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Football Manager 2021 Official Feedback Thread

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This really the best yous could do with the last patch? Corners are terrible again, Random results are more common and overall the experience its really frustrating again, so cheers for messing up the game again, i knew it wouldn't last long, just cant help yourselfs.

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26 minutes ago, iAlwaysWin said:

This really the best yous could do with the last patch? Corners are terrible again, Random results are more common and overall the experience its really frustrating again, so cheers for messing up the game again, i knew it wouldn't last long, just cant help yourselfs.

Trying to please everyone is SI’s major fault, imo.

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After patch 21.3 the game improved with more goals coming from corners, free kicks that I really like. I also wanted that there were fewer shots on goal in the statistics to better match reality and also that the goalkeeper had different goals from the goal, the movement always appears in the same way.

I believe that what could still be improved are the tables and dribbling the game would be more real and more fun!

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I didn't start a new save, so this is my current one I started at launch, but speaking of valuations - this seems really low (puts him 23rd amongst my first time squad in value) and makes it a PITA when big clubs come in with lowball offers


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If this is the last patch i really do hope they focus on the remaining issues in this years version and resolve them to provide a solid platform for FM22 before adding any new features; the inclusion and implementation of xG seemed to give rise to untold "unintended consequences".....

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2 hours ago, KeegBCFC said:

¿Está todo el mundo listo para el anuncio de "Sabemos que todavía hay errores de la beta, pero ahora estamos trabajando en FM22 para que no haya más correcciones lanzadas"?


17 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

Bien puede ser el caso, pero si es entonces realmente espero que se centran en los problemas restantes en esta versión de años y resolverlos para proporcionar una plataforma sólida para FM22 antes de agregar cualquier nueva característica; la inclusión y la implementación de xG parecían dar lugar a "consecuencias no deseadas" incalculables".....


5 minutes ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Realmente espero que alguien de SI aborde las preocupaciones de nosotros los jugadores en el hilo porque honestamente su falta de acción en estas cosas sólo ha añadido a la frustración de todos. Realmente se siente como si nos están maltratadas y nos dejamos en el limbo porque no podemos comprometernos plenamente a jugar el juego sin que se aborden estos problemas. Por lo menos, saber los problemas WON'T ser fijos me daría un lugar para comenzar y comprometerse con un ahorro a largo plazo a pesar de los problemas evidentes. En su lugar, ni siquiera puedo comprometerme con un ahorro a largo plazo porque quién sabe qué SI decidirá arreglar y dejar roto con cada parche.

El lanzamiento del juego se retrasó, así que esperamos que eso signifique que podríamos tener suerte y podrían tener un parche más por venir, pero sin ninguna palabra oficial todo lo que podemos hacer es especular y seguir frustrados con nuestra compra.

La completa falta de actualizaciones y la acción de los representantes oficiales de SI en este foro sólo se beneficia de sembrar el descontento entre los clientes y la empresa. Si quieres que la gente no especule, tal vez danos información real.

I think that Sigames after what happened in FM20 has learned his lesson and this year he will fix everything before focusing on FM22.

The bugs we are reporting are key to the development of the game. I don't think Sigames wants to leave that as it is and compromise his company name

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9 minutes ago, Karl Krammer (KK) said:



I think that Sigames after what happened in FM20 has learned his lesson and this year he will fix everything before focusing on FM22.

The bugs we are reporting are key to the development of the game. I don't think Sigames wants to leave that as it is and compromise his company name

I certainly hope you are a Jedi Kinght and that works ;-)

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2 minutes ago, Karl Krammer (KK) said:

The bugs we are reporting are key to the development of the game.

Yes, but should it require customers like ourselves to discover some of these issues? Besides the analysis menus being broken, the key tackles and per90 stats come to mind: Those problems are obvious within an hour of playing the game in Beta, yet the full fat release still comes with all those problems and it took them until the March patch to fix! Sure, crowdsource your development to us with things like “how’s the match engine play, do set pieces work well, how’s the press conferences logic, etc.” not core elements of the game like stats and analysis (something SI market the game on).

