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Why do you play FMC and not Full FM?

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I am a bit in the middle. I feel Full FM is too full on for me but for FMC 14 I didn't feel there were enough leagues I could load because although I prefer a trimmed down version of options I still like to have many leagues loaded for an opportunity to move all over the world if interested.

So for FM14 I stuck with Full version but ultimately ended up getting fed up.

Would like to try FMC again with more leagues loaded.

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With regard to leagues, you can still load a tonne of them at once and then use the Add / Remove Leagues option each season to diversify your game world. FMC would not constrain your opportunities to move around much at all.

FMC is fantastic. So quick and yet it now includes the option to immerse yourself in training if you want. I converted to it for FM14 and whilst the devil on my shoulder wants me to look at some of the new features in "full" FM, the angel on the other reminds me that FMC is right on the money for my requirements, which are:

1. Tactics

2. Squad building

3. Training and development

4. Speed of progression through seasons

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The removal of the limit is great news. I find that the full version is just too overwhelming and requires way more effort than I can put in. Don't get me wrong, I still love it but I just don't have the time to be faffing about with everything that's required. With the amount of leagues I play it just took forever.

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With regard to leagues, you can still load a tonne of them at once and then use the Add / Remove Leagues option each season to diversify your game world. FMC would not constrain your opportunities to move around much at all.

FMC is fantastic. So quick and yet it now includes the option to immerse yourself in training if you want. I converted to it for FM14 and whilst the devil on my shoulder wants me to look at some of the new features in "full" FM, the angel on the other reminds me that FMC is right on the money for my requirements, which are:

1. Tactics

2. Squad building

3. Training and development

4. Speed of progression through seasons

This. Particularly 1,2 and 4. I moved away from Full Fat with FM14 after a few saves. I primarily don't like the media/morale side (which I know is important in football), I just don't think it translates that well into a computer game. It feels like its just a case of learning the right response for the occasion whether you are thinking like that or not and rinse and repeat. The emotion and nuances of language and body language cannot be replicated. I think SI have done an ok job but I'm not a fan. I wanted to see what my tactic could do without the media/morale influence.

I thought I wouldn't like FMC as I would be tarnishing the experience but I have found it fantastic. So would heartily recommend it.

I have dipped into Full FM with FM15 to have a look at the new bits but I didn't make it to the first game of the season before I started an FMC game. I may try full fat again but my time is more limited as I head into my mid 40's (and with the release of Elite Dangerous :) ). FMC fits in fine.

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Thanks for your replies

I think FMC will also soften the blow of getting the sack from Don Cellino. Rather than spending a whole day getting to the first game then getting fired It'll be a few hours before I start again :)

I might actually start in the lower leagues knowing it wont be months before I get to manage at a much higher level.

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I only dabbled in FMC last year, didn't offer enough for me to get into a save. I think this year with added leagues and training being added I might give it a proper go.

The only thing that bugs me is not customer DB. If I am going to play a longer save the German National team needs to be correct. Since it isn't in game and you can't fix with a custom DB, it may fall short. But I'll try it anyway.

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In two words - no bloat

To me FMC is the essence of the game - it's the game I became addicted to all those year ago, but with a constantly improving match engine and tactical implementation. And it has removed all the unnecessary fluff that is nothing to do with building a squad, developing tactics and playing matches. It's still the game that lets you play a whole management career spanning a couple of decades when you only have a little bit of time after work to fire up the game.

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Quite an easy question for me. Last year, with FM14, I got to a point where I just lost the patience for having to deal with all the details in the full mode. But I just couldn't put FM away, I just didn't want to give up. So I booted up FM Classic to see if it would suit me better and I was hooked as soon as I saw its skin and User Interface. It just looks really intuitive. Especially this year with the new sidebar. And the game speed is amazing.

Let me put it this way: FMC made me fall in love with the game again after almost getting to the point of giving up and putting it away.

A lot of my mates who thought FM was too complicated and didn't know how or where to start, now started playing FM too as soon as I showed them FMC. For me personally the addition of FMC has been a far more important milestone in my 'relationship' with FM than 3D. If they would remove 3D now I couldn't care less, but if they'd remove FMC I'd probably stop playing.

