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Gundo's FM08 Small club from a small nation European adventure challenge

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No thanks, think I'll give up for now, two tries on this: Belgium (official) and a little unofficial game (haven't patched yet) in N. Ireland, but after 5 seasons of slumming it and not having any particular success I need to chill out for a few.

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Well, I managed to not only win promotion at the first attempt with IFK Ostersund in Sweden, but go the entire season unbeaten. That wasn't without a few scares along the way (going down 3-2 to Hammarby's reserve squad with 15 minutes to go, only to claw it back to 4-3 in the 88th minute), but we got the job done.

League Table- http://img181.imageshack.us/my.php?image=leaguetablexd3.jpg



My star players were-

Daniel Haddad (ST)- A goal machine. 19 appearances, 23 goals, and it would have been more if he wasn't out injured for 2 months.

Seyhmus Abic (MRLC)- I played him as a Right sided midfielder, and he did the business. 22 appearances, 5 goals and 16 assists. It'll be difficult to keep a hold of him though as he's attracting a lot of interest from other clubs.

Marcus Sjunnasson (ST)- The other goal machine, although not quite as lethal as Haddad proved to be. 21 games and 22 goals, but he had a dip in form in the middle of the season. Besides that, he scored for fun, including four goals in one game.

The media are predicting the squad will go on to better things this season, so expectation may be a little high, but I think with some alterations my squad could challenge for the First Division Title, though we won't be getting ahead of ourselves.

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Originally posted by Bumble:

No thanks, think I'll give up for now, two tries on this: Belgium (official) and a little unofficial game (haven't patched yet) in N. Ireland, but after 5 seasons of slumming it and not having any particular success I need to chill out for a few.

hehe fair enough mate, we've all been there, this game can be the most annoying thing in the world!

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Season 2008 Review - Gestrike-Hammarby IF in Swedish Second Division Middle Götaland

Got off to a great start here, so long as you don't look at the finances... We're about £70K in debt. ^^;

League Table

Past Positions

I really can't complain; Motala were unstoppable. Determined to go for that promotion spot next season.


Started out with an empty squad, so all new transfers in. Pretty pleased with how they're all getting on.

Star Player

Ignoring Eber Pachà and his 19 assists for a second, this oldtimer really saved my skin. 12 goals from corners and 1 shot from open play makes this 37 years old centre-half my top goalscorer by a 4-goal margin. icon_eek.gif

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Annihilator666 - SC YF Juventus - Season 15/16 - Swiss Challenge League

Manager Profile - Manager Profile

Table - League Table | Position Graph

Results - Results #1 | Results #2

Transfers - Transfers Summary

Finances - Finance Summary

Other Info - Club Information | Manager Information

Top Scorer - Jugurtha Hamroun

Fans' Player of the Year - Jugurtha Hamroun

Records - Team Overall Records | Team Season Records

Best Eleven - Overall | Season

Domestic Competition:

First season as a pro club. I more than doubled the wage bill, bringing in players my scouts rated at 6 or 7 stars... and I had a worse season than the last one. icon_rolleyes.gif

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. I was top of the league after a few games, and had dispatched, by a 3-1 margin, one of the teams relegated from the Super League. Then all of a sudden, BAM, I'm losing to/drawing with teams at the bottom of the league, and everything falls apart. One week the team was brilliant, the next week they were dreadful. I really, really wanted to smash my keyboard off the wall.

But I didn't, and alas, here I am typing up this report.

We weren't much better in the cup. Knocked out in the second round by Aarau, who eventually achieved promotion by finishing second.

The Board, Finances, etc.:

A stadium expansion was blocked by the council, but the youth facilities will be upgraded.

With my increased wage expenditure, I was losing £150k per month. I'm gonna need to make about £1mil per year on transfers to keep the bank balance steady.

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Hi guys icon_biggrin.gif

I need a little help from you guys!

For the past 2 challenges i have played as Skjetten in Norway and have had a great time with them. However, i considering starting afresh with a new team/country.

I would like to enlist your help in selecting the country within which i will embark on the mission once more. The only ones i don't really want to do are :Norway, Northern Ireland and Wales icon_frown.gif

But am willing to consider any of the others icon_smile.gif

I will be loading the game when i return from work and should be in a position to commence Gundo's challenge once more.....

