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Football Manager 2018 *Official* Feedback Thread

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1 hour ago, cjb1986 said:

anyone else getting a load of crash dumps since the update? ive had 2 in the 2 attempts ive had at playing since the update (about a month game time) as opposed to zero previously in 13 seasons 

Please raise your own thread here and we'll try to help - https://community.sigames.com/forum/583-crashes-and-technical-issues-pc/


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11 hours ago, Chris21 said:

Load up the game, search for goalkeepers with 15 or more for one one ones and give me reasons why each of those goalkeepers is better at one on ones as David De Gea. I wish you good luck. Anyone that thinks that stat is right him is clueless quite frankly.

Apologies to the mod who quoted me too. I tend to forget this place is run like an army boot camp these days. 

Would suggest raising it in the data forums whilst following these instructions below:

·        Please note that much of the data in the database is of a subjective nature and many people will have different opinions about this kind of data and this must be respected.                      
·        We would request you all to adhere to the following three point plan when posting in the data topics:                 

1.      State what you think is specifically wrong with a particular piece of data.                 
2.      State what you think the data should be.                
3.      State reasons/proof for your suggested corrections/improvements.         

Would suggest going in any saying the kind of thing you've stated above won't really help your case. Evidence would much better.


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6 hours ago, Rashidi said:

Xga is fairly involved the metrics themselves are numerous and while I would love for it to be added to the game, I just don't know whether it would take away processing power for something else.

In a sense, isn't the ME its own "xg" model in itself? After all, there is a calculation behind every shot, and how likely that has to go in. After all, it's SI too taking research into account (as was obvious from past forum posts) as well as trying to balance it all "realistically". As said, it's one of the reasons I suspect this is not going in. Whereas xG in football is trying to estimate theh quality of a chance. It's an added tool managers may use. Having such a number in FM could give it all completely away though. :DNo more discussion needed whether this chance or that chance was the better one according to the game anyway -- and players may even try to "game" the engine to purely spam chances of a specific type.

The 1 in 3 figure isn't just a figure just quoted ever since xG is around. It has popped up in any kind of research papers ever since, though there's not much to be found online. If you consider that outside of tap-ins and penalties, the forward is mostly not in the advantage on competitive levels, then you're not far off the truth here. Some were quoted by SI or at least mods involvd in researching in the past. Some even quoted a 1 in 4 figure. This is long-term average -- obviously easier one on ones are better, and worse are worse. There's certainly one on ones in the game that I personally consider to be a 1 in 5 chance at best ever since. ANd my playing experience has proven me right. It's the type where the forward received the ball in his back rather than his running path, has to turn and shoot, and has no angle to work with at all, as the keeper coming out is standing directly between goal and ball. Nothing in here handicaps the keeper. Neither the no angled through ball from a central position, nor the time he has to assess it all. The handicaps are all towards the forward, no less as he's additionally immediately closed down, and his time window to apply the finish is zero.

One thing is for certain: Unless SI do add such feedback, these discussions will never go away. [And even then they may spawn debate of a different type: Namely, how can you put such a low number on one on ones, are you watching football SI???] :D Plus, as the human brain struggles to cope with probability: A 1 in 3 base probabilty would not at all mean that a forward would score one of the next three, or any three at all. E.g. must be a bug, this.


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closing down still rubbish resultuiung in pin ball effect of players chasing down the ball like headless chickens and same goals being conceded like opp break but you have 5 back against there 2. they add to attack while your team stand around and within 2 touches its 6 against 5 but the 5 are all following the ball out wide, the opp cross and easy goal as no one is now in the middle. 4 games 6 goals exactly the same. 

from the last god knows how many years the full backs still havnt been fixed when tracking someone running with the ball. why do they suddenly stop ? why cant you fix that simple thing ??

i ran the fm 17 and fm18 on diff laptops same specs at the same time, one question why do the me's play pretty much ex the same ? i think we are being fooled here each year 

