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Football Manager 2021 Early Access Beta Official Feedback Thread

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34 minutes ago, Siven said:

My feedback on the Match Screen

Image below. Playing at 1920x1080.


Match stats + notable events section is ok. but i would like to cutomize which match stats show up.

Dugout section, the only info i liked in this was the minor injury notifications.......and thats only because they dont show at all on any other section!  Would rather replace this tbh.

Injuries (orange icons) need to show up on the Liverpool (your team) stats section like they did in previous versions!

Visualiser section....meh. I would rather be able to resize this.

Infact all section should be able to be resized, top to bottom, and dragged left to right to show more info, like the previous versions team stats section, wher you could lengthen it to show body language.

Opponents formation section, i like the amount of info, name, role, rating, condition, body language, its replaced having the opponents stats on screen for me.....but it also looks unfinished? Maybe it the lack of box around the name? unsure. 

Liverpool (your team) Stats section. Needs to show minor (orange) injuries! Also would love to have body language on here too, so all relevant info is in one place. Like previous version did.


The bottom part i barely use tbh. The layout of the Liverpool (your stats) Stats section is far better (apart from lack of body language)  than the bottom section for me. I think a top to bottom list has better readability than side to side as it as at the bottom of the screen.


I would rather have the Mentality, Instructions and Shouts up at the top of the screen and remove all the players at the bottom. Maybe i'll become used to it, but so far i havent. I could hide it, but then it also hides the mentality and shouts UI.



For reference, below is how i had FM20 match screen.

Not perfect, but i had most of the Info i wanted, though again, i wished i could have more match stats shown.

Also all the options at the top of the screen, nice and easy to see and select.



Team Talks:

I understand why this has changed due to the many new gestures added, though im not a fan of having the players split all over the screen. I think if all players on the pitch where in the list on the left, and all subs on right, with none along the top would have looked better imo.

Without them at the top, they could be nudged up and  11 players would fit very nicely, at least at 1920x1080.



Thats all for now.

I hope things change, but im old and cynical, so i dont think they will. Technically it is a beta, but ive been in enough Beta's to know that things this close to release in a "beta" never sees big changes tbh.


After all that, i will say that the Match Engine seems fantastic from what i've played so far. So kudos to you for that.

The game is really perfect for me

But i agree with you, the FM 20 UI match day was fantastic, i wish they have kept it in FM 21..

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48 minutes ago, Nick_CB said:

Every detail of the FM21 regarding AI makes me enchanted
Look at how Lenglet leaves the CF to confront the player with the ball. In FM20 he certainly would not abandon the position and Nanu would run many yards towards the goal


Agreed. They are reacting alot better. Not standing either and ball watching. 

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43 minutes ago, GOODNAME said:

The game is really perfect for me

But i agree with you, the FM 20 UI match day was fantastic, i wish they have kept it in FM 21..

If you change the Liverpool column to the opponents column instead,  because yous is at the bottom,you have the same information as FM20

regarding yours and opponents team, and there formation, plus the match stats. Its just a different order.

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2 minutes ago, d d said:

If you change the Liverpool column to the opponents column instead,  because yous is at the bottom,you have the same information as FM20

regarding yours and opponents team, and there formation, plus the match stats. Its just a different order.

Not really.

Even the formations at the start are gone, body langue are gone, between highlights we have ire evet information , in FM 20 at was very easy to control

But that is the only thing that bothering me, ME looking very good, the game runs fast.

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I'm probably similar to a lot of people in the sense that the ME improvements are brilliant to see, but the general layout of the matchday experience is not well designed at all.

I tend to play in 2D but I'm not even sure if the pitch takes up half the screen, so I'm just left with a ton of dead space everywhere. I've tried enlarging the pitch which helps a little, but then I'm faced with constant pop ups that obscure key areas of the pitch, so It's a case of turning off the advice completely or missing key pieces of action, where I can't then rewind to watch again because the timeline is gone.

