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Gestrike-Hammarby IF 2015 European Continuation

Looks like beating Everton wasn't just a fluke.

EURO Cup Grp F, Juventus

Bizarre game, this. Lots of chances for both teams, but eventually a silly header in the wrong direction from my defender settled it. icon_frown.gif

EURO Cup Grp F, Athletic

Athletic proved surprisingly lacklustre; I can think of countless Allsvenskan encounters that had me more nervous than this game. Yet another own goal... icon13.gif

EURO Cup Grp F, Kî’”n

I... don't know what to say about this. Sandro was on fire. icon_eek.gif

EURO Cup Grp F, Final Standings

I would've never imagined it, but we're actually proceeding from the group. Even beat Everton to the 2nd spot on goal difference.

EURO Cup First Knockout Round

Facing Heerenveen next, and if we're able to pull off a win there, TC Twente or CSKA Moscow.

...and with that, this season's finally over. ^^;

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Originally posted by Scab:

Gestrike-Hammarby IF 2015 European Continuation

Looks like beating Everton wasn't just a fluke.

EURO Cup Grp F, Juventus

Bizarre game, this. Lots of chances for both teams, but eventually a silly header in the wrong direction from my defender settled it. icon_frown.gif

EURO Cup Grp F, Athletic

Athletic proved surprisingly lacklustre; I can think of countless Allsvenskan encounters that had me more nervous than this game. Yet another own goal... icon13.gif

EURO Cup Grp F, Kî’”n

I... don't know what to say about this. Sandro was on fire. icon_eek.gif

EURO Cup Grp F, Final Standings

I would've never imagined it, but we're actually proceeding from the group. Even beat Everton to the 2nd spot on goal difference.

EURO Cup First Knockout Round

Facing Heerenveen next, and if we're able to pull off a win there, TC Twente or CSKA Moscow.

...and with that, this season's finally over. ^^;

You've had a great run their Scab. icon14.gif

KUTGW and bring another European trophy back the Scandinavia. icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

Randaberg IL 2010 Norwegian 1.divisjon

1.divisjon - 5th place.

Norwegian Cup - First rnd. icon_frown.gif

Well our first season in the first divisjon went very well and eventually we finished in 5th place. This season saw us go the whole campaign unbeaten at home! Fortress Randaberg has been born. icon_biggrin.gif This season was the story of the Professional clubs and the only pro club we managed to finish ahead of was (6th)Sogndal. The others (4th)Bodø/Glimt, (3rd)Aalesund, (2nd)Start and Champions Sparta where the other pro clubs. We where never really in the race for promotion, although we did have glimpses of hope once or twice of sneaking into the play-off spot, but they disappeared as quickly as they arrived.

Player wise our young squad did really and the driving force behind the Randaberg bandwagon was this guy. icon14.gif

Another of mention, who at the start of the season I didn't hold out much hope for was Per Christian Myhre. He really did do fantastic and despite his relatively lowish attributes, he did a superb job and was our creative spark from the left wing. icon14.gif

Other then them... Well Solberg was immense from center mid/striker, Aker was very solid at the back and the GK Asle Andersen had a consistent season again.

We certainly need to add 3/4 more good squad players if we are going to challenge next season. The vultures are circling our young prospects aswel, so it's going to be a task to keep hold of them (luckily it seems most of them are fairly loyal, so maybe they'll be content for the time being?).

Good season there Gundo... icon14.gif Ringstad looks like he was on fire!. he has a similar record for me too this year. i see you have a new picture by the way... icon_wink.gif

one quick question as i near the end of my season... can you confirm for me that 'second' teams can't get promoted... i'm in a 4-way fight for the title with 4 games to go, but two of them are 'second' teams... going to go down to the wire...

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Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

Randaberg IL 2010 Norwegian 1.divisjon

1.divisjon - 5th place.