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2 minutes ago, jamessmith010101 said:

closing down still rubbish resultuiung in pin ball effect of players chasing down the ball like headless chickens and same goals being conceded like opp break but you have 5 back against there 2. they add to attack while your team stand around and within 2 touches its 6 against 5 but the 5 are all following the ball out wide, the opp cross and easy goal as no one is now in the middle. 4 games 6 goals exactly the same. 

from the last god knows how many years the full backs still havnt been fixed when tracking someone running with the ball. why do they suddenly stop ? why cant you fix that simple thing ??

i ran the fm 17 and fm18 on diff laptops same specs at the same time, one question why do the me's play pretty much ex the same ? i think we are being fooled here each year 

So are you saying that there have been pretty much no changes between the FM17 and the FM18 match engines?


What would you say to the many people in this thread and elsewhere on these forums that assert that the FM18 match engine is much worse than FM17's?

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7 minutes ago, jamessmith010101 said:

closing down still rubbish resultuiung in pin ball effect of players chasing down the ball like headless chickens and same goals being conceded like opp break but you have 5 back against there 2. they add to attack while your team stand around and within 2 touches its 6 against 5 but the 5 are all following the ball out wide, the opp cross and easy goal as no one is now in the middle. 4 games 6 goals exactly the same. 

from the last god knows how many years the full backs still havnt been fixed when tracking someone running with the ball. why do they suddenly stop ? why cant you fix that simple thing ??

i ran the fm 17 and fm18 on diff laptops same specs at the same time, one question why do the me's play pretty much ex the same ? i think we are being fooled here each year 

Yeah, you've caught them.  Instead of doing any work on the ME, they've created this elaborate shell game involving multiple claims of improvements, and further ultimately fraudulent patch notes saying they updated said imaginary improvements.  The FM18 ME is obviously completely identical to FM17, based on you watching two completely different matches and believing they look the same.

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5 minutes ago, forameuss said:

Yeah, you've caught them.  Instead of doing any work on the ME, they've created this elaborate shell game involving multiple claims of improvements, and further ultimately fraudulent patch notes saying they updated said imaginary improvements.  The FM18 ME is obviously completely identical to FM17, based on you watching two completely different matches and believing they look the same.

FM18 is completely different than FM17... because in Fm17, coutinho actually scores from long distance and Messi does actually score free kicks on FM17..... while on FM18 Coutinho is a sunday league player and messi shoots on the corner flag!!!!! 


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3 minutes ago, penza said:

FM18 is completely different than FM17... because in Fm17, coutinho actually scores from long distance and Messi does actually score free kicks on FM17..... while on FM18 Coutinho is a sunday league player and messi shoots on the corner flag!!!!! 


Nothing like a bit of hyperbole they can't really do anything with, eh?

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they said themselves ages ago they have been tweaking the same me each year. what we get is the same broken me eaach year which they tweak around for about 6 months and then we end up the same what they call polished finshed product but its july by then and we then get the new game a few months later.

same every year. i have been on these forums since they first come out and its always the same issues every year time after time. you would have thought for money they make they would bring out a new product every year at  least instead of just polishing up the edges and putting in some new stuff. the game is buiult on the me, its what defines it so if its the same how do they justify charging for it each year 

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57 minutes ago, jamessmith010101 said:

they said themselves ages ago they have been tweaking the same me each year. what we get is the same broken me eaach year which they tweak around for about 6 months and then we end up the same what they call polished finshed product but its july by then and we then get the new game a few months later.

same every year. i have been on these forums since they first come out and its always the same issues every year time after time. you would have thought for money they make they would bring out a new product every year at  least instead of just polishing up the edges and putting in some new stuff. the game is buiult on the me, its what defines it so if its the same how do they justify charging for it each year 

This is just a mess.  

I could go into most of it, but it would mostly boil down to this - in a couple of places in the post you mention variations on the product always having problems.  If so, why did you buy this edition?  Surely that's just opening yourself up to inevitable disappointment, no?

