. Ritchie JONES | | | | 1 | 1 |



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Total |

| | | | | |

7. Cristiano RONALDO | 12 | | | | 12 |

9. Louis SAHA | 8 | 4 | | | 12 |

8. Wayne ROONEY | 8 | | | | 8 |

20. Ole Gunnar SOLSKJAER | 6 | 1 | | 1 | 8 |

11. Ryan GIGGS | 2 | 1 | | | 3 |

15. Nemanja VIDIC | 2 | 1 | | | 3 |

18. Paul SCHOLES | 2 | 1 | | | 2 |

22. John O'SHEA | 1 | 1 | | | 2 |

24. Darren FLETCHER | 2 | | | | 2 |

3. Patrice EVRA | 1 | | | | 1 |

5. Rio FERDINAND | 1 | | | | 1 |

23. Kieran RICHARDSON | | 1 | | | 1 |

27. Mikael SILVESTRE | 1 | | | | 1 |

35. Kieran LEE | | | | 1 | 1 |

Own Goals | 1 | | | | 1 |

| | | | | |

Totals | 47 | 10 | | 2 | 59 |



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

9. Louis SAHA 3/4

7. Cristiano RONALDO 0/1


Penalties won:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

7. Cristiano RONALDO 2

8. Wayne ROONEY 1

11. Ryan GIGGS 1

13. PARK Ji-Sung 1



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

11. Ryan GIGGS 8

9. Louis SAHA 7

8. Wayne ROONEY 7

7. Cristiano RONALDO 7

2. Gary NEVILLE 3

3. Patrice EVRA 2

6. Wes BROWN 2

24. Darren FLETCHER 2

13. PARK Ji-Sung 2

18. Paul SCHOLES 2

4. Gabriel HEINZE 1

14. Alan SMITH 1

15. Nemanja VIDIC 1

16. Michael CARRICK 1

20. Ole Gunnar SOLSKJAER 1

49. Ritchie JONES 1


At Fault For Goal:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

27. Mikael SILVESTRE 4

4. Gabriel HEINZE 2

1. Edwin VAN DER SAR 1

2. Gary NEVILLE 1

3. Patrice EVRA 1


6. Wes BROWN 1

7. Cristiano RONALDO 1

16. Michael CARRICK 1

22. John O'SHEA 1


Clean Sheets:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

Charlton away (EPL)

Tottenham home (EPL)

Benfica away (CL)

Newcastle home (EPL)

FC Kobenhavn home (CL)

Liverpool home (EPL)

Bolton away (EPL)

Portsmouth home (EPL)

Blackburn away (EPL)

Everton home (EPL)

Aston Villa away (EPL)


Yellow Cards:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Total |

| | | | | |

18. Paul SCHOLES | 5 | 2 | | | 7 |

15. Nemanja VIDIC | 5 | | | | 5 |

3. Patrice EVRA | 3 | 1 | | | 4 |

8. Wayne ROONEY | 2 | 1 | | 1 | 4 |

6. Wes BROWN | 2 | | | 1 | 3 |

23. Kieran RICHARDSON | 2 | | | 1 | 3 |

4. Gabriel HEINZE | 1 | 1 | | | 2 |

11. Ryan GIGGS | 2 | | | | 2 |

16. Michael CARRICK | 1 | 1 | | | 2 |

22. John O'SHEA | 2 | | | | 2 |

5. Rio FERDINAND | 1 | | | | 1 |

7. Cristiano RONALDO | | 1 | | | 1 |

9. Louis SAHA | 1 | | | | 1 |

24. Darren FLETCHER | | 1 | | | 1 |

25. David JONES | | | | 1 | 1 |

27. Mikael SILVESTRE | | 1 | | | 1 |

35. Kieran LEE | | | | 1 | 1 |


Average Goals Per Game: 2.72 (79 in 29)

Average Goals Scored Per Game: 2.03 (59 in 29)

Average Goals Conceded Per Game: 0.69 (20 in 29)

Games Won When Scoring First Goal: 18/19 (94.74%)

Games Drawn When Scoring First Goal: 1/19 (5.26%)

Games Lost When Scoring First Goal: 0/19

Games Won When Conceding First Goal: 4/10 (40%)

Games Drawn When Conceding First Goal: 1/10 (10%)

Games Lost When Conceding First Goal: 5/10 (50%)

Games Won When Leading At Half-Time: 11/12 (91.67%)

Games Drawn When Leading At Half-Time: 1/12 (8.33%)

Games Lost When Leading At Half-Time: 0/12

Games Won When Drawing At Half-Time: 10/15 (66.66%)

Games Drawn When Drawing At Half-Time: 1/15 (6.66%)

