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OTF Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2018


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It's time for the final results of the 2018 Big Fat Quiz of the Year!

Let's be honest, it's a bit of a two horse race at this stage. Just a point separates @Confused Clarity and @sebsy going into the final round. Who will prevail and take the title? I already know because I have all of your answers, but I promise you'll find out in the next hour or so.

But that's not all there is to play for! Bliss has been lovingly maintaining an off-brand leaderboard for the duration of the quiz, so I wonder who will top that??

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2 minutes ago, Wigmore said:

It's time for the final results of the 2018 Big Fat Quiz of the Year!

Let's be honest, it's a bit of a two horse race at this stage. Just a point separates @Confused Clarity and @sebsy going into the final round. Who will prevail and take the title? I already know because I have all of your answers, but I promise you'll find out in the next hour or so.

But that's not all there is to play for! Bliss has been lovingly maintaining an off-brand leaderboard for the duration of the quiz, so I wonder who will top that??


Bliss, The answer is Bliss.

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QUESTION 1: For FIVE(!!!) points, can you name five gifts that featured in Gimpy's annual Christmas "spoiled brat" fake post in December?

Just one short week ago, Gimpy fooled us all again by pretending to be a nasty spolt piece of work. As we start this bumper points final round, we need to find out what exactly he used in his fishy post.

On 25/12/2018 at 10:13, Gimpy said:

Amazon Fire HD 10
Pandora 6 Arcade Stick Unit
Mario Kart Deluxe on the Switch
Tickets to New York
Nike Trainers
Playstation Mini
New iPhone X (already have one, but wanted one with a bigger capacity)

We were looking for the above thingies! Starting the final round with a bang are the following:

5 points: @Sons FC
4 points: @Bliss Seeker, @Semi Skilled Milk
3 points: @Ackter, @dafuge, @Scott1892
2 points: @Confused Clarity, @sebsy, @Deisler26
1 point: @DB08, @georginho_juventusygr, @grff, @mark1985, @The_jagster

Only @bestbrother and @toon_84 failed to get off the mark here! One of toon's answers was "jewel encrusted fleshlight", which was fun.

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My answer was "A Flight to New York. Three hundred quid (i think), Clothes, a Playstation Classic. I really can't remember in total."

He said Playstation Mini, I said Classic, I remembered that off the top of my head, surely that's the same thing? Or are you being pedantic on that? 

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QUESTION 2: Posted by Ackter in December, what is hidden in this photo and, for a bonus point, why is it strange that said thing is in the photo?

Do you believe in ghosts? Ackter does, and the paranormal posts her makes scare the bejeezus out of me. But what about this particular photo was a wee bit off, and why?

On 01/12/2018 at 15:09, Ackter said:

I particularly like this one:


Guy was battling massive, massive drug addiction problems and turned his life around after this picture was taken - he claims there was no dogs around and that this is the demon controlling his addictions in the photo or some ****.


There was a hidden dog behind the man's shoulder, and it was rather odd because the man said there were no dogs around when the photo was taken! Because it's Christmas, I award a point for noticing anything behind the man's shoulder, some of you said ghoul and stuff, and yeah whatever that's fine. But you had to be specific for the bonus point. Here's the winners!

2 points: @Ackter, @Bliss Seeker, @DB08, @grff, @Scott1892, @sebsy
1 point: @bestbrother, @Confused Clarity, @dafuge

@Deisler26 went for Barry Chuckle's penis, which was interesting. Even more interesting is the fact that I don't seem to have written down @toon_84's attempt here, and have simply written "wtf".... I daren't look back at it :D 

After two questions, sebsy and Confused Clarity are neck and neck, on level points.

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1 minute ago, Confused Clarity said:

My answer was "A Flight to New York. Three hundred quid (i think), Clothes, a Playstation Classic. I really can't remember in total."

He said Playstation Mini, I said Classic, I remembered that off the top of my head, surely that's the same thing? Or are you being pedantic on that? 


1 minute ago, sebsy said:

Yeah, I could easily have 3 points here, too?

Agreed, but you both got 2 points. I know it's very tense, but that is the ruling!

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1 minute ago, Deisler26 said:

Yeah, the new iPhone X is the XS too! I demand points! SHAMBLES!

I gave you a point for iPhone, not for "Nintendo Switch", as he mentioned he got a game and not the console.

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QUESTION 3: What did staff at a Jamaican hotel do in December that OTFers described as "awful" and "full on serial killer decision making"?

A rather simple question, firstly given how this was only from a short time ago, and secondly because it was, to be fair, ****ing hilarious.