Norwegian Cup - First rnd. icon_frown.gif

Well our first season in the first divisjon went very well and eventually we finished in 5th place. This season saw us go the whole campaign unbeaten at home! Fortress Randaberg has been born. icon_biggrin.gif This season was the story of the Professional clubs and the only pro club we managed to finish ahead of was (6th)Sogndal. The others (4th)Bodø/Glimt, (3rd)Aalesund, (2nd)Start and Champions Sparta where the other pro clubs. We where never really in the race for promotion, although we did have glimpses of hope once or twice of sneaking into the play-off spot, but they disappeared as quickly as they arrived.

Player wise our young squad did really and the driving force behind the Randaberg bandwagon was this guy. icon14.gif

Another of mention, who at the start of the season I didn't hold out much hope for was Per Christian Myhre. He really did do fantastic and despite his relatively lowish attributes, he did a superb job and was our creative spark from the left wing. icon14.gif

Other then them... Well Solberg was immense from center mid/striker, Aker was very solid at the back and the GK Asle Andersen had a consistent season again.

We certainly need to add 3/4 more good squad players if we are going to challenge next season. The vultures are circling our young prospects aswel, so it's going to be a task to keep hold of them (luckily it seems most of them are fairly loyal, so maybe they'll be content for the time being?).

Good season there Gundo... icon14.gif Ringstad looks like he was on fire!. he has a similar record for me too this year. i see you have a new picture by the way... icon_wink.gif

one quick question as i near the end of my season... can you confirm for me that 'second' teams can't get promoted... i'm in a 4-way fight for the title with 4 games to go, but two of them are 'second' teams... going to go down to the wire... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can confirm second teams can't go up. icon14.gif

Any chance of a screenie of Myhre when you do you end of season report? (please) icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

Randaberg IL 2010 Norwegian 1.divisjon

1.divisjon - 5th place.

Norwegian Cup - First rnd. icon_frown.gif

Well our first season in the first divisjon went very well and eventually we finished in 5th place. This season saw us go the whole campaign unbeaten at home! Fortress Randaberg has been born. icon_biggrin.gif This season was the story of the Professional clubs and the only pro club we managed to finish ahead of was (6th)Sogndal. The others (4th)Bodø/Glimt, (3rd)Aalesund, (2nd)Start and Champions Sparta where the other pro clubs. We where never really in the race for promotion, although we did have glimpses of hope once or twice of sneaking into the play-off spot, but they disappeared as quickly as they arrived.

Player wise our young squad did really and the driving force behind the Randaberg bandwagon was this guy. icon14.gif

Another of mention, who at the start of the season I didn't hold out much hope for was Per Christian Myhre. He really did do fantastic and despite his relatively lowish attributes, he did a superb job and was our creative spark from the left wing. icon14.gif

Other then them... Well Solberg was immense from center mid/striker, Aker was very solid at the back and the GK Asle Andersen had a consistent season again.

We certainly need to add 3/4 more good squad players if we are going to challenge next season. The vultures are circling our young prospects aswel, so it's going to be a task to keep hold of them (luckily it seems most of them are fairly loyal, so maybe they'll be content for the time being?).

Good season there Gundo... icon14.gif Ringstad looks like he was on fire!. he has a similar record for me too this year. i see you have a new picture by the way... icon_wink.gif

one quick question as i near the end of my season... can you confirm for me that 'second' teams can't get promoted... i'm in a 4-way fight for the title with 4 games to go, but two of them are 'second' teams... going to go down to the wire... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can confirm second teams can't go up. icon14.gif

Any chance of a screenie of Myhre when you do you end of season report? (please) icon_biggrin.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

good news then!! icon_biggrin.gif think i have a lead of a couple of points over the other 'normal' team. i'm in 2nd at mo. hope to finish season tonight.

for you gundo, anything!! Myhre screenshot will be included in the review. to be honest, he hasn't started as much second half of season. he's an impact player off bench really. still doing well though

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I didnt like Myhre. Performed well enough in rating but no assists or goals. And if your left mid is not making assists it make you very one sided.

He made about 24 apperances in 2 years and is now doing the same for another team.

Valderhaug the young keeper I signed if you remember is turning out quality. Still doing the business in the Premier League.

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Originally posted by jameslowe:

I didnt like Myhre. Performed well enough in rating but no assists or goals. And if your left mid is not making assists it make you very one sided.

He made about 24 apperances in 2 years and is now doing the same for another team.

