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Just thought I'd let anyone know who has been following my stories, I'm having a short break from them for the moment - playing a non-story challenge game with a friend and I'm on holiday next week.

Oh yeah...and my Ross County game crashed icon_mad.gif losing me 3 months of play so I've been too peed off to open it since...it'll be back after a short break though icon_smile.gif

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Since we're talking about stories on hold, I'm having to hang on to the re-start of Senseless Ilium, because as PM knows, I've been having problems with my laptop (heat sinks not doing the job; keeps shutting down, and not even during CM, either!). It's not abandoned, though. icon_smile.gif

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Anyhoo, back to the discussion of stories...

What does everyone think the best story is on here at the moment? As in one that you read whenever its updated.

Mine would have to be Faramir's 'The Bet', they're so easy to read.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> What does everyone think the best story is on here at the moment? As in one that you read whenever its updated. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In the recent ones, BobBev's "Gee Dubya, Who Made You Coach?" is my personal favourite...Great stuff icon14.gif

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A big hello to all you avid CMS readers and writers. This string is an ideal opportunity for me to introduce myself ahead of plunging myself head-first into your world.

I'm Andy and I'm one of your more senior CMers/FMers and contributors to these forums. I'm into my 40s and have been into CM since CM3. I always manage little clubs - I started with my hometown Plymouth Argyle when they were struggling in the lower reaches of the Third Division (IRL and with me at the helm).

But as I'm half Scottish (and a Highlander to boot) I progressed on to my home team Inverness Caledonian Thistle - when they were in the Scottish Third and later Elgin City.

With CM03/04 I've been managing in India (for reasons which will soon become apparent) and now Accrington Stanley for which I'm writing my magnum opus.

I've had a long and typically mundane life - I was a high school teacher for many years, wrote school books and was (still am) a Senior Examiner of GCSE and A Levels [yeh I know - instant hate icon_mad.gif)

I got bored with the rat race and buggered off to a Buddhist monastry, as you do, but found that too normal (I have a low boredom threshold) and took myself off to Nepal - country of Mount Everest, civil war with Maoist insurgents and some of the most grinding poverty in the world. In Kathmandu I built a school for street children and had a wonderful time for the better part of two years. In a nation where barely 15% of people have access to electricity I was one of a handful to own a PC and almost certainly the only person to possess CM. With the lack of nightlife I had lots of time to play it too. I spent a little while in Calcutta, the home of Indian football before coming back to the UK (less than two weeks ago where I am now gainfully unemployed and looking forward to CM 24/7, including my first online game when I get broadband.

I had to leave Nepal because i sort of married a beggar in Calcutta who turned out to be very crazy and was convinced all the mothers of my students were putting voodoo curses on me to make me love them - she kept starting big fights with them and due to this i lost my job, home, friends and everything, and the only place she couldn't follow me and make my life hell was back in the UK. But we've all been there, huh.

As well as writing books on the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu I got into the creative writing habit by keeping a journal while in Nepal and India. I put it all on a weblog site and the more scrapes I got into (bombs, women, the lot) the more my readership increased until I had a following of a few hundred. If anyone's interested my story is on http://andyinkat1.blogspot.com and http://andyinkat2.blogspot.com as I filled the internet up with the first half of my story.

Now I've turned my energies to writing a story of my Accrington Stanley campaign, entitled 'Cometh The Hour, Cometh The Stan' - as soon as I upload this post I'll upload my first chapter - be warned: it's currently over 50,000 words and I've just started the second season!

I write for my own pleasure but I do hope some of you enjoy it - those of you with sufficient patience and time that is.

As you can see I don't half bloody go on! I look forward to a long and enjoyable relationship with you guys (and one gal). Cheers!

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Welcome Andy- sounds like you will fit right in with the crowd here icon_wink.gif

Thanks to all the well wishers on my father- your words were much appreciated- the story (A Christmas Story) just kind of flowed out as I thought of him.