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I do prefer it, mainly because of I same to take so long playing through the full mode - haven't gone more than three seasons into the game in the last few years on FM.

I do miss some of the immersion you get from the full version and I love subscribing to different stuff and that's missed in FMC but it is definitely the future of playing FM for me.

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If it wasn't for FMC, I would have finished playing FM a couple of years ago. I was getting tired of the amount of time taken to get from game to game.

My enjoyment is all about squad building, youth development, and faster gaming. I use the instant result button on almost every game.

I got to a stage where I would get through 2 or 3 seasons maximum with the way FM was going before getting very bored and giving up. Now I can get through a season in 2-3 days even with a more hectic life.

Love FMC, thank you to whoever got it implemented!

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On youth development, I've succeeded in turning a 16 yr old DC into a very good striker over two seasons through positional training :)

It was an experiment based on my thinking his attributes at 16 were as much striker friendly as DC.

FM15 is really going to be fun :D

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I will have a save going on both modes once the full game is released, I have started a journeyman career on FMC as that mode suits me for that as I intend moving around to several clubs so I don't need or want so much control over the club and want a quicker game, I also like the look of FMC.

When the full game is released I will start a game on Full Mode as I need the editor first as I want to set up my own club and obviously I want to have much more control over things in that game and will have to put up with some of the things I'm glad that FMC doesn't have.

I have a career game on FM13 in the year 2180

Very impressive, it's taken me nearly 5 years to get to a 49th season on my longest game on FM2010.

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You can there's no limit now, it plays at the right speed (per season) for me, plus instant result is a boon sometimes.

Now training is fleshed out a bit it's even better.

Isn't there a 50k player limit, though? I wanted to have every Euro league loaded, but didn't think I could because of the player limit. Not a big deal, as I was still able to load 10 countries.

Full FM gets too repetitive after awhile with the team talks, media, etc. I don't miss those at all, but the biggest reason I like FMC is no tactic familiarity. I like to change tactics a lot based on opponent formation, injuries and boredom! :lol:

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Hang on... hang on right here :)

I could be dusting off the old wallet right now and not waiting for a skin...

Are we saying that FMC now lets me load all leagues I want from the world, have a custom database however I want it... ie Large all European, all South American players etc?

Or is there a player limit? Which ive just noticed above and that dampens things for me :(


Not able to use the remove fake name/team option? Is this true?

Does that also account for not having the real league names etc that you can download?

Also im sure that one year you had to buy or earn a DLC to unlock Sugar daddies etc... i dont like gimmicks like that, I like them to be random like the full game.. can I have it random like the full game?

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It is not FM and FMC, it is Babysitting Manager and Football Manager to me. FM has turned into this convoluted thing that has less to do with management of football and more to do with management of people and children. I am grateful for FMC because it does not have the constant whining and you can actually build a team.

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I really need to get my head around this mode as i could be missing out on something... what if anything is there that im doing in FM 'career' mode that I could cut out by playing this mode?

Ill list my basic setup of how I play:

Pick 1 team, 1 country, never change jobs but I like have view only top flights of big nations available and a database of circa 80k players. All leagues are low detail and i unsubscribe to pretty much everything thats not relevant to me.

In game itself I do:

Instant Result (thanks to custom skins by the community)

Pick 1 tactic and stick with it all game no changes

AssMan does Press Conferences, Friendlies etc

Training I leave totally I dont even look at it

Scouts I try to fire or just take them off assignments so I dont get a news item about them

I set a board member to hire and renew all staff contracts

I only do transfers and contracts of players

Dont care about youth team as such... if im in a situation that needs a player, i will just call up whoever has 4 or 5 stars from the default screen. But generally I wont enter them or the reserves into a league if i can choose to.

If press conferences come up about other subjects I decline or just skip past

All I do in the full version is basically pick a team, buy and sell, pick the 11 and instant result it, click through as quick as I can to the next game and repeat. The only interaction I have is with the board in getting more cash

A season roughly takes me 5-6 hours tops in a sitting, depending on amount of games and how long i spend looking for players in the pre-season.