The alternative is staying with Skjetten for the time being and attempting to move them through the ranks to Number 1 in Europe. Let me know whether you think this will push the challenge even further!! icon_rolleyes.gificon13.gificon14.gif

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I was thinking of starting this with 8.0.2 in Turkey (providing the registration bug is fixed). There is an error with the finances in the patch for the SuperLig teams but SI have given a database workaround as they did for the Defoe problem. Just thought I'd check that's cool before starting.

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Originally posted by cookie15:

Hi guys icon_biggrin.gif

I need a little help from you guys!

For the past 2 challenges i have played as Skjetten in Norway and have had a great time with them. However, i considering starting afresh with a new team/country.

I would like to enlist your help in selecting the country within which i will embark on the mission once more. The only ones i don't really want to do are :Norway, Northern Ireland and Wales icon_frown.gif

But am willing to consider any of the others icon_smile.gif

I will be loading the game when i return from work and should be in a position to commence Gundo's challenge once more.....

The alternative is staying with Skjetten for the time being and attempting to move them through the ranks to Number 1 in Europe. Let me know whether you think this will push the challenge even further!! icon_rolleyes.gificon13.gificon14.gif

Hi mate, I'd like to see you take this on in Israel. It's been the least popular nation as far I can tell and would be interesting to see what kind of challenge it'd pose.

I'd keep the Skjetten game on hold then come back to it before FM2009 rears its ugly head!

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cookie, you could have a look at Serbia... i think i'm the only other player there, so not many playing it.

also, in first season (and for 1 season olny i think...) the top 6 are promoted automatically, with 7-10 going into a play-off games. with 4 relegated from the 18 team league, only 4 teams are guaranteed of being in the same league at the end of the normal season.

on the player front, there are some decent players about, and it's really easy to loan players from top-league teams, which can get you some real gems.

i am however, struggling a bit in my game and sit 14th with 9 games to go.

it is a really competitive league, and anyone can pretty much beat anybody...

of course though, the choice is yours.......... icon_wink.gif

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tbh while winning the champions league with a norweign team is a great accomplishment, I feel it would have been an even better avhievement starting with a league that has low cofficent(ie belarus, Iceland or croatia), considering that you started in a league which can attract some talent, and has every team pro in the top league, it gives you an easy advantage, thats why I started in N.Ireland, but still a great achievemnt cookie15.

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Thanks guys for your comments and thoughts. I would like to have a go at a country that few people are playing in currently.

I think it will be between:

Serbia League Rep - 11

Israel League Rep - 12

Belarus League Rep - 9

Any other options are open too, but i wnat there to be a sound reason for it. I do have one in mind though icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by saab693:

Just to add another alternative, I'd love to see whether this challenge is capable in Iceland. Surely the toughest option?

hmmmmm could be, but i've spent 2 years being battered by the arctic winds already! No that i won't opt for another Scandanavian country to have a go at icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by saab693:

Just to add another alternative, I'd love to see whether this challenge is capable in Iceland. Surely the toughest option?

I thought that Iceland looked like the best challenge, although I imagine writing the season reports would be just as much of a challenge.

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Guest niresearch
Originally posted by cookie15:

Hi guys icon_biggrin.gif

I need a little help from you guys!

For the past 2 challenges i have played as Skjetten in Norway and have had a great time with them. However, i considering starting afresh with a new team/country.

I would like to enlist your help in selecting the country within which i will embark on the mission once more. The only ones i don't really want to do are :Norway, Northern Ireland and Wales icon_frown.gif

But am willing to consider any of the others icon_smile.gif

I will be loading the game when i return from work and should be in a position to commence Gundo's challenge once more.....

The alternative is staying with Skjetten for the time being and attempting to move them through the ranks to Number 1 in Europe. Let me know whether you think this will push the challenge even further!! icon_rolleyes.gificon13.gificon14.gif

No-one has attempted the republic of ireland league yet as there was a bug in the promotion/relegation play-off, now thats fixed, might a good idea. D.C.U. often make the play off but see if you could refresh it until someone new appears.