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1 minute ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Yes, but should it require customers like ourselves to discover some of these issues? Besides the analysis menus being broken, the key tackles and per90 stats come to mind: Those problems are obvious within an hour of playing the game in Beta, yet the full fat release still comes with all those problems and it took them until the March patch to fix! Sure, crowdsource your development to us with things like “how’s the match engine play, do set pieces work well, how’s the press conferences logic, etc.” not core elements of the game like stats and analysis (something SI market the game on).

Lots of the issues raised in bugs forum (Key tackles, stats, crosses, youth intake, FME v QME stats discrepancies etc etc should have been identified very early on in process from in house testing/soak tests....hard to believe they were not spotted unless in house testing was badly impacted this year by Covid/remote working etc.....Fingers crossed SI learn from this years issues and that FM22 is far more "polished" on initial release.....For FM 22 fix major outstanding issues in FM21, implement a few new features well and address major issues identified from in house testing prior to release - dont be over ambitious....sometimes less is more....

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8 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

Muchos de los problemas planteados en el foro de errores (abordajes clave, estadísticas, cruces, admisión de jóvenes, discrepancias de estadísticas FME v QME, etc., deberían haber sido identificados muy temprano en el proceso desde las pruebas de la casa / pruebas de remojo.... difícil de creer que no fueron detectados a menos que en las pruebas de la casa fue gravemente afectado este año por Covid / trabajo remoto, etc..... Los dedos cruzados SI aprenden de estos años problemas y que FM22 es mucho más "pulido" en el lanzamiento inicial..... Para FM 22 solucionar los principales problemas pendientes en FM21, implementar algunas características nuevas bien y abordar los principales problemas identificados en las pruebas en casa antes de la liberación - no sea demasiado ambicioso.... a veces menos es más....

but this is very dangerous from our perspective as players who pay for a game year after year. You understand?

We cannot be saying the same thing every year: I hope that Sigames has learned from FM (x) and will apply it to FM (xx) in the future ...

Because if we are not always going to be in the same situation
I am new to FM since 2020 and last year there were problems ... it cannot be that this is the general tone

Edited by Karl Krammer (KK)
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19 minutes ago, Karl Krammer (KK) said:



I think that Sigames after what happened in FM20 has learned his lesson and this year he will fix everything before focusing on FM22.

The bugs we are reporting are key to the development of the game. I don't think Sigames wants to leave that as it is and compromise his company name

I really wish you were right, but for what I learn in this Frachise, that never happens.

There is a reason why this is the only game available on this style, the complexity must be incredible. So get used to play games with plenty bugs. Every version since I started had...

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7 minutes ago, Sharkn20 said:

I really wish you were right, but for what I learn in this Frachise, that never happens.

There is a reason why this is the only game available on this style, the complexity must be incredible. So get used to play games with plenty bugs. Every version since I started had...

I understand that there are always bugs at the beginning. That's "normal" in all games ...

But that these bugs are in key aspects (ME, analytics and statistics) is quite annoying, it could even be embarrassing to leave a game again with bugs and that next year I risk my money so that the same thing happens again

This break the gaming experience and even more so when we are talking about a game that is based on that

Edited by Karl Krammer (KK)
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1 minute ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

If not for any other reason, SI should note that us speculating about FM22 in the feedback thread says all you can really say about how poor FM21 has been. 

Why? Every year someone does that. Not only is that their own subjective opinion, its also definitely not useful feedback to them either

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5 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

¿por qué? Cada año alguien hace eso. No sólo es que su propia opinión subjetiva, su también definitivamente no comentarios útiles a ellos tampoco

well I just have to do a review of the most popular comments ... I think it's quite revealing ... but hey, I trust that SI fixes it

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I just don’t understand this. It’s the same literally every year. Game comes out, has bugs, game gets patched, has bugs, game gets patched again, bugs often get worse. Devs move on to the next version. The game HAS bugs. Us finding them is neither here nor there.

Being desperate is not going to help. SI try and fix what they can but it’s been said a thousand times fixing one thing, especially in the ME, can create a whole load more. 