And that isn't just a flippant comment, I genuinely don't understand why you would keep purchasing a product if you so vehemently believe that it hasn't ever changed, and doesn't represent value for money.  If you do decide to do that, then you kind of forfeit any right to complain - if the game had serious problems (which it doesn't) then the only thing that would likely steer the ship away from SI's own roadmap - which will likely only experience slight deviations based on customer demand - would be if sales fell considerably due to an unhappy player-base.  In your case, it appears they have your money from the copy - and indeed, the money from several previous copies it seems - so at that point their sales figures wouldn't show an issue.  If you really want to action change, and believe that there are deep-seated and genuine issues with a product, then it's simple - don't buy it.  Surely that's not controversial to say?  When I was enjoying FML, I found FM tedious, so I didn't buy it, only returning a couple of versions after FML imploded.  These days I'm lucky enough to be in a position where paying ~£30 for FM usually means I'll get value for money, even if that is just me pissing about in the editor for a month or so. If that changes, I probably wouldn't buy it anymore.  You know, make my own informed choice.

6 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

The ME cannot be simultaneously the same ME as FM17 and a worse ME than FM17. Unless we're playing Schrodinger's Manager 

Down with this sort of logical thinking/careful now etc etc

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i continually buy this as i do enjoy it, ive bought every copy since the first one on the amiga all those yrs ago. unf im addicted to it have been since it first came out. just because i love the game doesnt mean i dont think it has flaws or that im not gonna moan about those flaws. are you saying its perfect then ? i very much doubt it !!

there is still a lot wrong and fm17 had flaws loads of them even after the final patch. fm18 has a few patches to  go to catch up but it will then we will be back to the same prob in fm19 and go round and round until they reelease a whole new me.


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On 1-3-2018 at 17:26, Seb Wassell said:

- Fixed issue where stadium/players sometimes appear black

Would that cover your question?

Oh no. It's back again! It was fine for half a season or so. Well Shamrock Rovers was a bit too brownish by Irish standard, but anyway. 'Fixed' It by reloading the skin etc, but I am sure it will come back again. 




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On 02/03/2018 at 21:39, raaatpack said:

An issue i've been having, only since the new update,  the views on the scouted and player search screen.

Every time I visit the shouting page the default views have been reset and my custom views have disappeared. It's frustrating having to import a view each time I want to look at players, and even more frustrating that I had to recreate the views I made months ago from scratch and from memory.

This still

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My biggest gripe with the game is still the animation and graphics during a game, some of the absurd things players seem to do just annoys the hell out of me and spoils the game at times. Don't get me wrong once I got used to the overly fussy UI the ME itself isn't bad at all but when watching a game the stupid things players do sometimes spoil it. 

1. A player runs to the touch line to get the ball, he stops it, runs past the ball and stands there for a split second while the defender/midfielder comes along and takes the ball away.

2. Player has the ball, he is confronted by opposition player, he stands there like a tailors dummy and watches the opposition take the ball and run away with it, 2 seconds later my player jumps back into life.

3. Player has the ball and has 2-3 players in front of him, he has pretty good game intelligence and technique but instead of looking for a pass he just kicks the ball aimlessly against the opposition players legs who are standing 5ft in front of him.

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Apart some minor bugs (for which I think SI will soon issue a hotfix) I think that FM 18.3 is the best FM of the series, as was 17.3 last year.

I think SI Games is moving in the right direction. Yes, we want more control on tactics (defensive/offensive formation, pressing etc.) but year after year the game is better.

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5 hours ago, RinusFM said:

Oh no. It's back again! It was fine for half a season or so. Well Shamrock Rovers was a bit too brownish by Irish standard, but anyway. 'Fixed' It by reloading the skin etc, but I am sure it will come back again. 




I don't think it was that kind of black they meant, and I don't think the skin color issue was mentioned even though they have had several threads about it in the bugs forum. Guess they'll outsource the face modelling to another company for the next game if they can't find it out for four months.

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We have finished in the playoffs the last three seasons and lost in the in the final all three seasons.