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Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by aaberdeenn:

It might be an idea for dafuge to edit the league re-set dates into the opening post?

yeah, it'd make it easier to find them... don't have to trawl through the pages otherwise... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>


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Originally posted by aaberdeenn:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by rlipscombe:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by aaberdeenn:

It might be an idea for dafuge to edit the league re-set dates into the opening post?

yeah, it'd make it easier to find them... don't have to trawl through the pages otherwise... </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

icon14.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yes please, it would save me a bit of time when i get in from work icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by dafuge:

If some can link me to an updated list, I'll update it.

<pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"> League re-set dates

Austria - 23rd June.

Belarus - 10th February.

Belgium - 29th June.

Bulgaria - 29th June.

Croatia - 18th June.

Czech Republic - 28th June.

Denmark - 5th July.

Finland - 7th January.

Greece - 19th June.

Hungary - 19th June.

Iceland - 5th January.

Ireland - 5th January.

Israel -

N.Ireland - 29th April.

Norway - 18th January.

Poland - 28th June.

Romania -

Russia - 26th December.

Serbia - 9th July.

Slovakia - 28th June.

Slovenia - 28th June.

Sweden - 25th December.

Switzerland - 18th June.

Turkey - 19th June.

Ukraine - 18th June.

Wales - 18th June. </pre>

Here it is. icon14.gif

Don't have the missing two yet but add this anyway and the missing ones can be added at a later date once we know them.

Dafuge Could you change Russia's rep to 13 in the list please also, the last mod that edited it got it wrong. Thanks. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by DodgeeD:

I was thinking of starting this with 8.0.2 in Turkey (providing the registration bug is fixed). There is an error with the finances in the patch for the SuperLig teams but SI have given a database workaround as they did for the Defoe problem. Just thought I'd check that's cool before starting.

If SI have advised us to change those few issues in the editor for time being then that's fine. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by cookie15:

Skjetten conquer Europe! icon_eek.gificon_biggrin.gificon_eek.gificon_biggrin.gificon_eek.gificon_biggrin.gif

I'm not really sure if this has really happened or not. There is no doubt that Lady Luck was certainly smiling on me this season. Here goes a brief resume of my conquests.......

First Knockout round

After coming out of the group as Runners Up to Man United we were certainly not favourites for this round. Porto were a very tidy outfit and somehow we managed to get through on Away goals (phew icon_rolleyes.gif)

This meant that we progressed through to the Quarter Finals icon_wink.gif Skjetten were drawn out of the hat against................Barcelona icon_rolleyes.gif

Man i love he away goals rule!

As you can see the victory at home was amazing, but it had to be the goals that we scored at the Nou Camp actually proved vital. Somehow we had made it through to the last four.

The teams remaining were Bayern Munich, Man Utd, Lyon and ourselves, the mighty nordic (well we had a few Vikings) team of Skjetten.

We were drawn out of the hat against Lyon. Both legs went well for us and we played some cracking goals.

Winning in Lyon certainly set the boys up for the final! A 2-1 Victory at home and a 3-2 win away put us amazingly into the final.

2020 European Champions League Final Skjetten vs Bayern Munich

This was amazing, and i'm still slightly stunneed.

Well the final went as follows..............Bayern Munich 1 - 2 Skjetten Nobody could believe it icon_wink.gif

My Captain was amazing and dutifully picked up the Man of the Match award. He's 28 years old and has been a member of my squad for the past 13 seasons. He's never been capped, whcih i find very surprising.........Gundo this for you mate.

Stain Ringstad awarded Man of the Match in the Champions League Final

4 Skjetten players actually managed to make the Dream Team to boot icon_biggrin.gif

So Cookie does it again and completes Gundo's challenge. I'm undecideed whether to continue with these guys or start afresh with the new patch being out and all....

I'll leave that one up to you guys, tell me what you reckon i should do icon14.gif


Cooks you little snake in the grass, I guess I should have anticipated that you weren't too far away judging by your save last year. icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif

Fantastic achievement to complete this by 2020! icon_eek.gif You know what the icing on the cake was... Stian Ringstad on the score sheet in the final and picking up M.O.M. You just couldn't have written that script any better. icon_cool.gif

Reading that run to victory is giving me even more inspiration to crack this challenge with a Norwegian club...