Small sample size from games played but the finishing is very pleasing to see - not just in the sense that one on ones now feel like a big chance again, but there's some variety in the misses to with blazing it over the bar or going for a chip and getting it wrong.

I hate to say that last year I completely loved the lay out and how easy it was to use but got frustrated by the ME, while this edition is feels like a total role reversal.

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8 hours ago, XaW said:

This some randoms I took from my game.


Looks good to me.

My face generated from my photo has me looking almost Black! I'm tanned but very much a white Hispanic person and changing the skin tone has me looking more or less Black rather than the actual colour I am, other than that it looks exactly like me.

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Is it just me or does the "Match stats" column on the left side during match collapse every time I go in to tactics screen or something like that. After half time it's collapsed again. I really want to pin the match stats so it is always showing. As it is now I have to click the top left banner numerous times every match.

Also, I'm sad that it's no longer possible to pin widgets around the pitch in 2D anymore. Was so much better having my player stats, opposition player stats, match stats, live league table permanently placed around the pitch. (would help a little if I could at least pin the "match stats" open to the left without it constantly collapsing.


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I'm finding not much ingenuity in the Press conferences , Team interview for Position of Manager and the Dressing room discussions . You think if you went to the trouble to change the look and add gestures you would add more or at least different types of questions . Basically its the same thing from FM19 and FM20 wrapped differently so i think its very disappointing . The old saying ... I have faith in you and i know you can make a difference is tired and worn out . how about saying .. You guys can do a lot better and you are better than this so pick yourselves up and go out there and make a difference . So finding the window dressing just that unfortunately . Everyone is finding the 3D a lot better but its still struggling in some areas . I am finding a lot of corners happening in a lot of games so it needs to be tweaked but not so much its ruined . Personally i love the match day and the fact you can hide the bottom bar so it makes for a nice full screen display just like FM17 . Finding the Match highlights after the game not working though !!!!! . A few times ive just gone to a blank screen or the highlights just dont happen . Its a 6/10 for me so far 

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The overall match-day experience seems to be the great addition to FM21. I wanted to create a different thread instead of the official one to focus the discussion here, as in a larger thread taking a lot of other discussions might get lost.

Overall, I must say that I'm really delighted with the whole match experience. Both the match day UI, which I saw have some criticism and some things can be polished on, and the Match Engine are really looking great for this version.

Match Engine:

Let me be clear, so far I'm in love with the new Match Engine. I might have one thing or two to comment, and of course, I need more testing with different teams (and I really want to try how altitude is taken into account!) and tactics, but from what I've played and what I saw in other players (youtube, twitch), I think you nailed it.

- Loving the flow and pace of the game. Players seems to be a little more calm and do better and simpler passes. Even the center backs are not doing those long passes to the wingers that on FM20 were so unrealistic. I have made some really nice goals, and I'm actually enjoying seeing the match.

- This also has to do with the improved graphics and movements. Yes, there is still some gliding, but compared to FM20, feels like two different games! Even the players have some nice touches here and there with the ball that is really nice to see. I really hope that in future versions we can see actual dribblings or players putting the ball on their sole to hold it up. But overall, I really like what I'm seeing.

- Maybe this is just a personal impression. But I do feel that this version might be a little more "easier" than FM20. I have yet to see a match where the opponent team attacks me a lot and put me in problems. Overall, I'm always the dominating side, and I'm not the best team of my league, and don't play a very offensive tactic! Also, I've seen a lot of streamers and youtubers these days and I see that overall, they win a lot very easily also. But this just could be my impression. Would love some more comments on this.

- Although the build up, specially in the center, has been greatly improved, I still think that the defensive line some times rushes into a long ball where it can just pass to another free defender, even if you have set the instructions. Again, this can be a personal impression, and it's in no way an issue compared to FM20.

Matchday UI:

- The new screen with the lineups and the social media it's... not bad, but not great either.