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Hey Brian - you're not the Messiah, you're a very naughty boy! (Sorry - couldn't resist; I've been living in a place where all the cultural references dear to my heart don't mean a thing!) She might have brought a smile to your face mate, but she destroyed my life - mind you even she couldn't take CM away from me so it wasn't all bad. I guess it's the way I tell 'em.

Anyway thanks for the welcomes everyone - I look forward to the banter. What do you think of the beginning of my FMS?

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by HD:

http://community.sigames.com/eve/forums?a=tpc&s=21019056&f=97319217&m=322108712 icon_smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh I see icon_biggrin.gif

Might as well advertise my new story then.

The Sky Blue Week In Words

The stroy is more a review of my previous week as manager of Coventry City but in the style of a website(sort of). Any comments or feedback on it will be more than welcome. Especially criticism as we all need it. First time in a while wrting a story since my failure with Hamburger SV. Poor timing on my part starting that story just before the new game was released. My latest story lacks a background but will hopefully still bring readers into thedirection I want the story to go. Hopefully up! icon_smile.gif As I said comments of any kind most welcome.

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by HD:

Way to go Bry, take the píss on a sensitive subject, can't you see how insensitive that is? :appropriatesmiley:<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was being half serious...Anyhow, I apologize Andy if I've caused you any offense.

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Hey don't worry - I've been near bomb blasts, I've been woken at 2 a.m. with an automatic rifle pointing in my face, I found the body of my murdered cook, I've been in a bus crash on the edge of a 200 metre chasm, I picked a fight with a guy who turned out to be the younger brother of one of Calcutta's major godfathers ......

What I'm trying ot say is that a few tactless remarks are not going to bother me one bit! Besides, I'm well shot of her - from now on Cm is my only mistress - until my new lover FM comes along icon_eek.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Educated Hick:

I was being half serious...Anyhow, I apologize Andy if I've caused you any offense.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jeez, Bryan, I get you every time... icon_wink.gif

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It'd probably class as cheating if you'd appoint non-Scots there...

At any rate, if there's one thing Scotland's been second to none in throughout football history, it's coaching staff, you shouldn't HAVE to look abroad icon_razz.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Raptor:

It'd probably class as cheating if you'd appoint non-Scots there...


Dont talk pish.

Coaching staff nationality is totally irrelevant to the challenge, as it was never mentioned in the challenge guidelines.

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Hello strangers,

A almost drivel thread \o/. Introductions too, how proper.

I'm Chris, have been on the boards since I went on the net which must be about 99 where I was under the alias' of Kenny Miller and then R. Latapy before they both screwed the mighty Hibernian FC over and I realised calling yourself after a footballer is not a wise move. stevethedog is a charecter from that wonderful program "Son of the beach" btw which is now showing on Bravo icon_smile.gif

I'd always been a bit of a CMS browser and in early 2003 I wrote a story on Hibs in England which despite the team kicking ass in ED1 with the similar team I got tired writing and then with CM4 being utter pish it eventually ended. I wrote a start to a new story involving Gretna but I think I did it too near the start of CM 03/04 so I didn't give myself time which I regret as i'd have liked to carry it on. Anyway i'm still here reading and stuff but can mainly be found posting crap on CMO or OTF.

icon14.gif Putting the buzz back into the bees, my long term fav, shame that guy Nicks a pratt icon_razz.gif

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hi , i'm readingfanman

i'm alex i'm 13 , and been playing Cm since 00/01 (a Late Starter icon_biggrin.gif) i have to admit i was hooked on Cm 01/02.I have been browsing Sigames for about 1 1/2 years now and started using CMS about 8 months ago.

My first story , There is always next year didn't really get off the ground and i was a bit dissapointed but tried to bounce back , my second story was with Boston , this deifeintly did not go wel as the game crashed after i was mucking around with Nygreen.

So now , i have just submitted a challenge and am hoping it gets maybe into the last 2 but if i get any votes then that will be fine.I am also working on 1 of the older challenges , i won't say which one but hopefully this will kick-start my FMS carrer with a bang. icon14.gif

About SOTW , i do like it , but don't really take enough notice of it , and when it gets changed i either log on to find i can't find the old SOTW or i don't like the new one. I think maybe it would be better maybe if it got changed to the Fortnightly-story , or story of the month , as people would pay more attention to it if it had a higher accolade.

