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Does the U23 share their training facility with the seniors or the U18 ?

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Hi guys, I was wondering, does the U23 share their training facility with the seniors or the U18 ?

In saves in other countries, I know when my reserve team share the same training ground as the senior one. For this save in England, I think this is the case as well, since the senior coaches train the U23 too, but I don't find the information in the club info page.

I need to know this as I have a difference of quality between my senior and youth training facilities.

Thanks guys.

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Both, the "training facilities" are used for all squads. The "youth facilities" are only used by newgens before they are "produced" by the game.

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On 19/05/2021 at 18:37, XaW said:

Both, the "training facilities" are used for all squads. The "youth facilities" are only used by newgens before they are "produced" by the game.

Sorry to repeat your words, but to make sure I understand, when we make a board request to :

- improve the training facilities, it affects ALL squads (seniors + reserves/U23 + U19/U18)  ? So when it becomes good, or excellent, it's for ALL of them ?

- improve the youth facilities, affects the newgens produced before they appear in my U18, but doesn't affect the U18 training center ?

Edited by Medmax
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5 minutes ago, Medmax said:

Sorry to repeat your words, but to make sure I understand, when we make a board request to :

- improve the training facilities, it affect ALL squads (seniors + reserves/U23 + U19/U18)  ? So when it becomes good, or excellent, it's for ALL of them ?

- improve the youth facilities, affect the newgens produced before they appear in my U18, but doesn't affect the U18 training center ?

Correct. The youth facilities does not affect any visible players at all, only future newgens. They could easily be renamed to academy facilities or junior facilities to make it clearer.

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4 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

Yep, Youth facilities are for juniors. It's also mentioned in the game as part of the 'tips' that you see when the game processes.

Alright, thanks mate. I play this game for ages and it's a misconception I had. I believed ONLY the youth level, youth recruitment and junior coaching affected the newgens produced. However, I always thought the training facilities concerned the seniors, and reserves when it was shared, and the youth facilities concerned the quality of the training center for U18.

Thanks again.

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3 minutes ago, Medmax said:

Alright, thanks mate. I play this game for ages and it's a misconception I had. I believed ONLY the youth level, youth recruitment and junior coaching affected the newgens produced. However, I always thought the training facilities concerned the seniors, and reserves when it was shared, and the youth facilities concerned the quality of the training center for U18.

Thanks again.

Once upon a time, I thought the same. Fully agree with @XaW that it should be renamed. The correct term for 'future' newgens is Juniors, so it could (and should, really) be named junior facilities with the term "Junior" being used more in the game, to highlight that.


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13 minutes ago, XaW said:

Correct. The youth facilities does not affect any visible players at all, only future newgens. They could easily be renamed to academy facilities or junior facilities to make it clearer.

Thanks buddy, you're a legend !

cf my previous post to Hunt3r. I play this game for so many years, back to the CM series, and you just corrected a wrong belief I had till now. I understand now that the "shared training ground" concerned ONLY the "shared coaching staff" between the seniors and reserve/U23, and has nothing to do with the training ground quality.

Thanks again, mate, you're on top :brock:

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2 minutes ago, Medmax said:

Thanks buddy, you're a legend !

cf my previous post to Hunt3r. I play this game for so many years, back to the CM series, and you just corrected a wrong belief I had till now. I understand now that the "shared training ground" concerned ONLY the "shared coaching staff" between the seniors and reserve/U23, and has nothing to do with the training ground quality.

Thanks again, mate, you're on top :brock:

No worries, mate! I thought the same until I read a full breakdown by one of the devs here that explained it. Here is a summary:


Newgens & Youth Intake

Youth Recruitment
The Club’s recruiting of Juniors, those of home and foreign origin.

Youth Facilities
The training facilities available for Juniors (only).
Does NOT apply to visible players already at the club. All visible players currently at the club use Training Facilities regardless of age.

Junior Coaching
The quality and quantity of Junior Coaches at the Club.

Nation Youth Rating
The potential maximum quality and quantity of Juniors produced in that Nation.

Game Importance
How important football is considered to be in that Nation.

Producing Newgens
The Clubs with the best Youth Recruitment will generally pick up the best Junior talent from that Nation first, the scale of that talent being determined by the Nation Youth Rating and Game Importance. The lower the Youth Recruitment the further down the pecking order a club will find itself. Two clubs with identical Youth Recruitment will be sorted by Club Reputation. Being lower down this pecking order does not mean quality Newgens cannot be produced, it simply lowers the chances.

Youth Facilities and Junior Coaching then simulate and determine how that Junior progresses in the Club’s Junior system until a Newgen is produced and appears in game. It is at this point that the Current Ability (CA) and Potential Ability (PA) of the newgens are decided. The above factors all contribute to both CA and PA equally.

Head of Youth Development (HoYD)
The club’s HoYD is responsible for bringing Newgens into the club. He will influence what “type” of players are selected and can partially or fully pass on his personality to some of these Newgens. The “type” of players selected refers to a player’s position and style, for instance a HoYD with a preferred 4-5-1 formation and a Technical Coaching Style may produce more technically styled midfielders than another HoYD.
The HoYD will also influence the rare “freak” or exceptional Newgens that come through, modifying their ability and style.
This role is filled by the HoYD by default, however if none is employed whichever staff member is set to be responsible for youth development will fill this role.

Youth Intake Preview

In FM20+ the Development Centre will provide a preview of the upcoming youth intake ahead of the day itself.
This preview will provide some information on the general quality of the intake, positions that are either blessed with or lacking in quality and any other notable highlights.

Junior Player Poaching

It is possible for Juniors to be poached from another club's youth system. This will most commonly occur from smaller reputation club > larger reputation club.
When this occurs a inbox item is received, offering a few details (similar to that of the Youth Intake Preview) on the player that has been poached. Poached players will appear in the next appropriate youth intake.


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12 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

Once upon a time, I thought the same. Fully agree with @XaW that it should be renamed. The correct term for 'future' newgens is Juniors, so it could (and should, really) be named junior facilities with the term "Junior" being used more in the game, to highlight that.


I agree with you two. It can be confusing as I always considered U18 as "youth". Using Academy or Juniors would definitely be clearer.

And I'm sure quite some people would learn it while reading this conversation.

Thanks again guys.

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5 minutes ago, XaW said:

No worries, mate! I thought the same until I read a full breakdown by one of the devs here that explained it. Here is a summary:


The craziest is I did read this post already before posting my question. I tried to find if someone answered this in the forum first.

But when you've a strong belief, you can be blinded by it. It was clearly written and I didn't really notice it :idiot:.

Anyway, all clear now. Thanks to you.

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To tag a question onto this topic, how does this work with coaching staff for a B team?

The specific scenario: my affiliate reserve team just got promoted from a non-playable regional division to a playable lower league. They currently have no staff, however I can now hire some. I don't appear to have any input into training however, like I can assign coaches for different roles with my U-19s. Do I need to hire a new coaching team from scratch, or just leave them to it?

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