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[Suggestion] Bringing Life to the Supporters


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I’ve been thinking about how I would like to see the fans represented in the game and I’ve created another mock screenshot to help me put across the idea. My suggestion involves a new tab on the sidebar which would be dedicated to the supporters.

Two notes:

1. In the editor clubs already have values that define their supporters - these attributes are: Loyalty, Patience, Passion, Affluence, Temperament.

2. The database also already includes geographical data that divides a country into regions, with data for cities and towns (such as population and co-ordinates) also available. There are 9 regions in England, for example, such as London, East & West Midlands and the North-East.

Hopefully these two things could be used (along with other already-existing data) to provide an interesting outlet for the clubs’ supporters and their hopes, dreams and experiences.


So this is the screenshot; it’s the Overview page of my suggested Supporters tab.




The top section on this screen is called “Fan Happiness Summary”




The first bar is called “Overall Happiness.” This would be a general reflection of things like your achievement versus your expectations, your form, your transfers etc (in that order.) The fan attributes could come into play here, with an attribute like ‘Patience’ helping keep the fans happier for longer, or with an attribute like ‘Temperament’ dictating how they are likely to act when very unhappy (for example booing players who make costly mistakes, or demonstrating against the board.)

The second bar is called “Match Atmosphere,” and in my example you can see that it is a special blue colour with the status of “Electric!” Other things you may see here could be descriptions such as “Buoyant,” “Tense,” “Subdued,” etc, depending on your specific situation and form. Of course the fan personality attributes would also affect the likely match atmosphere, particularly with attributes such as “Passion”and “Temperament.”

The Match Atmosphere would obviously affect the pressure/motivation/confidence of the players during a match.

Big Note!: For the “Match Atmosphere” thing to be as good as possible the match sounds would need to be seriously improved. It would be great to be able to hear and feel a different mood in my own stadium depending on whether things were going good or bad, and to be able to hear the electricity of the crowd in a fierce rival game.


The last three bars represent the fans’ current happiness with the Board, Manager and Players, (as mentioned in previous suggestions.) The link at the bottom right goes to the Fan Confidence page.


The next section is called “Biggest Rival.” In this situation Arsenal would be considered the biggest rival to Tottenham based on things like having similar reputations and playing in the same league.


Next to Arsenal’s badge is the basic information about the rivalry. It’s a Local/Historic rivalry as opposed to a Competitive one, with a Rivalry level of “Intense,” partly due to the sharing of a region (London) and partly due to other factors such as frequency of derbies.

The bar in the middle is called “Bragging Rights” and in this example you can see that Arsenal fans have the upper hand at the moment. One of the biggest factors in determining who has the bragging rights is the final result of the most recent derby, but there can be more long term factors at play too.

The link in the bottom corner goes to the new “Rivalries” sub-tab which would have a variety of extra information such as a list of rivals, comparative league finishes, comparative trophy hauls, and maybe even some kind of map showing Regional/National/International Rivals.


The bottom left section is called “Top Seller” and it relates to merchandise sales.



This section would tell you who was currently the most popular shirt-seller and give you a rough breakdown of their popularity in terms of volume and regions. The full-list of shirt sellers could be seen at any time in the “Tickets & Merchandising” sub-tab.

Also in the Tickets & Merchandising sub-tab you could see information such as estimated ticket demand, a ranking of merchandising income by country, and maybe even a list of countries in which you have some kind of club shop.


The final section is my personal favourite and it is called “Recent Fan Opinions.” In here you would see a digest of 1 or 2 bits of information available in the “Fan Focus” sub-tab, which would be compiled by your Supporter Spokesman. This could be interesting in different ways depending on the size of your club, either getting feedback exclusively from locals or gradually gaining new fans in new territories.


I created two fans. Lucy Lucy from Perth in Australia and Lesley Grubbs from Walthamstow. In this example you can see that Lucy Lucy is hoping Spurs come and play a game in Australia, whereas Lesley Grubbs is reminiscing about the good old days. Fans would be randomly generated and the towns and cities in the database could be used here - for instance Lesley is obviously quite local to Tottenham.

