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Sponsorships income - Do not grow?

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Hello folks,


Is it just me or... I see news from the reveneus of merchandising other leagues crossing dozens of millions. I started a save with multiple teams from the same league I am (Portuguese) and other teams have overall sponsorship package of over 100M.

So, I won a champions league i have always been champion with a mid table team, won most of all the cups throughout 4 seasons. Always reaching later stages of champions league.
But my sponsorships are **** like hell, 225k for a continental deal, 1M 3 years deal back of the shirt....


Do you guys feel the same about it? I feel I cannot compete with "pre made" teams like Man UTD, Real Madrid or PSG long term since those teams get shitloads of revenue through their sponsors and i get ****.
If anyone knows how to increase it would be nice to share it, thank you...


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I think it has to do with your reputation. How well known is your club compared to the others. To give an example; Man Utd get better deals than Man City even if Man City wins more (ownership deals excluded!). Why? Because Man Utd have a larger fan base and more people watch their games, so more exposure to the sponsors. So even winning a lot, it takes a while for the reputation to grow, just like Man City are getting more fans since they win, they are closing the gap when Man Utd are not winning.

So if you look at your reputation in game you'll most likely see that you are behind the teams with the bigger deals. I played as Kettering in FM19 and I had very low deals when I reached the PL, but it slowly grew as the old ones expired and my reputation had grown since they were established.

Try to imagine how long it would take say Tondela to have as many fans as Man Utd? Even if they would win the Portuguese leagues many times their fans outside Portugal wouldn't think much of it. It would even take a long time before they had a bigger fan base than Porto or Benfica! Never mind overtaking Man Utd or Real Madrid. It grows, but slowly.

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Hey XaW, i tend to disagree, i am one of the top 10 teams in the world in terms of reputation. If I add a new manager and go to mid table teams like Braga who did nothing they have 4 or 5 times bigger sponsors than I do have. In any case thanks for the feedback.

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On 22/03/2020 at 11:29, XaW said:

I think it has to do with your reputation. How well known is your club compared to the others. To give an example; Man Utd get better deals than Man City even if Man City wins more (ownership deals excluded!). Why? Because Man Utd have a larger fan base and more people watch their games, so more exposure to the sponsors.

TBF, Man United HAD the largest growth in sponsorship due to Ed Woodward making official partners on everything from toothpaste to pillows to car tires, only his imagination was the blocker. Now there's nothing left to be an official partner for and United are being caught up by Liverpool and City on that part.

(he did get a huge main sponsorship around 13/14 though, which now isn't nearly as valuable because there were clauses that man united had to get CL play x amount of years, or not be without CL for 2 or 3 yrs in a row which they obviously failed).

I havent played a single save game long enough on FM20 but I remember this being a problem in earlier versions, getting promoted over and over and sponsorships not being anywhere near the other teams in the league.

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2 minutes ago, zindrinho said:

TBF, Man United HAD the largest growth in sponsorship due to Ed Woodward making official partners on everything from toothpaste to pillows to car tires, only his imagination was the blocker. Now there's nothing left to be an official partner for and United are being caught up by Liverpool and City on that part.

(he did get a huge main sponsorship around 13/14 though, which now isn't nearly as valuable because there were clauses that man united had to get CL play x amount of years, or not be without CL for 2 or 3 yrs in a row which they obviously failed).

I havent played a single save game long enough on FM20 but I remember this being a problem in earlier versions, getting promoted over and over and sponsorships not being anywhere near the other teams in the league.

Yeah, I know other teams are catching Man Utd, I just made an example of when winning ≠ fans and sponsorships.

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58 minutes ago, XaW said:

Yeah, I know other teams are catching Man Utd, I just made an example of when winning ≠ fans and sponsorships.

That's true, however the financial side of FM is probably where the game differs the most from real life, as sponsorship never seems to rise enough compared to what it would in real life.
you could get  a vanarama team promoted to championship and still be on the lower end of league 2 sponsorship deals, not to mention f.ex norwegian sides where a team like Lillestrom in real life is in the red by £1,5mill and being in dire needs of player sales (which they dont get, like Matthew), but in the game your still making a profit.

IRL they maybe get around 500k in sponsorship but in the game now I get £3mill.

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9 hours ago, zindrinho said:

That's true, however the financial side of FM is probably where the game differs the most from real life, as sponsorship never seems to rise enough compared to what it would in real life.
you could get  a vanarama team promoted to championship and still be on the lower end of league 2 sponsorship deals, not to mention f.ex norwegian sides where a team like Lillestrom in real life is in the red by £1,5mill and being in dire needs of player sales (which they dont get, like Matthew), but in the game your still making a profit.

IRL they maybe get around 500k in sponsorship but in the game now I get £3mill.

Yeah, I tend to agree with you, but at the same time, we player quite often do the "unthinkable" like getting a lot of promotions in a short amount of time, and sponsorships do help negate that to a certain amount because it takes time to "catch up". And that was my point, that even if you are performing above your reputation, you don't get the same amount of fans as those with high fan bases already. At least not in the short term. I mean, City have been winning things for about 10 years now, but in the number of fans they are far behind teams like Liverpool and Man Utd, even though those teams (especially Liverpool) hadn't won much for a long time, until the last few years.

So winning will increase fan base (and sponsor money) in the long run, but don't expect it to majorly change once a year or so, that figure will show in a bigger span than that.

And yes, I think that teams that are reliant of sales do need to be changed a bit in game. Because in game, all that happens are that you are in the red and things go about as usual and quite often you can avoid selling your best players. While in real life that would have been a crisis for the club. I also can see why SI don't want to do that, since it will annoy users who want to enjoy playing their local club with the current players casually. If the board had sold your 3 best players each season and you could do little to change that, it wouldn't be as fun for a casual player. Those who are looking for challenges would like it, but I think we are in a minority in that regard.

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