- The locker talk scene could see some revamp. Specially with the options that are on the bottom, that I almost miss them all the time. Maybe just putting them up, since our attention goes directly to that zone, could be a big improvement.

- Really like the new lineup animations for TV! I would love to be able to pause it since I'm an streamer and would like to be able to tell my audience about the lineups and their tactics ;)

- I might be in the minority here. I mostly play in 3D and I really like the new match UI and the bottom bar. It let me quickly manage my players, shout individually if needed and change them on the go. Just pause the game and do what you want. Really great. The fitness icon and body language will be also great once I get used to it. 

- I miss the top bar, being able to watch some plays that happened before and the scoreboard is sometimes small and you miss the time. And I think that now the space between highlights is faster, so sometimes I'm on 70 minutes and I didn't realized! Let alone make a substitution. 

- The dugout might need some revamp. And the passing graphic it's just a mess.


... aaaand I think that's it. Overall, I really like all the new stuff! They might need a little polishing and fine tuning, but that's why we have a beta. Kudos, SI! :)


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Really enjoying the game and overall polish so far.  My feedback is less about the engine and more about the interface.  The default skin is a nice design step forward, but it really does burn my eyes far too quickly.  Next is the avatar generator - the 3d photo import has never work well for me.  If I use a picture where I am smiling my teeth stick out over my lips, and other than that the 3D generated models just don't really look like me.  And the hairstyles and such - just feels so off.  Fifa may not have a photo generator, but I atleast look half normal compared to what I am getting in FM!

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6 hours ago, MT55 said:

Thank you! I'm glad you think that. The ME is something we have worked very hard and it's nice to get recognition for it.

The ME is the most important aspect of the game and I'm glad you guys have focused on it this year, considering the pandemic and all. Tactics and training are the next two important things for me. Hopefully next year it will be their turn for some update if the time allows it. 

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I have to say that I actually quite like the way the press conferences are now set up, but unfortunately the answers are exactly the same as they were last year at first look. Im probably going to end up turning them off again, even though they look great. The team talks are much better though, loving the body language

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5 hours ago, PAFC_Dugout said:

SI........ Please please please please please please please please please please please don’t change the match engine! Has to be the best there’s ever been and think that’s the general consensus with the majority playing the beta. So much slicker and more realistic than FM20. Amazing work.

Have been playing touch mode since FM15 but due to no touch beta this year thought I’d give full mode a go. Wow. I’ve really been missing out the last 5/6 years. 

I have to agree with this, its not perfect but its the best match engine I have seen from an FM game. Its made the game much more enjoyable thus far

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I have yet to try out the beta but maybe someone here can give me an answer to this question: How defensive is the AI during matches? Especially if your team are in form or are the bigger team? I think the extremely defensive mindset of AI teams - even those who were equal to yours - was one of the biggest let downs in FM20 so wanted to know how FM21 is handling it. 

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7 hours ago, Impacto said:

So how's the ME feeling? I've seen a lot of people saying it's been improved, are guys enjoying it so far? Are there a variety of goals, through passes, etc? How about the AI, any noticable improvements there? 

It's a significant step up from last year, and frankly the best ME in any FM game by far. It's like watching a real game of football. The improvement to animations and graphics are excellent too - players no longer look robotic. I'd suggest SI continue to work from home from now on if this is the quality of work they are going to put out! 

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I'm absolutely loving the match engine. Great work SI!

I do think that passive offside rules are bugged/incorrect at the moment. I've seen 3 goals disallowed already that shouldn't have been disallowed at all. For example, a player heads the ball towards the goal from near the long post, the goalkeeper is positioned to defend the long post, the player in offside is on the other side of the goal completely, and yet the goal is disallowed. Several other situations when the goal is disallowed and the player who is offside is nowhere near the goalkeeper.

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This is something that still bugs me incredibly, and I'm still rather unhappy about itis the removal of the drop down staff lists for the reserve or youth teams under the Staff menu. 