On 07/12/2018 at 16:22, PaulHartman71 said:




In defence of the hotel it does sound like it was a bit of missed communication. I think their heart was in the right place when they were doing it and no malice or offence was meant to be caused. Still pretty mad though :D 

It was of course about their attempt at creating a tribute to a holidaymaker's dead son! It's the can of beer that gets me :D 


This means that those two at the top of the leaderboard remain locked on the same points after Q3.

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1 minute ago, Gimpy said:

seems unfair because the it is actually called the Playstation Classic, not the Mini, so they gave the correct name for something I named incorrectly :D

Your incorrectness on this particular post has made a lot of people unhappy. How do you feel? How do you sleep at night?

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QUESTION 4: Which sportsperson did OTFers describe as "the greatest", "unbelievable" and "incredible" in December?

Those of you who know me well may have an idea of where exactly I am going with this question. And the one person (I can't remember who) who said that there would be violence if it was about snooker, I am ever so sorry....

On 09/12/2018 at 22:04, Wigmore said:

What an unbelievable sportsperson - there’s nothing quite like watching Ronnie at his best.

On 09/12/2018 at 22:06, Harryseaess said:

He's the greatest, no doubt about it. The best thing is, he looks like he's got more to give as well.

On 09/12/2018 at 21:09, Coulthard's Jaw said:

WHAT A CLEARANCE by the Ronster, incredible ! :applause:

It was of course Ronnie O'Sullivan, who is in my opinion not only the greatest snooker player, but the greatest sportsperson in the history of the world :thup: 

On a break of 1 point after this question are @Scott1892, @sebsy, @Semi Skilled Milk, @toon_84

After Q4, sebsy has edged into a 1 point lead at the top.

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QUESTION 5: VamPook posted about PETA's latest bout of over-the-top political correctness in December. For a point each, can you fill in the 5 blanks in this image?

Ah, PETA - what an unusual organisation. Always meaning well, but always ridiculed. They were certainly ridiculed for the below suggestions, but what exactly were they? Let's see!

On 06/12/2018 at 08:22, VamPook said:


We were looking for the following bizarre and almost certain never to be used sayings:

"Feed two birds with one scone"
"Be the test tube"
"Feed a fed horse"
"Bring home the bagels"
"Take the flower by the thorns"

The following peepz have really taken the flower by the thorns on this question:

5 points: @Confused Clarity, @DB08, @Sons FC, @Deisler26
4 points: @toon_84
3 points: @Ackter, @sebsy
2 points: @georginho_juventusygr, @Scott1892, @Semi Skilled Milk
1 point: @The_jagster

Interesting and incorrect offerings here included "take a bull to the cinema", and the much more colourful "take your mum by her titties" :Bowen:

The leaderboard has flipped around after Q5 - Confused Clarity now leads by a point from sebsy!

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QUESTION 6: What was a comedian asked to do prior to a gig at a university in December that prompted outrage on OTF?

Another rather recent one.... it's weird how everything that is in this round seemed to have happened really recently. This was rather silly, and certainly brought about a certain amount of anger and a lot of use of the word "snowflake", which I still don't fully understand as a verb.

On 13/12/2018 at 10:17, Crazy_Ivan said:

Asked to do this for free too for charity. 


He was asked to sign a behavioural agreement form, which effectively prohibited him from doing any comedy! I'd love to know what uni society that is.

Only three of you failed to get this one right, those being @Ackter (**** in a box), @bestbrother (wear a skirt) and @georginho_juventusygr (no answer).

To the rest of you, well done and congratulations! Sorry I can't be more entertaining in my praise for you, but I've signed a behavioural agreement form before doing this quiz.

Confused Clarity remains 1 point ahead....

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QUESTION 7: What big news story in December did Ter think was the responsibility of aliens?

Onto question 7 as we edge ever closer to the very end of the quiz. I have to say I did find it tricky to word a question about the drones at Gatwick without everyone immediately getting it. Oh **** I've just given the answer away.

On 20/12/2018 at 15:07, Ter said:

Seems weird there are still sightings. Surely they could be using a drone of their own to try and follow it back to base? 

Must be aliens.

It's the drones at Gatwick, the big news story of the month!

@bestbrother, @Bliss Seeker, @Confused Clarity, @georginho_juventusygr, @sebsy, @Semi Skilled Milk, @Sons FC, @The_jagster and @toon_84 experienced no delays in getting a point here.

