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Name colour in social groups

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Just a quick question, when you check the social groups in the dynamics tab then you can see that player's name are in a bar that is a specific colour, yellow, blue, grey, orange.  What is the meaning of this colour or is it just random? If so why not just have them all in the same colour?

social groups.jpg

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54 minutes ago, Per Annum said:

Each color is a ranking in the adjacent squad hierarchy screen. 

I also didn't know this until I was told. Colors seem to change per club. 

Thank you.


50 minutes ago, XaW said:

Yellow = Team Leader
Gray = Highly influential player
Orange = Influential player
Blue = Other player

It's where the player is in the hierarchy. 

I feel this could be placed on the social group screen just for information, the screen has enough open space to put it somewhere.

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