Valderhaug the young keeper I signed if you remember is turning out quality. Still doing the business in the Premier League.

guess it all comes down to preference. i have a kid called Ravndal who's keeping Myhre on the bench. i have to say i'm happy with the quality i have out on both flanks. need to sign permanently a great AMC and another striker and i'll be quite happy. a bit of cover in defence wouldn't go a miss either.

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Obilic Belgrade - 10/11 - Serbian SuperLeague

Media Prediction - 13th

Final League Position - 2nd

Serbian Cup - Winners!

Final League Table - Table | Graph

Star Men

Ishmael Yartey

Erik Grendell

Both signed for nothing, they were awesome on the wings and everything good went through them.

Season Overview

We made a blistering start to the season, winning 8 of our first 9 games as we raced to the top of the table. After a convincing 3-1 home win over Red Star we were 5 points clear.

The season was a third of the way through and the league was ours to throw away, which we did in spectacular fashion. We just fell apart in the last seven games, as you can see in the graph, and were in real danger of losing second place. However, we hung on to second place.

A highlight of the season was this 5 - 0 thrashing of Red Star in the cup, followed up with a 3-0 win at their place. 3 wins out of 3 over Red Star this season.

Overall, I have mixed feelings about this season . It was obviously a very good season but I'm a bit disappointed we threw away the league. There's always next season I suppose! Plus we have a european adventure to embark upon icon_biggrin.gif

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Forgot to put in other post, dave have the European coefficients been screwed up for Serbia so that you get way more European slots than you should do. I see you got the same mega promotions in the first season and league restructuring.

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Originally posted by rlipscombe:

Yay!! KFUM Oslo are going up!! missed out on the title by a point to Staebek 2, but we're on our way!! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Congrats. icon14.gif Welcome to Adeccoligaen. icon_wink.gif

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UGS - Challenge League - 15/16

How the table looked at the Winter Break

Main aim to hold onto 6th but with the playoffs only 5 points away, who knows what else?

2 players came in during the break, a very good young DMC that Schaffhausen mysteriously released halfway thru the season despite playing in most of their matches and a GK (who would serve as a back up) that I had my eye on since more or else the first season and who had always turned down loan offers. Thankfully he was released.

First game after the break was at home against La Chaux-de-Fonds. Should give me an idea of what to expect. Well, we absolutely thrashed them 4-0. Not bad. Schaffhausen away was next, but despite them being down to 10 men for 2/3 of the match, we lost. But that was our last defeat before the second last match. 7 wins and 2 dodgy draws against relegation threatened sides. One of those wins was probably the best result I have had so far in this game, a 3-0 rampage against runaway leaders Young Boys. All this brought me another Manager of the Month awards and Maric a a Player of the Month award.

Unfortunately, Kriens and Schaffhausen were doing enough to keep themselves a fair distance from us. We were up to 4th but with 2 (very difficult) games left we were 5 points behind 2nd. A defeat to Aarau put paid to any other ideas and we needed to win in Delemont to hang onto 4th, which we did with surprising ease. So 4th place it was. As you can see once we sorted out our early season form it was more or less where we remained.

Final Squad



So, finally much better icon14.gif. I should not really be disappointed with 4th, not at all, but feel a chance has gone begging for us (and Kriens for that matter), a couple of those draws were really bad results and Lausanne did the double over us which is not really acceptable. Thun are coming down and they will be MUCH better than Young Boys and unfortunately Sion lost to Schaffhausen in the playoff so they are in the division next year and despite that result they will be MUCH better than Schaffhausen would have been as well. Hence, I am skeptical about our chances...

Anyway, less of that and more adulating some of the players, Maric was the top scorer and had the best av rating in the division (not voted best player though for some reason), his partnership with Sutter was stunning (nearly 50 goals) while Brode and Michael had their own personal battle for the assists title, ended 14-14, best pair of wingers in the division for sure.

Best GK - Guido Haese - well, our only GK tbh, he played every match, and he played very well also, a good solid GK for the division, Casali (the Winter buy) is equally good but I could not drop him, next season might be different though...