Its how CM used to be in essence and im grateful thats how I can still play the game :) So what can FMC give me over this as such?

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It really sounds like you should just be playing FMC!

FMC gives you all you want without the need to get your AssMan doing things like press conferences, training etc. for you, as he effectively already does it all for you.

Staff contracts are rolling so you don't need to do anything, apart from hire / fire if you want to.

Above all, FMC lets you Instant Result with Match Plans (if you want to) which allows more control of the way an Instant Result works.

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As a hard-core player once, I think FM is going into bad direction! Too much attention on 3d and some cosmetic changes, boring time-consuming stuff and too little attention on real stuff...I can't believe state of ME right now...like a hockey!!!

Feedback thread please. I don't see what this has to do with this particular thread? The ME is on the verge of being the best one we've ever had, so I disagree with your final comment completely.

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Well, I've started with full FM this year and made it all the way to November(not sure how some on the full version already managed one or more seasons...but I digress). I was actually quite enjoying my save. I like the new scouting improvements quite a bit. But then I thought for a moment - ok, what of the full game do I actually use? I don't really look at the analysis tool as much as I thought. Team talks immerse you more but are repetitive as are the media interactions. Then constantly dealing with people wanting to leave or not getting enough game time. And I came to the same conclusion as I do since at least FM 14 - FMC.

Instead of Newcastle I booted up a game with Manchester United as they should be interesting to manage this year around and you can put your own stamp on the formation that they play. Quickly did I go through pre-season and haven't really missed a thing (well, one thing ... Maybe for FM16 Lucas - to turn off first season transfer budgets). I just like to start with the real teams and then let game creativity take over in January.

I once again get through the game much quicker and not because of using an instant button or moving quickly but because I don't deal with players or the press. It's just me, my tactics, and the opposition. At the same time, I can just switch the formation as I want to test new things out without penalty.

The match engine is great, the graphics improved, just need those attribute colors to be adjusted for full release and I'm a happy FMCer once again.

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I agree completely with RT. FMC is where it's at.

I never do instant result, but if you do, wouldn't you like more control? You can set it so if you are down a goal with 10 minutes left in the game your team will automatically go into overload... if you want. Up a goal? Go defensive, retain possession and clear to flanks if you think that will give you a better chance of winning. All with just a little bit of set-up.

Want to train players, it's there. Don't want to? They will automatically train their position and role with you doing nothing.

Hate media questions? What if you only had about 5 questions from the media a year?

Team talks? I gave 3 in my last season.

Add an analysis tab and there will be nothing I miss from full FM. Even if it is just a simpler version of analysis.

I also like some of the UI pages in FMC more. I like stars for coaches. I like the pro-cons in the report tab (maybe that is in full FM, not sure). I love the players stat page. And as I mentioned last time, I can change my tactic never, or 10 times a game and it doesn't matter as there is no tactical familiarity.

If there is one downside that gets mentioned a lot, its the lack of an editor, but that doesn't bother me. Although it is a big deal for some.

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What are the main differences between FM classic and regular FM?

There are a lot of differences, so kind of hard to list. I'd recommend just giving it a go and seeing for yourself. Also, reading this thread will give you quite a few of the differences.

One of the differences is I think it's a much friendlier forum than the main FM! (as long as you don't talk about an editor)

The BIGGEST thing to keep in mind is that the match engine is exactly the same. It isn't easier or a beginners mode as many people seem to think.

If you had some specific worries, as someone did earlier in this thread, it is easier to address them.

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Getting back into FM for the first time in 2 years. Using FMC because I don't have much time these days. I like the FM15 version alot. Very simple, fast and just works.

The only thing I miss from full fat is the ability to give your tam a proper rollocking at half time or full time.

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FMC is almost ideal for me (tried it back in FM13) but what really messed things up for me was a lack of Opposition Instructions :(

This year I want to play the game from a proper tactical perspective (watch 90mins of games, scout my opposition, tweak for each match etc) but I'm unsure if there are still no Opposition Instructions? If there are then I guess I'm stuck with the normal FM again this year D:

Edit: Also I think FMC never had team talks back in the day too. Which is a huge part of the game for me lol :lol:

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