As for where next for the Legendary manager Cookie, I'd say from you shortlist further down that maybe Belarus and Serbia sounds most interesting. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by dafuge:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by Gundo:

Dafuge Could you change Russia's rep to 13 in the list please also, the last mod that edited it got it wrong. Thanks. icon14.gif

Done icon14.gif

If there's anything else you need changing just let me know. </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

Cheers Dafuge much appreciated. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by cookie15:

Thanks guys for your comments and thoughts. I would like to have a go at a country that few people are playing in currently.

I think it will be between:

Serbia League Rep - 11

Israel League Rep - 12

Belarus League Rep - 9

Any other options are open too, but i wnat there to be a sound reason for it. I do have one in mind though icon_wink.gif

I don't know if there are any active ones in Israel, would be interesting to see if you get the same weird bug in Serbia that I got (league expansion followed by massive increase in coefficient for Serbia that returned to normal after 5 years) and Belarus sucks, but then that is the point of this challenge icon_biggrin.gif

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Please read...

I don't know what to do with this. I've put so much effort into this challenge, and it would sadden me to quit, but I just cant see when I would ever get close to winning the CL, when my league rep is haunting players from joining the club. It's taken me 20 seasons to establish 3rd Qual Round every year, another 20 seasons for Group stage every year? I cant put myself through the bordem of winning domestically with ease, but losing continentally without being able to affect it.

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Originally posted by NepentheZ:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by aaberdeenn:

Although it is frustrating Nep before you put this game aside I DEMAND that Paul Wallace gets 1000 goals. icon_wink.gif

Don't worry, I wouldn't dream of not seeing out his career. icon_smile.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>



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Sorry to double, as I could have had this on the last post...

But I'm finding it increasingly difficult to have a session on FM now longer than 30 minutes. I just end up browsing the forums, checking FM to see the HT Score and hit continue, then the same at FT. My game automatically continues after 5 secs too,... It's really quite pointless me playing.

The only thing I have left, is Paul Wallace's career. and he's 36. It's a sad state of affairs. icon_frown.gif

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I don't know what to say tbh NepentheZ? I think maybe that's the main reason why Annihilator666 felt it was time to leave his game a few weeks back? This challenge does seem to be even more difficult than previous years, especially in the lower rep leagues in particular.

It does actually seem abit stupid that club reps can change but league reps are highly unlikely to. I think the only way a league rep increases is if a club from that said nation wins either Uefa or CL (I remember reading that on these furums somewhere).

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Skysports Newsflash

It has become apparent that manager Marcus Evan Cook has opted to put his Skjetten game on hold for the foreseeable future.

Reports emanating from Norway are that Evan Cook is trying his hand at Gundo's challenge in a new country.

The rumours are that he has boarded a plane to Serbia icon_eek.gif

More on this story as it evolves ...... icon_wink.gif

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Originally posted by cookie15:

Skysports Newsflash

It has become apparent that manager Marcus Evan Cook has opted to put his Skjetten game on hold for the foreseeable future.

Reports emanating from Norway are that Evan Cook is trying his hand at Gundo's challenge in a new country.

The rumours are that he has boarded a plane to Serbia icon_eek.gif

More on this story as it evolves ...... icon_wink.gif

Set yourself another little side challenge> See if you can complete it in Serbia before 2020?

Best of luck. icon14.gif

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Originally posted by Gundo:

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-title">quote:</div><div class="ip-ubbcode-quote-content">Originally posted by cookie15:

Skysports Newsflash

It has become apparent that manager Marcus Evan Cook has opted to put his Skjetten game on hold for the foreseeable future.

Reports emanating from Norway are that Evan Cook is trying his hand at Gundo's challenge in a new country.

The rumours are that he has boarded a plane to Serbia icon_eek.gif

More on this story as it evolves ...... icon_wink.gif

Set yourself another little side challenge> See if you can complete it in Serbia before 2020?

Best of luck. icon14.gif </div></BLOCKQUOTE>

The gauntlet has well and truly been thrown down icon_wink.gif

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Guest niresearch

its currently going under a re-structuring in real life which is properly tidied by the time the 2009 season starts hence why there is so many play-offs for prom/relegation.

best start in 2008 season rather than 2007.

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