Best Defender - Pierre Pottier - 4th season on loan here and his best, very solid, his contract is up, dunno if Sion will renew but if they don't I would love him back here permanently, otherwise another loan season please

Best Wingers - Sebastien Michael and Martin Brode - very difficult to split them, both awesome, both 14 assists and a couple of goals, both similar av ratings, I would say that Brode is just the better player but that is neither here nor there, even their backups are great players in their own right so no problems if they are injured, more of the same next season please

Best Striker]/B] - Arnaud Maric - not a huge amount to say really, his figures speak for themselves, the best player in the CL this season, and this despite missing 4 weeks before the Winter Break, his performances after were out of this world, 14 goals in 13 games and he must have been averaging >8, anything similar next season will do

2nd Best Striker - Franz Sutter - 1st season where he was not alone up front, and he adapted pretty well, a bit average before Xmas, was brilliant after, his place was threatened a bit but he hung on, unless something special arrives in the Summer he will continue as 1st choice

Tino Stuckmann (3rd Liechtensteiner at the club) and Thomas Lostau are both promising youths who will probably get the odd game next season or wander elsewhere on loan.

A few more reserves will be out in the Summer so I will need a backup ML and maybe another ST. Any defensive players will be more than welcome especially as if I don't get Pottier back I will have the might of one DC at the club. Apart from that, unless sales dictate something else, the squad will be relatively unchanged.

With last Summer's sales our finances are in good shape, but there is still a long way to go to the magical £5m.

CL Summary - unsurprisingly not only were we the overachievers and Maric the best signing but, shockingly, our 2 defenders I sold for stupid money last Summer were the worst signings. Shocking icon_biggrin.gif.

15/16 Best Eleven

Overall Best Eleven - in comes Pottier to finally disturb the back 4, hopefully a few of the current incumbents will do the same in the next season or 2

08/09 - Challenge League - 14th

09/10 - Challenge League - 15th

10/11 - Challenge League - 13th

11/12 - Challenge League - 11th

12/13 - Challenge League - 11th

13/14 - Challenge League - 9th

14/15 - Challenge League - 13th

15/16 - Challenge League - 4th

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by rlipscombe:

Yay!! KFUM Oslo are going up!! missed out on the title by a point to Staebek 2, but we're on our way!! icon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gificon_biggrin.gif

Congrats. icon14.gif Welcome to Adeccoligaen. icon_wink.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

cheers! great to have finally made it. was worried going into the final 4 games as have a habit of bottling it, but secured a win which calmed the nerves. lost next, but closest challenger also lost so maintained a 4 point gap over them going into final two games, both at home. won penultimate game which meant i went into final game guaranteed promotion.

was 1 point behind staebek 2 going into final game, but i was playing Valerenga 2, who were 3rd. my record against 'reserve' teams this season isn't great, so i wasn't too confident. however, we beat them 3-0, which meant the title would have been ours if Staebek 2 hadn't won. but they did.

looking ahead, i feel i need to strengthen a bit. i relied on loan players a bit, and i hope to get some of them back, but need to bring in a few more permanent signings.

i'll do a full season review once i get my best XI's etc. for now i can dream of further success to come........ icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by jameslowe:

Div 2 is easy. Ad is a nightmare. Pro teams will own it for a few years.

don't play down my achievements!! icon_wink.gif let me have my moment... icon_smile.gif i am fully aware that next season will be a struggle, and my sole objective is survival. did you notice a decent upturn in your finances? i have made a small profit overall in my first 2 seasons, but i feel i need to step it up a bit... how has it gone for you??

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Getting promoted seems tougher than I believed. Another season is over, I missed the playoffs by 1 point again. I've now played 4 seasons in the 1st division, missing playoffs twice by one point.

Horrible results at the last 5 games didn't help my promotion hopes.

During the off season I hired a new assistant manager. He improves my scouting knowledge and is better than my old ass man anyway.

A new season is already started, I'm currently 3rd on the First division, the top team is running away from the others again.

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Originally posted by endtime:

Has anyone noticed how players on semi-pro contracts deteriorate rather than improve, sometimes quite dramatically? I'm wondering if this is a bug.

