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Football Manager 2021 Official Feedback Thread

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19 minutes ago, ViG1980 said:

Yet to buy the game this year due to all the reported bugs but it seems like I’m close. However, did they fix the bug where the AI managers all play super defensively? Even when losing....

I don’t think there’s been any changes here. Still seeing similar stats when the match finishes. 

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7 hours ago, Sharkn20 said:

What are you talking about?

The highlighted role don't have any PIs hard coded. 

The PIs you add will provide those instructions.

PIs only will be represented in the first screen if they are hard coded in the role.

Really? I could have swore that you should have two different variants of green under 'Instructions' - one to indicate the default/hard coded ones and one to indicate those you have added. Maybe I've been looking at it wrong all this time, lol

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- Manager gives me praise, I say thank you very nice, hopefully we can get a win on Saturday, he loses, after game is like typical of me so small time the way I handled myself

- Player wants to leave my club despite him being here since youth level to a club with lower reputation and in a lower league, I tell him common let's talk about it how much money you want 'no my mind is made up I want to leave the most reputable club in the world to play for a team that hasn't won anything apart from a domestic super cup in 4 years and I won't even listen to your offers.'

- End of season meeting, I congratulate the team on winning the league and tell them I want to defend the title next season, team responds with 'yeah great, it's gonna be hard but let's do it', I'm happy move on to the CL goals, we just won the trophy and I have two choices 'let's reach the final again', 'aiming for the latter stages', I want to be ambitious and say 'let's reach the final again', because it's literally the most ambitious answer I can choose. Team is supper disappointed, complains that we surely should be more ambitious than that and I agree, we damn well should be but SI didn't give me the option to say that and now the whole team is largely unhappy with expectations laid out, not a mixed reaction because they agreed with me on the first part of the meeting, no they are frustrated with me now, great stuff.

And the list of stupid and illogical conversations with other managers and players goes on and on and on. I don't even wanna talk about the repetitive press conferences where you get asked what your opinion is about Manager X from relegation candidate Y putting bench warmer Z on the transfer list. I mean thank god I can delegate that to my ass man at least or else the off putting moments in which I simply can't say what I really think because this game can't fecking replicate any even remotely resembeling a true conversation.

Like either put in some serious work with this module or rather, what would be my preferred option give us the option to turn it off. And no before you start FM Touch is not an option, not having full control over my training and there are so little statistics in the Touch version it's not really an alternative.

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6 minutes ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Instead, the mods will come on here and pooh-pooh frustrated players for expressing their frustrations rather than just coming out and saying upfront what has been going on. It is truly ridiculous, the release of the game was delayed a whole month and these issues were obvious in the beta and now we're knocking on the door of March with literally NO ONE offering any sort of update. Truly makes me think twice about FM22.

I'd also like to mention that we mods do not work for SI, we simply try to help maintain the rules set on this board. We do this voluntarily, and do not know what's happening in development of the game, so we cannot give any more information regarding that. We simply ask that you be respectful and not use derogatory terms or profanity. I understand your frustration about these things, and I also hope SI will fix them soon. There were some much wanted fixes in the latest update, but not everything got fixed there.

You are in your full right to buy a future game or not, and if you are in doubt, I'd advise you to try out the demo that's usually released with every version before making a decision.

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8 minutes ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Nope! You have to use the bogus xG they implemented without much care for anything else. They've completely screwed everything else in stats and analysis just to be able to give you a meaningless statistic that means absolutely nothing as presented in game. Who needs heat maps, passing networks, P/90 stats, and all that fancy stuff? 

It's pretty obvious the goal for this release was get xG in over anything else and because of that we've all been left to bear the brunt of this while still paying full price but we won't be offered anything in return for our patience. Instead, the mods will come on here and pooh-pooh frustrated players for expressing their frustrations rather than just coming out and saying upfront what has been going on. It is truly ridiculous, the release of the game was delayed a whole month and these issues were obvious in the beta and now we're knocking on the door of March with literally NO ONE offering any sort of update. Truly makes me think twice about FM22.

