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Tactical Help Needed

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More than that, I'd advise you to rather post in the tactics forum (if you're looking for tactical advice), but read this first: http://community.sigames.com/showthread.php/327822-Asking-For-Help-PLEASE-READ-THIS

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A mod might want to move this over to the tactics forum.

Straight off what stands out to me is you have so many people attacking! all of your front 4 have an attack duty, and so do both wing backs. This means you are going to have at least 6 players high up the pitch when in possession, and that is going to leave you very vulnerable to counter attacks. This is why you are conceding so many goals.

I also imagine you are struggling to transition from defence to attack very easily, since it seems you want to play possession based football. You need to have some support duties for your forwards; players who will drop deep and help link the midfield to the attack - for me the AMC and one of the wide players needs to be support. You should head to this sub-forum and read the stickies, particularly the twelve step guide which will help you understand how to set up a balanced tactic. The guys there are also really damned knowledgable about the game and happy to help someone who wants to learn!

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I've been playing FM for years - until last year I was pretty good with the tactics but they've got so much harder! I also can't put the AMC on attack as that's usually Ozil who is the perfect Enganche - which is an 'Attack' only option. I reckon you're right about wingbacks though - the idea was to get a bit of overlapping going so that the opposition's fullbacks were exposed - and it works from time to time, and indeed my wingers have been the best players in the team because they have taken advantage of this.

How can I balance this up, then? Would you change away from possession football perhaps? It's hard to see how I can fit Ozil into the side if you think the AMC can't be so attacking....

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There's a lot of conflicting instructions in there. You ask the team to retain possession but play early lofted crosses etc.

The main problem imo is you want the team to stretch wide and drop deep and so many players are on an attack duty; the middle of the park is being vacated!

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You main creative is Ozil as an Enganche who will sit in the whole and to be run the game from in their. However you have both 'Play Wider' & 'Exploit The Flanks' activated, essentially funnelling the ball away from him? Surely you want him on the ball as much as possible?

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I wish I could upload games to youtube - no idea why it's disabled. The game is driving me mad. When it work it's brilliant and Depay/Walcott in particular win games single handedly. But then I go and concede four to Hull for no obvious reason....

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Well yeah - because my wingers have been doing so well. I have "play wider" and "exploit the flanks", because Depay and Walcott are on fire (as are Chamberlain, Willock and Ryo when rotated)....

Surely you want to get more out of Ozil though?

As for your defence, your AMR/Ls will hardly track back, especially on 'Attack' duties. Maybe combing 'Support' & 'Attack' duties on the flanks (ie. Wingback (A) with a Inside Forward (S)), could help in this respect both defensively & offensively?

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But that surely risks my wingers not getting the goals they have been AND my full backs being even more exposed? Ozil's not doing badly - not as well as the wingers but not badly either. And it's not like scoring goals is the issue, after all....

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But that surely risks my wingers not getting the goals they have been AND my full backs being even more exposed?

No not necessarily. I would argue that it would improve your teams overall pattern play, but I would have to watch some matches to truly say. What kind of possession % are you getting?

Another thing to to consider would be your Team Shape. I'm guessing Structured is Rigid? If so the only player given any real creative freedom is Ozil, whom like I mentioned could be getting much more ball. :)

Also why have you given Koscielny a Limited Defender role?

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That's a very attacking tactic you have there. Been playing as Arsenal myself, I spent a few months creating my tactic which was inspired by someone over at FMBase who suggested throwing in a raumdeter can work rather well! I had a few dodgy results to begin with but around Christmas time I'd got one that worked perfectly, come 2/3rds through the season and I was trying to develop a more cautious away version for when I'm not likely to have the majority of possession. Achieved a respectable 3rd place in the end with 80 points. I play a slightly different formation to you which meant totally sacrificing Ozil, I sold him during the Summer break as he just doesn't fit into my side.


Full size image: http://s7.postimg.org/vcv5c7b6z/asgfsgf.jpg

As teams often come to the Emirates and sit back, all of 5 of my furthest forward players are instructed to take risks and be more direct with their passing. With Welbeck being a very pacey and strong player with a very high work-rate the false nine position is perfect for him, he can break free of the last defender occasionally, but most of the time he can knock a ball over the top for a Sanchez or a Walcott to chase down.

My fall-backs are also told to make more direct passes and stay wider to provide my team with a lot of width, but my CDM and two CB's are all instructed to stick to a simple passing game to minimize defensive errors. Obviously this sort of tactic works against most teams as you usually expect Arsenal to dominate against smaller teams,

I don't recommend setting Arsenal to play on high tempo, as teams normally set out to defend in numbers against you you'll often need you're players to find that final ball and on high tempo they just aren't going to be patient and probing enough to find it. Lower tempo is definitely the way to go if you want to play a short passing game :)

The problem with your tactic is you don't have enough people defending, even Welbeck can defend when played as false nine, he often comes deep and takes the ball off an opponent. An attacking striker, attacking wingers and an attacking midfielder will just leave you too exposed.

I have no idea if any of this is helpful to you, but I hope you get some ideas at least :)

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