Yes I have noticed this of sorts. This is one of the things that I think affected Myhre. Because I couldn't sign him when I wanted to, he didn't improve at all at Sandnes Ulf. When I did sign at him at 18yo I put him on a full time contract and his attributes have improved significantly last two seasons. I still rue that missed year of development he's missed though. icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by endtime:

Has anyone noticed how players on semi-pro contracts deteriorate rather than improve, sometimes quite dramatically? I'm wondering if this is a bug.

Yes I have noticed this of sorts. This is one of the things that I think affected Myhre. Because I couldn't sign him when I wanted to, he didn't improve at all at Sandnes Ulf. When I did sign at him at 18yo I put him on a full time contract and his attributes have improved significantly last two seasons. I still rue that missed year of development he's missed though. icon_frown.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

not sure about specific attributes, but i have noticed that the 'current ability' 'stars' have dropped on a few players (a few have gone up though...)

wondering whether to get my main players onto full-time contracts if i can now we've moved up a league....

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Also being 300k in the red and my chairman not loving the club and changing to Happy To Stay, it got me wondering and rather hoping if i would get a board takeover, and then i got wondering if anyone here had got a board takeover?

Hope someone could tell me and hopfully i will have a chance of getting one also

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Did a quick one season test, using 10 randomly chosen players on semi-pro contracts. 9 of them lost CA, despite playing regularly and suffering no long term injuries, or no injuries at all; one of the players lost a massive 20 points of CA in an 8 month period. The only player who actually gained CA signed a full-time contract at another club.

I'll continue the test, but so far the results are... discouraging, to say the least.

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Originally posted by mocko666:

Also being 300k in the red and my chairman not loving the club and changing to Happy To Stay, it got me wondering and rather hoping if i would get a board takeover, and then i got wondering if anyone here had got a board takeover?

Hope someone could tell me and hopfully i will have a chance of getting one also

I had on in my first season, it drags on for a while or atleast mine did. Nothing really changed to be honest in terms of what we where given in terms of transfer money, wage budget ect.

I did get the feeling that my new chairman tightened the purse strings some what, although I think this is because he was unsure of my capabilities early on and wanted to secure the immediate future for the club.

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Ive found that most my players even if they are on part time contracts generally rise in CA as long as i have decent training in place and they are playing regurlary

But good luck with the experiment hope it shows more encouraging figures

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Originally posted by Peter G:

Okay, i'm back but i just don't know what country to be, i've tried Norway , N.Ireland adn Croatia but none have worked, i just don't know where to go. SELL ME.

Czech league...cheap beer...cheap woman....and cheap players icon_biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Peter G:

Okay, i'm back but i just don't know what country to be, i've tried Norway , N.Ireland adn Croatia but none have worked, i just don't know where to go. SELL ME.

Serbia! 6 promotion places on offer in your first season with a good pool of players available. No player restrictions in the top league as well.

I'm enjoying it anyway icon_biggrin.gif

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Well ive been promoted, with three games left to play, and i only need one win to actually win the league. I had the usual mid season dip just after we came back from the winter break (Which makes me think a few friendlies may help) and then had great form towards the end of the season!

http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=promotedtq1.jpg <-Happy icon_smile.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

ghostwriter Getting closer and closer, KUTGW. icon14.gif

Do you think next season will be your year?

Cheers icon14.gif

Don't think I will be able to go up next season tbh. Thun and Sion will undoubtedly be too strong. Sion have never been here before and Thun scored a record 112 goals the one time they were in the CL 6 years ago (and then won the SL the year after promotion) so their squads will probably be stupidly strong compared to the rest of the division. If Schaffhausen had lost the playoff to Sion, maybe 2nd would have been a realistic dream, as I reckon I am now a similar ability to them, Aarau, Delemont etc. We shall see...

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Season Summary

Expected Finish: 8th

Actual Finish: 1st

Key Players:

Gaucho (Player of the year and Top Scorer) http://img529.imageshack.us/my.php?image=gauchozx6.jpg

Farbak http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=farbakfe0.jpg

N'Zengue http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=nzengueii2.jpg

Final Squad: http://img529.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rfinalteamhy9.jpg

League Table: http://img529.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rfinalleagueog8.jpg

Media on promotion:http://img201.imageshack.us/my.php?image=rgreatperformancehh7.png

This great feat was alrgely due to the amazing home form, of Blsany whos self named Chmel Blsany Stadium has become a fortress.