I've not even bothered starting a career yet, I was waiting for the final patch, like I did last season, but I'm trying to put together a bug report, it's a slow process as it is but with things like heat maps & passes recieved being pretty much uselss, it makes it even harder. This is how passes received looks to me, I can't watch anything back    



I do hope it gets sorted, the geek in me enjoys this stuff 

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1 minute ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Sure, but the issue is that even if there are issues in the demo, there are no guarantees they'll be cleared up, no matter how obvious.

I understand, but if you try the demo and find something that ruins your fun, you can wait until the next update and try the demo again and see if it’s more to your likening then. I do similar things with other games I play to make sure I like them.

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1 minute ago, XaW said:

I understand, but if you try the demo and find something that ruins your fun, you can wait until the next update and try the demo again and see if it’s more to your likening then. I do similar things with other games I play to make sure I like them.

Sure. I guess that's fair. However, I would not have anticipated a core element of the game (analysis and stats) to be broken for four months, which is why I say I am hesitant about a future purchase. 

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5 minutes ago, Johnny Ace said:

I've not even bothered starting a career yet, I was waiting for the final patch, like I did last season, but I'm trying to put together a bug report, it's a slow process as it is but with things like heat maps & passes recieved being pretty much uselss, it makes it even harder. This is how passes received looks to me, I can't watch anything back    



I do hope it gets sorted, the geek in me enjoys this stuff 

Please post a reply to @John Wood in the bugs thread about this, he is a QA staffer kind enough to engage with us in that thread: 


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2 minutes ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Sure. I guess that's fair. However, I would not have anticipated a core element of the game (analysis and stats) to be broken for four months, which is why I say I am hesitant about a future purchase. 

I think everyone would like to see this fixed, and I understand why this is an issue for a lot of people. I often think a lot of tactical issues can be solved by analysing things in game, and often suggest that to users who struggle, so having those tools work is important. So I hope those will be fixed soon.

All anyone asks of people in here is to be respectful in their criticism of the game and the developers, as well as report bugs in the correct section rather than here.

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44 minutes ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Who needs heat maps, passing networks, P/90 stats, and all that fancy stuff?

Definitely want those heat maps and passing networks fixed too.

My understanding is that in the latest update stats have been fixed including the per 90 ones though. Is that not your understanding?

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Not sure if this was a patch change or if I’m making it up, but has anyone else noticed a change in the way players strike the ball since the update? 

Seems to look so much better! Unless it’s just my team have finally worked out how to shoot properly! 

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41 minutes ago, XaW said:

I think everyone would like to see this fixed, and I understand why this is an issue for a lot of people. I often think a lot of tactical issues can be solved by analysing things in game, and often suggest that to users who struggle, so having those tools work is important. So I hope those will be fixed soon.

All anyone asks of people in here is to be respectful in their criticism of the game and the developers, as well as report bugs in the correct section rather than here.

This. It's perfectly possible to raise feedback while being respectful and without insults. In fact it's valuable. But we also won't tolerate people creating a hostile atmosphere by not following above. 

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52 minutes ago, bielsadidnothingwrong said:

Please post a reply to @John Wood in the bugs thread about this, he is a QA staffer kind enough to engage with us in that thread: 


Also are you aware that you can see all passes made by all players for both teams and can also filter by player and it works correctly? It does a very similar job, and covers everything you use pass networks for as described in the other thread. For this reason I'm not bothered about pass networks not working

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2 hours ago, francis#17 said:

For this reason I'm not bothered about pass networks not working

That's great, I appreciate fully your suggestion and I'm glad it works for you, perhaps I will look into using it in lieu of properly functioning data analytics. However, I am not satisfied with settling on workarounds and would prefer to have the metrics visually represented in the data analytics screens. And this does not solve the overall issue of heatmaps as there really is not a method of working your way around that. 

Again, I appreciate the workaround!