@Deisler26 maybe rushed his answer in his haste to finish in time here, suggesting that Ter thought that aliens must be the responsibility of aliens :) 

Confused Clarity still just one point ahead. 3 questions to go!

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QUESTION 8: Things went a bit polltastic in December, mainly because of Ackter. For instance, he asked us if we would rather have a hand made of ham, or an armpit that does what?

Sometimes I wonder how I'd do if I was playing this quiz as supposed to moderating it, and this was one of the questions that I am sure I would have had absolutely not a single clue how to answer - so I'm shocked that the majority of you got it exactly. You're either all very clever, or I'm missing some famous film reference which is usually the case.

On 26/12/2018 at 21:49, Ackter said:

an armpit that dispenses sun cream?

The alternative option was, weirdly, an armpit that dispenses sun cream! No idea.

Remarkably, @Ackter, @bestbrother, @Bliss Seeker, @Confused Clarity, @mark1985, @Scott1892, @sebsy, @Semi Skilled Milk, @Sons FC, @The_jagster and @toon_84 have all smothered themselves with a generous application of one point here. Which means CC still leads by 1P!

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QUESTION 9: Why was Bigwig so happy to get home so he could use his WiFi in December?

We're already at the penultimate question of this year's quiz, where does the time go! This one's all about one man and his love of WiFi. An impressive 7 of you went for porn/erotica based suggestions, which is both wrong and deeply insulting to poor old Bigwig.

On 06/12/2018 at 13:59, PaulHartman71 said:

I thought my phone was just being weird this morning, but seen now it seems all of 02's data networks are down. So if you're not on WIFI you can't get internet on your phone. Day off today so I've been at home most the day apart from errands, but bet so many people are absolutely raging at this :D 

On 06/12/2018 at 18:34, Bigwig said:

Just got home to my lovely lovely WiFi. 

It’s been a long day. 

It was actually a reaction to O2 being down!

Those of you without dirty minds and getting a point are @bestbrother, @Confused Clarity, @georginho_juventusygr, @The_jagster and @toon_84.

Going into the last question, CC now leads by two points.... but the last question is a three point question - so we're going down to the wire!

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QUESTION 10: AND FINALLY - have you been paying attention? For THREE points, what is the maximum possible score in this year's Big Fat Quiz? Two points if you're no more than 3 away, one point if you're no more than 5 away

Here we go. The last question of the Big Fat Quiz! And guess what, you all get a mention!

@Ackter: 0 points
@bestbrother: 0 points
@Bliss Seeker: 0 points
@dafuge: 0 points
@DB08: 0 points
@georginho_juventusygr: 0 points (he went for 16??)
@grff: 0 points
@mark1985: 2 points
@Scott1892: 0 points
@Semi Skilled Milk: 0 points
@Sons FC: 0 points
@The_jagster: 1 point
@toon_84: 0 points
@Deisler26: 0 points

To be continued...

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He won not only the war, but the battle too, with a joint first placed December finish with the similarly excellent @Sons FC (who I must also compliment for sending me his answers in the most polite format possible.... always a hello and always a cheers at the end.... lovely)


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A big congratulations to @Confused Clarity, who (just) takes the crown from @sebsy and is the new reigning OTFBFQ champ!

Most of all, a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you for participating, whether it was just for a round or all 12. I put a fair bit of time into this, so to see so many people joining in made it worth the effort, so thanks!

As 2018 ends and a new year begins, we can reflect on what has been another vintage year on OTF. The only reason this quiz is even able to happen is because we have, in my opinion, one of the most enduring and strong online communities around. I've been a part of a few forums and such like over the years - none have the camaraderie and sheer entertainment value of OTF. So my New Years message is unchanged from last year - keep on being a part of this fantastic community which means more to a lot of people than you may know.

Happy New Year OTF! 

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Thank you @Wigmore - this whole quiz has been awesome from start to finish, so glad I decided to take part. Thought I'd be rubbish but I appear to have come a very respectable 5th. Although doubtless I'll be lower than that once @Bliss Seeker counts all the points...

Congrats to @Confused Clarity on the win, and to @Sons FC for pipping me at the post for 4th place!

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well well well 

well well well

It went down the wire there in the only leaderboard that matters. This list rewards honesty, integrity, gamesmanship and properness. 

So no place for obvious cheaters CC, Sebsy and Scott. 

It was neck and neck all the way to the end. 

And the winner is... 







@Bliss Seeker

Hurrah. Oh wait, no :( it's @Sons FC

Couldn't even win my own fricking game 😭


*3 points added for the handicap of entering a round drunk

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