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FM Genie Scout 2009?

Cadijk van Kaarhandel

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Sorry but having to pay 10$ dollars for a piece of software like this is ridiculous. It's a given source code that other people have probably used yet don't ask for money so why should he? Needless to say, i shan't be paying, more to the fact i can't as i'm 16. But i hope for the sake of his reputation and website that he does release it as a free version soon. Also, that thing above about the GSL license, doesn't that mean that he's breaking the law by asking people to pay for certain aspects for it?

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I don't post much on here but talk about anti-climax. I won't be paying for his software. Like others have said, he was given it for free and to charge for the use of its best features is laughable. It is a quality utility, there's no doubt about that, but to make people pay for it is a joke in my eyes.

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You guys are complete idiots. Genie does not have to make this program, if you are really upset about paying $10 then you need to man up. It is about £7, no money at all.

It is on principle. It is a shame to make pay a program, so good it is...

Shame on you Genie, shame on you...

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Still offline the site, wonder if he changed his mind?

He won't have changed his mind. There'd be even more of an uproar if he did. Think of the people who had donated. I'd be a little bit ****ed off if I'd spent my money three hours ago and then three hours later be told that I no longer had to pay.

Hopefully he's giving us an update.

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Look at FMTRE for example as well, and just general service. I think there has been 5 updates of the program over the past 2 weeks, with constant communication with the SI community, enabling the product to be the best it can

Genie..........no one knows anything half the time and he releases half finish products and then takes weeks/months to update them, with maybe one update on his website as to wht the f*** is going on, and now he expects us to pay....

People were patient when it was free, hes gonna experience alot more now its not!

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I had the load crash on my career game and sent the crash dump from the link in the genie scout.

Bizarrely though, the Dafuge challenge save game works yet both are uncompressed and no real difference except for the amount of leagues used.

I don't want to start a new game so I hope the RC2 fixes these load crashes?

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I've waited weeks for this damn thing to get released and now that it has been it dosent even do what i want it to do, Unless of course i donate $10 for a game i already paid £30 for! And even if i do i dont know if it will work right or be riddled with bugs, or if it has correct sale values, or if i have to (donate) again for updated versions in future, I've watched alot of people on this forum and on genies site getting annoyed with genie and also the people who always leap to his defence and never really picked a side before today, well...

Eugene, you are a sheister, and a letdown.

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That analysis of the licensing is slightly misleading. Authors are allowed to charge for modifications made on the GPL product.

Of course they are. But that's not the point. The point is that, if you take source code, released under the GPL license, and modify it then, under the license terms, you must also release, for free, your own source code. That way anyone could take the source code, compile it, etc.

If you don't do this, you are not following the terms of the license. Technically you are breaking the law. However, since this needs to be enforced on a court of law, in principle it would be the original author of the source code that would need to take this to court. Which I very much think will not happen.

In any case, if these allegations are true, it's obvious that Genie is not "playing" fair.

As for people enquiring and wondering if Genie Scout will present correct SALES VALUES: no, people, it was clearly stated on Genie's site, before it went down, Genie Scout 2009, the same as any other scout program, is unable to present correct sales value. This is because, unlike previous versions of FM, now there's no fixed sales value, stored somewhere, which these scouts can read. The sales value is calculated on the fly and takes into account several variables which, as of now, nobody, except SI, knows about. So, to make it short and simple: no, Genie Scout 2009 will not show you correct sales value; it will present mostly meaningless values.

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The new Genie Scout is fantastic, looks great, has tons of functions, and overall it's the best scouting program ever.

But I won't be paying for it.

While Genie has every right to charge for his own work (and face it, you can use it for free quite easily, just not with CA and PA - for which there are plenty other options), provided he doesn't have a deal with Nygreen that prohibits it, we as users have every right not to pay for that when there's so many free alternatives which do the job just fine.

I'll keep using the free portion of GS, alongside the other scout/editor programs.

As for Genie, I'm sure he'd get more money in donations if he kept it free, than like this. there are many people who would have probably donated something, but refuse to do so on principle now.

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Of course they are. But that's not the point. The point is that, if you take source code, released under the GPL license, and modify it then, under the license terms, you must also release, for free, your own source code. That way anyone could take the source code, compile it, etc.

If you don't do this, you are not following the terms of the license. Technically you are breaking the law. However, since this needs to be enforced on a court of law, in principle it would be the original author of the source code that would need to take this to court. Which I very much think will not happen.

In any case, if these allegations are true, it's obvious that Genie is not "playing" fair.

