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Colouring issues

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Not sure if this is the right place to post so apologies if it is. It isn't a bug, just a suggestion. 


As someone who is colour blind, I had to look really really close to try and find what was going on with this page.  Real Madrid have 5 players and I can't see a bar for the others without studying it. Hoping it could be made a bit more clear. 


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Have you tried using the other skin to see if it changes the colours at all?   That may make it better for you - I'm sure they must have factored this kind of thing in, but obviously couldn't swear to it, not being colour blind myself.

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5 minutes ago, kevhamster said:

Have you tried using the other skin to see if it changes the colours at all?   That may make it better for you - I'm sure they must have factored this kind of thing in, but obviously couldn't swear to it, not being colour blind myself.

Just tried them both now, Dark mode hardly made a difference, light mode I could see the bars and even saw numbers at the end. It looks awful though 😂

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