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It would be great if fullbacks moved ahead of the defensive line and tried to force the winger to keep his back to the goal instead of turning and running at the defense.

Also, maybe defenders should react better to the situation. Right now, it feels like even world class defenders are too slow to react to events and often give too much space to elite attackers which they normally wouldn't in real life.

Third, please make it a little easier to crack open parked busses. It is so frustrating when you work a perfect overload, the switch of play happens beautifully and then your world class inside forward throws away the chance with some very questionable decision making. In general, while my players do fairly well up until the final third, moving the ball around etc., in the final third they seem to forget the basics.


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18 hours ago, Novem9 said:

E eles? Quero começar o meu save em Portugal, poderia me esclarecer o que está errado no momento atual, por favor?

basically, a player in the league who had 5 yellow cards, would miss any game to follow be it league, cup of portugal, or cup of the league. when in reality a player who has 5 yellow cards, just does not play in the league. Only in the case of a second yellow card that gives a red card or a direct red card does the next game fail, regardless of the internal competition. You have a clear example .. tecatito player from Porto took yellow against braga was the fifth, it meant that the championship game would be out. But as he took the second yellow, and red card, he did not clean the yellow cards, kept the 4, and directly missed the Portuguese cup game that was next. In this case the fm deals with the limit of yellow cards and suspension of a game, whether in the cup or league, the next game always fails, whatever it may be, whether it is internal competition I think it has not been resolved.

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Anyone generally finding the game harder in terms of getting some away form going? At home I've been very good but away struggling to score goals - not conceding many at all, but seem to unable to create chances. It's prob my tactics, but just wondered if anyone is generally finding away games harder (I know they are in real life anyway) to get your team to be consistent...

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13 hours ago, Flohrinho said:


- El mánager me da los gracias, te doy las gracias muy bien, espero que podamos conseguir una victoria el sábado, él pierde, después del partido es como típico de mi tan poco tiempo la forma en que me manejé

- El jugador quiere dejar mi club a pesar de que aquí desde el nivel juvenil un club con menor reputación y en una liga inferior, le digo común vamos a hablar de ello dinero dinero quiere 'no mi mente está decidida a dejar el club más reputado del mundo para jugar para un equipo que no ha ganado nada aparte de una supercopa doméstica en 4 años y ni siquiera siquiera escucharé oferta sus ofertas'.

- Encuentro de fin de temporada, felicito al equipo por ganar la liga y les digo que quiero defender el título la próxima temporada, el equipo responde con 'sí grande, va a ser difícil pero hagámoslo', estoy feliz de pasar a los objetivos de CL, los resultados de ganar el trofeo y tengo dos opciones 'vamos a llegar a la final otra vez' , 'apuntando a las últimas etapas', quiero ser ambicioso y decir 'vamos a llegar a la final otra vez', porque es literalmente la respuesta más ambiciosa que puede elegir. El equipo está encantado, se queja de que seguramente es más ambiciosos que eso y estoy de acuerdo, estamos muy bien, pero si no me dio la opción de decir eso y ahora todo el equipo está en gran parte libre con las expectativas establecidas, no es una reacción mixta porque están de acuerdo conmigo en la primera parte de la reunión , no hay frustrados conmigo ahora, grandes cosas.

Y la lista de conversaciones estúpidas e ilógicas con otros gerentes y jugadores sigue y sigue y sigue. Ni siquiera quiero hablar de las repetitivas conferencias de prensa en las que se le pregunta cuál es su opinión sobre la dirección X del candidato al descenso Y poniendo el banquillo más caliente Z en la lista de transferencias. Quiero decir gracias a Dios puedo delegar eso a mi hombre de a menos o de lo contrario los momentos de poner en los que no se puede decir que realmente pienso porque este juego no puede fecking replicar cualquier vez remotamente resembeling una conversación verdadera.