You may notice Lesley has a lock icon next to his head. This is because I am imagining that I have locked him so that he will remain a choice even once the random fans have been regenerated, allowing me to follow his experiences specifically. There would be a few other pieces of information, such as the year they began supporting the club, the last match they attended, and their favourite player, in the “Fan Focus” sub-tab.

It could also be fun to run a competition whereby the winners get to be immortalised in the game as a randomly generated fan!


Thanks for reading!

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Thanks for the comments, guys. 

Here is my development on the 'Rivalries' tab.


In this example you can click on a rival in the top half of the screen to get the extra information relevant to that rivalry in the bottom half of the screen.

The top box is called "Rivalry Map" and in this case shows a map of the London region with the locations of my rivals indicated.


In the top left corner you have a summary of your rivalries in terms of their proximity to you. Tottenham have three local rivals only. To the right of this summary are two drop-downs which you would use to view your 'National' rivalries (with the map changing to one of the entire country) or 'International' rivalries with the map changing to one of Europe, for example, if my rivalry was with Juventus (competitive.) The "All" dropdown would allow you to filter for "only fierce rivals," for example. 

Each dot on the map is reflected in the basic information about that team appearing to the sides of the map. This includes a bar representing "Bragging rights," which is a quick way of showing which set of fans has the upper hand. 

The bottom box is called "Rival Focus" and it shows the expanded information for the rivalry selected. 


On the left you have the details about the rivalry: name of club, rivalry type, rivalry level, and the regional status. There is also the bar showing that Arsenal fans are currently on top in this rivalry. 

To the right of that you have a brief message from the Supporter Spokesman, who would hint at how the rivalry was going, what the major factor behind this was, and how the fans are feeling overall (in my example calling in sick for work.)

Below this would be what I see as the most significant factors in determining which club is dominating the other. 1. The most recent match, 2. The historical league placings, and 3. Recent Trophies. I think these provide an interesting blend of things that would take a while to change and things that you could immediately achieve. For example, if Spurs were to beat Arsenal 3-0 in the next match then I believe it would be reasonable to see (immediately after the match) that the "Bragging Rights" bar has shifted right across into my favour. Over the period of a few weeks this "short term factor" would gradually be forgotten about and overpowered by the strength of Arsenal's recent league finishes and recent trophies, at which point the bragging rights bar would find something similar to it's original level. 

Thanks for reading.

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To continue with this I have my interpretation of the 'Fanbase' tab. The idea behind this is to provide a screen which I could use to track the size and location of my fanbase. This would probably be most exciting in a journeyman style game as the developments may take a while to manifest, however it would be especially useful in targeting nations to tour/setting up feeder clubs etc, and would have links to the 'Tickets & Merchandising' tab (to come later.)


The main section on this page is a dynamic map, similar to the one on the 'Rivalries' tab but showing rough supporter numbers from around the world.


In the middle you have a world map with the different regions highlighted to represent the average level of support for the club. Ideally this could be changed using the dropdown to move from a 'World" map to a map of a specific region (see below.) Clicking on one of the seven "continents" brings up some relevant information on the right. First you have the region name. Then you have a description of the level of support for the club in that region, in this case "Growing." You could also see things like "Stable," "Declining," "Stagnant," etc. 

Below this you have a counter for the number of players in your squad that are from this region (which obviously would have a link to the level of support for your club in that region.) Underneath this is the number of Affiliate Clubs you have. Below this is the estimated number of supporter groups that you have in that region. According to Tottenham's website they have 70 supporter groups in North America. Ideally this number could just go up and down over time depending on the various factors in play (especially population.)

Finally you have the major nations in that region. In hindsight I should really have put Mexico there as well - sorry Mexicans!  

On the left of the map is some basic information about Tottenham including World Reputation and Social Media Reach (as in a previous suggestion.) There is also a new description for "Fanbase" which appears as green reputation stars. Most simply this could just be a reflection of how many regions you had managed to acquire fans in, rather than anything intricate. However I also feel in the long term there could be a fun distinction made between 'Reputation' and 'Fanbase' in that 'Fanbase would be much more of a zero-sum game. For example,  what exactly would it take to displace Manchester United as the most popular club in Asia? The rewards would be large enough to try it, but the difficulty is that it requires Man Utd to lose a lot of fans in order for you to gain them. Anyway.