While you can select an option to view all of your staff for the first team in a list under their respective categories(coaching, recruitment, medical) , you cannot do that for the teams under them.

This means I have to hover over each figure to see who it is, then I have to open each staff member's profile to view their attributes. This is highly annoying and makes an already long process of hiring staff even longer. 

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9 hours ago, SazoJohnno said:

Sorry to bother you - but after searching almost everywhere on preference, I cannot seem to find the "custom skin colour" Could you possibly explain the process where it is hiding in the preference? 

No worries, we are all here to help each other! Go into preferences and search for "skin".


There, press the "skin colours" you can see as the top selection in that screenshot. There you will have all the options for colours and ranges for different colours and such.


At the bottom there is the ball colour. Both normal and in winter. Change it to your hearts content. :)

6 hours ago, ParanoidBuddha said:

Do newgens look like humans? 


Yes. Not perfect, but a big step up.

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8 hours ago, GunmaN1905 said:

Another bad VAR offside call, will upload pkm to the bug forum tomorrow.

Something seems to be wrong with the game determining if a player who's offside is in active play.

I'm pretty sure this is a known issue so your . pkm will hopefully help SI to fix it. 

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Le 10/11/2020 à 23:26, Seb Wassell a dit :

The change to Condition has been made to better align with the information real life managers have available to them and to better communicate what this information is actually telling you.

In the match the difference between 91% and 92% is so arbitrarily small that it makes no significant difference and the AI acts as such. However, we have been seeing a number of people taking an unnecessary and even detrimental approach to these numbers, refusing to play players at 86% Condition for example. This is a good example of the misinformation that we would like to combat both inside and outside of the game.

For us, making the change to a system that directly tells you what you need to know and when you need to act is an improvement on the previous version. We acknowledge that for many here it will feel like less information but I would implore you to consider how you arrived at making a decision between "fit" and "not fit" under the old system and whether you actually could do that reliably. This is the key advantage of the new system, it immediately highlights this information.

It is also worth noting that the expanded tooltip, seen when hovering over the Condition icon, surfaces all of the factors that contribute to that Condition rating, including a brand new 'Fatigue' comment. This can be useful if you need a little more information to help you make your decision

Ok, now go further

Why not do the same thing for players ? 15 or 14 for passing are very close. Maybe you can add some nice icon too for that ?

that would make the game more easy for new players ;-)

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Can't say this enough. 3D match is just beautiful. I had my first competitive game and almost forgot to sub anyone or make changes because the movements and passing and various goal attempts kept me in a trance. 

The speed of the game and saving is also amazing. 

I actually like the match layout and the information I see without opening up a widget. Also the half time stats are very nice to have a quick overview. The dugout passing display however, looks more like my son's birthday party with balloons and I can't really make any sense out of them  - a case of can't see the forest for the trees. 

I don't really miss the role suitability circles but by mistake I moved a striker to defense and I missed it until the ass man during the team selection advice mentioned he's not suitable for the position :) the circles would have made me aware. 

I appreciate a lot of the QOL changes, so much stuff integrated. 


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8 ore fa, Dagenham_Dave ha scritto:

Started three different saves since last night, got as far as a couple of games in, turned it off. This is the first time since FM12 I've not been able to get into a game at launch. I'm gonna wait for the modders and skinners to get to work on this before I dive in again. Shame, as there IS a lot to love about the new game, and SI have done an incredible job with it. The matchday experience just isn't there for me as it stands this year. 

