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5 red card in 9 games

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Is this normal? I have 5 red cards in the last 9 games. I am playing a pressing tactic, but i don't have harder tackling selected.

In three of this instances a player of mine got directly sent off early in the game. This has cost me so many points and i can't figure out what am i doing wrong.

Here are some screenshots.








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You should also look at why the player makes that challenge. Is it poor discipline? A last ditch tackle to try to stop a goal? It could be your players are isolated too often in defensive positions and feel they have to try to do something? Of course, this is simply guesswork, since I don't know the details.

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19 minutes ago, XaW said:

You should also look at why the player makes that challenge. Is it poor discipline? A last ditch tackle to try to stop a goal? It could be your players are isolated too often in defensive positions and feel they have to try to do something? Of course, this is simply guesswork, since I don't know the details.

Regarding the direct red cards (which are the biggest problem), it is mostly DM, MC or AML/AMR players. They get them in some random midfield challenge, in a situation which is not remotely dangerous.


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25 minutes ago, achortagus said:

Regarding the direct red cards (which are the biggest problem), it is mostly DM, MC or AML/AMR players. They get them in some random midfield challenge, in a situation which is not remotely dangerous.

Hmm... any high press or "get stuck in" instructions? Or you could just have a lot of players who make poor calls? Try to note the body language of the players as well. They are more likely to do these things if they are too fired up, so calming them down can work for things like this, just like @turnip wrote.

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16 minutes ago, _mxrky said:

Even with get stuck in, this shouldn’t happen. Look at all the fm sympathisers trying to make it seem like it’s your tactics and not because the game is broken.

Well to be honest, this is not actually a rant, and i have been enjoying fm for a lot of years now. But this thing with the red cards for no particular reason, is a first for me.

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2 hours ago, _mxrky said:

Even with get stuck in, this shouldn’t happen. Look at all the fm sympathisers trying to make it seem like it’s your tactics and not because the game is broken.

If you actually read what other people have been saying in the thread, you'd note that they've been trying to help identify whether there was any tactical reason for it that @achortagus could deal with, before just jumping to "it's broken, nothing you can do about it." In essence, they were trying to be helpful.

So, if you could not call people fanboys or the like (which is against the forum rules anyway) in future, especially when they're trying to help a newer member of the forum community, that would be appreciated.

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8 hours ago, achortagus said:

Code of conduct below

I'd get that much harsher to start with. I use 2 weeks for every straight red, and 2 weeks for every red except the first, where I use one week. Punish them properly for a red card to give them reason not to do it. Not saying it will solve your problems, but it will help. I never have an issue with red cards even with a high press. Maybe this has something to do with it. Not sure if you can change the code of conduct mid season. If you are seeing this happen at random times for no obvious reason, it could be a discipline problem. 

Another thing I thought about. Do you notice the players "looking aggressive", or "looking fired up"? Maybe this has something to do with it too. Something to check. 

4 hours ago, _mxrky said:

Even with get stuck in, this shouldn’t happen. Look at all the fm sympathisers trying to make it seem like it’s your tactics and not because the game is broken.

The OP opened the thread asking for help. So people are come up with possible reasons why he would see this, and trying to help him solve it. Since this is not an issue I have ever experienced you have to suspect it is something specific to the OPs game. Not necessarily something he is doing wrong, but something he can improve on to stop it happening. And if we figure it out here, not only will he learn how to deal with this in the future, so will everyone else who reads this thread. 

Then there are people like you, who jumps in to a constructive thread and spouts nonsense. Would you prefer we all just moan and say "yeah that is the game, mate"? Have a little rant and continue on? Why bother even posting here, it feels like a waste of electrons.

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Thanks for all your inputs. I will try to use your suggestions.

To give you more context, this is my third season with Hansa.

In the first season i was using similar high pressing tactic, but also tackle harder, and i got just one red card.

In the second season, while still using tackle harder, i got in nov-dec 3 direct red cards in 4 matches. Didn't change anything in the tactic, and did not get any more red cards till the end of the season.

This season i decided to remove tackle harder. But the problem began early in the season. We had 6 red cards in 10 games. For a total of 6 reds in 16 games now.

Anyway, i will try to implement your advices.

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2 hours ago, achortagus said:

This season i decided to remove tackle harder. But the problem began early in the season. We had 6 red cards in 10 games. For a total of 6 reds in 16 games now.

It is super weird, I wish I could help more but I have never seen anything that extreme! Good luck!

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  • 2 years later...

Can it be only bad luck? I have never seen anything like that, and I have very often used aggressive tactics and individual instruction to break some players :D Maybe your players have bad hidden attributes (Idk the name, but I know that there is a hidden attribute assigned to this), and maybe even these players bad hidden attributes influence other players (not sure if this is possible, but things like determination or professionalism can be influenced by the rest of your squad as far as I know)?

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Just fine them for the red cards. If it's still the same as 2012 (that's all I play these days)

In my example,

I warn people for 2 yellows

- 1 week fine for a straight red 

- 2 week fine for violent conduct


The discipline sorts itself out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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