By changing the dropdown menu to a specific region you would able to see a few pieces of more specific information such as this:


Now I've selected North America and can now see that the majority of my support (if not all of it) is coming from the USA. On the right is some of the information you had previously but on top of that you have a profile of the biggest star from that nation, in this case a newgen called Rob Bell. This would be a nice quick way of earmarking a potential signing, if increasing your fanbase in America was one of your main objectives. 

To the bottom right of the whole screen is a section called 'Club Fanbase List'


This would allow you to quickly see which clubs had the biggest and most widespread fanbases. As you could guess from looking at the picture, Fanbase would decline much faster than Reputation, i.e below "Worldwide" reputation there may be very few clubs with more than one star of 'Fanbase."

The final section is called "Continental Stars" and this would show who was currently the biggest star in each continent, and what their specific nationality was. (please ignore the error with Australia being in Oceania)


This would be a nice quick way of seeing which players were the biggest stars in their respective home areas, which would also provide another opportunity to earmark potential signings if you happened to have more global ambitions. 

Tickets & Merchandising would obviously overlap with this quite a lot, hopefully providing interesting feedback on your status in your footballing landscape. Thanks for reading.

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YKW - as I said earlier, excellent job, but in addtion to your ideas i would suggest to you to consider also the topic of fanbase of players and managers.


It would be nice to see how many fans do we have as managers and from which countries.

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Today I have elaborated on the Tickets & Merchandise tab.


There are three main sections, "Stadium & Tickets," "Top Sellers," and "Squad Ranking." The aim here is to give a nice overview of the commercial capacity of the club hopefully in a way that links with the "Fanbase" tab and other new and existing elements. 

The first section is "Stadium & Tickets."


Firstly you have the basic, relevant information about the Stadium such as capacity and year built. Below this there is a bar which represents the current demand for tickets. This would primarily be determined by the attendance values for that club in the database relative to the size of their stadium, with other factors including things like player reputation and form.  

You will also see the ticket price information, number of season ticket holders and the next season ticket renewal date. The reason for the last one is just to add a bit of context to the season ticket sales - the board would obviously like to sell out ahead of the renewal deadline. With a high level of ticket demand this should be easy, but if you suffer an early relegation for example then you could have problems. Similarly, it would be so fun to tie up a high reputation signing before the season ticket renewal deadline, causing a sudden upsurge in season ticket sales as fans become excited about seeing him play next season. 

Below this is the "Match Atmosphere" bar along with information about ticket sales in recent matches.  Match atmosphere has not been explained well so far, apart from to say that it would be great to be able to hear the different kinds of crowds during a match, especially in relation to the form and expectations of the club and the fans personality attributes (i.e low patience and temperament causing a tense atmosphere." 

In terms of what would determine Match Atmosphere, you would be looking at factors such as: Attendance, Form, Expectations, Fan Personality, Fan Happiness, Number of Favoured Players playing, Performance of biggest rival, and so on. The Match Atmosphere status would have an impact on the players during home matches (and on the opposition players.)

What is perhaps missing here is a "Board Request" button, which would allow you to do things like: Request a stadium expansion, Request a new stadium, Request a fan day, and perhaps even Request ticket price changes in relation to the ticket demand, match atmosphere and average attendance. 


The next section is called "Top Sellers." This screenshot takes place in the close season and as such the information is summary-style. However it would be ongoing during the season saying for example "So far we have sold.... etc."


What you can see here is a variation on the Commercial Summary that comes once a season, in a form that allows you to see it at any time on an ongoing basis. The blue vertical bars simply represent the rough proportion of merchandising income that is attributable to each of the top five players. The bottom vertical bars show the proportion of this income in terms of being domestic or non-domestic. Clubs with strong links in the USA or Japan could see more players like Hojbjerg, who's shirts sell in far greater proportions in non-domestic regions compared to domestic ones. 

What is hinted at in the top description is that the relative status of a player within their own nation could be a key factor in determining their commercial potential (along with other things, mentioned below.)

The final section is called "Player Ranking" and it would be a sortable list of players in your squad with some information available about their personal contribution and popularity.