As for people enquiring and wondering if Genie Scout will present correct SALES VALUES: no, people, it was clearly stated on Genie's site, before it went down, Genie Scout 2009, the same as any other scout program, is unable to present correct sales value. This is because, unlike previous versions of FM, now there's no fixed sales value, stored somewhere, which these scouts can read. The sales value is calculated on the fly and takes into account several variables which, as of now, nobody, except SI, knows about. So, to make it short and simple: no, Genie Scout 2009 will not show you correct sales value; it will present mostly meaningless values.

As long we have not seen/tested the sale values shown in Genie Scout, you cannot say they're wrong. If so, why should Genie even hide them? And you forget one thing, all other scouts around read from memory, Genie does read from savegame files. It may be, although I am not sure, that there are other values as in the memory.

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I just have donated. First, you will get a link to the XE version to download. After that, you will get a message from Genie that he'll send you the key after max. a day. This key belongs to your unique ID. So, even if you have a key, it's useless for others because everyone has anoher Unique ID.

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As long we have not seen/tested the sale values shown in Genie Scout, you cannot say they're wrong.

I think you didn't read carefully what I wrote. But that's OK, I'll repeat it: before the site went down, Eugene clearly wrote that his program would not give accurate sales value results. That the new SI system was different, etc. Basically the same as the other editors/scouts.

If you still think otherwise, best of luck but don't keep your hopes up as you may be setting yourself up for a letdown.

In the meantime, good luck loading your save game. I've tried several I had here and they all fail miserably. From reports, it looks like the program only loads recently started games. When you progress in the game, it will not load anymore. Same as the previous version really. Previously it took months to be solved. Now, since there are customers, instead of donators, maybe things will progress faster. ;)

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I think you didn't read carefully what I wrote. But that's OK, I'll repeat it: before the site went down, Eugene clearly wrote that his program would not give accurate sales value results. That the new SI system was different, etc. Basically the same as the other editors/scouts.

If you still think otherwise, best of luck but don't keep your hopes up as you may be setting yourself up for a letdown.

In the meantime, good luck loading your save game. I've tried several I had here and they all fail miserably. From reports, it looks like the program only loads recently started games. When you progress in the game, it will not load anymore. Same as the previous version really. Previously it took months to be solved. Now, since there are customers, instead of donators, maybe things will progress faster. ;)

I didn't carefully read that Genie wrote that the sale values are inaccurate. What I don't understand is, why he hide these in the free version. About loading my savegames, I tested 3 saves before 2012. They worked. Had 1 Save after 2012, didn't work. Think you're right, we have to wait the same time or even longer as last year, and this year, some people are even paying for it. (Me including, 10$ isn't the highest amount in the world and I really liked to "Donate", but not for a piece of ****. Sorry)

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can someone who has the donated version tell me if the sale values are accurate or not, Thanks.

The way the sale value are programmed in the game makes the sale values unaccurate whatever any of the toolmakers does. It's programmed to be floating and changing, this is a part of the new transfer system SI have created for this release.

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why pay him, when he doesn't even pay'd for his FM game? I was browsing Fm Ukraine forum and he was asking there if someone has a licensed FM version to get a save game.

disclaimer: that doesn't prove it 100% but...

Closer to 100% than 99% even mate.

This is quite disgraceful IMHO.

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What stopped you using another editor?

When I started playing FM08, Genie Editor was the first one i came across. Used it - and found it most useful.

Im just angry that he could have let us know that he was going to be charging for his editor a long time ago. He obviously had this planned for a while.

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Dear Genie/Eugene

You are an absolute DICKHEAD....

I say this because your Genie Scout was probably ready to be released AGES ago but you have obviously not decided to release it until now because you were still working on Unique ID's and setting up a payment system for your $10 charge.

Secondly, you cud have told us AGES ago that you were going to charge $10 - at least that way, i could have used another editor, and got on with my game along time ago instead of delaying playing FM09 waiting for your Genie scout to be released.

Thank you for wasting my f***ing time!

so you waited all this time to get genies editor when the FMRTE was out and in my opinion a lot better :eek:

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Dear Genie/Eugene

You are an absolute DICKHEAD....

I say this because your Genie Scout was probably ready to be released AGES ago but you have obviously not decided to release it until now because you were still working on Unique ID's and setting up a payment system for your $10 charge.

Secondly, you cud have told us AGES ago that you were going to charge $10 - at least that way, i could have used another editor, and got on with my game along time ago instead of delaying playing FM09 waiting for your Genie scout to be released.

Thank you for wasting my f***ing time!

you mate, need to grow up

people are hear are trying to have a debate about this, and there is NO NEED whatsoever to make remarks like this.. yes, you may not agree with paying, but comments like this are not needed

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Well I've paid for it, don't mind doing so. And my game is beyond 2012, and I have no problems. I've also received 3 updates by mail today.

Same here. The service, until now was top class. The keyfile arrived after more than 24h, but who cares, it works. Also for long term saves now.

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