One must be patient, or at least try and be more understanding.

Just my opinion.

*edited out the provocation*


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1 minute ago, SCCP1910 said:

Is the youth intake bug that  severely limited the game after 10 or so seasons really fixed? I was waiting for that to start my long term save, because the rest of the game (especially the ME) is the most enjoyable in years


On 22/02/2021 at 23:54, FrazT said:

For clarification for GD users here is the content of a recent post from Andrew James of the SI team regarding the youth intake issue and the fix implemented in the latest update:

The latest update 21.3.0 contains fixes aimed at improving Youth Intake numbers for both active and inactive leagues, as well as maintaining the long term total player count in saves. All changes are save game compatible.

We have introduced a stricter "minimum value" for the amount of players per intake. This means that top flight clubs should receive at least 8 players in every intake, with lower division clubs receiving slightly less - in most cases this should always be at least 4+. 

These minimum values are now met regardless of the total player count in game, so even if the total player count hasn't decreased since game start, the number of players being generated will not decrease below a certain point. This means that it is now possible (and in many save game setups likely) that the player count will now gradually increase rather than decrease, especially in the first 10 years of a save, after which it will start to flatten out again. 

I believe there are still some nations where a decrease may be possible - in Argentina for example where the squad sizes at game start are unsustainably huge - but there should now be a much healthier number of newgens generating across all active leagues than before. 

Hopefully these changes will mean that u18 squads are less dependant on virtual (greyed out) players to make up the numbers, but to clarify, the presence of virtual players does not mean a club is not producing enough newgens. 

We have also increased the number of newgens per intake for clubs in inactive leagues, but unfortunately the custom db setups where loads of players have been loaded into inactive leagues are still most likely to experience a drop in player count. It should be less severe than before this update, but my advice for long term saves would probably still be to add nations as playable if you want every club there to generate a youth intake every season and maintain the overall player count. 

If you have any questions then let me know. If you spot any bugs regarding youth intakes, then at this point it's best to start a new thread rather than post it here as this one is getting a bit congested.

Thanks again for your patience and all the information posted regarding these issues, they've been incredibly helpful in helping us try to get them resolved.


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I’ve been playing this since the old champ manager days and I have to say this is the worst I can recall. Being in my 40’s now I don’t play it anywhere near as much or as in depth as many people on here and so I don’t notice a lot of the issues here. I would say I logged a bug in December regarding the assists record holder not showing in the club records page. It was acknowledged as a known issue way back then but hasn’t been fixed. Not a major issue I guess but as one of the bits I enjoy is trying to beat my previous seasons records then it does diminish the enjoyment. I’m no IT guru so maybe it is difficult to fix but the lack of any further info regarding this issue is rather disappointing. I suppose the major frustration is that this wasn’t an issue until one of the patches came out. 

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15 minutes ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

because this release has been received poorly by a lot of people without much in the way of improvement of months-long problems that it has left many of us on here to just shelve FM21. hope this helps!

If by a lot, you mean a minority of a thread in a minority of a forum, which makes up a minority of the userbase. Saying lots doesn't strengthen feedback, the quality does, a good example being @freddieos post. Doesn't claim to speak for anyone but themselves, but lays it out in a calm, detailed respectful manner. The kind of post that SI take a real note of. Being facetious doesn't help, and certainly doesn't get you answers and interaction from SI, nor is it what we want in this thread, or the forum in general.

This is more of a general point: I'm a huge advocate of SI spending more time answering in this thread, and you'll be surprised how often moderators will see questions raised by users, and then go badger SI about it (see answer about passmaps), but equally you'll find us less likely to spend our free time doing it for those who want to turn everything into a battle, or make digs etc. We don't ask people to follow the rules to be difficult, we do it to encourage an atmosphere of good dialogue and communication

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1 hour ago, freddieos said:

Here's some things that I believe are still not working after patch 21.3:

Mentoring - tried every previously tried and tested ways but it is not working as it did on FM20. Have had players mentored for 2+ years and still Balanced or Fickle.