The most notable new concept is that players would have a "Commercial Rating" which represents each player's current contribution. I would love to see more intricate details here, such as actual monetary figures or sales totals, but I think this works well for simplicity's sake. The factors behind the commercial rating are largely viewable as other columns on the page. The first is nationality. The various nation attributes from the database would determine the specific impact for each country (for example high population and high affluence would be ideal.) Feeder clubs would also be a multiplier here. The second is number of international caps - this would be one thing that influenced the importance of that player to their nation. The third factor is world reputation, which fairly obvious. Finally I've included the player's "Media Handling Style," as an influence on their commercial ranking. 

Excitingly, to me at least, there is a young American called Cameron Stringer, who has a five-star Commercial Potential! This is largely down to the factors above in combination with the information from the Fanbase tab. Spurs' link with the USA and the status of the USA as a potentially lucrative market is likely to be a big factor here. However I've also thrown in a fresh reason which is unique to Cameron and that is his that his Media Handling Style is listed as "Cult of Personality." This would be a very rare status but would represent the fact that he has a special kind of charisma, or an "it" factor that could make his appeal nearly limitless. Another rare one that you might see could be something like "Iconic Image," which would be a Beckham style character who doesn't necessarily excel in interviews but who could have a very lucrative commercial potential. 

Thanks for reading. 

On 01/06/2018 at 12:52, Cint said:

YKW - as I said earlier, excellent job, but in addtion to your ideas i would suggest to you to consider also the topic of fanbase of players and managers.

It would be nice to see how many fans do we have as managers and from which countries.

Thanks, and yeah I really, really like that concept. I would like to see the Manager profile screen completely reworked, and this would be great information to see on there. In my suggestion for international management I mentioned the idea that characters should be able to become "National Heroes" or "National Villains," which does overlap slightly. Maybe all in-game characters could have a "fanbase" tab within their profile in a similar style to dynamics?

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This is brilliant, sign this fella up SI.

It would be fantastic (no pun intended) if in-match fans could react to rivals score updates too. I'm on a title run-in on FM18 at the moment, a 3-0 was just winding down when Southampton scored a 90th minute winner against Chelsea (our nearest rivals). In reality the stadium noise would have quickly become noisier eventually really loud, which may have raised the players' games too.  It's a shame it's not featured in FM, though I've no doubt it's on the huge wishlist. 

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@YKW sorry the content and premise isn't something that would interest me, it would be a tab I'd quickly forget about after the first few saves. But I can see how it would interest a lot of users.

 I would like to comment that this is the best feature request I've ever read in terms of your write up and development. :applause:

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would like to add a suggestion: the "burning issues" segment. in this tab, issues the fans are concerned about and their relative importance to the fans are presented based on social media comments. those issues will affect board decisions, specifically in clubs where they need to be elected, fans' satisfaction of you and the board, and fanbase growth rate. the issues will differ depending on specific country, whether or not the fans are local, developed state and wealth, as well as match, players/signings and competition expectations and performance. issues will be categorized to be concerning regional, national and global, as well as neutral (which are yet to be fans but have the potential of becoming ones), regular and "fanatic" fans, importance, meaning different groups of fans will be concerned about different topics. such issues might be (all issues will be important to all or most fan groups, the following is categorized by stereotypical characteristics):

local/"fanatic"- stadium condition, youth development and local players/ contributing players to the national team, derbies, and seasonal ticket prices.

national/regular- ticket prices, domestic success, key signings of good and domestic players.

global/neutral- convenience watching games (time and available broadcasting), prestige and reputation of clubs and players, singing players from their local nation, merchandise prices, playing attacking football, touring destinations and international success.

"ticking the boxes" of fans' expectations will increase the likelihood of fans shifting to the "next", more "advanced" category,like neutral fans liking your style of football enough to start attending matches, or regular attending fans becoming more engaged and buying a seasonal ticket. failing to do so will result fans losing interest and becoming less likely to attend matches or buying merchandise.

overall this is a great and thoroughly developed suggestion, keep it up.:applause:  

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Thanks again for the comments. Here is the final page for this idea - and my favourite of them all - the 'Fan Focus' tab.