Well next season i just want to survive really, i don't think i have the money to actually do anything in the first division so survival will be key.

I only got 1k for winning the league which in any division is pretty rubbish, as i am currently around 600k in debt icon_frown.gif

Well here comes First Division Football

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I'm actually contemplating trying to complete this challenge signing players just from Scandinavia only. How much harder will that make things and most importantly is it possible?

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Originally posted by Gundo:

I'm actually contemplating trying to complete this challenge signing players just from Scandinavia only. How much harder will that make things and most importantly is it possible?

interesting idea Gundo... would be a very difficult task mind. victory would be all the sweeter though!!

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FK Puchov 09-10

So the season is over and there was only a slight unnoticable change to last season as we finished 6th again but we finished higher on points and beat many more teams whom id never expect our team to beat including winners Lucenec and high riders Zlate Morace URL=http://img225.imageshack.us/img225/4049/0910fu6.jpg]6th Position[/url].

Fans player of the year and proud captain and great player also highly wanted in the first division was Dusan Miklas

However my best player and top scorer with 25 or 24 was loaneeSaloman Wisdom unfortunatel after being on loan at the club i cannot see him coming back will be a big miss.

Top defender was Marek Maska however if other players had played as much as him im sure he wouldnt have been.

However easily my best signing ever and the man who saved us in many games when we got bombarder was goalkeeper Daniel Kiss however he wants to move to a bigger club which i have a feeling will happen as im 400k in the red.

Heres my Best eleven for the season and overall as youve not seen this before there little point in me telling you new addition.

So onwards and upwards hopefully which is my aim for the new season, also i need a great Striker and Defender and Midfielder so one "great" for every position all probably have to be free transfers. Wish me luck

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Limhamns IF 2009 (Season 2) - Swedish First Division South (3rd tier)

Media prediction - 1st

Board expectation - promotion (which equals winning the division or coming second and winning the playoffs). Decided to boost the wage budget by telling the board that we'll come first in the league. No transfer budget due to our debts - but somehow our stadium got expanded by several seats - without any news item. icon_redface.gif New capacity is 834, with 284 seats.

Final league position - 1st \o/

Swedish Cup - 3rd round exit to Allsvenskan GIF Sundsvall. 3:5 after good performance.

Other Info:

Team Info

Finances :|

Best players:

Ze Rony. Not quite as lethal upfront as Marcelinho (who was moved back to midfield this year) last season, but still good performance from our new signing.

Dragomir Dragonov. Unwanted in Enkopings, star player in Limhamn.

Gerald Forschelet. Late signing from Assyriska, former Bolton player surely will become Limhamn star.

Season summary:

Tough one, with four teams competing for single promotion spot. For the most time, we were second behind Tord, but managed to came on top after 24 games thanks to rival teams losing points agains each other, and secure promotion week later.

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Congratulations to

for winning the champions league! A wonderful achievement!

Hope you are all having fun icon_smile.gif I am restarting my Austria game for the reasons posted on the previous page, and, with easter break starting friday, I should be here to say this time (well, as long as I can fit in those essays icon_wink.gif )

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Gundo, can I start posting season updates in a second season? Following my previous failures I roamed around the small countries until I found one I like and have settle on, but as I did so many I didn't screenshot the profile or any of the first season as I presumed I'd just be sacked again!

Your call, either way I'm massively enjoying the challenge in the game I've settled on!

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Originally posted by AztecCrute:

Gundo, can I start posting season updates in a second season? Following my previous failures I roamed around the small countries until I found one I like and have settle on, but as I did so many I didn't screenshot the profile or any of the first season as I presumed I'd just be sacked again!

Your call, either way I'm massively enjoying the challenge in the game I've settled on!

We needed your profile screenshot really Aztec? What stage are you at right now? Any chance you could post your current profile now?

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