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Real Manager photo


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If we cannot add our own manager photo this year again, then I am going to well and truly throw my toys out of the pram.

There was negative feedback from the initial release of FM17, so they have had plenty of time to provide us with a workaround to this useless feature.

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I'd like an option for no picture or 3d model face. For me it's a waste of time and it's taking me time off the game each time I start a new save*. If it's done for match engine purposes, then you could simply make people fill a profile like the editor's version with "skin tone", "ethnicity", "hair" and those things. 


* it actually made me have longer saves now as I can't be bothered with this each time, I like creating new managers for each save's purpose instead of using a single profile so this takes more time than it should for me so I'm sticking with a couple of long saves lol. 

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Would it be impossible to let us have both? A manager photo in the game, and the 3D face on the pitch? As I wrote in the now closed thread in General Discussion: The way SI is approaching this is actually quite weird. It almost makes me believe it's the relative of some SI/SEGA executive that are in charge of the 3D manager face, an no-one dares to question him. I want my profile picture in the game, because in a world of beautiful cut-out faces I am a horrendous cartoon monster (well, me and the equally horrendous regens).

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3 hours ago, Viking said:

Would it be impossible to let us have both? A manager photo in the game, and the 3D face on the pitch? As I wrote in the now closed thread in General Discussion: The way SI is approaching this is actually quite weird. It almost makes me believe it's the relative of some SI/SEGA executive that are in charge of the 3D manager face, an no-one dares to question him. I want my profile picture in the game, because in a world of beautiful cut-out faces I am a horrendous cartoon monster (well, me and the equally horrendous regens).

I think we all are...I look like i just stepped off a spaceship with blonde hair and glasses

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5 minutes ago, FrazT said:

See Miles' comment in a post 4 above yours

And 3D photos doesn't look good in the main manager profile and manager of the month/year standing beside AI managers with real photos. Why not give the player a choice?

I quote GoldenGoal from this thread:



As shown in FM16 and FM17 it is possible to have face creation and photo together without causing issues to the game. So it cannot be a technical reason.
The only other reason given by the game creator is nonsensical: "2d photos don't look good on 3d bodies."
This one i explained before. Other individuals, who have 3d bodies in the game, can have a photo assigned to them. Player character, who has a 3d body in the game, cannot have a photo assigned to them.
This was removed by SI, but the other individuals who have 3d bodies, can still have a photo used. Their possibility to have a photo was not removed.
So if it is still because "2d photos don't look good on 3d bodies." he is wrong or lying, as individuals with 3d bodies can still have photos.

This thread will probably be closed soon, with a closing like "Reviewed so locked". Until 1 week later, and a new thread with the same concern shows up.

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4 hours ago, FrazT said:

See Miles' comment in a post 4 above yours

Miles does not provide a reason for removing the manager photo facility in that Tweet at all. He just arrogantly says that the feature is not returning.

Previously he mentioned that photos do not look good on a 3D manager, but that is not a genuine reason. Previously we had the ability to upload a photo and have a 3D manager, so why not continue to provide this option?

Give the fans what they want!

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Yeah i don't even know what is going on about this, feels like some sort of illuminati thing going on. Even the moderators are not allowed to talk negative stuff about this and must defend it at all costs.

I get that SI seem to be proud of the 3d face creator, but what is wrong with having an option? We are not asking for the 3d creator to be removed, it can stay, we just want to be able to use pictures too.

It's like if you go and buy a burguer, you want to have mustard and ketchup packets, but the clerk sees you using both (FM16) and dislikes seeing you doing so (even though it's not him eating the burguer), and forces you to use just mustard because that is what he likes (FM17, FM18).

The cook is forcing those that like both, the ones that like just ketchup and those who don't like either to have to eat with mustard from now on. Those that like just mustard (the ones happy with the 3d face gen) won't care i suppose.

Seriously, just let me decide what i want to have when i eat, just give me the food and don't try to tell me how i should eat.

Oh no! I remember now! The burguer vans in the match engine stadiums! This was foretold!

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A theory I've had which might have something to do with the whole 'manager photo' saga...

When the manager photo facility was available back in FM16 I would upload a simple portrait image of myself which had the background cut-out through the use of photoshop. Therefore, matching the default photo style in the game.

