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How will the coronavirus outbreak affect FM21?

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So, how do you think the coronavirus outbreak will affect the next version of FM? I have some questions without answer.

Will they release the game anyway on November?

I guess in their business model that's what they have planned but can they do it if some leagues have not started yet? Or if they have started later than usual?

How are they going to manage the economic crisis that is forseen in football?

It seems that even the big clubs will have very few money to get new players. Will they respect that? Will they lower the price of the players then? Or will they opt for ensuring the fun of signing players by giving the usual money to the clubs and being less realistic? Will they maybe tune the AI so that it accepts more player interchanges (as this is what it seems will happen irl).

How will they simulate the next seasons?

And again, especially from an economic point of view. How will they make clubs recover or not from the crisis?

Can they implement the possible changes to the ending of the different leagues?

And here I am asking two things. First, do they have time now to code the game? Can they keep working? Second, if some leagues finish late. Will they have time to implement whatever changes have occured? Say, if some leagues decide to have more teams in the next season, or if the champions league has to change format for next year or whatever.

How is all of this going to affect new features for the next version?

If they have to cope with all this unexpected work, will we get whatever new features they had planned? Personally, a fix to the ME would be enough to me (but that is NOT a debate I want to start).

I don't know. What is your opinion people? What other questions do you have? What would you do? Maybe a dev can give answers to some questions (if they have them).


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This has been brought up before and all that anyone can say is "nobody knows" and anything apart from that will be pure speculation.  I am sure that SI will let the community know what they have in mind if and when the football authorities decide on their actions, but till then........?

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I really don't mean to be rude but why do you point me to that thread which is closed and where they only talk about if the game will be delayed?

In my original post I ask different quesitons not only about the release. Moreover, I ask the community what they think, I only cite the developers at the very end of my post and already say that they can give info if they have it. I just wanted to start a healthy discussion and see what the community thinks about this matter. If you see, I ask the people three times before asking any dev...

I don't know what is wrong man but I think a forum is for the community to give opinion and talk about different matters. But you just took out all my willingess to do that.

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Nothing is wrong- discussion and input are perfectly reasonable.  You asked 5 questions above, all of which were asking how "they" were going to handle the scenarios.  My first post was to advise that they or nobody else knows what they will do in each of those areas.  If you all want to speculate, fantacize or whatever, that is fine, but do not expect definitive answers from the developers.  The comment from Miles in the other thread said it all.

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We can talk about it, but I'm sure that no one, starting with SI themselves, can know atm. If IRL not even the clubs, the leagues, the players, the managers, know a thing about what is going to happen, much less in a game. Transfer market p.ex., I've read an article about how Mbappé can undervalue from 200M to 40M in a plausible transfer. It's a big, big change, to everything, to everyone. Literally no one knows anything at this point.

But I wouldn't be surprised at all if FM21 is skipped, or turned into a kind of database update, like it happened in the Championship Manager series.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Football is a crazy game. You can have many things go wrong on and off the pitch. Players having affairs with team mates' wives causing unrest at the club, protests over club ownership, players sent off and banned for things like missing a drugs test (ala Ferdinand) or king-fu kicking a spectator (ala Cantona - as if I needed to explain). Players fighting team mates on the pitch (Bowyer & Dyer, Newcastle Utd) to the utter ridiculous whereby a player will dedicate on the pitch (Linekar, Italia 90). The point I'm making is that none of this was ever reproduced and seen in Championship Manager, and Football Manager has done the same. So, I wouldn't be surprised if we see a Football Manager 2021 release that plays the seasons as normal, with no changes, the only nod to the current virus being some players may be sidelined by after effects of it. Equally, I wouldn't be surprised if they outright ignores the pandemic and released the game as it would have been. Finally, I also wouldn't be surprised to see the game scrapped for the season and SI just work on making FM22 a cracker.

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7 hours ago, phd_angel said:

May be too early... I was curious as to how FM 21 will reflect corona pandemic, given that most leagues have been canceled or rescheduled. Any news?...

If and when the worldwide football authorities decide when and how the game will be relaunched then at that time I am sure that SI will take those factors into account when planning future versions.  Until this happens, nobody knows.

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I don't see what enjoyment is to be derived from releasing a version of the game which reflects lengthy hiatuses in the game, empty stadiums, social distancing etc.. At worst, given the uncertainty of when restrictions will cease or how the pandemic will play out, it would be incredibly tasteless. There's a difference between the changes in schedule for the staging of the Qatar World Cup, or the regulations round player registration surrounding Brexit, and this. I want to play a football games escapism, not to navigate speculation about a world health crisis.


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3 hours ago, scass said:

I don't see what enjoyment is to be derived from releasing a version of the game which reflects lengthy hiatuses in the game, empty stadiums, social distancing etc.. At worst, given the uncertainty of when restrictions will cease or how the pandemic will play out, it would be incredibly tasteless. There's a difference between the changes in schedule for the staging of the Qatar World Cup, or the regulations round player registration surrounding Brexit, and this. I want to play a football games escapism, not to navigate speculation about a world health crisis.


I fully understand the comment about it being tasteless but for me I think if the 2020/21 season starts (maybe slightly delayed) and SI can achieve a release then I would be interested in playing it with the current events reflected.

The game would be an anomaly in the series and something none of us have ever seen before and the idea of having to navigate with the restrictions and the implications of events would be a challenge, especially for those of us who play lower league football where this will have a massive impact. It would be so interesting to see how it would all look and play.

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2 hours ago, metallimuse said:


The game would be an anomaly in the series and something none of us have ever seen before and the idea of having to navigate with the restrictions and the implications of events would be a challenge, especially for those of us who play lower league football where this will have a massive impact. It would be so interesting to see how it would all look and play.

Good point, but just how much alteration of the game would that entail? 

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43 minutes ago, scass said:

Good point, but just how much alteration of the game would that entail? 

Who knows! :lol:

If it's not feasible then that's fine but if they are able to incorporate it then I would rather they did for the reasons previously stated then ignore it and pretend like it hasn't happened.


For those that simply play as big boys teams with endless amounts of money then the financial restraints might be a bummer for them but I'd like to embrace the challenge and the change to the status quo way down in the lower leagues were it will really bite. 

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id like FM21 to pretend the pandemic never happened and just carry on as normal as if the 20/21 season is starting as normal. Then at least will have the FM world to dive into to forget about the outside world

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1 hour ago, metallimuse said:

Who knows! :lol:

If it's not feasible then that's fine but if they are able to incorporate it then I would rather they did for the reasons previously stated then ignore it and pretend like it hasn't happened.


For those that simply play as big boys teams with endless amounts of money then the financial restraints might be a bummer for them but I'd like to embrace the challenge and the change to the status quo way down in the lower leagues were it will really bite. 

That's fair enough. I just worry about spending a lot of time playing through a speculative version of what is going to happen. I'd rather they delayed a new release for a year until everything is more stable. 

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It won't effect much for game. Church, mosque and synagogue and such will open and markets but how supporters will go stadiums not sure. Fanatics will go for sure.

For 2021 I've more doubts about ME. Hope it will be better.

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