So I tell the team end of season: "We should be aiming for the playoffs again next season". Team reacts positively and agrees.

In the off season I make some really good signings to add to our already strong team. Media predict an Even odds for title winners.

Pre season team talk I say: "I wasn't being ambitious enough, we should aim a little higher and go for the title". Team reacts positively except for one player. He says: "I don't think we are setting our sights high enough".

What is higher than winning the league title?

Edited by oulzac
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On 4.3.2018 at 17:40, MBarbaric said:

s far as I know, not all xG's are the same nor they have the same methodology of determining the outcome. However, most of them do include the position on the pitch where the player took the shot from (depending on who makes the calculation, the pitch is divided in up to 34 zones so central/wide is very much accounted for), the foot (stronger/weaker)... Don't know about the pressure being applied although I'd guess that is also accounted for, at least to an extent. T

Bit OT: This is actually a pretty fantastic rant on how people are getting "educated" on television week in week out. :D

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i hope they get a hot fix out soon as every goal scored against is cross to unmarked 3 or 4 opp players and nothing i do is having any effect. tried playing deep. tried setting fullbacks to defend tried man marking. tried everything i can think of but each game goal after goal is going in each one ex the same 

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4 minutes ago, Rashidi said:

Have you tried asking for help in the training and tactics forum?

played the game for years and been enjoying the game side from a few issues here and there but 18.3 comes in and every goal is scored the same way. set players to close down sometimes or less and they just follow whoever has the ball and thus always leaving gaps for the cross shot goal scenario.

i have always been fine with tactics but fm is becoming more and more find weakness in the me rather than real strategy in my opinion

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11 minutes ago, jamessmith010101 said:

played the game for years and been enjoying the game side from a few issues here and there but 18.3 comes in and every goal is scored the same way. set players to close down sometimes or less and they just follow whoever has the ball and thus always leaving gaps for the cross shot goal scenario.

i have always been fine with tactics but fm is becoming more and more find weakness in the me rather than real strategy in my opinion

Since you asked about Woodburn in the other thead, I'm guessing you are playing with Liverpool. In that case take a look at the tactic I made for FM17 and redid for FM18. It's not trying to exploit the ME, but rather playing as close to Liverpool in real life. Of course I haven't managed to get the gegenpress or the transitions spot on, but it's fairly close I think. If it's not suitable for you, you might pick up a thing or two that might help you improve your own tactic.

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4 ore fa, Svenc ha scritto:

Bit OT: This is actually a pretty fantastic rant on how people are getting "educated" on television week in week out. :D

aye, Knutson is a great football mind. Funny enough, in one of the older posts I've mentioned how even pro footballers have poor understanding of tactics with Shearer in my mind when saying that :D

I'd say there's a huge problem throughout the industry. There are a ton of betting companies that provide live coverage of football matches to their clients. I didn't have contact with all of them but these I had experience... They collect data on each match in order to assess players, teams, their abilities and it goes very in depth. One of (numerous) parameters to evaluate are the goalscoring chances of course. This is done with some guidelines from the company collecting data, but is pretty much based on a gut feeling of the "analyst". I am not a betting man, but whoever is, I'd never suggest anyone to use such applications as the data collected is very inconsistent and poorly evaluated. Seems like clones of Shearer are collecting them :D

So, before we get anywhere near Knutson standard, we will be much older. However, SI would do a world of good to themselves getting that guy on contract to evaluate the ME and help them get more insight into the game.

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1 hour ago, MBarbaric said:

aye, Knutson is a great football mind. Funny enough, in one of the older posts I've mentioned how even pro footballers have poor understanding of tactics with Shearer in my mind when saying that :D

I'd say there's a huge problem throughout the industry. There are a ton of betting companies that provide live coverage of football matches to their clients. I didn't have contact with all of them but these I had experience... They collect data on each match in order to assess players, teams, their abilities and it goes very in depth. One of (numerous) parameters to evaluate are the goalscoring chances of course. This is done with some guidelines from the company collecting data, but is pretty much based on a gut feeling of the "analyst". I am not a betting man, but whoever is, I'd never suggest anyone to use such applications as the data collected is very inconsistent and poorly evaluated. Seems like clones of Shearer are collecting them :D

So, before we get anywhere near Knutson standard, we will be much older. However, SI would do a world of good to themselves getting that guy on contract to evaluate the ME and help them get more insight into the game.