Al igual que poner en algún trabajo serio con este módulo o más bien, lo que era mi opción preferida nos dan la opción de apagarlo. Y no antes de empezar FM Touch no es una opción, no tener control total sobre mi entrenamiento y hay tan pocas estadísticas en la versión Touch que no es realmente una alternativa.

I have come to the conclusion that this happens because it is a way that the game has to complicate the management.

That is, when you already know how to place your pieces and keep your morale high, the game is too easy.

So the only way left to the game to make your management difficult is to provoke you to say a stupid response at press conferences and team or individual meetings to annoy your players and lower their morale. Or that his players ask him for things beyond all logic.

The truth is that it seems to me a very poor resource on the part of SI. I think a lot of work is needed in AI

Edited by Karl Krammer (KK)
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12 минут назад, Kingstontom88 сказал:

Anyone generally finding the game harder in terms of getting some away form going? At home I've been very good but away struggling to score goals - not conceding many at all, but seem to unable to create chances. It's prob my tactics, but just wondered if anyone is generally finding away games harder (I know they are in real life anyway) to get your team to be consistent...

Not a good place for tactical discussion, but as general feedback - ME looks more sensitive. I started to play without 'in transition' options by permanent. Turn on 'counter' or 'counter-press' rarely, only if really need this

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7 hours ago, anindyarajan19 said:

It would be great if fullbacks moved ahead of the defensive line and tried to force the winger to keep his back to the goal instead of turning and running at the defense.

Also, maybe defenders should react better to the situation. Right now, it feels like even world class defenders are too slow to react to events and often give too much space to elite attackers which they normally wouldn't in real life.

Third, please make it a little easier to crack open parked busses. It is so frustrating when you work a perfect overload, the switch of play happens beautifully and then your world class inside forward throws away the chance with some very questionable decision making. In general, while my players do fairly well up until the final third, moving the ball around etc., in the final third they seem to forget the basics.


Man, the 2D screen looks soooo boring (compared to a few years ago anyway). Nothing to indicate it’s a La Liga game, nothing to show Levante is the home team...it’s all just meh. Crowd? Capacity? Home/away attendance? Weather? Where is the immersion??? 

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Only just started a long term save since winter update patch came out, despite having FM21 since beta release - decided to abandon initial save very early on due to the numerous bugs which I am hoping are largely fixed now.....

Is there any way to see history of your player conversations, quick chats etc like there used to be in FM20 etc? Cannot seem to find this very useful option anywhere.... help appreciated...

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  • SI Staff
26 minutes ago, MishievousNinja said:

Don't know if this is the right place to post, but I started a new game with Chelsea after the winter update installed and...Sterling is out for 20 months with a hamstring injury.

Cheers for reporting that issue @MishievousNinja.

We've amended the dates of that injury in the database and it will be corrected for the next data update that we can release.

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32 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

Only just started a long term save since winter update patch came out, despite having FM21 since beta release - decided to abandon initial save very early on due to the numerous bugs which I am hoping are largely fixed now.....

Is there any way to see history of your player conversations, quick chats etc like there used to be in FM20 etc? Cannot seem to find this very useful option anywhere.... help appreciated...

I'd forgot the list of things that weren't there anymore or bugs - no, no you cannot

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3 minutes ago, CaptCanuck said:

I'd forgot the list of things that weren't there anymore or bugs - no, no you cannot

Why on earth would they remove a helpful feature like player conversation history....I suppose we will never know whether it was deliberately removed and associated "logic" or whether yet another unintented consequence of other "new features" that was totally overlooked.....v disappointed with FM21....Have played every version for over 20 years and this is first time ever that I have not completed one full season by Christmas in year of release....Still not started competitive match in long term save I have finally started...


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4 minutes ago, mhaffy said:

Why on earth would they remove a helpful feature like this....v disappointed with FM21.....

Agreed. I do way less ad-hoc chats to bolster morale now, as I forgot when I previously did them. Sure sure I can be a pedant and keep a Google sheet going, but eff that, it's simply a matter of them keeping a few extra records in the DB so we can check in game.

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