Games Lost When Drawing At Half-Time: 4/15 (26.66%)

Games Won When Losing At Half-Time: 1/2 (50%)

Games Drawn When Losing At Half-Time: 0/2

Games Lost When Losing At Half-Time: 1/2 (50%)

Time of Goals Scored:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Total |

| | | | | |

0 - 15 mins | 8 | | | | 8 |

15 - 30 mins | 5 | | | 1 | 6 |

30 - 45 mins | 6 | 4 | | | 10 |

45 - 60 mins | 8 | 3 | | | 11 |

60 - 75 mins | 11 | 2 | | | 13 |

75 - 90 mins | 9 | 1 | | | 10 |

Extra Time | | | | 1 | 1 |


Time of Goals Conceded:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Total |

| | | | | |

0 - 15 mins | 2 | | | | 2 |

15 - 30 mins | | 2 | | 1 | 3 |

30 - 45 mins | 3 | 1 | | | 4 |

45 - 60 mins | 1 | | | | 1 |

60 - 75 mins | 4 | 1 | | 1 | 6 |

75 - 90 mins | 2 | 1 | | | 3 |

Extra Time | | | | | |


Manner of Goals Scored:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Total |

| | | | | |

Left foot | 10 | 5 | | | 15 |

Right foot | 29 | 2 | | 2 | 33 |

Head | 7 | 3 | | | 10 |

Opponent | 1 | | | | 1 |

| | | | | |

Inside area | 41 | 8 | | 1 | 50 |

Outside area | 6 | 2 | | 1 | 9 |

| | | | | |

Open play | 40 | 6 | | 2 | 48 |

Set piece | 4 | 3 | | | 7 |

Direct freekick | 1 | | | | 1 |

Penalty | 2 | 1 | | | 3 |


Manner of Goals Conceded:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Total |

| | | | | |

Left foot | 4 | 4 | | | 8 |

Right foot | 5 | 1 | | 2 | 8 |

Head | 3 | | | | 3 |

United player | 1 | | | | 1 |

| | | | | |

Inside area | 10 | 2 | | | 12 |

Outside area | 3 | 3 | | 2 | 8 |

| | | | | |

Open play | 8 | 3 | | 1 | 12 |

Set piece | 2 | | | | 2 |

Direct freekick | 1 | 2 | | 1 | 4 |

Penalty | 2 | | | | 2 |



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

Last Six (All comps): WWLWWW

Last Six (Prem/ship): WWLWWW

Home (All comps): DWWWWW

Home (Prem/ship): WDWWWW

Away (All comps): WWLWLW

Away (Prem/ship): WWWWLW

Games Unbeaten: 3 (all comps), 3 (premiership)

Consecutive Wins: 3 (all comps), 3 (premiership)



Highest - 76,018, vs Wigan (Premiership, 26/12/06)

Lowest - 72,020, vs FC Kobenhavn (Champions League, 18/10/06)

Total - 1,054,122 (14 games)

Average - 75,294

Mart Leaving Early:

Sevilla home

Dubiously-legal female charity collectors ogled from the wall


Forthcoming Fixtures

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

01.01.07 Newcastle United (A) Premiership

07.01.07 Aston Villa (H) FA Cup Third Round

13.01.07 Aston Villa (H) Premiership

21.01.07 Arsenal (A) Premiership

31.10.07 Watford (H) Premiership

03.02.07 Tottenham (A) Premiership




<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Other | Total |

| | | | | | |

11. Ryan GIGGS | 432(58)| 98(6) | 47(7) | 25(5) | 12(1) | 614(77) |

2. Gary NEVILLE | 341(15)| 98(6) | 38(3) | 16(1) | 8(1) | 501(26) |

18. Paul SCHOLES | 293(64)| 86(12)| 23(9) | 11(5) | 10 | 423(90) |

27. Mikael SILVESTRE | 222(21)| 59(7) | 17(2) | 13(1) | 7 | 318(31) |

20. Ole Gunnar SOLSKJAER | 147(79)| 35(44)| 12(12)| 8(3) | 6(3) | 208(141)|

6. Wes BROWN | 132(19)| 37(6) | 19(2) | 16(1) | | 204(28) |

22. John O'SHEA | 121(29)| 33(10)| 12(1) | 17(1) | 1(1) | 184(42) |

5. Rio FERDINAND | 135(1) | 34(1) | 9(1) | 9(1) | 1 | 188(4) |

7. Cristiano RONALDO | 82(32)| 23(3) | 12(2) | 8 | | 125(37) |

24. Darren FLETCHER | 68(15)| 18(7) | 7(4) | 10 | 0(1) | 103(27) |

8. Wayne ROONEY | 75(8) | 17 | 8(1) | 5(2) | | 105(11) |

9. Louis SAHA | 44(18)| 6(5) | 3(3) | 9 | | 62(26) |

14. Alan SMITH | 37(15)| 10(5) | 0(5) | 4(2) | 1 | 52(27) |

1. Edwin VAN DER SAR | 58 | 14 | 2 | 3 | | 77 |

4. Gabriel HEINZE | 35(6) | 12(1) | 4 | 4 | | 55(7) |

23. Kieran RICHARDSON | 15(17)| 5(9) | 6(1) | 11(2) | 0(1) | 37(30) |

13. PARK Ji-Sung | 27(15)| 0(6) | 1(1) | 3 | | 31(22) |

15. Nemanja VIDIC | 23(2) | 5 | 2 | 0(2) | | 30(4) |

3. Patrice EVRA | 19(6) | 2(2) | 0(1) | 1(2) | | 22(11) |

16. Michael CARRICK | 15(2) | 6 | | | | 21(2) |



<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

| Prem | ECL | FAC | TCC | Other | Total |

| | | | | | |

11. Ryan GIGGS | 96 | 24 | 10 | 7 | | 137 |

18. Paul SCHOLES | 91 | 22 | 12 | 8 | | 133 |

20. Ole Gunnar SOLSKJAER | 90 | 20 | 6 | 7 | | 123 |

8. Wayne ROONEY | 35 | 4 | 3 | 2 | | 44 |

7. Cristiano RONALDO | 30 | 1 | 6 | 2 | | 39 |

9. Louis SAHA | 23 | 4 | 2 | 7 | | 36 |

14. Alan SMITH | 7 | 2 | | 1 | 1 | 11 |

27. Mikael SILVESTRE | 6 | 2 | 1 | | 1 | 10 |

22. John O'SHEA | 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | | 9 |

23. Kieran RICHARDSON | 1 | 2 | 3 | 3 | | 9 |

2. Gary NEVILLE | 5 | 2 | | | | 7 |

24. Darren FLETCHER | 6 | | | | | 6 |

5. Rio FERDINAND | 4 | | | | | 4 |

4. Gabriel HEINZE | 1 | 2 | | | | 3 |

13. PARK Ji-Sung | 2 | | | 1 | | 3 |

15. Nemanja VIDIC | 2 | 1 | | | | 3 |

6. Wes BROWN | 1 | 1 | | | | 2 |

3. Patrice EVRA | 1 | | | | | 1 |

1. Edwin VAN DER SAR | | | | | | 0 |

16. Michael CARRICK | | | | | | 0 |



Reserves Update

Appearances: Kieran Lee 11, Daniel Rose 10, Ryan Shawcross 9, Craig Cathcart 8(2), Ritchie Jones 8, Aaron Burns 8, Michael Barnes 7(3), Philip Marsh 7(3), Tom Heaton 7, David Gray 7(1), Michael Lea 6(1), Alan Smith 6, David Jones 6, Jamie Mullan 5(2), Séan Evans 4(2), Tomasz Kuszczak 4, Floribert N'Galula 2, Sam Hewson 1(1), Christopher Eagles 1, Liam Miller 1, Giuseppe Rossi 1, Ji-Sung Park 1, Kieran Richardson 1, Febian Brandy (5), Christy Fagan (2), Daniel Drinkwater (1), Magnus Wolff Eikrem (1)

Scorers: Philip Marsh 7, Aaron Burns 6, Febian Brandy 2, Giuseppe Rossi 2, Michael Barnes 2, Kieran Lee 1, Christopher Eagles 1, David Jones 1, Ryan Shawcross 1, Daniel Rose 1, David Gray 1, Kieran Richardson 1, Alan Smith 1, own goals 1 (Webster, Wigan)

Premier Reserve League North Table:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">

P W D L F A GD Pts

1. M'boro Res 8 6 1 1 19 6 +13 19

2. Man Utd Res 7 5 0 2 15 7 +8 15

3. N'castle Res 6 3 2 1 12 9 +3 11


Next Fixture:

17.01.07 Bury (A) - Manchester Seniors Cup


Academy Update

Appearances: James Chester 15, Christy Fagan 14(1), Febian Brandy 13(1), James Derbyshire 11(3), Daniel Drinkwater 11(3), Magnus Wolff Eikrem 11(2), Craig Cathcart 10, Richard Eckersley 10, Sam Hewson 10, Benjamin Amos 10, Daniel Welbeck 8(6), Antonio Bryan 8(4), Conor McCormack 8(2), Michael Lea 6, Daniel Galbraith 5(1), Ron-Robert Zieler 5, Thomas Cleverley 4(1), Corrie Evans 3(3), Kenny Strickland 3(1), Oliver Norwood (2), Matthew James (2)