You’re not alone.... i have played only 2 competitive games after the friendlies since i installed the game, i just can’t get into it, it seems a chore now and i miss how i could Just let months fly by ingame With fm20.

and this is driving me crazy, as i really love the new match engine and all those small qol changes. Almost everything is a great upgrade.

except all this unnecessary invasive “realism”.

i want to have fun, and stick To my game for hours. I want a game, not having to “watch football with the eyes of a manager”, having to check every single player one by one to see if they are fatigued or if their body language is good or bad.

matches take more than double the time they use to, and also press conferences and talks, i have to look at lots of different things before i choose what i want.

i will give it another try today after work, but it quickly starts to feel like a chore, and less of a game

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8 minutes ago, Raymond85 said:

You’re not alone.... i have played only 2 competitive games after the friendlies since i installed the game, i just can’t get into it, it seems a chore now and i miss how i could Just let months fly by ingame With fm20.

and this is driving me crazy, as i really love the new match engine and all those small qol changes. Almost everything is a great upgrade.

except all this unnecessary invasive “realism”.

i want to have fun, and stick To my game for hours. I want a game, not having to “watch football with the eyes of a manager”, having to check every single player one by one to see if they are fatigued or of their body language is good or bad.

matches take more than double the time they use to, and also press conferences and talks, i have to look at lots of different things before i choose what i want.

i will give it another try today after work, but it quickly starts to feel like a chore, and less of a game

Sounds like you would prefer the touch version when it is out

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5 minuti fa, wazup ha scritto:

Sounds like you would prefer the touch version when it is out

No, i prefer match interface like it was before. I get it, i really do. I can spend hours in the game world, and go at different paces. But the match day interface and having me forced to pause and take 2-3 minutes to do something i use to do at a glance with one widget, really bugs me so much....

i get the concept and i like it. The thing i dont like is forcing it on you. Give me a widget i can customize and i’m happy. And who doesn’t want “unrealistic widgets”, just keeps on the way the game is, with this new experience

if something isn’t broken, don’t fix it!

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I might be missing this, but with the squad view at the bottom of the page for subs, I can't move them around, say if I want to swap my LM with my RM, I have to go into the tactics screen to do so. This is something I think could be added as I'm sure other users would find this handy. 

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I am very impressed with FM21 so far... yeah there are some glitches and some lack of polish in places but it is really really well done. I am happy with the performance too.


I still wish we could turn off background scenery in the 3D match engine though.. just helps my laptop not to melt lol


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8 hours ago, Nick_CB said:

Every detail of the FM21 regarding AI makes me enchanted
Look at how Lenglet leaves the CF to confront the player with the ball. In FM20 he certainly would not abandon the position and Nanu would run many yards towards the goal


I would expect that to happen. What I would expect also is one of the 2 defenders numbered 2 and 3 who are covering one player to shuffle over and cover the striker who is now left unmarked. The issue is likely cause by the defending left back to far advanced

I meant to add I have also seen a midfielder dropping into the back line when a DC has been caught out of position. Its elements like this that make me WOW the current ME


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13 hours ago, roykela said:

Custom views. It's a bloody nightmare....STILL!!!

Trying to adjust columns result in a random column being adjusted instead. And according to which alignment? Right? Left? Who knows?!
Sometimes the right column is chosen. But same problem there. Sometimes it'll adjust to the left. Sometimes to the right.
Or...it might not do anything at all but trying to move the entire column to wherever i'm dragging.

Go back/forward one page and back to the page again to adjust, and it's the same problem. The column i tried to adjust before might be working alright now but this time it's another attempted column.
The fun part.....it's seemingly random. I can't recreate it on a consistent basis.

I don't rant too often here but this one pain in the butt problem is straight up pissing me off now.
So many years with this. Reported time and time again over the years. I have no desire to report it again.

Sorry. I'll move on now. I'll be back with more constructive feeback at some other point. I'll be a lot happier. I promise.

Yes, this. Every. Single. Year.

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53 minutes ago, bigmattb28 said:

I might be missing this, but with the squad view at the bottom of the page for subs, I can't move them around, say if I want to swap my LM with my RM, I have to go into the tactics screen to do so. This is something I think could be added as I'm sure other users would find this handy. 

Agree with this. I thought it was possible so i was trying to swap two players around for a little while before i realised it wasn't possible.
Kind of cumbersome having to go to the tactcis screen to do it.