However, the manager photo feature basically allowed the user to upload any image that they desired. Whether it be an image of themselves, a celebrity, an object, or... something more controversial. For instance, there was nothing preventing the user from uploading an image of Adolf Hitler or Jimmy Saville to be used as their manager photo. Worse still, something more obscene or pornographic. Why anybody would want to do this, I have no idea, but I would bet that it has been done.

At the end of the day the facility was there to personalize the game for the user and allow them to play the game in the way they liked. However, if someone was abusing the image upload facility and decided to share a screenshot/save file of their FM save with the controversial image, it could reflect badly on the Football Manager brand.

Only a theory, but it could explain why it was abruptly withdrawn and why SI have no intention of implementing it back in the game again.

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24 minutes ago, McClane29 said:

A theory I've had which might have something to do with the whole 'manager photo' saga...

When the manager photo facility was available back in FM16 I would upload a simple portrait image of myself which had the background cut-out through the use of photoshop. Therefore, matching the default photo style in the game.

However, the manager photo feature basically allowed the user to upload any image that they desired. Whether it be an image of themselves, a celebrity, an object, or... something more controversial. For instance, there was nothing preventing the user from uploading an image of Adolf Hitler or Jimmy Saville to be used as their manager photo. Worse still, something more obscene or pornographic. Why anybody would want to do this, I have no idea, but I would bet that it has been done.

At the end of the day the facility was there to personalize the game for the user and allow them to play the game in the way they liked. However, if someone was abusing the image upload facility and decided to share a screenshot/save file of their FM save with the controversial image, it could reflect badly on the Football Manager brand.

Only a theory, but it could explain why it was abruptly withdrawn and why SI have no intention of implementing it back in the game again.

The same can still be done with any individual, all you gotta do is get whatever image you want and link with their game ID (this is how facepacks are made), so you can still upload an obscene image to be Messi's face.

So if the reason they removed the picture upload is what you stated, that would be ok i suppose, but then for some reason they went far deeper and removed the facepack method just for the player character. Therefore that cannot be the reason because you can still put obscene stuff in the game by linking it to other individuals.

If they wanted to disable obscene images at all in the game, they would remove the possibility of adding images to everybody, yet they did not, curiously they just removed it for the player character.

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2 hours ago, mrrobot said:

Maybe their long-term plan is to remove all addons. No faces, only regen/newgen. And maybe no logos. Then it will be totally unplayable for me.

Yep that's my thought on the subject and I must confess I personally wouldn't buy the game if that was the case.  The incredible time and effort people put into third party graphics and allow others to download them give the game realism to me and I for one never start a game until I have graphics installed.  Colours for logos, Fake names, lumpy bare kits and CGI faces just don't do it for me, third party graphics "make" the game. 

As for "photos do not look good on a 3D manager" - Er well you could say that a computerised image does not look good on a real person!!!!

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That´s a lot of pure speculation. The only fact is that the manager 2D picture does not come back into the game.

There is a difference between players, staff and the manager. Only the manager has as real  3-D representation on the pitch. 

That might be the reason why there is a difference in manager pictures and player/staff pictures in the game.

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18 minutes ago, KUBI said:

That´s a lot of pure speculation. The only fact is that the manager 2D picture does not come back into the game.

There is a difference between players, staff and the manager. Only the manager has as real  3-D representation on the pitch. 

That might be the reason why there is a difference in manager pictures and player/staff pictures in the game.

Personally (and I play every game in 3d on TV camera mode) I have never even seen the manager 3d representation on the pitch bar a fleeting moment in the distance so it wouldn't matter what his face looks like because you can't even see it and the camera never zooms in on the manager.  However where you do see your "manager" an awful lot is in the news screen picking up manager of the year etc and just personally seeing a computerised monstrosity rather than a photo of me spoils the realism. 

Plus as said above you could use a photo in previous incarnations of the game alongside the 3d representation with no issues whatsoever and earlier in the year there were workarounds which you could use but these were shut down in a patch.  The main thing though is having a "choice" as a customer and player of the game.  If I had a choice I personally would rather have a photo and bin the manager on the touchline, you are watching the game not keeping an eye on the CGI manager!!