Selling players - much harder this year. Very few unexpected offers on your players, transfer listing squad players or above in status is impossible without causing a **** storm. Players on 12 months or less rarely leads to offers either. A lot of lowball offers overall too, doesn't seem to happen between AI to AI clubs.

Top scorers - not sure if overall goals are down per game vs real life, but top scorers in leagues rarely get above 20.

Loyalty - too high amongst players and managers. They are still at same clubs 10 years down the line, unrealistic in most cases. People move for new challenges and experiences. 

Sitting back - AI managers still toothless and too defensive.

Conditioning - too severe on FM21. It is impossible to play players more than 3 times per 2 weeks without fatigue or injury risk going sky high. In real life some players like Salah, Sterling, Henderson and David Silva have shown it's possible to play 80%+ of games over a season. Natural Fitness attribute should have greater impact.

Scheduling - still not working. Champions League matches on weekends and split fixture dates for teams in the same groups. Front loading the big games at the start of the season. Some leagues play until early June sometimes due to poor scheduling. Have also had 3-4 games a week at times. 

VAR - why include the feature if the result is always Disallowed? Seriously. No point.

Loans - I firmly believe that player development is paused or somehow affected when a player is loaned out. Very rare they grow 1/2 a star even over a two-year loan with perfect circumstances. 

These are just top of mind for me, sure there are tons of things I've missed. Let me know what you think.




Conditioning - too severe on FM21. It is impossible to play players more than 3 times per 2 weeks without fatigue or injury risk going sky high. In real life some players like Salah, Sterling, Henderson and David Silva have shown it's possible to play 80%+ of games over a season. Natural Fitness attribute should have greater impact - it is definitely possible to get players playing more than 80% of games, but like real life it does also require management to go along with their natural ability. And of course, the more intensive your training and tactics, the harder you'll have to work in terms of balance

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57 minutes ago, SCCP1910 said:

I see it didn't take long for the "I have played every iteration of this game since the Protestant Reformation and this is the worst one I've ever played" comments to appear :lol:

I don’t know if you noticed that I didn’t say I’ve played every version. Just I have been playing various versions over the course of the years and this is the worst I can recall in terms of minor bug irritations but this is purely a personal view as what diminishes my enjoyment won’t be the same for everyone else. This is just my general view. 

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1 minute ago, Umbiggy said:

Anyone know if Sunderlands latest takeover is likely to go through in this additional data update or not? Debating whether to start my save now or wait for Kyril-Louis Dreyfus to take us over ingame in a week or two.

Havent been following the takeover itself, but if its been fully completed, then it should make the final database.

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Since the update im having serious issues after joining my mates network game. 8 season in with no problems but since the update i am unable to see any players in the squad screen, tactic screen of any team.


Also when trying to manage my International side the game freezes when clicking the tactics tab. Ive checked the bugs forum and others are having similar issues, just wanted to post in here for any advice as this has just started happening. 

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The ME has gotten me totally demotivated to play FM 21 anymore. The WB centering problems, the movement of the striker, the infinite corners. It seems that every new iteration of the ME was worse than the previous in this year game. I was so enthousiastic with the beta ME, i was watching all games in extended. Now i'm bored. I was planning on not buying this year's FM, after the desastrous ME of FM 20, but the beta ME made me change my mind...Well. Fool me once, fool me a thousand times...

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The ME becoming more and more stale is a recurring issue, as more patches come out. Personally I wish SI had more confidence in their convictions. Although I understand certain issues always need looking at.

What I mean by that is that I wish SI didn’t always try to please those that shout the loudest. 

Still one of the best ME’s in years.

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In the English lower leagues I often ask my assistant manager or DoF for advice on who to sign on a free - it's a good mechanism for that level because the pool of available players is pretty limited, and sometimes they find an unexpected gem who you'd not have known about otherwise. And it feels diagetic. A small but annoying thing in FM21 is that they seem to suggest (not exclusively, but pretty often) either players who are willing to sign in principle but want top-flight wages, or players who won't get a work permit. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to tweak this so that they only suggest realistic signings, as they used to in the past? 