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A few more games in to my beta save and I'm really impressed with the ME. Whereas FM20 matches felt so predictable, 21 really is a different beast. The variety of play is so good, they make my issues with the UI seem trivial.

Without sounding too patronising, well done SI! You've clearly listened to us and IMO created a real gem of an ME. :applause:

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Is it just me, or are these player icons you can hoover over to see the attributes very unresponsive? Previously, the pop-up disappeared as soon as you moved your mouse away, but now it feels like it takes a few seconds, unless you click away (which can be quite inconvenient).


5 minutes ago, karanhsingh said:

Guys, sorry if this is a stupid question but where can you see your team analysis in terms of xG, shots, assists, defensive performance, etc.

Team Report -> Analyst Report

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Here's my initial impressions, after about 8h of play.


+ love the player condition visualisation: the heart, match sharpness and morale in the selection info view. For me, this combination makes it easier to see who's match fit and who isn't. Maybe add another symbol to see the injury risk as well, instead of hiding it under the physical condition. Now, it's possible to have a full green heart, but with high injury risk because of match congestion.

+ I actually managed to sell and loan out players for a realistic fee. In previous versions, I had difficulties selling/loaning out players of any level, even if teams were interested.

+ The transfer meeting is a nice touch, although I don't know how often I would use it. It could be a fun feature if you want to emulate a DoF handling all transfer things, based on your inputs in that meeting.

+ Interaction with the press, players, board etc is more streamlined and has improved in general

+ Very fluid experience: loading times, saving times etc are much shorter, improving the flow of the game

+ Improvement in tactical analysis, with better visualisation, more stats etc

- I would like to see the player and staff role search attribute templates back. In the past, if you were looking for a physio, or a scout, you could select that in the search filter and the important attributes were selected immediately.

Match experience

+ Team sheet view and tactical adjustments for the match ahead only based on the opponent's team

+ Interface with players and subs on the bottom in match view: easier to make quick adjustments, subs etc. Would be even better if you could swap players from position by dragging them. If you want to swap them now, for example you want your 2 wingers to switch sides, you have to go to the tactics screen.

- Cluttered UI: the tablet etc are too cluttered and not really customizable

- Team Talk interface: lost the overview with the players all over the screen. If you want to address individual players, all players are initially selected and you have to unselect all players you don't want to talk to.

- No more widgets when in 2D


+ Nice improvement in pressing and marking. The players seem to be more intelligent when to press, when to mark, when to release a marked player to attack a ball carrying player etc. I also see pressing in unit now: a player attacking the player in possession while other players will close off the nearest passing options, forcing the team in possession to either go long, go back or play a risky pass

+ Central play has improved a lot. I see more overlaps centrally with attacking minded CM's overlapping the striker who dropped deep, more through balls, more realistic movement and passing between central midfielders etc.

+ Striker movement has improved. The strikers are more involved in play if you play a shorter passing style. Runs in behind the defense are possible as well. Combined with the improved overlapping movement from players from the AM and CM strata, you get more possibilities. 

+ Central play has improved, but the wing play is a valid option as well, giving you plenty of tactical options

- Unlike most of the other people here, my AMR/L with a winger role still shoots from ridiculous angles instead of squaring it to my striker. I'll create a dedicated bug report for that.

- Feels a bit too easy at the moment


In general I'm impressed with FM21. I wasn't too happy with FM20 and that was because of the ME, which was improved massively for FM21. Still some bugs to be found, but that's normal in a Beta. I hope those can be resolved before the game gets its full release. I'm only halfway in my first season, so I have no idea about AI in transfers and squad building. That's something to keep an eye on, or I hope others can do decent long term simulations to see if they have improved as well. I'm sure I forgot some of my initial remarks, but the overall feeling is very positive.

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Just now, Zemahh said:

Is it just me, or are these player icons you can hoover over to see the attributes very unresponsive? Previously, the pop-up disappeared as soon as you moved your mouse away, but now it feels like it takes a few seconds, unless you click away (which can be quite inconvenient).


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