Scorers: Brandy 9, Fagan 5, Welbeck 5, Bryan 2, Galbraith 1, Hewson 2, Cathcart 1, Eikrem 1, Lea 1, Chester 1

U18 Academy Group C Table:

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">


4. B'burn Yth 14 6 2 6 21 16 +5 20`

5. Man Utd Yth 15 5 3 7 28 29 -1 18

6. WBA Yth 14 5 2 7 20 23 -3 17


Next Fixture:

16.12.06 S****horpe United (H) - FA Youth Cup, @ Ewen Fields, Hyde


Assists and at-fault-for's up for debate ofc. Suggestions for further stats welcome.

goals x4 for ronaldo, x2 for ole. assists for (in order) scholes, park, rooney, ronaldo, solskjaer, giggs. affg for silvestre, van der sar and silvestre again. booking for homohair. other shizzle. enjoy

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yeah I really thought that Howard was the answer, the games against Man City in the Cup and Bolton away in the league were just brilliant from him, two of the best goalkeeping displays I can remember us seeing post-Schmeichel.

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  • 1 month later...

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by RedBlood:

The list of players joining us can we not include people who say they wish to join us? </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by James07?:

If a newspaper / major website carries the story, then it goes on the list. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Surely shameless self-promotion by a random 20 year old & Franck Ribery isn’t the same as the papers or another major news outlet rumouring that a deal is in the works for PLAYER X though? Although I suppose if a paper picked up a quote and declared “PLAYER X makes come-and-get-me plea to Fergie†it wouldn’t be different…ah screw it leave them in.

This is just me being pedantic and fixing a couple of spelling errors that were bugging me since this is going to be reposted quite a bit…

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">

The definitely going to be joining Manchester United, no doubt about it, cos the papers say so list

Mikel Arteta - Everton (Guardian)

Gareth Bale - Southampton (Mirror)

Dimitar Berbatov - Spurs (Guardian, Sunday Mirror)

Jermain Defoe - Spurs (Guardian)

Owen Hargreaves - Bayern Munich (Times)

Klaas Jan Huntelaar - Ajax (Guardian)

Youssouf Mulumbu - PSG (Youssouf Mulumbu)

Nani - Sporting Lisbon (Guardian)

Franck Ribery - Marseille (Himself via Sky)

Micah Richards - Manchester City (Mirror)

Steve Sidwell - Reading (Mirror)

Fernando Torres - Atletico Madrid (Mirror)

Running Total: 12

Predicted Final Total

Irish – 170

James07? – 112

bling – 102

pjburrage – 99

WSR – 95

theis – 92

alilaw – 89

Nezell – 87

14AlanSmithifb – 85

Hero of the day – 83

vanester – 82

T!mbo – 80

BBB – 79

gonch19 – 78

Bagpuss – 77

Rb – 76

Pickles – 74

julesMUFC – 71

ajw2255 – 70

Nick OGS20 – 68

Maverick – 64

davidbowie – 63

Ryno – 62

ACou2000 – 60

Gregg Carter – 59

Jimlad – 56

ericcantona7 – 55

Matt Cavanagh – 54

mark g – 52

keyser – 50

player_65 – 46

SLO_Fila – 43

Taz Devil – 41

Saha – 39

The_Fish – 37

finneys13 – 36

Master Blasta – 32

EmmYouEffSee – 29

RedBlood – 26

qwerty2k – 17

Razor Eddie – 16

? – 15


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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Taz & The Devil:

Basically i was reading some other sites the other day and they were talking about our greatest side ever. Hardly anyone said the 94 double winning side for reasons mainly that they never saw them play.

So i had half hour spare and tried to dig out some compilations of the sides. Players who played longer will have compilations with a lot of clips after the early 90's but so what.

Some people like the defence you cant get footage of but hopefully when i get chance to have a proper look later on i can find something.

Schmic compilation my favourite, its class and then the Cantona one. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have to say the '99 treble winning side is my greatest Man Utd team. Mainly because the midfield was so unbelievably awesome. And partly because it picked up a treble and then a hattrick of premiership titles.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Isnt there some sort of box set with all the season reviews from 92/93 through about 02/03 somewhere? Could swear that exists and if anyone knows where to find it then do tell. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

ask nick, i think he has it. or if he doesn't, i'm sure he has something similar, probably done by the same people.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by BBB:

eddie, you rule dude. never buy shitty quality lager, always stella icon_cool.gif


Tbf, I know all that. I just wanted to see it in b&w. icon_wink.gif

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