My all time fave story so far is the coldon common by the Margate Saint , shame it has kind of died as i was really enjoying it.

Don't forget to vote for me! icon_wink.gif

P.S is it worth getting Cm 03/04 i never got it considering i only had got CM4 in August , but if i see it cheap , is it worht buying now that we think FM5 is coming some time this year?

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Welcome Alex,

yes, definately worth getting CM03/04. FM is prolly over 6 months away; 03/04 with the latest patches and updates is far far better than CM4 - even the developers admit that they stuffed up on CM4 and 03/04 is what they meant it to be.

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I might as well kick life into this thread again with a small introduction of myself.

I'm a 23-year-old Danish journalism-student. Og former, you might say. I'm changing directions and hope to start studying history this fall.

I've spend som time now, about a year or so, on the the Danish CM-scene. Sadly, it has now developed into a mix of a lousy daytime television show and a kindergarden. Therefore, I've now decided to quit the CM-scene, and with suddenly having far too much time on my hand, I might aswell combine my CM-playing with writing CM-stories. I have previously written a few shorter stories in my native langueage, but I hope to kick off my fist English & FMS/CMS-story tonight.

I've had this profile for years, but never really used it - in case some of you were wondering about my joining date icon_smile.gif

I hope to become an active member of the CMS/FMS Community soon - see you out there. icon_cool.gif

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Hello all, Just a quick intro. I have been around a while but not in a posting capacity. I enjoy reading all the stories and thought I would give it a go. I am also going to have a go at being a little more interactive in posting a little more etc.

See yous around


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Never got round to introducing myself properly in the couple of months since I joined [a strange chant rises amongst the crowd, a disquieting lament evoking the irrepressible longing of sea-doves; "...noooooob...nooooooob..."].

My name is David Manson, I'm twenty-nine years old, and half-French half-Irish. Football's always been a huge part of my life, and my childhood hero was diminutive midfield wizard Alain Giresse, which partly explains why my favourite club is the Olympique de Marseille, where he finished his playing career. I grew up in Luxembourg and never lived in France until last year, so I didn't have any 'local' attachment to a French club, so when he left Bordeaux (until then, the club I had been following most closely) my allegiance followed spontaneously, and since then it's been quite a rollercoaster... icon_biggrin.gif

I've lived in Luxembourg, Edinburgh, Dublin, Kosovo and now in France, just outside Montpellier, and it's made me less of a Eurosceptic than most people I meet, so I'm very glad this is a truly international community. As for CMS/FMS, well if I was told I was henceforth only allowed to frequent one of the community forums, it would be this one icon14.gif

So thank you to the 'veterans' who've made me feel welcome, good luck to everyone with their stories, and all the best to any other newcomers joining the fun icon_wink.gif

Allez l'OM!

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<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>

whereabouts in edinburgh did you live?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

New Arthur Place for a year (near the lower end of the Cowgate), Nicholson Street for a couple of years and Bruntsfield Place for about eighteen months. I was at the University, which I didn't much like as it was mostly filled with public-school types, but the city itself made up for that. This was around the time when 'Pure' was the best club in Britain... icon14.gif

Stop supporting Marseille? icon_eek.gif

Thanks Tyrone, I fear we may no longer be on speaking terms after Thursday night..."Aux ar-mes! Aux ar-mes! Nous sommes les Mar-sei-llais, Et nous a-llons ga-gner!"... icon_razz.gif

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Hey all, thought I'd introduce myself here icon_smile.gif

I'm Kieran, I'm 17 and I've done a couple of stories in the past which I had to cut short due to lack of time to get the games done at the time. My current story with Murcia should be my first proper one, I hope you enjoy it! icon_biggrin.gif

I am currently at college and I support Spurs (icon_frown.gif). I only got into CM at 01/02, but am hooked on 03/04 right now, and have been on these forums nearly a year. I've only been reading CMS around three months but I have to say there are some great stories on here, and a lot of great writers icon14.gif

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