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2 hours ago, KUBI said:

There is a difference between players, staff and the manager. Only the manager has as real  3-D representation on the pitch. 

That might be the reason why there is a difference in manager pictures and player/staff pictures in the game.

This is irrelevant. FM16 and FM17 had the real 3d representation on the pitch, yet photos can be used without issue (using facepack method for FM17 and normally with FM16).

Proof 1, Proof 2

You might reply then that in FM17 it was the first to incorporate the camera face scan, then this is why photos might be disabled. For two reasons it is wrong to say this, first is that like shown in the 2 proofs above, even if you have a camera pic you can add the photo in FM17. The second is that not everyone will use the camera face scan, some would create the face in the 3d thing, so having the face scan thing disabling the photo is irrelevant because not everyone will use it, so there is no need to disable the real photos for this reason.

Who even cares about the manager in the touchline anyway? You can barely see since the camera never gets that close. I played FM16 in the past, now i'm back playing FM15 and i didn't miss it at all.

I also enjoy that in FM15 i can put a picture and change it anytime i want to, as it should be.

Honestly, if SI just gives a good explanation for this removal we would be much more understandable, this very disrespectful by SI.

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Good points being made in this topic, yet will still get the "Have you tried 3D? It's really good" mentality in responses.

FM fans, beyond ourselves here, are going to continue to request and campaign for the manager photo to be reinstated until SI provide the community with a genuine reason.

Surely it would be beneficial to save the aggro of this saga going on for another year by being honest? If it has something to do with changes forthcoming in future FM installments, then just say so without revealing any spoilers. People will be more understanding if they're not treated like fools.

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Just now, GoldenGoal said:

Already disproven by FM16 and FM17. Both games had 3d bodies and are possible to add 2d picture.

Probably the appearance of the 3-D bodies did change from representative to real?

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43 minutes ago, KUBI said:



Same ridiculous excuse. Different day...



I can't see my generated image in-game (I know it isn't working on the beta) and cannot see my 3D manager face in the dugout during matchday.

The 3D manager I did create has a mostly blue face. Yes, I did use a clear, well-illuminated photo of myself.

Bravo, SI. Bravo.

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On 27/10/2017 at 01:50, KUBI said:

Probably the appearance of the 3-D bodies did change from representative to real?

 You are just AVOIDING to answer us and its getting real ANNOYING !!!!!!!! 1 f**cking simple question: WE want to have the option on that, why cant WE have the

option to decide witch one we want?? I am USING my picture in FM17 with a 3rd party progrmm and its working PERFECT!!!!!!!!! so dont ******** us guys. Tells us

that you dont want to admit your big mistake.... simple;;;;;;;

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2 hours ago, nikolaosaek said:

 You are just AVOIDING to answer us and its getting real ANNOYING !!!!!!!! 1 f**cking simple question: WE want to have the option on that, why cant WE have the

option to decide witch one we want?? I am USING my picture in FM17 with a 3rd party progrmm and its working PERFECT!!!!!!!!! so dont ******** us guys. Tells us

that you dont want to admit your big mistake.... simple;;;;;;;

The role of the Moderators is not to answer your questions or justify the decisions taken by SI, but to ensure that all users are abiding by the forum rules, which this post does not do.  The decision that has been made by SI and communicated to everyone in here is the only one that is relevant, whether it is liked and accepted or not.

The views of those members of the community, for which this issue is important, have undoubtedly been noted but until the decision is changed then the status quo will continue.

I am going to close this thread before users are infracted.

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  • FrazT locked this topic
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The decision has been made for the greater good of the game. We appreciate people may not like all of our decisions at first, and we have to make difficult ones sometimes when looking at the bigger picture of the game's development over a number of years. 

The reality is it is just a photo - you have the option to turn regenerated images off, if you don't like them so much. If we caved in to every single demand users wanted, there wouldn't be player roles, the Tactics creator or the 3D Match Engine with its improvements over the years  

The Manager Photo is not going to change per Miles' decision, so you will have to learn to agree to disagree and let it go. 

There wont be any more official replies to this as there's nothing more to add - it is not coming back. 


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