This would consist of two main sections, at the top some feedback from the supporter spokesman about the profile of the supporters, and at the bottom a randomly-generated set of specific fans about whom your spokesman has information. Unlike the "Fanbase' and 'Tickets & Merchandising' tabs, which represent the reach of your club on a large scale, the 'Fan Focus' tab would take things to an individual level, providing a platform for further emotional synergy with your fans. As you will hopefully see, there could be a number of non-random factors that influenced fan generation, such as Fanbase, Bragging Rights, and the Supporter Profile (attributes.)

The top section is called "Supporter Profile," and shows a report-card style assessment of the club's supporters, created by the Supporter Spokesman. I took the data from the "Supporter Profile" section of the editor and used that to create the report card. 


The data for Tottenham is high Loyalty and Passion along with low Temperament and Patience. One issue is that I don't know what each of these attributes actually does, and so I had to guess a bit with my descriptions. Obviously the match sounds would be a great outlet for these attributes. The other attribute which didn't make the cut here is 'Affluence,' which should obviously impact on merchandising revenue and ticket prices etc. 

One interesting element to this could be how the Supporter Profile of a club could change over time, for example through becoming more successful and attracting more "plastic" fans who degrade the overall passion and loyalty but perhaps increase the affluence. All the tabs on the Supporters section could help to see this unfold and understand why it is happening. 

The bottom section is called "Supporter Spokesman Digest," and it shows up to three randomly generated fans which some information about them. 


Firstly you have their name and location, followed by the year they began supporting the club and a description of their supporter level, i.e. "Die-Hard." You have their favourite current player, favourite all time player and last match attended. Below this there is a morale indicator, and below this a couple of random thoughts or comments by that fan. The bottom most section is a space for relevant graphics, in this case a season ticket or replica shirt that they own. Perhaps you could see some signed shirts appearing, or the "Co-Branded Drinks Bottles(?)" that are mentioned sometimes in the commercial review. 

The first character I generated is called Lesley Grubbs.


You can see that Lesley is from Walthamstow, so very local to Tottenham. He is also described as a "Die-Hard" supporter, and at the bottom you can see he has a season ticket. His last match attended was the last match we played. I like Lesley. Being a long-time supporter of the club (since 1952) his favourite all-time player is Glenn Hoddle (most likely this would be an Icon/Legend etc, but depending on the data available could be more obscure. His favourite current player is Dele Alli, and he also owns a replica shirt with Dele's name and number. 

Each fan would have a set of the fan attributes that were weighted towards the club's overall attributes. For example, Spurs fans that generate are more likely to have high passion than low passion, and so on. However each fan could deviate from that either randomly or due to another factor - in Lesley's case his age may lend itself to a higher level of patience and temperament (and affluence.) 

Lesley has two thoughts. The most recent is to say that "Watching Dele Ali play takes him back to the days of Glenn Hoddle." From what I saw, legends in the database have values for position and a description of playing style, so these could be easily matched up in a similar way to "Could be the next X, etc."

His second thought, quite depressingly, is that he is "starting to doubt whether he will ever see Tottenham win the league again." Having been a fan since 1952 he has seen it once before, but his age (and state of the club) is making him lose faith. Well I personally feel for Lesley and so I've locked him at the top corner, which will allow me to periodically check in and see what he thinks of how things are going. I want to win the league and I want to see that he was at the match that clinched it. I want to see his Superb morale and see that his new all-time favourite player is the player that scored the winning goal. 

Note: fans could die if they got old enough, giving me extra incentive to do it for Lesley. At the point they died their morale would change to "At Peace" with a halo icon instead of a coloured arrow, and a biography style summary of their fanship. 

The next fan I generated is called Katie Adwowa Inkabi.


She is much younger than Lesley, only having been a fan since 1994. As such her favourite all time player is Ledley King rather than Glenn Hoddle, but her favourite current player is Dele Alli also. Her description is "Dedicated Supporter" which may indicate high passion for example, and this is also indicated by the fact that her last match was a few months ago.

Interestingly her morale is abysmal - why is that? Well her top thought is "Why do I have to work in an office full of Arsenal fans? This is unbearable!" Katie has generated with a key situational concern - her proximity to rival fans. This means that she is going to be very responsive to the fact that, as seen on the 'Rivalries' screen in the previous post, Arsenal fans are strongly in control of the Bragging Rights. If I felt like helping her have the chance to hold her head high in her office then I could lock her and keep track of things.