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4 hours ago, Mr Tonio said:

The ME has gotten me totally demotivated to play FM 21 anymore. The WB centering problems, the movement of the striker, the infinite corners. It seems that every new iteration of the ME was worse than the previous in this year game. I was so enthousiastic with the beta ME, i was watching all games in extended. Now i'm bored. I was planning on not buying this year's FM, after the desastrous ME of FM 20, but the beta ME made me change my mind...Well. Fool me once, fool me a thousand times...

feeling the same, the new ME seems bringing me back to FM 20

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3 hours ago, Tyburn said:

The ME becoming more and more stale is a recurring issue, as more patches come out. Personally I wish SI had more confidence in their convictions. Although I understand certain issues always need looking at.

What I mean by that is that I wish SI didn’t always try to please those that shout the loudest. 

Still one of the best ME’s in years.

The ME has hardly changed since release and people havent been shouting loud about the ME. They have been shouting loud about player ratings and stats. 

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6 hours ago, Mr Tonio said:

The ME has gotten me totally demotivated to play FM 21 anymore. The WB centering problems, the movement of the striker, the infinite corners. It seems that every new iteration of the ME was worse than the previous in this year game. I was so enthousiastic with the beta ME, i was watching all games in extended. Now i'm bored. I was planning on not buying this year's FM, after the desastrous ME of FM 20, but the beta ME made me change my mind...Well. Fool me once, fool me a thousand times...

1 hour ago, robinthebest said:

feeling the same, the new ME seems bringing me back to FM 20

The ME was left mostly unchanged, based on what Jack (I think it was him) said. It was mainly goalkeeper distribution and collection of statistics that was changed.

I personally haven't seen much change, other than my goalkeeper making smarter decisions and things like key tackles now being shown.

I don't know if you have, but please report issues if you have them, because even if I don't experience it, different tactical setups can be affected differently.

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This game hasn't changed in years, which is its downfall.

I don't mind losing games that I've dominated if the AI had the better chances(CCC's and half chances for instance) as long as it works both ways, but it doesn't and never has.

Away games are a complete lottery and your best hope is to try to deny the home side a shot on target(see friendly v Rangers)

If only I could score with every chance like the AI do...



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1 hour ago, Whufc10000 said:

This game hasn't changed in years, which is its downfall.

I don't mind losing games that I've dominated if the AI had the better chances(CCC's and half chances for instance) as long as it works both ways, but it doesn't and never has.

Away games are a complete lottery and your best hope is to try to deny the home side a shot on target(see friendly v Rangers)

If only I could score with every chance like the AI do...



It's entirely possible (and perhaps too easy) to be the most clinical team in the league. I posted a few pages back the evidence from my own save. 

If there is a constant trend of you leaking such chances then it's worth looking at why. The ME doesn't differentate between humans and AI, and the AI isnt that dynamic

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17 hours ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

I really hope someone from SI addresses the concerns of us players in the thread because honestly their lack of action on this stuff has only added to everyone’s frustration. It really feels like we are being mistreated and left in limbo because we can’t fully commit to playing the game without these issues being addressed. At the very least, knowing the issues WON’T be fixed would give me a place to start and commit to a long term save in spite of the glaring issues. Instead, I can’t even commit to a long term save because who knows what SI will decide to fix and leave broken with each patch. 

The game’s release was delayed, so here’s to hoping that means we might get lucky and they might have one more patch coming, but without any official word all we can do is speculate and go on being frustrated with our purchase.

The complete lack of updates and action from OFFICIAL SI reps on this forum only furthers to sow the discontent between customers and company. If you want people to not speculate, maybe give us some REAL information. 

This is exactly how I feel. I want to begin a long term save but if glaringly bad bugs are still present I’d like to know if there will be a fix or shall I not bother and wait for FM22. 

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4 hours ago, XaW said:

The ME was left mostly unchanged, based on what Jack (I think it was him) said.

There hasn't been many change to this one itteration, i agree. I can see the GK distribution is improved. But it's a very disappointing ME, compare to the promises of the beta, and it's boring to watch.

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