I agree. But I think threw are core bits that need to be looked first before you can get someone like him in. 

That said I would love to replace CCC with xg and xga 

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On 3/5/2018 at 05:16, FrazT said:


Criticism of the game is always welcomed as long as it sticks to the forum rules.  When that criticism becomes personal against the SI staff, the researchers or the Mods, then it becomes unacceptable.  Please bear that in mind if and when you post again

Apologies, won't happen again.

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can we have an option of Backpass and shooting instead of player shooting to where ever he feels like when he feels there isn't any option when a simple back pass is available for him .

Like shoot less often/ More often having an option to Back pass / Shoot at possibility.  


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26 minutes ago, ferrarinseb said:

can we have an option of Backpass and shooting instead of player shooting to where ever he feels like when he feels there isn't any option when a simple back pass is available for him .

Like shoot less often/ More often having an option to Back pass / Shoot at possibility.  

That's not something remotely close to real-life. At all. Why should it be included in the game?

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12 minutes ago, Mons said:

That's not something remotely close to real-life. At all. Why should it be included in the game?

when player gets boxed so that he back passes it to one of his team mates to restart the Attacking phase , right now in game when player doesn't see any opening forward he just shoots, So im asking is it possible to tell him to back pass when there isn't option to go forward so that we can restart the attack again instead of loosing the possession with an option of back pass

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15 hours ago, oulzac said:

We have finished in the playoffs the last three seasons and lost in the in the final all three seasons.

So I tell the team end of season: "We should be aiming for the playoffs again next season". Team reacts positively and agrees.

In the off season I make some really good signings to add to our already strong team. Media predict an Even odds for title winners.

Pre season team talk I say: "I wasn't being ambitious enough, we should aim a little higher and go for the title". Team reacts positively except for one player. He says: "I don't think we are setting our sights high enough".

What is higher than winning the league title?

What are the available options?

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48 minutes ago, ferrarinseb said:

when player gets boxed so that he back passes it to one of his team mates to restart the Attacking phase , right now in game when player doesn't see any opening forward he just shoots, So im asking is it possible to tell him to back pass when there isn't option to go forward so that we can restart the attack again instead of loosing the possession with an option of back pass

I've had a good chance to play with quite a number of  saves that aren't even mine, and one thing I have noticed they usually create a craptonne of shots off target, and when I delve into their systems I usually discover a tactical culprit. Sometimes it can be as simple as choosing the wrong role for the player upfront. One role can make a big difference. And, choosing the correct player to play in that role, which makes me wonder why so few people here use the Poacher, but I am not going to delve on tactics here. The key thing to remember is this, if someone can create systems that produce an 80% SOT, then there is no way we are going to see an unrealistic option that tells a player to backpass. There are already roles in the game that do this and there are PIs that tell people to take the simpler option


It took us a while to find the right players to play a simple 41221. If it's help you need to address this option, then perhaps you should do a detailed post on the training and tactics forum.

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6 hours ago, MBarbaric said:

I'd say there's a huge problem throughout the industry. There are a ton of betting companies that provide live coverage of football matches to their clients. I didn't have contact with all of them but these I had experience... They collect data on each match in order to assess players, teams, their abilities and it goes very in depth. One of (numerous) parameters to evaluate are the goalscoring chances of course. This is done with some guidelines from the company collecting data, but is pretty much based on a gut feeling of the "analyst".

