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30 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"


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  1. So that's the big longevity records all gone. It'll obviously be a lot harder with Arsenal, so I wanna see how far I can take this before FM25 hits the final update...
  2. Not sure I've ever seen this before. Not so much the double figures in terms of goals but the fact that one player was involved in 11 of the 12 (and all of the 8 in the first half)!!!
  3. Sesko's record is safe for a while...they're both leaving in the same summer!
  4. Another season gone. Not very successful: despite the stadium expansion, we only managed to get into the Champions League, never really pushing for the title. But I'm hoping I now have players who are settled into the team who will be in it for a long while. This is where we stand in terms of records; it is just about possible that the league appearance record could be broken next year, which would mean all the player longevity records would be mine...
  5. Another stadium expansion has been completed and a fitting opposition for the first game in that expanded stadium for an extension of a previously broken record... (edt: then broken again v Dortmund!)
  6. Fallen away a bit this year and only just made it into the Champions League. Couple of very promising youth products though, so I'm hoping this team can soon develop into a top side. Meanwhile with Sesko having broken the records above, Amaro is closing on him fast...and Castello Lukeba could very well break the appearance record, too.
  7. I don't imagine this record will stand for long but nonetheless worth marking the first breaking of this record. I will assume he has also broken the overall goalscoring record since he has almost as many non-league goals as he does goals. Either way, Amaro will beat this record I imagine.
  8. Stadium expansion means another record comfortably beaten:
  9. Another year in the books, and despite Amaro catching him quickly, I expect Sesko to break the goalscoring record next year.
  10. From what I've read about the new format, this shouldn't be possible, right?
  11. Sesko getting close to the goalscoring record, whilst Roony has pulled clear of the now departed Xavi Simons who will now be removed from this list.
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