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Player Reports make no sense

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I'm trying to work out which of my youth players have potential and the player reports are all over the place.

I'm asking for reports from my coach who has the highest stat for spotting player potential - 20.

The reports are all over the place.

He's telling me that one of my players who has a potential of 3 stars (Mintasinot Luscietti) only has the potential to play in Serie B player but a player who has a potential of 2.5 star player (Andrea Capone) has the potential to play in Serie A.

So if that is the case why does Capone have lower potential stars than Luscietti?

And it's not just these two. There's other examples as well.

I'm being told that this player (Luca Stanga) only has the potential to play in Serie B even though he's my 6th ranked defender behind (with the next player up being one of my senior players). Whereas the player who is ranked below Stanga (Andrea Gabriele) does not come with any indication as to his future level.

How does this work?


Edited by Maldini's Heir
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3 minutes ago, Russiandude said:

The stars is their current ability. Potential is well, potential future ability which may or may not be reached.

I'm looking at the potential ability stars in the potential ability column.....

Edited by Maldini's Heir
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Stars are a subjective rating that is relevant to your squad strengths amongst other things. Your 2.5 potential star player may have an objectively higher PA ceiling, but be competing with higher rated players in your team for that position. Or it may be reflecting current ability or league averages for that position. I have had good scouts give a 2.5 star player a full 5 star potential but when I've looked behind the scenes he's only had about 2 PA. And this was reflected by diminishing potential stars as the seasons went on, until he ended up as a 2.5/2.5 star player.

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33 minutes ago, Cal585 said:

Stars are a subjective rating that is relevant to your squad strengths amongst other things. Your 2.5 potential star player may have an objectively higher PA ceiling, but be competing with higher rated players in your team for that position. Or it may be reflecting current ability or league averages for that position. I have had good scouts give a 2.5 star player a full 5 star potential but when I've looked behind the scenes he's only had about 2 PA. And this was reflected by diminishing potential stars as the seasons went on, until he ended up as a 2.5/2.5 star player.


It is incredibly confusing though especially when I comparing players who are in the same position and one is rated lower than the other.

As you'll see I'm not just working off stars but reading the notes. But I don't know what to make of a note that tells me a player has the potential to play in Serie A when he's rated lower than another...

I think I'm just going to stick to my fairly hands on approach of reviewing stats at the end of each season to see how the players are actually preforming. Ultimately if a player is getting good averages and scoring or assisting or defending at youth level I'm prepared to give them their chance at the higher levels via a loan stint.

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How long have you had the coach and the player? I find that coaches rate players better when they've been working together for a while.

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Also bear in mind that stars you see are their current assesment and they will sometimes change their opinion after a season or two.  I had a player with 3 gold star and one black PA turn into 4 gold star and one black. He was just better assessed. Also star ratings are based in comparison to the players of your own team and the league you play in so when those change, star ratings can change also.

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20 hours ago, yolixeya said:

Also bear in mind that stars you see are their current assesment and they will sometimes change their opinion after a season or two.  I had a player with 3 gold star and one black PA turn into 4 gold star and one black. He was just better assessed. Also star ratings are based in comparison to the players of your own team and the league you play in so when those change, star ratings can change also.

Yes I get that it's just that I'm comparing two players in my team who play in the same position.

The question really is quite simple: which of these two CBs are better?


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2 hours ago, Maldini's Heir said:

Only my second season so maybe that's an issue.

It could.

The issue here is that coaches and scout COULD know 100% the PA and CA of players. But if they did, then why bother with stats or anything else at all? So all coaches and scouts who work with or scout a player don't see they PA/CA of the player, but something called PPA / PCA. Perceived potential ability and Perceived Current ability. As far as I know, there are certain parameters to this, both the stats of the staff member (JPA/JPP) as well as time they've worked with/scouted the player, and probably some similar things, like knowledge of the country and such. I expect there's some randomisation in there as well.

This is to simulate the fact that all player transfers comes with some risks, and the shorter time to evaluate a player, the higher the risk. Some times you do everything perfect, but the player just can't cut it. I read an article by a scout / DoF the other day regarding this and it kind of makes sense. Have a look:


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3 hours ago, Maldini's Heir said:

The question really is quite simple: which of these two CBs are better?

I don't know. A small difference like that is within a margin of error an it's also hard to say how they will develop. I always keep all the youth that have 2,5 or more stars PA in the club and see how it goes. If you can keep just one I would go perhaps for one who has better mentality. If they are the same just keep one with better stars. But if you can keep both and see how it goes.

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