Matt Benham's stafffers (Smartodds) work like that too, seems to work for him. There's supposed to be some "subjective" element as to analysing the quality of each chance, however, naturally there are guidlines, not gut feelings. :D There is a guy registered here who said he had been working for his.. SI are officially connected to STATS -- their guys should know their stuff too decently enough... Ideally both analytics plus punditry in the future will go hand in hand. There is many limitations to a purely statistically analysis, and the guys know that. However, at the moment there seems to be inherent distrust from both camps... The "problem" with all of this that the game too would be working against all those thousands of misconceptions and bad cliches -- and if it didn't fulfill them: ragequit. There have been polls here conducted for instance that revealed how FM'ers would expect various open play chances to be converted at borderline penalty rates, etc.


edit: FM's match commentary does its best at mimicing such cliche 1:1 btw. And succeeds. Not sure that has a place in a management game. It's certainly interpreted as "gospel", when it's meant to be something else altogether. In the defense of the punditry cliche: In today's landscape, where TV football is an ever more expensive product of entertainment, it has its place... namely adding drama to situations where on occasion not much exists.

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47 minutes ago, MrPompey said:

What are the available options?

There was only one, it said something like "I'm just being realistic, I don't want to give us a goal we can't reach."


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1 hour ago, MrPompey said:

@oulzac - Sorry I meant what was the top option you could select as your target for the season that the one guy got upset over e.g. did you choose the highest available?

Yes, which was winning the title. There was nothing above that. My only two choices at that point were lets win the title or hope you're ready to make the playoffs.

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1 hour ago, oulzac said:

Yes, which was winning the title. There was nothing above that. My only two choices at that point were lets win the title or hope you're ready to make the playoffs.

so its a potential bug since at worst the one player should go black (neutral) since he wants a bigger aspiration and you've selected the best thats possible so he begrudgingly accepts. A bug in the logic makes him go rid saying the aspiration is not enough...IMHO

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On 05/03/2018 at 20:59, Delvi said:

Apart some minor bugs (for which I think SI will soon issue a hotfix) I think that FM 18.3 is the best FM of the series, as was 17.3 last year.

I think SI Games is moving in the right direction. Yes, we want more control on tactics (defensive/offensive formation, pressing etc.) but year after year the game is better.


14 hours ago, jamessmith010101 said:

i hope they get a hot fix out soon as every goal scored against is cross to unmarked 3 or 4 opp players and nothing i do is having any effect. tried playing deep. tried setting fullbacks to defend tried man marking. tried everything i can think of but each game goal after goal is going in each one ex the same 

Wouldn't hold out much hope in seeing any further updates. Going by the past few years all that we'll see before FM19 is licencing updates.  

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19 hours ago, themadsheep2001 said:

I agree. But I think threw are core bits that need to be looked first before you can get someone like him in. 

That said I would love to replace CCC with xg and xga 

Totally agree with this. 

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vor 16 Stunden schrieb ben carter:


Wouldn't hold out much hope in seeing any further updates. Going by the past few years all that we'll see before FM19 is licencing updates.  

Constantly patching the game, til the next one comes out, that's what should be normal . Not like, a winter patch , who cares if has become better or not . See you on FM 19 . This is btw what i am saying . Totally lost the interest in FM 18 . The Match Engine is a Joke imo . 

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33 minutes ago, haffaz77 said:

Constantly patching the game, til the next one comes out, that's what should be normal . Not like, a winter patch , who cares if has become better or not . See you on FM 19 . This is btw what i am saying . Totally lost the interest in FM 18 . The Match Engine is a Joke imo . 

How on Earth could we make the next game if all we did was patch the previous one?! :D

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I've brought this up a few times already and gotten no response.

Since the update my custom views on the scouting screen keep getting deleted. It's incredibly frustrating that looking at the player search and scouted player screens, it now takes twice as long to parse the information because I have to import a custom view each time rather than setting it and it just staying. This is beyond the fact that scouting takes longer this year because scout reports don't show up in your inbox for some reason, and you have to go to a whole new screen for that. And now since the update that screen is broken. So compared to fm17 it now takes about 4 times as much time/clicks to scout a player and then decide if you want to sign them.

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