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Worst World Cup?

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(First of all, sorry for doubting Brazilians.)

Will Brazil 2014 be down in the list of the best World Cups so far?

We're close to the opening, and we don't know if every stadium is ready. The field and the tribunes are ready, I'm pretty sure of that. But how about the infrastructure in the stadium? The restaurant? Will the lamps not suddenly go out? Will the journalists be able to quickly report? Or will they have to use radios like the good old times?

I also have the feeling that things are rushed. Is everyone sure about the constructional safety?

How about the safety for the supporters? The Dutch government has created a booklet about what the visiting tourists better do and better not do. Showing your high-tech cell phone on the busy street apparently needs extra precaution. Criminals with guns are everywhere although the police are well equipped. There are safe spots everywhere, but one wrong step can land you in the dangerous areas.

SI Community members from Brazil may enlighten us?

Not that I want or wanted the World Cup to be organized somewhere else. But I think the protests were too late and people should have done it back when FIFA awarded it or when the preparation stage was still in the initial phase. I've been saying for months that the show should go ahead and we should make it a good and enjoyable one.

Anyway, good luck for the organizers and everyone. :thup:

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I think organization-wise it will certainly be the worst one (in recent times at least).

Even if everything works perfectly well (it won't), the country's size alone will have an impact on both matches (team will be more tired, etc..) and on the fans that move from one host city to another.

I think security concerns are a bit exaggerated though, criminals are often concentrated in some specific areas and there will be heavy security anyway during the tournament. The main problem is transportation, not security.

As for the protests, they should have started much earlier, but it's good people use the World Cup to protest, otherwise the government will just ignore them. Brazil's future is more important than a football tournament.

I also think that on the pitch it will be an average World Cup, many injured players missing the tournament and as mentioned, the long trips will hurt the teams, Brazil included.

The northern and northeastern host cities will also be hot, so we can expect some low scoring games in those places.

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The South African world cup was going to be terrible as well. Rapes, crime, violence, murder.... Didn't turn out so bad.

Violence always the easiest thing to deal with though, just increase security for a month and most criminals, especially organized crime, will stay at home during the event.

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Unfortunately the so-called Brazilian vuvuzela called 'caxirola' was not allowed in the World Cup this year, it's great for fans to throw them into the pitch too.

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I think organization-wise it will certainly be the worst one (in recent times at least).

Even if everything works perfectly well (it won't), the country's size alone will have an impact on both matches (team will be more tired, etc..) and on the fans that move from one host city to another.

I think security concerns are a bit exaggerated though, criminals are often concentrated in some specific areas and there will be heavy security anyway during the tournament. The main problem is transportation, not security.

As for the protests, they should have started much earlier, but it's good people use the World Cup to protest, otherwise the government will just ignore them. Brazil's future is more important than a football tournament.

I also think that on the pitch it will be an average World Cup, many injured players missing the tournament and as mentioned, the long trips will hurt the teams, Brazil included.

The northern and northeastern host cities will also be hot, so we can expect some low scoring games in those places.

Pretty much what PMLF said. I would also add some extra information about the protests.

1-) This year they gonna be smaller than last year, because the protests of 2013 weren't originally because of the World Cup, but because of the bus ticket fare. They would be smaller protests, but the police was very violent to stop the first protests and that revolted most of people to start protesting too.

2-) People against the World Cup started opposing to it back then in 2007. They received reinforcement in 2013 because of the ticket fare protests, and also, some people, in 2007, believed that no public money would be used to build the arenas, they changed their opinions, bit by bit, during the last years when they realized that most of the promised infrastructure wouldn't be done, only the stadia.

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Are Brazil doing these 'fan zones' around the cities and towns that have become popular now?

Sweepstake on first mention of "The Samba World Cup"? I am going for 14 seconds after ITV coverage starts

Also, pictures of some women dressed in yellow with those big feathery things on their head whilst someone in green plays drums really fast in the background

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In terms of watching I've only seen the WC98 (tad on the young side but enjoyed the England games and Zidane), WC 2002, WC 2006 and WC 2010.

Would probably have to say WC2010 was the worst so far. Annoying crowd, games were terrible and the whole tournament was summed up with that horrific final. The fact it was the first WC were I could legally drink and I hated it says how poor it was from my point of view. No amount of alcohol could have made that any better.

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It says a lot that I remember more about 1998 and 2002 than 2006 and 2010, considering I was born in 1992.

2010 was hugely forgettable, now that I think about it. Semi-finals and final aside (and the final was crap), there's not much to remember bar the occasional wonder goal from Tshabalala or whatever.

That's probably down to the Jabulani being so hard for players to get used to :D It's a ball ffs, just kick it. Unbelievable how long it took for players to get used to it, was the quarters iirc.

Here's hoping the Brazuca isn't a heap of ****.

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Are Brazil doing these 'fan zones' around the cities and towns that have become popular now?

Yes, there will be fan zones in the host cities.

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Oh goodness, that bloody England band :mad:

Where was it recently they weren't allowed to go (Ukraine?) and I think at that point it dawned on them that no one actually likes them :D They seemed surprised

That's all about how much they enjoy it, nothing to do with the fans, the band themselves have a great ol time

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You are the only person I know, aside from the band themselves, that like the band then

They just really think they are part of the show and spectacle, the fans didn't vote for you to be at every single game, we don't care.

It's like those people at the front of sporting events turning around and 'conducting' everyone in singing. Feck off, you're not orchestrating it, you div!

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