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Help with Competitions ID


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I've mentioned this some other time but I haven't managed to find a way to fix it. I have several competitions in the editor data folder, pre-season competitions, and when I load it in the editor it displays a unique ID but when starting a new save, this unique ID changes. As an example


As you see, the unique ID number ends with 24, but after starting a new save


the number changed to 47 :(

This leads to two different problems:

1- Some backgrounds don't match the competitions, becoming misplaced, (because the ID doesn't match anymore with the number from the background picture) although this one its just a matter of opening the xml file and make the necessary adjustments;

2- Some competitions don't exist when starting the new save, I believe its because some unique IDs get repeated because they change;

Anyone has a clue why the ID numbers change when starting a new save and how to avoid this from hapenning ???

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Whats the name of the file, the game will always load alpha-numerically.

You always have to have them in the same order in the editor data folder if you want to keep inline the matches with logos etc.   so its better to start "001 - Tournament A" etc, so keep them in a set order.  

The game will never repeat id's.  The first comp of the first editor data file will be xxxx024, xxxx025, etc.  

For that to allocate out 47, do you have a file in the editor folder before that one.. ?

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22 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

Whats the name of the file, the game will always load alpha-numerically.

You always have to have them in the same order in the editor data folder if you want to keep inline the matches with logos etc.   so its better to start "001 - Tournament A" etc, so keep them in a set order.  

The game will never repeat id's.  The first comp of the first editor data file will be xxxx024, xxxx025, etc.  

For that to allocate out 47, do you have a file in the editor folder before that one.. ?

Thank yoy wkdsould

This is the name of the file for the example of those screenshots

FUSION-DB-pre-season-Trofeo-TIM-0.02_B8C96200-E286-4310-B448-6ABA09E830AB (1) (this number 1 at the end if just because I must have downloaded the file twice). Do you think the problem is the name of the files ? Can I change these names by only renaming them ?

This one its fine, the competition is visible when I start a new save.


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2 minutes ago, pedrosantos said:

Thank yoy wkdsould

This is the name of the file for the example of those screenshots

FUSION-DB-pre-season-Trofeo-TIM-0.02_B8C96200-E286-4310-B448-6ABA09E830AB (1) (this number 1 at the end if just because I must have downloaded the file twice). Do you think the problem is the name of the files ?

This one its fine, the competition is visible when I start a new save.


What other files do you have in the editor data folder if you list them by name is that first or somewhere lower down, i would guess from the numbers xx0047, its loading something else first which is getting the xxx024 number you are looking for.

I'd rename it "001 - Fusion Trofel TIM 0.02." and make sure its top of the list when sorted by name. 

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4 minutes ago, pedrosantos said:

Okay I will try to rename the two files related to the two competitions not being visible. I'll get back in a moment :)

The file names wont effect issue 2) jsut issue 1).  

The 2nd issue to due to the editor file itself, something is wrong it, not the file name 

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6 minutes ago, wkdsoul said:

The file names wont effect issue 2) jsut issue 1).  

The 2nd issue to due to the editor file itself, something is wrong it, not the file name 

ohhhhhh so its competition itself

The thing is that the two competitions missing are working fine with other users (at least with the author)

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3 minutes ago, pedrosantos said:

ohhhhhh so its competition itself

The thing is that the two competitions missing are working fine with other users (at least with the author)

You should try it with renaming the files, as they are loaded alphabetically. It's possible that there is just one conflict. You can also load all files, one less, another one less, until it works, after that rename the files you have skipped. If the original name is starting with a s for example, use a name starting with a, if it is a character like a,b,c etc, use z as new name.

It's a bit time consuming, but I managed to fix ID problems most of the times that way.

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Just now, pedrosantos said:

These are the two missing, if you or anyone wouldn't mind to have a look to understand what might me wrong.

001 Colonia Cup_CC728862-CCBF-496A-A9D5-6E7E40E124F6.fmf

002 The Emirates Cup 2.0_2785DEC5-BB91-43D2-ACD5-BFD700483D95.fmf

What happens when you rename those files as 098 and 099?

Does it still not load? 

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Just now, pedrosantos said:

Its odd, because all the other competitions I have are loading and even those two work fine with the guy who created them (I have also other competitions made by the same guy and they are working)

So it's a conflict with one file that he does not have in his editor folder. 

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Okay, removing all the files from the folder and leaving just those two:

- emirates cup loaded, its visible, I guess it must be some conflict with some other file;

- colonia cup didn't even load, maybe its some error in the competitions rules. But if it is an error, it should not work with other people, right ?

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5 minutes ago, pedrosantos said:

Okay, removing all the files from the folder and leaving just those two:

- emirates cup loaded, its visible, I guess it must be some conflict with some other file;

- colonia cup didn't even load, maybe its some error in the competitions rules. But if it is an error, it should not work with other people, right ?

Is it based in a nation you didnt load? 

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3 minutes ago, KUBI said:

A pre-season tournament should work without the need of loading specific nations. I will have a look into this colonia file.

Thank you Kubi, I ran a test loading Germany but it didn't work also. It must be something with the data of competition, some rule or something else.

Meanwhile, I'm going to try find which file the Emirates is conflicting with :) 

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One problem could be that those cups are using clubs from the same nations. For example, if the Colonia cup is loaded first, it assigns a random club from Portugal. if that is the last champion and the Emirates Cup is loaded after the colonia cup, there is the problem that the Emirates Cup are set for the last Portugal champion. If you have a lot of such cups with similar seedings, there could always be a problem. 

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1 minute ago, KUBI said:

One problem could be that those cups are using clubs from the same nations. For example, if the Colonia cup is loaded first, it assigns a random club from Portugal. if that is the last champion and the Emirates Cup is loaded after the colonia cup, there is the problem that the Emirates Cup are set for the last Portugal champion. If you have a lot of such cups with similar seedings, there could always be a problem. 

I just made a check with the editor and the Colonia Cup didn't have any teams qualified for the competition :lol:

I'm also going to check the teams qualified for the emirates cup, maybe that's the problem / conflict

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18 minutes ago, KUBI said:

Bildschirmfoto 2016-12-04 um 21.15.05.jpg

Changed and I didn't have any errors when running the test rules. Also found out that the emirates cup had an error in the schedule dates, fix that and also didn't have errors. Conclusion when starting a save: emirates load and colonia does not (meanwhile changed the competition name to Happy Bet Cup, I think it was the name given for 2016 edition)

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If anyone could have at these. The Juan Gamper Cup is the one keeping the emirates cup out, I tested the rules for both files and had no errors :(

The Emirates Cup 2.0_2785DEC5-BB91-43D2-ACD5-BFD700483D95.fmf

Trofeo Joan Gamper_B77551AC-6EDD-41C3-9B6A-37C1B513F73B.fmf

And I still didn't get the Colonia Cup to work

Colonia Cup_CC728862-CCBF-496A-A9D5-6E7E40E124F6.fmf

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