She also has a replica home kit with Dele Alli's number and her name. 

Her second thought is to say "I'm not going to watch a match at the Emirates Stadium - it isn't safe!" Homage to Rollercoaster tycoon: Check. Arsenal FamTV street slang double entendre: Check. 

The final fan I generated is called Lucy Lucy and she is from Perth in Australia.


As the Fanbase of your club grew you would see new types of fans being randomly generated. Small and unknown clubs may only see fans who lived in the local area, whereas the largest clubs could generate fans from all areas of the world. 

In this case you have Lucy Lucy, who has only been a fan for a year, and whose favourite current and all-time player (probably because she can't name very many) is Maximilano Romero. Her fan level is rated as "New Supporter." She has never been to a match, and she has two thoughts which also show that my support in Australia isn't large or well catered to. Her first thought is "Hopefully Tottenham come to Australia this pre-season, I might finally get to see us play!" Her second thought is "I really want a replica shirt but I can't find anywhere that sells them." If Australia was a nation that I was trying to break into then I may lock Lucy to see if she gets a ticket when we play pre-season in Perth. If the tour is successful then she may also manage to get the replica shirt she wants, maybe with Romero's name on the back. 

Secret Note: If you locked a fan for long enough there would be the chance for special opportunities within the game, including a (pleasant or unpleasant) conversation with that fan (for example by bumping into them after a match,) or the chance to arrange them a signed shirt by their favourite player, or even tickets and hospitality to a match (paid out of your manager money.)

Last Note: It would be cool if FM fans could create a profile with the information above and have the chance to be generated in-game as a fan of their club. It's realistic because it's just extending the database to include some specific fans. 

Thanks for reading once again.

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in the supporters spokesman digest section, an option to ask the supporter spokesman for fan reactions of a specific country or region, rather than hope it shows a fan from a specific place you are trying to get a glimpse of, would be an improvement.for instance, if you do not lock Lucy and she is replaced by another fan, it is way more likely that English, American or Chinese fans will be generated, and it might take a long while until it generates another fan from Australia. football importance and the estimated amount of fans of said country should also be listed in that section. an area where no or not enough fans are there to give the spokesman a reliable insight about the country's fans opinions will be noted by the spokesman to be so, without presenting any generated fans. 

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  • 3 months later...

Proper FM enthusiast. Love the idea and the work you put into doing this is 1st class. The effort and thought you have put into this is something else, if it does not go in the game at some point it would be a travesty. 

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Great presentation and „bringing life to the supporters“ could be a big deal for FM. But it seems to me that your focus is too much on (economical) issues and details that are nice to know but beyond aspects the manager is really concerned by. What about a stronger link between team dynamic, media and supporters’ attributes? Every party of your "stakeholders" – the board, the players, the media, the supporters – is forming a view on your decisions but on the others as well – and the manager has to handle and deal with relationships of tension. 

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This is absolutely great stuff, sir.  I can understand how this might not be appealing to everyone, but I know I would enjoy it very much. I believe it would help me immerse myself more fully in the football world in which my save exists.

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Great ideas and very very very well presented.


There's should be another tab related to the Media where newspaper and TV with fictious journos and commentators (I guess you can't have real journos) interact with football events, the mood of the fanbase and the decisions of the board. Here in Italy at least this is a HUGE, and I mean HUGE, part of the game itself and often managers have to worry more of the fanbase/media combo than of the opposition on the field.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. This is truly exceptional!

When I first started reading and thought it might just add unnecessary fluff to the game. Should never have doubted you though and by the end I was totally sold. As much as I love FM it can sometimes feel a bit dry and spreadsheet-like. This could totally help alleviate that and add a completely new dimension to the game.

I sincerely hope Miles and the rest of SI are aware of your posts here. The way you think about new features never ceases to be engaging, original and potentially game-changing.

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How have I only just came across this? This is absolutely incredible and a big part of what you want to see in the game. 

Graphics in particular are spot on, and each one shows significant importance to the game, as well as relationship with fans, rivalries etc. 

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